
With a weak sigh, he poured out his feelings into the void.

After sorting out her emotions, Alice narrated what happened...

As Chios said, people's attention to the crusaders has not diminished due to the death of St. Clement V and the succession of His Majesty Guinea.The crusaders, regarded as the precious legacy of the former archbishop, have received a large amount of financial donations from the church, monarchs, nobles, wealthy businessmen and even ordinary believers. It is hoped that the crusaders can inherit the unfulfilled will of St. Clement V and bring about disaster Monsters of the South.

The Crusaders did not disappoint everyone's expectations. Thirty thousand soldiers endured mourning and, led by Fanatio, rushed to the western border of the Theocracy to launch a fierce attack on the Orcs and Goblin Barbarian Alliance tribes that continued to expand their power at that time.

Unexpectedly, all countries would suddenly mobilize a large army. The monsters couldn't react in time, and were beaten back by the crusaders, who were well-equipped and fearless of death, and suffered heavy casualties.

According to subsequent statistics, in this two and a half months of large-scale battle, more than [-] monsters died, while the Crusaders only paid the price of more than [-] casualties.

Hearing this, Chios not only showed no admiration for the achievements of the Crusaders, but shook his head instead.

"Such a disparate battle loss ratio is usually only achieved when one side flees. I can already imagine that the crusaders, who achieved unprecedented results in the first battle, are firmly bound by this victory, and have been under heavy pressure ever since."

"Yes." Sharon gently resting her chin on the back of her left hand, with a calm smile on her face, said in an emotional tone:

"If the monsters that could pose a serious threat to the border between the Knight Kingdom and the Holy Kingdom were as unbearable as this battle, there would be no need to wait for the crusaders to attack them. The border lords should have wiped them out long ago. However, Most people who don't understand the rapidly changing battlefield certainly don't think so..."

"So war is also a drama. Unless you have the confidence to fight all the way to the end, you must not be in a hurry to give the audience the impression that you will win."

Chios spread his hands, further playing black humor:

"A moderate stalemate, or even deliberately losing some irrelevant battles, and then staged a classic drama of turning defeat into victory by relying on faith and fetters, can win the applause of the audience and earn more ticket money."

Sophisticated and unabashedly sarcastic, the sharp and piercing remarks made Alice frown.

But she didn't argue.

It's not that I don't want to.

but can't...

It is precisely because the reality is as absurd as what the two people in front of them narrated, that this kind of nausea-inducing confession occurs.

"Although I don't want to speak for monsters, and I don't want to agree with this kind of disregard for human life, but you are indeed right."

Alice had to admit that Chios and Sharon had an extremely accurate grasp of human nature.

After taking a deep breath and dispelling the haze in her heart, she continued:

"After suffering this tragic blow, the monsters who withdrew to the ruins of Calluin changed their habit of wanton looting in the past. Not only did they greatly reduce the number of times they sent troops out, they also began to raise livestock in the ruins of the city."

"Are you planning to defend to the death?"

"Yes." Alice replied.

"Kalluin is the only remaining large stronghold of the Barbarian Alliance tribe. If they are captured, they will have no way out."

"That is to say, the situation is reversed. Before, the crusaders were full of grief and determination, and they were desperate to die. Now it is replaced by orcs and goblins fighting with their backs, and it is in their familiar territory...Let me guess Look, the crusaders who invaded the ruins of the city fell into a bitter battle, lost troops but made little progress, so they slowed down their offensive and switched to siege warfare and small-scale raids in batches, consuming the enemy's resources little by little, trying to trap the opponent?"

"...Completely correct."

"Well, tactically it was the right choice, but strategically it was wrong..."

Chios tapped the armrest of the seat lightly with his fingertips, his tone indifferent.

"At such a time, launching a violent attack will cost a lot, but at least it will achieve visible results. In addition, transporting the remains of the dead comrades back to their hometown will not only make people wake up, understand that the actual battle situation is not as easy as imagined, but also It will arouse the enthusiasm for jihad and attract more people with lofty ideals to take up arms. If you miss this opportunity, the crusaders will save thousands of casualties on the surface, but in fact they will slowly wear down the enthusiasm of millions of people. The gain is not worth the loss. ."

