The young man is a wolf.

A cunning wolf intent on replacing the leader of the pack.

"Damn bastard..."


His right fist hit the table hard.

Although Hestia, who came to the guild headquarters to register for Chios six days ago, explained that Chios was temporarily inconvenient to go out because of the sequelae of a serious injury.

But how could Royman believe this set of rhetoric.

In his opinion, Chios is undoubtedly hiding in the manor and secretly instigating the chamber of commerce to do everything possible to delay the progress of Olalie's reconstruction work, so as to show the incompetence of the guild and to buy people's hearts behind the scenes.

The lumberyard in the outskirts of the city was shut down due to an accident, and the stones from the quarries around the city were bought by neighboring countries overnight...

The supply of two major raw materials that are crucial to construction, happened to be in trouble one after another at this time.

Is it because he is too stupid as the guild leader to see the traces of human manipulation?

Loki, Ganesha, and the Freya family are still foolishly trusting that insidious bastard...

After listening to his accusation against Chios two days ago, Riveria's cold answer flashed in Royman's mind:

"What you say is entirely your own biased speculation."

"I have personally visited Chios, and I know that he is suffering from the side effects of the aftermath of the magic. He often has a headache and cannot get out of bed. Even if I put aside my personal feelings and analyze it rationally, I don't think he has Yu Li is manipulating the chamber of commerce behind the scenes."

Oh shit...

Out of the last trace of respect for the elf royal family, Royman only cursed in his heart.

And Goddess Hestia, she is also an idiot!

Fascinated by the male sex of the head of his family, he obviously lives under the same roof, but so far he hasn't found out that the other party has done such a nasty thing.

"The purpose of these methods behind the scenes is to make me come to the door to beg him in person..."

Shaking his fat body up, the middle-aged elf left the seat and came to the window where the noise from outside could be faintly heard.

He set his sights on Northwest Main Street.

Many ragged people gathered outside the guild headquarters, shouting angrily.

There are more people than yesterday...

Royman took out a handkerchief to wipe the tense sweat off his face.

Residents of Daedalus Street.

They lost their shelter from the wind and rain, and they couldn't even pay for the hotel accommodation, and soon became a source of chaos for law and order.

Discontent at the gates of the governing body is growing because of delays in moving forward with reconstruction projects.

If the situation is allowed to deteriorate, God knows if they will lose their minds one day and attack the guild based on their numbers.

Even if the guild has adventurers sent by the Ganesha family to guard the door, at that time, Royman has no idea whether the unpredictable adventurers will intervene.

Do I, as the guild leader, really have to humbly ask Chios for help...

To do that would involve not just a matter of personal dignity, but the loss of the authority of the entire governing body.

Royman gripped the handkerchief tightly.

"President Royman!"

A shout from behind startled him.

Raising his hand, he pulled the bow tie that was stuck around his neck. After showing a calm and calm posture, the middle-aged elf finally turned around and met the staff at the office door.

"What's up?"

"The Hestia Familia sent a message saying that "Sword of Dawn" wanted to discuss with us on the issue of urban reconstruction, and also promised to be the coordinator in the future to ensure the smooth progress of our negotiations with the Chamber of Commerce. "

"how is this possible! ? "

Royman could hardly believe what he heard.

The guy who was secretly manipulating all this didn't wait until the guild was weak before softening his attitude...

Just as he was about to ask a few more questions, he saw the guild staff in front of him showing embarrassment, as if hesitating to speak.

"Why, is there anything else to say?"

"Yes, that's how it is..."

The employee swallowed his saliva, faltered and said.

"The messenger said, "Sword of Dawn" doesn't want to meet with you, please send someone who won't make his headache worse after seeing him. "

Chapter 750 Six? A man who doesn't follow the rules

"I never thought that one day I would step here..."

At the gate of the Piliano Manor, Rose looked up at the pure gold Hestia family holy fire emblem above the gate, and sighed sincerely.

"what? "

"Why the surprised expression? Do you think I have a good relationship with Chios just because I was the receptionist of Chios?"

"Because... among so many receptionists in the headquarters, "Sword of Dawn" has only asked Rose for a date. "

"As you know, I never promised once."

"However, for someone as famous as him, being rejected by women is obviously a very embarrassing thing, but he never got angry or turned around and invited others because of your rejection, so someone said..."

"Say what? "

"Say that you guys are already secretly dating, and that the date invitation is just a code to express "I'm free today." "

"Aha? ? ? "

Rose felt like she had been hit with a hammer on the forehead.

"How on earth did you come to such an outrageous conclusion..."

After speaking, the other party opened his mouth to speak.

Rose quickly raised her hand to stop it.

