This is the first time he has encountered such a situation.

"And you said you came from Centoria City..."

"To be precise, we come from the northern kingdoms that died under the curse of the undead. We came to this country by boat four weeks ago, and the first place we landed was the city of Centoria."

Understanding the other party's inner concerns, Chios said calmly:

"It just so happened that they were organizing the refugees from the north as volunteers to assist the guards in dealing with threats around the capital. It happened to be a good job for us who ran out of travel expenses, so we accepted the status of volunteers like everyone else. But this As you know about occupation, since there is no fixed income, it is especially important to find the right place. Compared with Centoria, the city of Oludana on the border is more suitable for us."

"Is that so..." the soldier rubbed his chin with his hands, his eyes downcast in thought.

"Although I have heard that thousands of Northland refugees registered as volunteers in Centoria City a while ago, except for the two who performed outstandingly in the Capital Competition last week and won the championship and runner-up, the others should be They're useless rookies...huh?"

He suddenly opened his eyes wide, staring at Chios and Sharon.


"Are you looking for this?"

Chios shows off the green flower ring on his left ring finger.


Sharon pursed her lips and smiled, then raised her right hand, presenting the alarite ring worn on her index finger in front of the soldiers.

"So, it really is you! I just heard a group of drunken businessmen discussing your affairs in a tavern yesterday."

The more the soldiers talked, the more excited they became.

"They say that you defeated Sir Eldriere in the first fight, two days of fighting, the sword never drew blood, and the magnificent swordsmanship alone forced every opponent to surrender; and this lady alone swept groups and individuals No one could see her clearly, and the final was even more exciting..."

Seeing that he showed no sign of stopping at all, Chios could only remind him:

"Calm down, sir, this is not a tavern. Besides, although there aren't many, there are people waiting behind us."

"Uh, sorry..."

The soldiers who came back to their senses looked a little embarrassed.

Chios then asked:

"So can we enter the city?"

"Since you are free volunteers, of course you can."

"Well, goodbye then."

Chios patted the opponent on the shoulder, and walked past the soldier whose eyes suddenly fell into a trance.


After entering the city, the first task is still to find a place to stay.

This is not difficult in a large town with developed commerce and a constant stream of commuters.

Chios first took a while to observe the entire city.

Immediately, with the rectangular central square as the junction, the city of Oludana was roughly divided into four streets...

Nancheng District: There is a market, and shops and shops are also concentrated here.

North Town: City Hall and Castle.

Xicheng District: The more you go to the outer city, the dirtier and messier the city is, and the slums with poor law and order.

Dongcheng District: A rich area with neat and clean streets and stone buildings.

After summarizing, Chios naturally chose to go east.

Soon, I found a five-story hotel with an elegant appearance, surrounded by colorful flower gardens and attached stalls.

The cost of booking a double room and horse board and lodging for three days is a total of 20 silver.

Simply pay the money, and after setting up the war horses, Chios and Sharon left the hotel on foot and headed to the next destination...

"Border Volunteer Corps Chiyue Office"

It is said that in ancient times, the moon in the southern border was once red.

Although he knew that this was actually caused by the background of different world environments, when he thought of this legend, the first thing that popped up in Chios’ mind was not the original source, but another place similar to the worldview of Black Soul, constructed from layers of dreams, and with simple folk customs ...

Just stop thinking about it...

The end of the fire is troublesome enough, plus the blood moon will really kill people.

Chapter 910 Six? Shirley Tavern

Border Volunteer Corps Chiyue Office.

The handwriting on the old wooden sign on the eaves of the first floor has been partially peeled off, and a flag with a white background and a red crescent is hung beside it. On both sides of the entrance steps, there are bonfires on triangular brackets, and a notice board posting commissions and rewards.

Push open the half-waisted door and walk into the building.

What catches the eye is a bar counter and many tables and chairs, like a tavern-like space.

However, there are no drinkers pushing glasses and changing dishes, and there are no busy waitresses here. There are only a few volunteers wearing weapons and non-standard patchwork armor, and they are receiving mission rewards from the heavily made-up men behind the bar. .

The volunteer soldiers who were about to leave after receiving the money, saw Chios and Sharon walking towards each other, couldn't help but look at them a few more times, and then lowered their heads in shock when they saw the silver badges on their chests , quickened his pace and hurried around them.

"Welcome to the Chiyue Office of the Frontier Volunteer Corps."

Leaning his elbows on the bar table, crossing his fingers and resting his chin, the strange-looking man looked at the two new faces in front of him, and introduced himself in a feminine tone:

"I'm the director and receptionist here. My name is Britney. You can call him the director or Bran's sweetheart. Of course, if you call him Bran's sweetheart, remember to add a lot of love."

"Director Blaney."

Ignoring the other party's words, Chios took off the Volunteer Corps badge at the same time as Sharon, and put it on the table.

