"Archery?" Matsuoka couldn't believe the report he heard, but the searchlight and the arrows on the corpse clearly showed the authenticity of these words.

"We were attacked by EMP, and the electronic system was damaged. Although "King Kong" used special materials to reduce EMP penetration..." The officer gritted his teeth as he glanced at the arrows that continued to emit blue lightning on the satellite communication system.

"The enemy's EMP is a continuous emission device. If we don't dismantle it, we can't even ask for help from Akebono. "

At present, they can't figure out who is sneaking up on them, and they can't figure it out...

Since we can quietly sneak under the warships equipped with the latest equipment, and launch torpedoes at a super-close range that cannot be counter-guided, why do we not make a second attack after finding that the first "torpedo" misfired?

A few seconds ago, the captain wanted to contact "Akebono", and through the direction of the torpedo, the computer reversely calculated the location of the enemy.

The resulting unexpected electromagnetic pulse then paralyzes electronic systems, destroying their plans.

The current "King Kong" frigate is equivalent to a damaged armed force that is blind, deaf and dumb.

"If you don't solve the EMP..."

He muttered, met the eyes of the junior sergeant beside him, and saw the determination in the other's eyes.

Nodding solemnly to each other, Matsuoka counted down for three seconds in a low voice:

"3, 2, 1..."

"Come on!" The two stood up quickly, scattered and rushed towards the satellite communication system.

However, less than five steps have been taken...


Two points of cold light came in an instant, feather arrows precisely pierced their temples, and metal arrows stained with white and red thick liquid sprang out from the other end.

His mind was smashed into pieces, and the faces of the two people who were determined to give up life and death were still hanging on their faces, their bodies staggered, and they fell sideways on the deck.

Witnessing this moment, the officers and soldiers on the deck almost completely lost the courage to look up.

During this period...

Thirteen small submarines that could really bring disaster to "King Kong" surfaced from the sea.

The hatch is stowed back...

The handsome young man in a gorgeous white aristocratic dress stood up from a half-kneeling position, with a dark blue and gold-patterned cloak fluttering behind him like a banner.

He shook his right hand towards the void, and a four-foot cross sword fell into his palm.

If you look closely at the sword body, you can notice a faint blue metallic luster on the cross-section.

This is the weapon given to him by Sherlock Holmes. It is made of titanium alloy with trace amounts of ruffled gold mixed in, which is far tougher than ordinary weapons.

At least, it shouldn't be damaged as easily as the Scottish King's Sword.



Wielding the long sword twice to confirm the feel, Chios turned his head and said to Joan who had just stood up from the boat:

"Let's start our war, my beautiful saint."


The silver-haired girl in black tights and lightweight silver knight armor nodded, staring at the battleship in front of her with awe-inspiring ice-blue eyes, and stretched out her left hand.

The ubiquitous water molecules in the surrounding air and sea quickly gathered into water mist with her movements, and gathered towards the "Vajra" under the control of Joan of Arc.

In the area surrounded by fog, the temperature suddenly began to drop.

In the end, the endless water vaporized into ice crystals, dancing in the air like gems.

diamond dust

Chapter 230 Seven? The Palms Are So Warm

"Kong Kong" frigate deck...

The Self-Defense Force soldiers, who were lowering their bodies to avoid bow and arrow sniper, carefully crawled to the entrance of the lower cabin, were shocked to find that winter snow and ice were falling quietly around them.

The silver mist is like layers of tulle blocking the world in front of you. The chill penetrates the body surface and penetrates deep into the blood vessels of the skin. People who only wear a layer of windproof military jacket soon feel stiff limbs.

Countless flying snowflakes, among which are crystal clear and finely divided ice blue crystals, are both beautiful and dangerous.

The previous moment was just a slightly cool spring night, but without warning, the temperature dropped violently, freezing the water vapor, and even the ground, railings and other metal surfaces quickly formed a layer of hoarfrost.

You don't need extraordinary wisdom, you can detect the unnaturalness with common sense judgment alone.

Their scrambling toward the hatch door became more urgent.

The battle of warships usually relies on shipboard armament, and officers and soldiers are responsible for its operation and maintenance, and the attacks they face are mostly missiles, torpedoes, and shelling. Even wearing body armor cannot provide protection.

Therefore, except for sentry personnel and officers equipped with pistols, ordinary soldiers are neither equipped with guns nor wear protective equipment when performing duties. Under special circumstances, they can go to the weapons room and obtain the firearms after obtaining the right to use light weapons from the weapons officer.

Faced with an unknown individual weapon attack, the radar system on the ship was paralyzed again, and they had no ability to protect themselves without even a gun.

swoosh swish...

There was the sound of objects flying in the wind, and the soldiers of the Self-Defense Forces thought it was another arrow attack, and they all lowered their heads.

The thinking inertia of these people led to this misjudgment...

A series of hooks were launched from the catapult on Yiyou's left arm, and they precisely hooked onto the anti-skid guardrail along the ship's edge.

Press the traction mechanism of the device, let the catapult with extremely fast reeling drag them away from the submarine, and board the two-story deck in the blink of an eye.


Black tall boots stepped on the frosted metal floor, making a light and crisp pacing sound.

"Alas..." Chios walked on the deck with a sword in one hand, seeing the soldiers walking slowly like stick insects in front of him, his interest in trying the sword suddenly dropped.

"Not even an armed man?"

Hearing the slightly disappointed and elegant voice of the young man, several officers and soldiers of the Self-Defense Forces who were moving towards the hatch turned their heads.

