The champion and runner-up who fought fiercely in the finals turned into a master-servant relationship overnight, what happened...

Noticing the wavering in his eyes, Xue Lun tapped her lips with her left index finger and said deliberately:

"Want to hear how Lord Chios conquered me?"

"No, no need!"

The clergyman hastily declined.

He didn't want to know at all.

Although the church does not stipulate that the priesthood prohibits marriage, it encourages abstinence.

And because he was not good at dealing with the opposite sex, he took the initiative to choose a career of serving the gods.

I have been single for more than thirty years.

After finally finding a sense of accomplishment from it, he didn't want his peaceful mind, which was ascetic and ascetic, to be destroyed by the depraved affair of this handsome man and beautiful woman.

Damn, I'm so envious...

Resisting the sadness that emerged in his heart, he wrote "one entourage" on the roster.

When I clicked the full stop at the end, the nib pierced the paper because of too much force.


The bell of the priesthood rings to call out the colleagues in the temple who are responsible for leading the way for the audience.

"This is the champion of the Capital Tournament, Mr. Chios Pesheim, and his...servants. Your Majesty will give priority to the honored guests."

Seeing his pale face, the leading priest asked with concern:

"Deacon Louis, have you been stimulated by something?"

"Stop talking, or we will break up."


The leading clergy who didn't understand the situation could only follow suit.

"Please follow me to the waiting room."

Follow the other party into the Black Iron Palace, clean your hands and face with the water in the stone basin, then turn right to the circular corridor outside the hall.

"Is anyone else waiting in the waiting room?"


The leading priesthood tried to tone down as much as possible to show respect:

"In addition to the two, there are Bishops of Canberra, Bishop Fulk, Bishop Lowenston, and Lord Soltilina in the waiting room. The Duke of Michel, who arrived earlier, may have been summoned by His Majesty at this moment. But please don't worry, you are the priority candidate that His Majesty ordered to be interviewed, and after His Majesty has finished talking with the distinguished guests currently being interviewed, it will be your turn next."

"Being greatly loved by the Holy See, I am truly terrified."

Chios spoke diplomatically skillfully, and at the same time began to think in his heart.

It turned out that both Medina and Soltilina were there.

The former did not need to think too much, he must have come to join the archbishop's faction and show his loyalty.

As for the latter, Chios was not sure.

Judging from the existing information, it is likely that they will not make a political statement.

Otherwise, it should be the Earl of Torbana himself who asked to see him, rather than being handled by the heir.

It doesn't matter whether it's out of courtesy to say hello or something else.

It was enough to know that Solterina was there.

He has some arrangements for the future development of the battle group and needs the assistance of the other party.

After continuing to walk along the corridor for a few minutes, the leading priest stopped in front of a hall door.

"You two, this is the waiting room..."

The young priest pushed open the door, bowed his head and said respectfully:

"Please wait here for a while. When the archbishop finishes talking with the last audience member, someone will notify you and take you to the reception room. If you need any food or drink during the period, you can ask the waiter to prepare it."

Chios nodded, thanked the other party and entered the waiting room.

His eyes glanced at the three high-ranking priests who gathered by the window and chatted quietly, obviously not wanting to be disturbed, and found Soltilina who was sitting alone on the bench by the fireplace, watching the wall tapestry to pass the time.

"Miss Solterina."


The earl's daughter who turned her head showed a little joy in her eyes.

It was obvious that she was bored in this place alone.

"Congratulations on your victory in the competition. The sword skills you showed yesterday really opened my eyes..."

Halfway through the conversation, she found Sharon following Chios.

"Sorry, please forgive my impoliteness, yesterday's final was very exciting, what I said just now was pure congratulations, and had no other meaning."


Sharon didn't mind at all, and replied with a smile:

"Don't worry, I'm very happy to be praised by Master Chios. Rather, these are the words I want to hear the most now that I have lost to Master Chios both physically and mentally. If you are willing to say more, I will be very happy."


Soltilina stared blankly.

After a while, she turned to Chios and asked:

"Chios, you... what did you do to her?"

Chios shrugged.

"Trust me, I didn't do anything."


Chapter 890 Seven? Please don't compare me with scum

In Soltilina's heart, Chios still has some credibility.

Two nights ago, Chios had a chance to threaten her into submission, but he didn't do it.Perhaps this is not enough evidence to prove that the relationship between the other party and Sharon is innocent, but at least it can show that he is not an unscrupulous person.

Judging from Sharon's performance so far, even if something really happened, it should be based on your wishes.

That being the case, there is no room for outsiders to comment.

He had heard so much about mistresses and illegitimate children, and even more extreme court scandals, that he naturally wouldn't regard things of this level as sins.

Besides, what she has heard so far is only a thought-provoking speech.

