Considering the low temperature in the late autumn morning, it would be too much for a girl in a skirt to sit on the cold stone floor. Chios casually took off the sable fur cloak on his shoulders, laid it on the ground, and hugged Refia's petite body. , help her sit up.

Faced with Chios' actions, Refia's skin suddenly turned from pale to red, spreading from her neck to her ears.

The original violent struggle eased and disappeared, and he became much more peaceful.

At least, the gentle side of the other party is not a disguise...

Otherwise, Chios doesn't need to worry about her feelings at all, just throw her aside casually.

"I'm sorry for doing such an unreasonable thing to you, but now is the time for me to accept the reward due to the winner of the competition, and I will not allow anyone to disturb..."

Together with the warm breath, the whispering magic voice rang in the ear, pouring into the goblin's brain:

"For you, witnessing all this with your own eyes may be a little bit exciting, but a moderate shock can just correct your unhealthy thoughts about Ai Si."

After the young man finished speaking, he took out a black silk handkerchief and covered her eyes.

The whole world suddenly went dark.

The scene presented in front of Refiya's eyes is like a layer of gray and black tulle, only a shallow outline of light and shadow strokes.

The towers built for military purposes are made of piled stones, and there are extremely few lighting windows, which cannot provide sufficient light.

The loneliness that the darkness engenders magnifies the fear.

step, step...

At this moment, her actions and speech were restricted, she watched as Chios got up and turned around, and walked towards Miss Ais who was obediently standing at the door.


Watching the tall and slender figure of the young man leave step by step, the goblin tried to shout.

It's a pity that the words uttered through several layers of gauze were seriously distorted, and it sounded like the weak sobbing of a cardamom girl.

(Don't go, please!)

(Please, don't shoot at Miss Ace...)

The pain and bitterness acting on the left chest was like endless repeated pulling after being pierced by a sharp knife.

She wanted to reach out and grab Chios's fingertips that were swinging as he walked, close in front of her eyes.

However, the extremely strong chains imprisoned her firmly, making this half-step distance into a distance.

At this moment, Refia couldn't tell if she was worried about Miss Ais, or simply because she didn't want to see Chios and get close to other women.


2 minutes wasted...

Chios sighed helplessly, laying out layers of layout to lure Ais to the hook, and defeating the opponent through calculations. The results obtained by investing so much effort were actually lost by [-]% because of a stalker.

Although, as far as the results are concerned, it does not seem correct to say that it was "lost in vain".

Out of the corner of his eye, he glanced at Refia's uncomfortable face at this time, and the corner of Chios's mouth twitched slightly.

Noticing the evil taste he showed for a moment, Ai Si tilted her neck and asked in confusion:

"Thinking about something bad?"

Hearing this, Chios narrowed his eyes.

"Yeah, I'm thinking about how to use this short time to carve an eternal and indelible mark on you who lost to me."

He has long been a rookie in emotional aspects, and Jian Ji's natural speech has little impact.

"Hehe, you actually have the leisure to worry about others..."


The right palm whistled across the left cheek of the blond girl, and slapped on the inner wall of the watchtower.Traps her in the inside corner next to the top spiral kick.

Chios raised Aisi's chin with his left index finger.

"Aren't you disturbed? You can't disobey my orders. No matter what I do, I have to accept it. There are still more than seven minutes left?"

of course...

Ace muttered inwardly.

Not only uneasy, but also afraid.

It's just that I'm willing to gamble and admit defeat...

Since she agreed to the bet without any violation of the rules, she had no excuse to shirk after losing the competition.What's more, the habit of maintaining a flat face for many years also caused her to be unable to accurately reflect her own state of mind.

"Yesterday, when you found out that I intended to kiss Tifaso, you shook your sword hilt tightly, so cute..."


Unexpectedly, hearing Chios utter these words, Aisi suddenly opened her eyes wide.

he found out...

"To be honest, seeing your expression at the moment, I was both surprised and happy..."

Chios caressed Aisi's soft lower lip with his thumb, and at a close distance where the tip of the nose was almost touching, he continued in a bewitching tone:

"It seems that the kissing of lips under the water surface in Mizudou was not enough to give you confidence. Why don't you take this opportunity of "I can't resist", let us review the touch at that time again, ace?

Chapter 580: S-Class Kissing Technique & Cycle

The question seemed to be asking for permission, but Chios didn't give Ais any extra time to think.

The thumb slid down the girl's chin to her defenseless throat, and pressed lightly.


With her fingertips blocking the passage of air into her lungs, Ai Si opened her mouth slightly, instinctively wanting to breathe.

At this time, Chios turned his face slightly, so that the tip of Aisi's nose passed over his left side, and he bowed his head and quickly kissed her lips.


