After guessing the other party's reaction, Chios couldn't help laughing.

Although Baixue's delicate nature prevents Baixue from being perfect, it is precisely this small flaw that makes her a more lively and lovely girl in Chios' eyes.

"Bai Xue is such an obedient child, surely she won't embarrass me?"

"Yes, Mr. Chios!" The girl responded excitedly.

Taking deep breaths, she finally suppressed her heartbeat a little bit.

"It's just that, being able to make lunch for Mr. Chios and making you so considerate and caring, just like...a couple...hehe."

Listening to Bai Xue's speech in the second half, still uncontrollable and falling into delusion, Chios did not refute, but only corrected one point in particular:

"The word 'simply' is redundant, Snow White. "


"Ah... ah... so happy..."

The girl tremblingly left this passage, and then heard a "boom" from her side, and then, except for the even breathing, no other sounds were heard.

Probably passed out...

"..." With such an unexpected development, even Chios couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

After a while, he said softly:

"Good night, my little witch."

The problem of the students being too excited before the dormitory was unexpectedly solved by him with just one phone call.

Putting away his mobile phone, the young man returned to his residence, and opened the door after sensing the room card.

"Welcome back, brother!"

As soon as Chios entered the room, he immediately heard the girl's coquettish cry, and the petite figure combined with the sweet scent of vanilla and honey quickly approached in front of him, and when the young man didn't resist, he threw himself into his chest as he wished.

Because of the height difference, the blond girl's plump chest just touched his abdomen.

The thin clothes on the two of them were not enough to isolate the transmission of each other's temperature, and as Riko kept rubbing against each other, the temperature rose rapidly.

Chios put his left hand on the head of the girl in his arms, and gently stroked her honey-blond hair.

"Harbs' Cake, you've already looked into it, haven't you?"

"Hey~ I was discovered by my brother..." Riko stuck out her tongue to admit it, her slippery little red tongue inadvertently licked the young man's shirt, soaking into the skin on the back of her chest.

"Sister Tifa went to the spa just now, brother...does he want to take this opportunity to teach Riko a profound lesson?"

Chapter 320 Three? Julia's Train Observation


Tokyo Station...

31 students dressed in the uniform of Tokyo Butei High School boarded the Tohoku Shinkansen express train "Hayabusa No. 383" led by Chios and other teachers.

In addition to the starting point and terminal station, the express train with only five stops in the middle will send them from Tokyo to Hachinohe City, Aomori Prefecture within three and a half hours.

Since the line leading to Aomori City has not yet been opened, the teachers and students will take a tour bus to go to Amanzawa, and the estimated time of arrival at the destination is before 14:00.

All expenses for this co-ed stay will be paid for by the Semester Fund of the Graduate School of Esper Research.

Butei High School itself is an excellent profit-making institution by accepting commissioned profits from the private sector and enterprises. Compared with the cost of purchasing arms and bulletproof equipment, the cost of student dormitory can be said to be a drop in the bucket.When Chios made the application, the auditors of the Academic Affairs Section only glanced at the number on the document, and then simply stamped the paper with an approximate eight-digit number for approval.

Therefore, teachers and students of S Research can enjoy high-quality transportation and accommodation services from beginning to end...

For example, right now, all the 24 seats in the business car of the round-trip train are reserved by S Yan, and 18 of the 12 seats in the special car also belong to them.

Except for teachers who are fixed as passengers in the special compartment, the rest of the special seats are allocated by the students themselves.

Carrying luggage into the GranClass special compartment, the seat arrangement of 6 rows horizontally and 3 rows vertically (2+1) maximizes the comfort of the passenger's personal space. The footboards and reading lights are almost comparable to the first-class cabin of an airplane.

Watching the students take their seats one by one, some fell asleep, took out snacks to share with friends, or put on headphones, opened comics and light novels to pass the time... Chios couldn't help feeling:

"Leaving the campus full of gunfire, this is the first time I feel like a normal teacher, taking students on a trip."

"But..." The cold and indifferent girl's voice came from behind the young man:

"Since Mr. Chios booked the business and special seats, it is completely beyond the behavior of an ordinary teacher."

