Counting this time, similar "coincidences" have happened six times in the past 30 days.

In such a huge dungeon, how could it be possible to meet so frequently...

Moreover, even if he explained the effect of the skill [Walking Abyss] in advance, when he was fighting the monster, these women only compromised and retreated 200 meters, stopping at a distance where they could rescue them immediately.

When they turned off the lights and went to bed, they even formed a circle around Chios's bed and made a bed on the floor.

Although the scene looked happy, it was actually not pleasant at all.

Chios is not inexperienced, an innocent boy who gets nervous when surrounded by girls, and blushes when he touches a finger.

With meat in front of him, his priority is whether he has the opportunity to eat it. The kind of thing that fantasizes about the taste before eating, looking for plums to quench his thirst, has never been with him since he was ten years old.

What's the point of a girl sleeping with her and not in the same bed as her?

Chios didn't know what other people would think in the same situation, he just knew that he was uncomfortable.

If only one or two women are present, the youth can somehow find time to flirt separately, and find pleasure in the thrill of the slight chance of being noticed by the other.However, in the face of five... no, it should be said that other than the simple-minded Diona, the four women were pressing on the man, and he had little room to play.

In the past, the routine of exploring the maze to meet Mary had to be postponed again and again.

Take Riveria and others to see Mary, if the mermaid who lacks common sense is not ashamed to pounce on him when he sees him, and asks to do indescribable things, the follow-up may not be as simple as the Shura field.

Looking away from the girls, Chios suddenly felt that the suggestion of the deputy head of the Loki family really made sense.

Tired, want to go home.


Saying goodbye to the Loki family, the youth walked out of the Tower of Babel.

Take out the pipe, fill the pipe bowl with shredded tobacco and light it.

Chios savored the empty smoke lingering in his mouth, strolled along the bustling Northwest Street in the evening, and enjoyed the rare leisurely solitude in the past three days.

The sun had already set in the west, and when I raised my head, I saw fine snow falling slowly.

The pure white embellishment softens the dark blue canvas of the sky, which is involuntarily cold.

It is different from the blooming flowers, lush greenery, emerald green and flowing gold of the previous three seasons.With all the bright decorations removed, the winter covered in silver makeup exudes a cool beauty after washing the lead.

However, if it is just a white-capped scenery, it will be a bit monotonous after watching it for a long time.

Fortunately, even if the city of Orario is dyed with a layer of cool colors, it still cannot conceal its elegance.

Walking through the bustling city streets, Chios seems to be in a familiar modern city.

The murder of the humanoid disaster "Man Killer", and the destruction of the remnants of the mutant monsters in the dungeon, two pieces of good news successively are like a shot in the arm for the residents living in Olalie.

The haze that covered people's hearts and the restless and impetuous atmosphere disappeared.

Citizens, travellers, adventurers, caravans coming and going in the streets and alleys... The faint fear of the unknown future revealed in the expressions and gestures of everyone has become the scene of the past, replaced by the comfort of unloading the burden.

The hottest city in the world once again showed its vibrant side, even more noisy than the eve of the abnormal events on each floor of the maze.

The theater is full, the casino is full, the tavern is full of wine...

The already prosperous main street is now bustling with people like never before. Even when the crowds are less dense, there are still a lot of famous businesses.And when it comes to peak hours, even the small shops in the alleys are often overwhelmed.

People splashed out the sacred gold coins they had worked so hard all year to express the depression they had built up over the past two months, as if those golden Farleys would rust and rot if they didn't spend their money in time.

This kind of retaliatory consumption can be seen everywhere, immersed in the carnival-like carnival mood, and with the arrival of the holy night festival, it climbed to the peak.

There are so many festivals in Orari...

After all, there are no fixed weekends and holidays, and the only time people can relax and rest is the festival.

"Holy Night Festival"

Chios is not sure how this is different from Christmas in his hometown. Looking at the Christmas trees in the squares of the blocks, and the red, green and white costumes of the waiters at the door of the store, it seems that there is a certain degree of similarity.

Just as he can get in touch with the stories of different mission worlds through games, texts, film and television and other carriers, there is basically a phenomenon of mutual projection of events between worlds, and they are connected together across spatial barriers in a subtle way.

Therefore, even if he saw the familiar scenery here, Chios would not be surprised.

"Oh, it's such a difficult problem for me..."

The youth sighed and exhaled along with the smoke.

For him, the upcoming holy night festival was not about going to the market or exchanging gifts, but about executing a deadly plan.

Chapter 680 Six? Elopement

"You work out so horribly efficiently..."

Fingers stroking Chios's back and forth, Hestia couldn't help being speechless when she saw the various values ​​that began to change due to the infusion of divine blood.

"Compared to the progress of Lv.1 and Lv.2, it is indeed a bit slower. But think about it carefully, after two upgrades, the grace on your body should almost complete the adjustment."

The goddess leaned out while talking, and took a piece of paper from the bedside table.