A cute gasp with a little anxiety leaked from the corner of Aisi's mouth.

It was softer and warmer than in memory, and the feeling that made the heart beat faster made the girl feel hot all over.

Obviously, they can be separated with just a little movement, but...

The moment I thought of this, my body felt like it was electrified, and I felt a tingling sensation.As if being fixed by the suction force generated by this electric current, in consciousness, only the moist heat between each other's soft lips remained.

"Chirp... Mmmmm..."

The girl's clear golden eyes were gradually covered with mist.

Kissing is not what many people say at all, it's just as simple as lips touching.

At least, Chios' kiss is definitely more than that...

The hot exhaled air was blowing on her face, chewing her upper and lower lips like an animal chewing its cud, occasionally mixed with teeth gnawing, the strength was unpredictable whether it was light or heavy.

The wet tip of the tongue inadvertently stretched out to attack, licked and wiped the girl's delicate lips, and scraped through the fine particles on the surface of the tongue, giving it a numbness that penetrated into the bone marrow.

At the same time, the five fingers of the left palm resting on Aisi's cheeks spread out like claws, slowly combing the girl's golden hair, bit by bit they came to the top of the head, and massaged the sensitive scalp with fingertips; The right hand on her shoulder quietly came to her back, scratching back and forth along the line of her spine.


The stimuli from various aspects impacted her mind alternately, causing Ai Si's body to tremble as if she was being electrocuted frequently.

I can't get used to it, and I don't know what unknown experience will usher in the next second.

So hot...

so bloated...

The highly toxic saliva was evenly applied to her lips, gums, mouth, and the base of her tongue.

The blood under the skin suddenly boiled, as if it would evaporate at any moment.

The beating heart was so eager to be embedded in the man in front of her that it turned into a battering ram and hit her chest again and again.

mind goes blank...

Faced with Chios's unusually skilled kissing skills, Aisi completely lost her ability to think, and even forgot to breathe.

I don't know how long the kiss lasted...


Aisi frowned, and let out a distressed snort.

Although she is not in the blue lake right now, she is in the same hypoxic situation as she was underwater.

Seeing that the girl was almost suffocating, the young man finally stopped taking possession of her lips.


Putting her hands on her rapidly rising and falling chest, the blond girl greedily inhaled the oxygen around her.

The heartbeat calmed down a little, and Chios's order came to his ears:

"Open your mouth, Ace..."


The girl with blurred eyes didn't even think about it, so she obeyed obediently.Like a chick waiting to be fed, showing its bright red mouth, waiting for the young to be fed.

Seeing Chios approaching again, Ai Si couldn't help but put her arms around his neck.

Those hands were trembling slightly with excitement.

She never thought that a normal kiss, completely different from the life-saving measure aimed at importing breath last time, would be so comfortable...

So comfortable, just take a few seconds to breathe, and the body actually has a withdrawal reaction like overdosing.

Watching the handsome face gradually occupying the field of vision, Aisi followed her instinct and slowly closed her eyelids.

How long is it until 7 minutes have passed?

She doesn't know.

Having said that, even if he knew that the time limit set for the punishment had passed, would he really be able to decisively push Chios away?

For this, she has no answer in her heart.

Maybe, this kind of thing...

Once it starts, she and Chios will fall into an endless loop of endless demands.



When we left the watchtower, it was already an hour later...

The orange-haired goblin, who was unbound, bit the arm that Chios had no time to withdraw, and regardless of whether he would do anything to Aisi again, left a sentence "I hate you", and blushed alone Eye sockets run away.

Witnessing Miss Ace, whom she longed for, kissing passionately and passionately, and the object is still a man with complex emotions.No matter from any of the above two positions, there is no way to get rid of the feeling that "important things have been taken away".Not to mention the situation where the two phases are superimposed and the pain is multiplied.

After such an incident, the blow to her can be described as unforgettable.

So, Chios made the girl cry, and Ais was left alone.

"Want some french fries? My treat."

The young man pointed to the street food vendors who had just opened and asked.

"Hmm..." The blond girl nodded.

Even though he had just had his fill not long ago, he didn't have the slightest objection when he heard the young man's proposal.

Perhaps because of the zero...or even negative distance contact that lasted for nearly an hour, Aisi has no dominant style of dealing with things other than fighting, and has become more submissive.

Cleverly waiting for Chios to come back after buying food, the two came to the square and found a bench to sit down.

Opening the paper package in his hand, Chios took a bite of the pulled pork panini with chili sauce sold by the potato ball vendor next door.

Chew Chew...

The taste is ok.

It's a pity that tomato and cheese are not added, which is not authentic enough.

After tasting it with Italian taste buds, he silently rated it with 75 points in his heart.

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