"It's really a sharp speech, Julia's classmate at the time..."

Turning his head and meeting the eyes of the tall, white-haired girl, Chios spread his hands and showed a helpless smile.

"This is the tradition of our school. It is easy to earn some money by using S to study the abilities of students. Therefore, you deserve to enjoy better treatment than ordinary students."

Hearing this, Julia at the time did not refute.

With a fee of 500 million yen for psychological counseling, she naturally has a deep understanding of what the young teacher said.

Seeing this, Chios didn't say any more, and came to his designated seat, and let Bai Xue beside him sit in the window seat, and then took a seat by the aisle.

As soon as she sat down, the black-haired girl immediately opened the silk package in her hand, revealing the exquisite five-layer lacquer food box and two thermos bottles.

Holding the silver thermos, Bai Xue asked in a gentle and soft voice:

"Mr. Chios, would you like a cup of black tea?"

"Well, I'm sorry to trouble you." Chios smiled and nodded.

"Where, this is a little girl... ah... that's what I should do."

In the middle of speaking, the girl realized that she accidentally used the wrong vocabulary, and quickly corrected it.

She quietly glanced at the man beside her, seeing that he didn't mind at all, a faint blush appeared on her cheeks.

He unscrewed the cap on the bottle, poured warm black tea into it, and handed it over respectfully.

Chios reached out to take the teacup, and gently blew on the surface of the tea soup, causing it to wrinkle a little, and the aroma wafted away.

After smelling the tea, he nodded and began to drink in satisfaction.

At that time, Julia glanced at the pair of teachers and students who were openly sitting together and interacting intimately...

It is no secret that Xingjia Baixue likes Teacher Chios.

It's serving tea and pouring water, and handmade bento. As long as you have a little common sense, you can't miss it.

Of course, if you just like it, it's not a big deal...

As far as she knows, more than 90% of the female students in the school have the same sentiment.

The problem is that Bai Xue's emotion is not just a simple one-sided admiration, but a stronger infatuation.

If there's a thermometer in love with Chios-sensei...

Most of the girls probably had a high fever, but if it was Bai Xue, it would probably be an ultra-high temperature that vaporizes everything.

Teacher Chios was clearly aware of this, but he didn't keep a moderate distance like other women. Instead, he allowed Bai Xue to approach, as if acquiescing to this feeling.

Perhaps, worldly vision and teacher ethics are just trivial things in the mind of this detached British nobleman?

Before Julia thought about it further, the door of the Shinkansen train she was on had already closed, accelerated smoothly, and headed north.

It would be rude to continue standing on the aisle at this time.

Her seat was on the left of Chios, across the aisle from the single seat.

From this angle, the passenger sitting in the seat in front of Chios can just be seen.

A stranger should not have aroused the slightest interest of Julia at the time, but this person's fashionable attire, coupled with the extremely rare hair color in Japan, made her take a second look.

Chanel's new autumn and winter black and white tweed jacket, the legs under the skirt of the same material are wrapped in black stockings, and the dark brown boots are stepped on the footrest.

Her long silver-like hair was coiled behind her head, and she wore a pair of sunglasses on her straight nose bridge. The profile of her face facing the aisle showed the fair skin unique to European and American races.

Julia, who was proficient in mind reading and psychology at the time, could see that the Caucasian girl was in a bad mood through the seemingly calm but occasionally biting lower lip of the other party.

From the action intention of her occasional turning of the neck, it is basically certain that this emotion is locked on Teacher Chios and Xingjia Baixue.

It's not so much like a single person's dislike of a couple, but rather the tangled feeling of seeing a sweetheart taken away...

Is it...

Is it Mr. Chios's old acquaintance in Europe?

Even Julia, who was always indifferent at the time, couldn't help but twitched her brows when she thought of this.

Feeling vaguely that the invisible storm was gathering, she wisely retracted her gaze, took out her mobile phone, and focused her attention on the fashion magazine e-book.

And because of this, she failed to notice...

Another passenger right in front of him, his little hand resting on the armrest of the seat, his fingertips were painted with five colors of nail polish, which reflected a coquettish luster under the bright lights of the carriage.