"Forget it, don't tell me, I don't want to know."

"Anyway, I have nothing to do with him..."

She fiddled with her red hair annoyedly, and forcibly ended the topic.

"The next thing we are going to face is one of the most powerful people in Olalie. Are you mentally prepared, Zuul?"

When it came to business, the half-elf hugged the heavy notebook in his arms, and solemnly replied:

"Yes, I'm ready!"

The unconsciously raised voice revealed a trace of tension.

This is also impossible...

Rose can fully understand the mood of her colleague, Eina Zuhr.

They were the only staff members who were ordered to come to Piliano Manor to interview Chios.

Normally speaking, for a case like this involving tens of thousands of people's housing and resettlement, the management agency should send a whole professional negotiating team, even if the guild leader doesn't do it himself.


Just because the object of the meeting asked "please send someone who won't give me a headache", the guild changed its practice and reduced the number of representatives to two.Not only that, perhaps considering the gossip news surrounding Chios, and the fact that there was a serious imbalance in the male-female ratio of the Hestia family, the guild specifically excluded men when selecting candidates.

If it were the three major S-level families, I am afraid they would not have this kind of treatment.

Even if force is abandoned, the influence of the guild with a solid political and business foundation in Olali is definitely not something that those factions who specialize in a single field and have a weak organizational structure can easily match.

Probably only a faction like the Hestia Familia, which can mobilize many adventurers, has the financial resources of the Chamber of Commerce to back it up, and is supported by the general public, can make the guild retreat to such an extent.

Right now, what I and Zuer are about to meet is a man who has developed his power from scratch to the above-mentioned scale in just half a year.

What's more, it's not a short routine conversation behind the counter of the guild headquarters that goes to work every day, but to enter the other party's base camp to negotiate...

After taking off their uniforms, they are just ordinary citizens, and they don't even have the strength of low-level adventurers. How can they really maintain a normal heart?

"Let's go in."

Nodding to Aegina, Rose took a deep breath of cool air, and then rang the magic stone bell at the gate of the manor.


After reporting their names and intentions, the two were quickly brought to the atrium by a female member of the Hestia family.

In the glass house surrounded by greenery, they met the object of this interview.

"Welcome to my home..."

Wearing a pure white cotton shirt, Chios, who was sitting on the bed with his back on the pillow, smiled gently at the two who were standing at the entrance, not daring to approach without authorization.

"Due to my poor health, I couldn't get out of bed to greet you in person. Please forgive me for being rude."

He raised his hand to indicate the positions of several seats in the room.

"You can sit wherever you like...Karen, please help them prepare refreshments."

Although Chios said that he didn't mind, it was impossible for Rose and Aegina to go to those corners that gave people a sense of security, but seemed to disrespect their masters.

He had no choice but to sit on the two pre-arranged chairs on the right of the young man.

The black-haired girl who led them here quickly made black tea with the tea set at the side, neatly arranged the sweet and salty snacks on the three-tier shelf, and put them on the coffee table between the two seats, then bowed and left .

They and the person they were talking to were left in the room.

The two guild staff waited quietly, hoping that Chios, the master, would speak first.

However, except for the occasional uncomfortable cough, the other party kept looking down at the quilt covering his knees, as if there was some mystery worth studying in the light-colored pattern on it.

Time passed by every minute and every second...

Rose decided to take the initiative to break the silence:

"Chios, you..."

"Before we get started, there's something I want to clear up..."

Interrupting the conversation that the other party had just started, Chios suddenly turned his face and stared at Rose with his sharp and deep purple eyes that seemed to be able to penetrate people's hearts.

"What do you come here for, Miss Rose Farnet?"

Hearing this, Rose and Aegina were startled.


What's the point of asking...

"I am the guild representative authorized by President Royman to be in charge of this conversation with you, and Zuul is in charge of recording..."

"Oh, of course I know this..."

As if amused by the serious answer given by the woman, the young man shook his right index finger.

"Thirty points will be deducted for the wrong answer. Any other answers?"

"What exactly do you want to ask..."

At this time, Aegina, who was sitting next to Rose, seemed to understand the meaning of the question, and whispered to her colleagues:

"Your relationship..."


The redhead frowned.

There has never been any contact between her and Chios outside of work. If you really want to sort out the relationship, you can't even count it as a friend.

Even if Xinhu had made waves because of the charm of the other party, such ambiguous things can't be announced.

"You used to be the adventurer I was in charge of. At least it's not a bad relationship. This time I just took advantage of my job to visit you. Since the job was assigned temporarily, I didn't have time to prepare a gift, sorry."

That's all she could say.

"I see, I see..."

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