"You...have even considered this aspect..."

Alice felt a chill down her spine for no reason.

Of course she knew that Chios had the ability to command troops and command an army.

But I never thought that a person's judgment of the situation can be so accurate...

In the eyes of Chios at this moment, from the soldiers fighting on the front line to the civilians working in the fields, how many people are he treating as pawns on the chessboard?

"Your Excellency Alice, there is no need to be surprised. War is about logistics. How to mobilize your own manpower and material resources to the maximum is the key to victory. If you can't do this, no matter how invincible you are on the frontal battlefield, you can't change yourself. A debilitating dilemma. For a competent commander, these are just common sense."

Seeing that the chief knight was looking at him as if looking at something different, Chios expressed his helplessness.

"You became a paladin at a young age. You must have devoted more time and energy to practicing swordsmanship and miracles for many years. It is difficult to take into account military knowledge, so it is understandable that I have a particularly far-sighted vision. Ah, but please don't misunderstand , I didn't mean to amuse you by saying this, in just seven years, from a once naive and simple village girl to this point, I think your achievements are very remarkable."

"Village... village girl..."

Alice's eyes twitched slightly.

Chapter 910 Three? You are scary, do you know

What happened to the crusaders after that, even if Alice didn't say anything, Chios could deduce it by himself.

The long siege will inevitably make people feel more and more dissatisfied.

The belief foundation of the Church of the God of Tears in the deep south, and the appeal of St. Clement V's speech, will undoubtedly make a considerable number of nobles, businessmen, and more commoners voluntarily contribute money and efforts, and even personally participate in this battle to destroy monsters. Jihad.

But jihadist zeal is not unlimited...

If there is no exciting news from the front line, the flame of fanaticism will gradually be extinguished.

After the emotions cooled down, many doubts came to mind.

The crusaders can't even attack a monster base for a long time, how long will it take to solve the threat to the entire southern border?

Even though they fought so brilliantly in the first battle, they have already driven the enemy to the point of nowhere to retreat. Instead, they have become timid. What is the crusader trying to do?

Raise the pirates to be self-respecting, so it is logical to take the money we paid?

People who have contributed to the rear and provided everything they need for the frontline army, it is only natural that they would think so.

After all, no one wants to keep shrinking and dieting to support a never-ending war.

In essence, the crusaders who made a solemn oath when they met St. Clement V should be a brave and fearless army that marched forward for ideals and beliefs.

The steady and steady policy is feasible in other armies, but they are not allowed.

No matter how heavy the price is, they must show the results of the battle to prove that their determination is not false.

Otherwise, it would not be jihad.

They just hang up the awe-inspiring banner of righteousness, but they are actually greedy for life and afraid of death, using the support of believers to support a group of opportunists who want to plunder.

At that time, Fanatio obviously didn't realize the seriousness of the problem.

She is a paladin with extraordinary strength, and she can be regarded as a good general, but she is not an excellent military strategist, let alone a qualified politician.

Chios silently commented on the other party in his heart, and then said the final outcome of his envisioned Crusaders:

"As time went by, the crusaders who had lost their hearts received less and less supplies from various places. Although Your Excellency Fanatio tried to control the consumption with a strict rationing system, these measures did not solve the fundamental problem. At best, it is delaying the arrival of disaster."

"The difficult material conditions have caused a serious blow to the morale of the troops. In the long run, no matter how firm the belief is, the soldiers will be shaken and do things that violate morality and laws. At the beginning, they may go to the village to steal livestock and crops to satisfy their appetite. If you are bold Afterwards, she will rape and rob civilian women to vent. In comparison, being a deserter is probably considered good. According to my current limited knowledge of Your Excellency Fanatio, after she discovers the various atrocities committed by her subordinates, she should execute all of them. Soldiers who commit few crimes, and such severe punishments also brought the accumulated grievances of the army to the peak."

"Things have developed to this point. Anyone can realize that the Crusaders have come to the brink of disintegration. If you want to keep this legion, Your Excellency Fanatio has only one choice: large-scale disarmament."

Am i right?