Chapter 320 Four? Frozen Whiskey

Xingga Shrine, the oldest organization in Japan, has a history of nearly 2000 years since the first generation of Scarlet Witch Himiko.

In order to control Hijin's power and secrets as much as possible, the interior of Xingjia Shrine is extremely closed. Except for the priestesses who specialize in external affairs, almost all other priestesses only live in the shrine and have little contact with outsiders throughout their lives.

Even with such strict control, there will always be several accidents that lead to the outflow of scarlet gold in the history of more than a thousand years.

The most obvious example is the Scarlet Bullet in the hands of Sherlock Holmes, the leader of Yiyou.

Human will and emotion are extremely elusive after all, among which love is the most irrational factor...

Perhaps it is precisely because of the uncertainty of emotions that Xingjia Shrine prohibits men from entering the shrine, except for the Toyama family who have been closely related to them since ancient times.

Someone like Chios who is both a male and a foreigner will never be welcomed by the other party.

In addition, even the students of Butei High School can see the relationship between him and Xingjia Baixue, so how could it be possible to hide it from Xingjia Shrine?

Chios knew very well that Xingjia Shrine knew about it but did not reveal it.In fact, he has been secretly identified as a key vigilance target.

The problem is, Shirayuki, as the head of the Seven Witches of Xingga, is not only the ancestor of the first scarlet maiden Himiko, but also recognized as the leader of the next generation. Even if she is punished for this for a while, Baixue still needs to take over the future authority of Xingga Shrine .

What's more, she knows too many secrets inside Xingjia, and pushing too hard will only make Baixue completely fall to the opposite side of Xingjia Shrine, which is simply the biggest disaster for Xingjia Shrine.

The last point is that Xingjia Shrine has no definite evidence that can prove that Chios has evil intentions towards Hijin.

However, if he uses his personal relationship with Baixue to break the Xingjia Shrine's nearly 2000-year-old rule that men are not allowed to enter the interior, it will confirm the other party's doubts.

At that time, Xingjia Shrine, which has a complicated relationship with the Japanese government and the Toyama family, will have a proper reason to use all the power of the country to hinder all moves of Chios in Japan.

It is absolutely impossible for him to do such a stupid behavior.

Therefore, in his heart, openly visiting him has never been a feasible option...

Although this time, we chose Anhui, which is not far from Xingjia Headquarters, but that is just a legitimate excuse to get close to this place.If you really want to enter the heavily guarded headquarters, you must get Bai Xue's help.

For this reason, he also needs careful subordinates to cover himself.

These two secret collaborators, having been instructed by Chios in advance, will follow the team of teachers and students of S Research in the form of strangers.


"..." Silently looking at the wine glass in his hand, the whiskey condensed into smoothie, made Chios couldn't help but twitch his eyelids.

He never asked the waiter to bring him a glass of frozen wine, and as far as he personally observed, when this glass of whiskey was delivered, even if a ball of ice was added, the amber wine still remained in a normal liquid state.

It wasn't until he reached for the glass that its contents changed rapidly...

Of course the young man knew that the source of this subtle change was the "stranger" sitting in front of him.

Joan of Arc...

From the moment he stepped into the carriage, Chios found Oleander and Joan of Arc who boarded the train through the door on the other side.

In order not to attract attention, he deliberately used his body to block the sight of the teachers and students behind him, casually chatted with the then Julia, and did not move on until the two of them were seated.

As a result, Joan of Arc, a woman who claims to be a strategist and witch, used superpowers to freeze Bai Xue's drink carefully because of Bai Xue's slightly intimate words and deeds...

However, it was impossible for him to take the initiative to point out this point, and he even had to immediately block the eyes of others with the hand holding the cup, so as not to expose any abnormalities.


Despite the helplessness in his heart, Chios still tilted his wine glass calmly on the surface, and poured the whiskey smoothie whose flavor was almost completely frozen into his mouth.


The poor taste and drinking experience of the whiskey in the glass made him frown slightly.

On the side, Bai Xue, who was always focused on the young man, clearly witnessed this detail.

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