What responded to them was an FN190 pistol loaded with twenty rounds of SS57 bullets.

"Good night."

The voice fell, and the index finger pulled the trigger at the same time.


Flames erupted from the muzzle of the gun one after another, and the thrown shells flew aside. The sharp bullets shaped like rifle bullets hit the soldier's eyebrows or the back of the head in a straight line at twice the speed of sound.

After entering the body, the warhead affected by the resistance began to roll irregularly, smashing all the soft tissues along the path.

Accompanied by a shock and sting.

The next moment, consciousness has since fallen into the abyss.

The soldier prostrated on the ground, with blood mixed with the minced flesh slowly flowing out of the wound, and died before he could say a word.

The muzzle of the gun hangs down, and the young man looks up, looking through the ice fog and looking at the sentinel at the radar station and the satellite communication antenna...

The five men who were supposed to be the backbone of the lightly armed counterattack force on the ship's deck had been pierced by arrows at some point in their throats, and they sat down limply holding their rifles.

Seeing this, Chios, who knew that the deck sweeping was no longer a problem, withdrew his gaze.

Bursts of short gunshots came from other positions on the ship, occasionally mixed with the subtle sound of swords piercing through the flesh and pressing blood.

It shows that the rest of the Yiyou members are also facing the same situation as Chios, and they easily execute the unarmed self-defense force in front of them without encountering any decent resistance.


Because she was busy manipulating a large area of ​​diamond ice and dust, Joan of Arc catapulted the hook rope onto the ship a little later.

Looking around, there were no living enemies, only corpses lying in a pool of blood.

"This is war..."

Although the cold ice fog suppressed the spread of the bloody smell, the scene in front of her still made the girl frown instinctively.

It's not that she hasn't killed people in the past, but it's only for individual targets. A girl born in a peaceful age doesn't have a full understanding of the scene of dense dead people on the battlefield.

Thinking of this, Joan couldn't help turning her face to the side, looking at Chios, curious about the other's reaction.

However, no...

Excitement, disgust, nausea, anxiety...

This series of emotions that can be felt in the expression and movements of the murderer is completely inapplicable to this person.

At this time, Chios, except for the weapon in his hand, looked basically the same as when he was living in the Vostok.

For the young man who galloped the battlefield in the previous mission world and took down victories time and time again from the mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood, no matter whether it is one corpse or thousands of corpses, they are just like stones on the side of the road, not worth paying attention to.

(Is life so small in the eyes of "Earl"...)

The conclusion drawn from the bottom of her heart sent a chill down Joan's spine for a while.

"What's wrong, Jeanne..."

A palm was placed on the girl's cheek, forcing her to recover, and she looked at the purple eyes of the man in front of her upper body, which contained concern.

"Your face is ugly. Is it because of excessive use of superpowers that lead to bad spirits?"

Chios, who withdrew his hand, asked with a smile.

"I'm fine."

After finishing speaking, Joan of Arc, who was inexplicably guilty, lowered her head.

Under the sincere and caring gazes, she couldn't help but feel ashamed of the fear she had in the last second.

(Obviously the palm is so warm...)

As if feeling the temperature remaining on the skin, Jeanne was stunned for a moment.

A estrangement that had just risen in his heart melted silently.

"Thanks to your ability to obscure your vision, the enemy army is completely defenseless against our appearance..."

Chios patted the silver-haired girl on the shoulder, gave affirmation, and then focused on the current battle situation.

The current location of the two of them happened to be outside the combat command center, and the hatch leading to the interior was locked tightly from the inside before Yiyou's personnel boarded the ship. It is estimated that the entrances from other areas are also the same.

"The sweep went well, of course, it's just the dozens of people on the deck..." Through the small walkie-talkie on the collar, the young man said to the Yiyou members who were scattered around the ship:

"There are still more than [-] people in the cabin, and most of them have already taken guns from the armory. It is not easy to dodge in a narrow room. We need to pay attention to this. We will meet at the hatch of the combat command center and prepare to break in."

tata tao...

As soon as the young man finished speaking, the footsteps of Yiyou's students came from the north, west, and south directions of the "King Kong" deck, and they quickly approached him from far to near.

Then, he sent an order to the electronic warfare team on standby on the Deep Sea Demon:

"The electronic warfare team began to board the ship from the east side, and after the fighters captured the combat command center, they immediately seized control of the battleship."

""receive. ""

The technical geniuses who had finally waited for the opportunity to show up responded excitedly.

Chapter 230 Eight? The Waltz of Ghosts and Gold

knock knock...

Chios knocked on the alloy hatch of the combat command center with the back of his hand. The thick door, which can resist attacks from most individual weapons, made a dull sound.

"Next we will break through this door and seize control of the command center..."

Sweeping across the thirteen Yiyou fighters and three members of the electric warfare team, he noticed the excitement in many people's eyes. The young man smiled and continued:

"After clearing this area, the electric warfare team will take over the core center of the battleship, leaving two people to protect them, and the rest will continue to penetrate into the ship and eliminate all internal resistance. Do you have any questions?"

The vast majority of people shook their heads lightly, indicating that there was no problem.

Only the blue-haired woman in a gold silk satin robe and a cobra crown took a step forward.

"This door is very strong, even if it is a concubine, without the infinite magic power provided by the pyramid, it is a bit reluctant to destroy it quickly..."

Looking at the alloy door behind Chios with a slight frown, Petra asked curiously:

"Are you going to bomb the door, Chios?"

"Why bother..." Chios shook his head and turned to face the hatch.

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