Chios looked at the chief knight and asked silently.

Although, the ghost-like eyes of the other party and the stiff expression on the face have already told him the answer.

"Has anyone ever told you that you're scary?"

Facing Alice's question, Chios flicked off the nonexistent dust on his collar, and replied ambiguously:

"Maybe, maybe not, I don't remember anyway."

Too many to count, too lazy to remember...

Alice thought.


Now, Alice finally understands why the archbishop is so possessive of Chios.

Favorability is certainly one of the reasons, but the more important reason is that Chios's talent is so outstanding that if he does not stand by his side, he will have no sense of security.

Especially the kind of deep insight into human nature and psychology, which is really creepy.

If I become an enemy, I will definitely have trouble sleeping and eating...

"Mr. Alice?"

A doubtful voice pulled the girl out of her thoughts and back to reality.

"Ah...sorry, I was accidentally distracted just now."

Quickly throwing away unreasonable thoughts, Alice continued:

"Your deduction is correct. Your Excellency Fanatio finally decided to make a large-scale disarmament. He demobilized more than 3% of the nearly [-] troops, leaving only the most elite [-] soldiers."

"Although the core combat power is still there after the simplification of the legion, it no longer has the power to conquer the monster base. In addition, His Excellency Fanatio has been staying at the border since then and has not returned to the Black Iron Palace to report on his duties. Therefore, many people think that the Holy Church The military has already existed in name only, and gradually no one cares about it..."

"I see." Chios nodded.

Information about the Crusaders is enough to hear from here.

By analyzing the entire past, he can basically guess the reason why Fanatio has not returned to the central capital for many years, and why he recently reached an agreement with the Duke of Oludana, turning a blind eye to the intensified factional struggle in the Theocracy.

If it was as he had expected, then the head of the Crusaders might be easier to deal with than he initially expected.


"Thank you for clarifying our doubts, Your Excellency Alice."

"this is nothing."

Alice didn't feel at all that she had anything to be thankful for.

After all, almost half of the whole process is deduced by young people by themselves...

And guessed all of them.

"I would also like to know the reasons for His Excellency Fanatio's refusal to return to the central capital. Regrettably, as a member of the Templar Knights, my entry and exit into the territories of members of the Alliance of Noble factions will easily cause disputes. If you can After getting the answer, I should thank you instead."

At this time, Xue Lun, who had been quiet for a long time, suddenly said:

"Excuse me, Your Excellency Alice, I have a simple question to ask you."

"Well, tell me."

"Excuse me, how long ago, exactly, did you become a paladin and take over the vacancy of the first knight of the Knights Templar?"

Alice was startled when she heard this.

She didn't expect the other party to ask such a thing that had nothing to do with the previous topic.

Looking up at the ceiling, after thinking about it for a while, she replied:

"At the beginning of last year, it has been two years and more than seven months..."


Ha ha...

Seeing that Chios and Sharon laughed at the same time after listening to her answer, Alice blinked and blinked her wide blue eyes.

She doesn't understand.

How funny is what I just said?

"What's wrong?"

"No, nothing..."

Sharon instantly returned to her usual standard maid's business smile, folded her hands in front of her, and saluted Alice respectfully.

"Pure curiosity, please don't take it to heart."

Chapter 910 Four? Remember

After discussing the important matters, Chios and Sharon did not rush to embark on the second half of the journey. Instead, they accepted Alice's kindness and stayed at Dadeherh Watch Fort for a day.

Compared with them, the horses that have carried them for more than 200 kilometers these days need more rest.

To ensure that the horses are healthy, they must consume at least 15-20 kilograms of food and 25 liters of water per day. If they are grazing, they must spend nearly half of the day grazing to be satisfied.Although the nutritional value of the hay and alfalfa bought from nearby villages during the journey is not low, due to the heavy activity, the supplements cannot keep up with consumption.

If he just rode all the way to Oludana, the two horses would have lost a lot of weight when the time came.

The castle barn offers a good quality grain mix, well cared for by the breeders, and at no cost to them, it would be a shame not to put it to good use.

By the way, you can also buy some cheap supplies from the garrison quartermaster and blacksmith.

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