Even if the person who said this sentence didn't personally confirm it, why should he care?

Maybe the other party was just playing a prank from the beginning, and deliberately used ambiguous terms to induce myself to think in the wrong direction...

After thinking for a moment, Soltilina regained her composure.

"I'm sure you're not the sort of morally corrupt person."

"Of course not." Chios frowned.

"I'm a principled person, and I won't shoot at a woman I don't like."

It's insulting to compare him with those inferior scumbags who are used to taking shortcuts, learning a few bad tricks, and claiming to be an expert.

Finding that Chios' tone turned cold, Soltilina said quickly:

"Sorry if what I just said offended you..."

"It's okay, I know you mean no harm."

Chios put on his gentle smile again.

He came to the single chair by the fireplace and sat down. He raised his hand to indicate the empty space beside him, telling Sharon not to continue standing, and then changed the subject:

"When I came here, I asked the priests who were the distinguished guests who met the archbishop in the morning, and I learned that you and Her Highness Medina are on the roster. Since Her Highness Medina is not here now, she must have been summoned by Her Majesty, right?"

"Yes, shortly before your arrival."

"If nothing else happens, Her Highness Medina came here for "that matter"? "

"Well, please keep it a secret and don't mention it to others."

Soltilina's eyes fell on Sharon.

Seeing this, Chios shook his head, telling the other party not to worry.

"Don't worry, I haven't told anyone, including her. However, even if I don't speak up, this matter should soon cease to be a secret..."

Leaning his upper body slightly, leaning towards the Earl's daughter, Chios lowered his volume and continued:

"Although the Central Cathedral is the core of the church's power, there are many priests in the Black Iron Palace, and it is hard to guarantee that one or two of them will not be bribed. Besides, it is not a secret that Her Highness Medina met the Archbishop."

"If you said that you visited the capital two days ago on the grounds of participating in a competitive competition, considering His Highness's age and eagerness to prove yourself after succeeding to the throne, it can barely be concealed. The behavior of coming to the Great Church after the game is completely unbearable Scrutiny, the motive is too suspicious."

This passage completely spoke of the hidden worries in Soltilina's heart.

"Indeed, the best time to meet with us should have been yesterday. That's how Medina made her decision when she came to Centoria City to compete."

Speaking of which, she couldn't help sighing.

"I just don't know why, the archbishop who hasn't appeared in the stands of the arena for four years, suddenly became interested in competitive competitions, and therefore deliberately postponed all requests for audience."



Seeing the young man's slightly embarrassed eyes, Soltilina looked puzzled.

But soon she reacted.

"No, it's because of you..."

As soon as this thought flashed through my mind, I couldn't let it go.

Looking back at this competitive competition, there were indeed many abnormal details in the process.

Not only the prizes for the champions but also the honored guests have been upgraded to a higher level than before. It is unreasonable for Sir Eldorier, the commander who guards an important fortress, to participate temporarily.

Not to mention that the archbishop put the ring on the champion's left ring finger under the watchful eyes of tens of thousands of spectators.

All clues point to one person.

"Miss Soltilina, the archbishop's mind is not something that ordinary people like me can speculate on."

Putting his legs on the low stool in front of the seat, Chios folded his hands and rested his chin in meditation, saying:

"It is common for plans to fail to keep up with changes. For His Royal Highness Medina, why the archbishop changed his schedule is no longer important. Instead of delving into the reasons, it is better to focus on thinking about countermeasures, which will be more helpful to the situation."

"You just don't want to be questioned..."

"Call it pragmatic."


Sharon covered her mouth and chuckled, but did not comment.

"Oh..." Seeing that Chios made up his mind to avoid it to the end, Soltilina had no choice but to give up this topic.

In fact, Chios was right.

Medina's meeting with the Archbishop will sooner or later be reported to the Noble Alliance by the eyeliner lurking in the central capital. Although it cannot directly prove that Medina has joined the Archbishop's faction, however, given the current difficult situation of the Duke of Michigan, Oluna It is really not difficult at all for the lords of the anti-archbishop faction headed by Duke Da to come to this conclusion.

Originally, Soltilina believed that the Central Cathedral was the center of the Archbishop's power after all, and the news would not leak out so quickly. In addition, it would take time for the noble alliance to make a decision. Therefore, as long as Medina leaves immediately after the audience , they can return to the territory before the political opponents react.

After Chios' analysis, she realized that she was lucky.

Now that the political situation in the church country has deteriorated, and the conflict between the two factions has intensified to the brink of war, any reason for doubt is enough to determine life and death.

Preemptive strikes lest they be controlled by others...

Driven by this radical idea, the League of Nobles simply didn't need more proof.

In this case, rushing back to the territory without adequate preparation is the most dangerous.

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