Chios turned his wrist, and slashed the throat of the gun-wielding monster with his sword.


Blood splattered.

No. 54.

In order to protect the mermaid girl from harm, the young man could not leave the water source and could only stay where he was.

The limited movement made it difficult for him to dodge monster attacks, so he had to block with his sword.

In just 2 minutes, there were already several bloodstains on his body.

(Support hasn't arrived yet?)

Chios thought helplessly.

At this time...

Boom boom boom! ! ! ! !

Violent explosions resounded through the maze.

The scorching foehn spreading all around can be felt even here, which is far away from the source of the sound.

Then, there was Feng Xiao.



The all-too-familiar girl's call reached my ears.

Long black hair fluttering in the wind burst into view.

Tifa's delicate face, which used to show gentleness and tolerance, was now full of anxiety.

Her eyes that shone with the light of the sky pierced through the monsters, and found the youth surrounded by groups.

But soon, the girl's attention shifted...

Focus on Marie behind Chios.

Chapter 530 Two? This damned tenderness

The pillar of fire erupting from the maze passage on the right devours all monsters within the range of the spell.


A slender and tall figure first broke through the barriers of flames.


The night long hair swaying with the air current is set off by the dancing sparks, like a vast galaxy.

The girl's exquisite face was slightly tilted, and the shining blue eyes seemed to have a locking function. She penetrated through layers of enemy shadows and found Chios who was fighting with a sword.

(Catch up...)

Tifa's solemn face filled with worry suddenly relaxed a lot.

Now that the reinforcements from the Freya family and the Loki family have arrived, the crisis can be said to have been resolved.

As long as Chios is okay...

The thought that flashed by, was smashed like sugar glass at the moment when he saw the mermaid girl guarding behind the young man.


There are no weapons in both hands, they are bent in a prayer posture, and their trusting eyes are firmly tied to the man in front of them.

That is the look that only appears when the future is completely entrusted to a specific object.

Tifa had seen this appearance quite often in the past.

Rather, with Chios as a partner, she should have gotten used to it.

After all, this man's lethality to women is so strong that he doesn't care about his strength.Regardless of intentional or unintentional, everything about him is irresistible to girls.

Those who clearly know this, and those who know that they should not affect their mood because of such trivial things...


very unhappy.

She was always worried, afraid that the worst would happen.

I was afraid that what I saw was just a cold corpse, except for weeping bitterly while hugging the young man who had fallen into eternal sleep, there was no power to restore anything.

Now, knowing that Chios is still alive, the harvest should be full of joy.



In a desperate situation with bruises all over your body, do you still have the mind to take care of other women?

Isn't the safety of oneself and the anxiety of one's partner more important than protecting a strange woman?

Take care of yourself more, care more about the people around you...

If you die, how many people will cry?How many people suffer all their lives?

As smart as you are, there is absolutely no way you don't know, right?

What is the role of that heretic who can be distinguished from a monster at a glance?How did you help Chios?Even how beautiful it looks...

To Tifa, it doesn't matter at all.

What really makes the girl angry is that this man, who is usually full of self-interested and black-bellied thoughts, once again abandons the disguise in times of crisis.

Usually, I feel extremely shrewd, always calculating clearly the pros and cons of various trends, and achieving the plan step by step like a ruthless devil.

He neither blinks his eyes for the sake of the sacrifice in the process, nor pays attention to the pawns whose value is not as good as his own, but only pretends on the surface so that they can be used by him.

Even women are just decorations on the road to glory.

Such a dark and hopelessly bad style is in line with Chios' aesthetics, isn't it?

However, Tifa, who had read the file of Chios' executor and accompanied him through many difficult missions, understood that this was not the case at all.

Chios is an outstanding actor.

He is so good that most people who think they know him are deceived.

[Nobuna] The world, knowing that the chance of death in battle is extremely high, still chooses to ride alone to rescue the lord. [Scarlet Bullet] Facing the British nationals who were instigated by itself, the world did not hesitate to shoot self-harm as an well as...

In this abnormal situation, take the initiative to take the responsibility of attracting the attention of the enemy, even if your life is hanging by a thread, you will not use Arcus to call your partner.

Of the above, which one can a purely selfish person do?

Indeed, Chios is not the type who would foolishly die with passion.

At the stage where tactics can solve it, he is simply a cold machine.

But once the situation exceeds this scope, he will go off the track and take the initiative to meet the danger out of a sense of responsibility.

Thinking of this, the girl's hot tears could no longer be stopped.

The tenderness of Chios, like a famous wine from a top winery, has complex layers.Even if you have experienced the shock of the initial wonderful taste, you still need to spend your whole life savoring the aftertaste.

Although this is the key to the charm of Chios, I believe that many women are also faintly aware of it, so they can't help falling in love with him...

Even knowing this, Tifa still...

so afraid.

Afraid that Chios would die from this damn tenderness.


The power in charge of the atmosphere exploded with all its strength, and the strong wind blew away all the monsters blocking the route.

The silver-blue air current engulfed Tifa, and threw herself into Chios' arms.

"Tifa, you..."

The young man supported the shoulder of the black-haired girl with one hand, surprised by his partner's excitement.



The fist beat on the young man's chest.

Looking at Chios' blood-stained body, Tifa choked up and said:

"It doesn't matter if you are willful or selfish, try to use me, use anyone or anything that can prevent yourself from being hurt...don't make yourself like this..."

"Really, please."

It is precisely because I understand that Chios is impossible... let alone bear everything alone, so...

(I must always be by your side.)

Thinking of this, Tifa hugged Chios tightly.

The strength is so strong that it is impossible to break free even with the strength of the top of the second-level adventure in youth.

Chios stared blankly at his partner who lost control of his emotions.

After a while, a wry smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he hugged the black-haired girl tightly.

"You saw through everything..."


Looking at the men and women who were immersed in embracing each other, the monsters gathered in the room roared in unison.

Ignored monsters swarm forward, brandishing clawed weapons.


Puff puff!

The first-rank adventurer of the Freya family rushed out of the flames one step later, and tore their bodies from behind with their weapons.

One Lv.6 and four Lv.5 are more than enough to deal with dozens of monsters.

Despite some reluctance, the servants of Goddess Freya faithfully completed the task entrusted by the Lord God.

The flames dissipated.

Da da da...

The sound of multiple footsteps approached, and they soon arrived at the water source.


Both Finn and Grace showed generous smiles that were considerate of the younger generation.

"Looks like I was interrupting you."

Riveria's expression at the beginning was no different from that of the rest of the leaders.

However, when her eyes moved away from the hugging man and woman, and moved to the mermaid girl behind the young man, for some reason, a faint coldness appeared instead.

"whispering sound..."

The young werewolf turned his face away.

The Amazon twins stared at the scene in front of them with wide eyes.

"Gugu, ancient hero, you don't even...don't let go of monsters?"

Chapter 530 Three? Differences between the two parties

"Looks like there's nothing wrong with me..."

The spear twirled a few times flexibly between his fingers, and was carried on his shoulder by the cat-man youth with fierce eyes.

He is not interested in the friendship between the wandering knight and the members of the Loki family, why they have an intersection with a mermaid monster, and even the ins and outs of the abnormal situation in the dungeon.

Whether Chios is dead or alive doesn't matter to him at all.

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