Lyfa asked a little angrily.

It's not about building extravagant mausoleums. Besides, this place is not as expensive as the big cities in the 21st century. What's the difficulty in finding a small place for the dead to bury the bones and erect monuments?

"Is it because we are trainee volunteer soldiers that we are buried in the ground..."

"Calm down a little, Lyfa."

Questioning the blond girl who was about to go to the counter, she was suddenly held down by her teammates.


Looking at her companion with a calm expression, Lyfa was extremely puzzled.


Asuna breathed a sigh of relief.

It's not that she is indifferent to the fact that her compatriots who died tragically cannot be resettled.

The main reason is that she believed that her teacher, who seemed to be gentle and modest, but actually had a strong desire to dominate and control, would bring up this topic to a non-commissioned officer who obviously had no direct connection with the burial industry, and it would definitely not be aimless.

"Teacher, you probably already guessed the reason?"


The eyes of Chios and Ren coincidentally showed a hint of surprise.

(Heh...) The young man secretly smiled happily.

It seems that getting along day and night recently, coupled with the relationship of being often bullied at night, made this student have a deeper understanding of his own behavior.

In many cases, the reason why he asks is not to know the answer at all, but purely for verification and testing, or to express what he wants to express through the mouth of others, to dilute the impression that the individual has too much power to speak in the group, and to increase the participation of team members , A sense of belonging, it is convenient for oneself to observe from the sidelines, and achieve the goal in a low-key way.

Blocking is worse than sparse.

Leaders who only know how to suppress blindly, but who don't know how to pretend to be listeners and give others opportunities to express themselves, are all half-toned.

Even falsehoods are more popular than fools who explicitly deny this right.

"I wasn't very sure of my thoughts at first, but now I'm [-]% sure..."

Chios rested his chin with his right hand as a sign of consideration, and answered Asuna with a half-acknowledgment of taking two steps forward and one step back, and then turned to Thorn:

"Is the reason you say you can't help, because the matter falls under the jurisdiction of the diocesan clergy, Sergeant Thorne?"

Hearing this, the veteran who knew that he didn't have to think hard about how to explain it to others was relieved.

"Yeah, sure enough you know better."


"Simply speaking, it is the area under the jurisdiction of each church..."

Chios explained unhurriedly.

Under the feudal social system, the ruling class is the lord and the church.

There are some differences between the two.

The influence of the lord under the strict definition is limited to the secular domain, controlling the land, population, army and natural resources in its territory.The church not only holds the same authority as above, but also is the center of the spiritual sustenance of people including nobles... that is, "faith", so the actual power is greater than the former.

Especially when faith is not a castle in the air, but can be manifested in the manifestation of miracles that people can see with their own eyes, the foundation of the church is undoubtedly rock-solid.

People living in this land basically cannot do without the church from birth to death.

Babies must be baptized by the priesthood before they can be called a complete person; marriages must be witnessed by the priesthood, so as to be blessed and recognized by everyone; the dead must be buried in the church cemetery, so that the soul can rest in peace.

In order to effectively govern and guide believers, when the church divides its territory, it naturally has a supporting definition method and management organization.

That is, "parish".

A jurisdiction made up of several smaller parishes, headed by a bishop.

It can be understood as the barony and earldom under the church.

At the top is the Archbishop, and the Patriarch whose status is equal to that of the King, and even more noble than that, such as His Majesty the Archbishop of the Cathedral of Central Capital Centoria.

"We are people who fled from the northern country to the south, not parishioners who were baptized in a church in Aureas..."

Having said that, Chios made a simple analogy:

"The faithful who live in the same parish, parish have a strong bond, like a clan. Let's think about it differently. Would you want a stranger or a homeless person to lie in your family grave?"


Lyfa opened her mouth, but she didn't reply for a long time.

She knew the answer was no.

Even if there are truly loving and tolerant people in the world, they will definitely not be in the majority. From the standpoint of ordinary people, it should be difficult to accept what Chios said.

"Then we can buy a piece of land to bury our compatriots in our hometown, isn't that all right?"

"It's not that simple..." Ren crossed his arms and said in a regretful tone:

"Just like what my brother said just now, the ownership of the land in the Theocracy of Aureas belongs to the church and the lords. What we bought with money is just a hereditary right to use it, not an unconditional use. If you want to build a cemetery to rest your soul, isn't this a blatant challenge to the authority of the church?"

"But according to what you said, after the death of our volunteer soldiers, we can only be solitary ghosts in the wilderness..."

Lyfa clenched her hands tightly, her nails digging into her palms.

While not being reconciled, a deep sense of powerlessness loomed over the girl's heart.

She was almost killed by the kobold earlier, and she knew how weak she was, and she couldn't change anything at all.

The depression of being bound by the shackles of society, coupled with the pain of being powerless to oneself, set off a turmoil in the heart.

The eye sockets were instantly wrapped in warmth.

"It's... too much, we... obviously didn't come here voluntarily, and it turned out..."

"It's too early to be sad, Lyfa..."

"Mr. Chios..."

"Don't give up, we still have hope."

He smiled at the young man whose eyes were shining with crystal light while the young girl was soaked in tears.

"Your Majesty Archbishop Guinila, she is the supreme leader of the Church of the God of Tears in the southern region. Now that there is no other patriarchate in the north, we foreigners are also under her jurisdiction. If Her Majesty speaks, our compatriots will soon receive Best placement."

Asuna on the side instantly understood the meaning of the words.

"Teacher, do you want to..."

"Yes, those who win the competition will have the honor of meeting the archbishop. That is our best chance..."