"Please register the volunteer garrison for us."

"What a cold man..." Britney sighed.

Knowing that the two people in front of him were not newbies who could handle them casually, he gave up his insistence on addressing them, and moved his eyes down to the silver Volunteer Corps badge engraved with their names and numbers.


He feigned surprise.

"It turned out to be the two who recently won the championship and runner-up of the Central Capital Competition. It's really rude."

"The news spread really fast."

"Of course. After all, Oludana has always been concerned about the affairs of other places, especially the news related to the Central Capital..." Blaney narrowed his eyes and replied meaningfully.

"So, what brought you to this frontier town?"

"A more lucrative mission, worth recruiting into a regiment of volunteers."

"Oh, don't you include others?"

"Your jokes need to be improved."

Chios was indifferent.

Although he is well-bred not to criticize others' taste and sexuality at will, it does not mean that Chios is willing to endure verbal harassment from transgender people.

"We've identified ourselves, now it's your turn to do your job, Director Blaney."

"Unfortunately, I want to talk a little more..."

Blaney reached for the local volunteer register and turned to the half-blank page.

Chios, who was standing opposite, glanced at the names above.

"When was the last batch of newcomers here?"

"Three weeks ago, there were twelve cute kittens," Blaney replied.

Picking up the quill and dipping it into ink, he wrote down the names and numbers of Chios and Sharon, the ranks of the volunteers, and the reason for the change of station in the latest blank space.

Finally, a red crescent stamp is applied.

"That's it, I wish you all the best here."

"Thank you."

Chios nodded slightly.

After taking back the regiment badge, he quickly turned and left.


Walk along the Huayuan Street that runs through the square to the next destination.

Shirley Tavern.

Four stories high, it is a large stone building that stands out even compared to the shops and houses on the main street.

At dusk when the sky was dyed red by the setting sun, many guests came to visit one after another.

He found a conspicuous seat on the first floor of the store and sat down. After carefully reading the cooking items written on the blackboard, Chios put three silver coins on the table and called the waitress.

"A bottle of red wine from Moutin Silvain, a basket of white bread and duck liver spread, a country pie, two veal soup with tomato and ox cheeks, and slow-cooked lamb with wild mushroom and shallot sauce."

Hearing this, the waitress looked a little confused.

Although the young man was talking about the items clearly written on the blackboard, for some reason, the combination of the other party did not sound like a tavern dish, but a set meal in a high-end restaurant. These dishes cannot be made.

Moreover, this man looks too good-looking...

Fair skin without any blemishes, perfectly proportioned facial features, narrow and deep purple eyes... It's like a person walking out of a painting.

In addition, there is also a maid with outstanding appearance.

Did the two of them really go to the wrong place?

The waitress was not alone in thinking so.

Since Chios chose to sit in the middle of the tavern hall, a place that is not low-key, most people would try to avoid seating unless they have no other choice. At this moment, the entire Shirley tavern, including those sitting The customers by the guardrail of the building almost all focused on him and Xue Lun.

After all, the two of them are not like volunteer soldiers regardless of their appearance, dress, and temperament displayed in their manners and conversations.

If it weren't for the regimental badge hanging on the chest, they would really think they were a pair of noble masters and servants who strayed into this place.

Chios is used to the gazes of people around him.

He chose to sit in this kind of place because he wanted to gain more attention.

In Central Centoria, Chios and Sharon are already household names, but in Oludana City, rumors about the competition have just begun to spread.The information relayed by others will inevitably gradually become distorted, not to mention that residents outside the capital have not seen them with their own eyes, so it is difficult to recognize the two people based on their appearance.

In order to spread the reputation throughout the city during the best timeliness of news dissemination, so as to recruit members in the future and attract the attention of the local rulers as soon as possible, it is necessary to increase exposure.

After thinking for a while, Chios raised his head,

Seeing that the maid was still standing there, he asked gently:

"What's wrong? Need I repeat that?"

"No, no, no, yes... sorry! I'll go and prepare it for you right away!"

Realizing that she had stared at the young man's face for too long, the waitress hurriedly bowed and apologized, then pressed her hands on her burning cheeks, and ran to the kitchen as if fleeing.

Apparently, she forgot that she wasn't in charge of the cooking...

Kuangdang Kuanglang...

"Whoever asked you to make trouble, get out of here immediately!!!"

Not long after, there was a sound of overturning things in the kitchen, and the chef reprimanded angrily.


The index finger of her right hand was elegantly placed in front of her lips, and Xue Lun looked at the culprit with a smile.

"Master Chios' charm is as terrifying as ever."

"Stop teasing me."

Chios responded helplessly.

He didn't use charm just now, and his charm was even more restrained than usual, who knows that he still caused others to get into trouble.

Give the poor waitress some more tips later...

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