"Yeah, I just dreamed about Chios-sama..."

"It's a pity that I was awakened by you before I had time to do anything. It's a pity."

"It's really a pity..." With a sigh matching the tone of the other party, the young man opened the small refrigerator in the back seat and took away a bottle of mineral water.

"Don't worry, what I owed in my dream will be compensated to you in the future. This sudden contact is for..."

Recounting the key points of the conversation with Toyama Kinji not long ago, he unscrewed the bottle cap, drank some cold spring water, and continued:

"So, in the future, I will trouble you to pay more attention to the entrustment to Toyama Kinji."

As soon as the voice fell, the screen of the tablet computer flashed, and the communication partner suddenly turned on the video function.

On the screen, a blond woman in thin pajamas is sitting disheveled on the bed, with her left foot on the edge of the bed, holding a nail polish brush to paint her toenails.

After carefully applying dark purple dye evenly on the nails, she raised her face, looked at the camera and asked:

"Need me to deal with him?"

"No..." Appreciating the alluring colors on the female cardamom-like snow-white toes, the young man answered without thinking:

"There is no need for this for the time being, just play with him in your spare time, just to whet his appetite."

Although success was able to drive Toyama Kinji's actions to a certain extent, it did not mean that Chios could use this to make the other party die.

As the core character of the fate of the plot, the world revolves around Jin Ci, if not completely, it is not far away. Before the fate is reversed to the irreversible threshold, it is almost impossible to kill him.

During this period, instead of letting this troublemaker go to corners that are difficult for him to make small moves, it is better to let the members of Yiyou restrain him, and do some small experiments by the way...

"Compared with his life, the most important thing is to obtain the blood and cell samples of the Yuanshan family, let Taozi conduct research on the physique of the Yuanshan family, and develop a drug for the Hysteria.S**ant.Syndrome."

"Excuse me for asking a question, Lord Chios..."

The blond woman couldn't hide her doubts between her brows.

"Isn't it easier to directly extract the genes of G-series artificial humans?"

"I hope it goes so well, but..." Shrugging, Chios explained:

"The corpse of the artificial human must be returned to the U.S. military as a proof. If it's just blood, it's okay, but too obvious slice sampling is likely to cause suspicion. Besides, the fighting movement with the GIII group is probably not small, and the attention it has attracted can be imagined. We will not have enough time then."

"That's right, the more filings, the better..."

Iberita nodded slightly, as smart as she was, and immediately understood the purpose of the young man's previous arrangements.

"Now, Kana Toyama's hiding place is also under our control. If necessary, we can take it from her."

"That's right..." Chios turned his face sideways, looking out of the car window.

"When the time comes, you can invite these annoying flies who have been the messengers of justice for many years to exit."

On the adjacent driveway, the Tokyo Butei High School pick-up bus came into view.

A slight smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he looked away.

"The future belongs to our alliance."



Minato-ku, Tokyo, Midtown Tower, Ritz-Carlton Hotel 53rd floor...

Chios, dressed in a neat suit, left the residence, walked along the corridor to the door of the presidential suite and the Carlton Club suite next door, and knocked on the door panels of the two rooms one after another.

knock knock...

After waiting for a long time, the residents in the room both opened the door.

A petite black-haired woman who is already an adult but still looks like a high school girl; and a tall silver-haired girl who looks like she stepped out of a fashion magazine.

Oleander and Joan of Arc...

They were able to stay in the remaining two senior suites on the top floor of the hotel after returning from Aomori Sapphire a few months ago, and became Chios' neighbors.

Looking at the two people in light clothes, the young man asked casually:

"Is everything ready?"


Oleander shook her hand, and five test tubes appeared between her fingers.

In the transparent glass container, liquids of different colors are shaking gently.

"Want to try it?"

Squinting her eyebrows, the black-haired woman asked.

"No need." Shaking his head to thank the other party for his kindness, Chios turned to look at Joan of Arc.

The silver-haired girl moved her chin, indicating the musical instrument case on her shoulder.

Apparently, the Holy Sword Durandal was lying quietly inside.

Seeing this, the young man smiled slightly.

The United States, eager to deal with the traitor GIII and its high-tech equipment, finally agreed to the Earl of Pembroke's offer of 15 billion US dollars, and after two days of emergency coordination, the funds were transferred from the Ministry of Defense budget.

Among them, [-] million U.S. dollars was directly remitted to the account of the Earl of Pembroke, both as an advance payment and to urge Chios to act as soon as possible...

Because of the time difference, Chios received the notification from the British Secret Intelligence Service in the middle of the night.

So, when he woke up early this morning, he justifiably asked for a two-week long vacation from Tokyo Butei High School.

"Let's go..." Turning around, Chios took a step ahead of the two and walked towards the elevator.

"After breakfast, board the ship and head to the Gulf of Aden."

Ten months have passed since the last attack on the Maritime Self-Defense Force...

Yiyou will go out again.

Chapter 350: Fishing Bait


Indian Ocean, Yemen, Socotra Airport...

A dark blue Airbus A321LR landed on the runway from the clear blue sky, and turned to the apron under the instructions of the tower.

Socotra Island, a sea island 350 kilometers away from the Arabian Peninsula, is listed as a world natural heritage due to its long-term isolation, more than [-] extremely rare species of animals and plants, and beautiful beaches without noise and pollution.