Chios clenched his right hand into a fist and clasped it firmly to his heart.

At this moment, his image became extremely tall and majestic.

"I want to win... No, I must win, I must win! For the people who once lived in the same homeland, for the sake of giving the dead a resting place, I will defeat anyone who stands in my way!"

Chapter 840 Eight? Are you in love with her?

(In order to give the dead a resting place, what a good-sounding reason~)

The witch's melodious voice sounded in the depths of consciousness.

"You didn't hesitate to separate Tifa and me and arrange them here, isn't that the purpose?"

The noise in the tavern covered the young man's softer whispers than whispers.

Chios put his hand on the table to support his chin, looked sideways at the night street outside the window, and replied slightly with his lips moving:

"I'm just trying to find a better motivation to shape my image while completing the tasks assigned by you. It doesn't make sense for me to be ridiculed by you, right?"

(Oh, are you still angry about being separated from your girlfriend?)

"Oh, I'm not that stingy." The young man smiled and shook his head.

"As long as the executor is alive, time will never run out...Since we will return to each other sooner or later, of course there is no need to worry about the temporary separation."

After listening to his soft words mixed with a hint of melancholy, the blue nightingale standing on the window sill tilted her head, as if thinking about how to respond.

After a while, Weita's voice came again:

(Are you really in love with her, Chios?)

"Who knows..."

Chios drank what was left of the mead in the cask cup.

"Time will tell."

After finishing speaking, he raised his hand to gesture for a refill to the waitress in the shop who secretly paid attention to this side from time to time.


The waitress hastily moved to the side to change the wine jug containing mead, and quickly approached the young man's table with it.


The wine waterfall poured into the wooden barrel cup is reflected by the faint fire light flickering at the front of the wick in the pottery cup, showing a beautiful dark golden color.

Under the dim light that fluctuates between light and shade, the handsome side face of the young man is even more mysterious.

The young waitress pouring wine can't help but look into the gods for a moment...

"The wine is almost overflowing..."

Chios tapped the table with his right index finger, reminding him helplessly.

"Yes, I'm sorry!"

Like a maid waking up from a dream, she hurriedly raised the clay pot in her hand.

The last drop of golden liquor fell from the spout, into the froth barely resting on the brim.

The timing of his opening was just right, and Chios, who took into account the reactions of others, picked up his wine glass as if nothing had happened, and simply said "thank you" to send away the dazed waitress.

He had no intention of blaming the other for his faux pas.

When seeing him for the first time, it is normal for a woman with no immunity to behave like that.

The place where Chios is currently staying is not the lobby on the first floor of the hotel where he is staying, but another tavern a few blocks away.

After tonight, he will start to accept the official volunteer soldier's commission and act separately from other members of the team.

This meant that Asuna and Lyfa had to rely on themselves to evaluate what type and difficulty of commissions they would accept in the coming week, and how to complete them.

Although there is Ryan, if the situation is not so serious that she has to take action, she will only express some ideas in moderation, and leave the decision-making to the other two team members as much as possible.

At this moment, the three of them are discussing on the first floor of the hotel.

He wanted to exercise the decisiveness of the two girls in the team, and he didn't want his presence to affect their Chios, so he deliberately changed the place to pass the time before going to bed.

Anyway, he also had something he wanted to talk to Vita alone.

"What about the executors sent to other countries?"

(Because of the special composition of her subordinates, Xia Li feels that she will soon turn into a gang or a gang of robbers, which will cause tension with the ruler, but this is also expected. Others are using their own methods to expand their influence , sooner or later you will get on the line with high-level people, nothing to worry about.)

The answer Vita gave was not surprising.

Chios nodded.

Except for himself and Tifa, the members of the association are all experienced executors who have been in and out of the mission battlefield many times, and they must know what they should do.

He then asked:

"Where are the players? Are they in the same situation as the volunteers from the Theocracy of Aureas?"

(The difference is not big. It is impossible for the rulers of various countries to let so many people do nothing, and they cannot create enough job opportunities in a short period of time. In addition, the deteriorating security situation in the territory and the increasing pressure on the professional army make the current untrustworthy, dead Forming a new army of unworthy refugees to deal with the troubles is their best bet.)

(The titles are different. Aureas in the Church of the Holy Church is called a volunteer, and it is called an adventurer in the country of Knights Tavent and Stannithras of the Iron Union, and Valyria in the country of the proud eagle. They are called mercenaries, but there is no difference in essence, they are all armed people without fixed salary.)

Seemingly knowing what Chios wanted to ask next, Vita continued without waiting for the young man to speak:

(The Knight Kingdom is not as rich as the Holy Church Kingdom, and the money given to each player is only half of yours. Even so, their king seems to be a benevolent king. He not only distributes food to refugees as compensation, but also sends courtiers to adventure Supervised by the Warlords Guild to ensure that every novice adventurer is guided by basic combat knowledge.)

(Business in the Kingdom of Proud Eagle is prosperous, but financial expenditures have to be resolved by the parliament, and tribunes are watching. If it weren't for the generous donation of the Archbishop of the City of Water, the Saint of the Sword, the players would probably be like beggars. The initial funds can only be obtained with the daily food. The training part is relatively poor, because the mercenaries are not included in the establishment of the local legion, so they can only find their own way.)

(The Iron Alliance has the best forging craftsmen, and the quality of the equipment provided to players is good, but the money is a little less. The big difference from the central capital Centoria is that the guilds in the steel capital Grandsum There are many types, players can choose their favorite ones to join.)

"Hearing this way, it's really hard to say which country's players are better off..."

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