The buttock flap moves with the center of gravity, or lightly or heavily massages the lower back of the youth under it.

"I have a hunch that next time you level up, you will be able to obtain a complete level of sublimation. With this premise, it is frightening to see such a big improvement in just three days of adventure..." She pasted the paper on the back of Chios On the sacred text, the fingertips swiped in a circle.


The ability value converted into Common Language is copied on a blank paper.

"So, don't force yourself in order to be eager for success. I worry every time you go out."

"Ok, I know."

Chios smiled back and reached out to take the paper from Hestia.


Chios Pesheim


力量:C609→C647耐久:D531→D577灵巧: D568→C610敏捷:D573→C616魔力:D505→D551

"Development Ability"

Abnormal Resistance H, Swordsman I→H




【Walking through the abyss】

· Gain increased proficiency when surrounded by enemies.

The greater the adversity, the stronger the effect.

【Blood Altar】

? When damage is done to the enemy, the effects of the development abilities [Jing Healing] and [Healing Power] will be activated.

? Effect increases with level and damage level.


He was mentally prepared for the gradual slowdown in the accumulation of proficiency.

Upgrading is not an easy task, otherwise half of the adventurers would not stop at Lv.1 for life.

In the past, Chios' proficiency improved rapidly because his strength was far greater than the strength threshold of the level.

But also thanks to this gift, the most important "sublimation of stamina" for upgrading did not happen to him, so naturally he would not get the corresponding benefits of strengthening his full power.What he has gained is only a little strengthening of self-reward through repeated honing, and the additional bonus of development ability.

Strictly speaking, that's not an upgrade.

It is closer to the meaning that students who have made a lot of progress go back to take the exam and get a new diploma.

Now, as the level grows and expands again and again, the critical value is approaching the upper limit of the actual weapon capacity, and the difficulty of obtaining proficiency will increase exponentially, which is completely expected.

Clarify the working principle of grace, and then ponder Hestia's words, you will find that the total increase in proficiency in three days exceeds 200 is really amazing...

After reading the ability value, Chios rubbed his index finger lightly, and the flame that appeared out of thin air instantly swallowed the paper.


He suddenly turned over and pressed the defenseless goddess on the bed.


Hestia looked flustered, but did not resist fiercely.

"You, what do you want to do..."

Asking like this, but how could she not know the intention of the young man in front of her...

Ever since the day he lost his virginity in the bathroom, every time Chios returned to the surface to update his abilities, he always wooed her fiercely.

And she never refused.

Once you recognize this kind of tacit understanding that cannot be told to the outside world, it feels inexplicably exciting.

Who could have imagined...

The contemporary hero that the residents of Orario look forward to, and the virgin goddess recognized as pure by the gods of the heavens, after the routine update of the ability value is over, like a beast in estrus, indulge in mutual demands.

A sense of immorality does not necessarily have to violate morals and customs to appear.

A beautiful and bright positive image is also a poison that tempts people to fall.

Although Hestia was ashamed to admit it, her body was ready reflexively the moment she saw Chios igniting the paper on which the ability value was copied.

The evidence is the thin white cloth under her skirt that has become a little transparent due to soaking water.

Chios was so keen in his observation. He could tell at a glance that the panic displayed by the goddess at this time was not due to fear at all, but was just acting as a forced entry into the play.


He plans to change the game today.

"God Hestia..."

He lowered his head and approached Hestia's ear with her eyes closed.


The hot and humid breath blows on the reddened pinnae.

"I really can't suppress my love for you in my heart. Please tolerate my filth with the love of a goddess, forgive a small mortal for transgressing the rules, and forgive the crimes that defile your innocent body. I swear, I will dedicate my eternity to you faith."

The young man, who uttered words like a believer's prayer to the gods, quietly inserted his hand into the goddess's skirt, and rubbed his fingertips on the slightly sunken wet mark.


Hestia snorted softly, and slowly opened her eyes.

The blue eyes that were once clear were filled with a haze mixed with doting and desire.

"Chios Pesheim, remember that you are the only honor that I have sympathy for..." Raising her hand to touch the young man's handsome face, the goddess replied softly:

"Don't be ashamed of being offended, just throw yourself into my arms and you will be saved."

Partner, family, student, teacher, god...

By playing different roles, he interprets various emotions committed to people.

Hestia understood that if she continued to indulge in this kind of game, one day she would have difficulty distinguishing the nature of her love for Chios, and would never be able to let go.

Even if you know it, you will inevitably get deeper and deeper...



The night is dark.

Sitting alone on a bench in the west courtyard of the manor drinking, Chios held a glass of fortified wine in his left hand, with a somewhat absent-minded expression.


There was a vibration from the inner pocket of the coat, he reached into his arms and took out Arcus, and glanced at the message on the screen.

The young man turned his face sideways, and glanced at the main building behind him from the corner of his eye.

Except for the faint light from the window curtains in his bedroom, the lights in the rest of the rooms have been turned off.

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