Unfortunately, the owner of the private jet is not here for vacation and sightseeing today.

In the cabin, Chios, who was sitting on the sofa in the spacious living room area, opened the metal storage box placed horizontally on the table, and set up the communication equipment.

He waited until the signal indicating the safety of the communication line came on before he spoke:

"We've reached our destination..."

"Received, the earl, the magic sword, and the scorpion of the magic palace are in place smoothly..." the voice of Yiyou's communication operator came:

"Vostok is currently in Sanbei, coordinates 13.424081, 53.974506, and is on standby 300 meters below the sea surface."

Most of the members of Yiyou, who had been preparing for this day a few months ago, boarded the Dongfang in late January and dived into the waters of the Gulf of Aden in advance.

"Understood..." Chios responded.

He picked up the whiskey glass by the table, took a sip and asked:

"Where is the giant tanker Sirius sailing now?"

"Just passing through the waters near Hudaydah, it is expected to arrive at the Mandeb Strait in three hours and enter the Gulf of Aden."

As soon as the correspondent finished speaking, the silver-haired girl sitting next to Chios moved a little closer, holding the tablet computer in her left hand, and slid the index finger of her right hand along the map of the Red Sea on the screen, pointing out the route of the tanker to the young man.

With a quick glance, Chios nodded.

"What about the pirates?"

"Since earlier, villages along the coast of Somalia have been gathering, busy testing guns and fishing boat engines..."

Having said that, the communication operator sneered, and expressed his feelings with some contempt:

"It's no different from a group of sharks who smell blood. A little profit makes them lose their minds."

"After all, the remuneration I promised is quite substantial, at least able to feed this group of people for several years..." Tilting the wine glass in his hand, watching the amber liquid with golden streamer under the light, Chios replied lightly:

"What could be more important to these precarious fishermen and pirates than money."

Not interested in further discussions on the topic of pirates, he changed the topic and returned to business:

"I have already understood the situation. Dongfang continues to stand by at the predetermined coordinates. If you have any news, please feel free to contact me."

"Got it, Earl, the communication is over."


The young man closed the foldable communication device.

"Unfortunately, they have no chance to receive the final payment..."

On the chaise longue to the left of the sofa in the main seat, lean on the phlox as a pillow and put down the book you are reading.

"As a tempting bait, [-]% of the advance payment is already a sky-high price, and any more spending is just a waste." The black-haired woman turned her face sideways and looked at Chios, with a hint of coquettishness hidden in her indifferent voice:

"However, why are you so sure that the GIII group will show up to eliminate this pirate?"

"I can't say I'm sure, it's just an effective solution chosen considering the other party's temperament..."

Joan responds instead of the youth.

As one of the planners, she has quite in-depth research on the behavior style of the GIII group.

"Through his behavior of attacking terrorist organizations, human trafficking groups, and drug lords everywhere after his defection, it can be seen that this artificial human has indeed inherited the nosy character of the Yuanshan clan, and even intends to use violence to counter violence in the world. Then, their intelligence source..."

The girl's ice blue eyes froze.

"For a small force that has just betrayed the United States, lacks manpower and has not yet formed a climate, the means to obtain information are very limited. In addition, the GIII group spends most of the time in the sky and has very little contact with the land. Only channels like the Internet and military radios can do that."

Hearing this, Oleander completely understood.

"Send electronic warfare students to spread information on the dark web, and then ask the US military to cooperate a little bit so as to weave this net?"


Nodding her head in affirmation of the other party's words, Joan folded her arms in front of her chest, a trace of worry different from before appeared on her face.

"It's just that even if the layout is well-designed, it's still unknown whether that GIII will show up."

"Well, it's a small possibility, but it doesn't matter..."

Looking at Chios' relaxed expression, the two women were momentarily puzzled.

"Hiding when you see an army, hijacking a single ship...European and American countries have been trying to wipe out these pirates who obstruct the navigation of ships for a long time. Why don't you take this opportunity and spend some money to lure them out of their lairs at once, clean and tidy Get rid of it, and let the countries owe me a favor by the way."

The young man spread his hands and said lightly:

"The only difference is whether it's done by a man-made human or by myself. In short, the result remains the same."

"With so many dead, it's easy to be criticized by human rights groups and good countries, especially for you nobles..."

The words stopped here, and the silver-haired girl opened her eyes slightly.

"I see, that's why the GIII group has to bear this responsibility."

A thought suddenly flashed into her mind and firmly occupied her thoughts...

Even if the GIII group, which is involved in the activities of criminal organizations, does not appear this time, it will be drawn out by Chios sooner or later.

And those "baits" who died for this, in this world, there are as many as possible.

The dead will not speak, not to mention the acquiescence of European and American countries behind it.

In the end, the truth can only be turned into dust along with the corpse.

"The defected cyborgs tried to collude with pirates to hijack the giant oil tanker, but the two sides had a dispute during the operation. GIII and others continued to escape after killing all the pirates in the conflict. However, they could not escape the pursuit of the Earl of Pembroke in the UK. Under the sword of justice..."

After Oleander said all this with a blank face, her eyes fell on the side of Chios' face, and a charming smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

"Nice script, huh, my black-bellied boss?"


The young man didn't answer, but just silently drank the remaining whiskey in the glass.

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