Although Vlad wanted to know the answer very much, he couldn't ask directly, which only aroused suspicion.

"Hello, my name is Vlad, Vlad Werner, a businessman from Romania..."

After bowing in return, Vlad briefly introduced his background to show that he was not a bad person.

"Hundreds of years ago, the ancestors of the family were helped by Arsen Robin, so they did not die in France. Because of this story, I have always admired the Robin family."

While speaking, Vlad quietly sized up the young man in front of him, and after noticing the slight nod of his head, he explained his purpose for coming today:

"Some time ago, I accidentally heard the news of the death of Luo Ping III and his wife, so I decided to come to see if I can help Luo Ping's family in any way, and repay the kindness of saving the ancestor's life."

"So that's how it is..." After hearing what Vlad said, the young butler pondered for a while.

Finally, he sighed under his breath.

"I don't intend to hide it, Mr. Werner. The current situation of Luo Ping's family is indeed not good. This is something everyone in the town of Etretta understands. Since the death of her parents, the eldest lady has no guardian for the time being. Because she is still young, she cannot Using the property in the house..."

Concisely described the plight of Luo Ping's family, his tone was rather helpless, and the fatigue in his eyes was even more clearly visible.

"Except for me and another maid who couldn't bear to leave Missy behind, the rest of the servants have left, and now they are relying on income from other jobs to barely take care of Missy's life. If Mr. Werner is willing to provide some help, we will of course Will gladly accept."

"I understand, of course there is no problem..." The silver-haired man nodded seriously to the young man in front of him.

In order to completely dispel the other party's doubts, Vlad lowered his head, clenched his fists tightly, and said as if suppressing the pain in his heart:

"I have a daughter myself. I can't imagine how hard it is for her to live alone after losing her family... As a father, how can I ignore this tragedy happening in front of my eyes?"

Vlad, immersed in the show, didn't notice...

The moment the young man in front of him heard his words, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly mockingly, and then quickly disappeared under a polite smile.

"Thank you very much, Mr. Werner..."

The young steward bowed to express his thanks to Vlad.

"Missy, accompanied by her maid, went out to Rouen to relax a few days ago, and she is expected to return tomorrow morning. At that time, I would like to trouble you to come to Luo Ping's mansion again to meet Missy. Miss appreciates your kindness and generosity."

"This is what I should do..." Vlad didn't care about the mere gratitude of a human being, but the news that Robin IV was not at home made him frown.

"Did Robin IV go to Rouen?"

"Yes, Miss is currently not in the house. But she will return tomorrow, please rest assured."

Hearing this, Vlad suddenly lost interest in the conversation.

"Then I will visit again tomorrow, excuse me."

"Okay, sorry for your inconvenience."

The young butler nodded, quietly watching the silver-haired man turn and leave.

Until the figure of the other party walked away and disappeared from sight.

The door of Luo Ping's mansion was closed, and Chios walked to the porch table, and reached out to pick up the earl's special mobile phone that he had placed on the table in advance.

On the screen, the appearance of the silver-haired man was clearly captured.

"Next, it's time to hunt."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Walking down the Avalle cliff along the path, Vlad turned his head and looked at the lonely house on the cliff that he had just left, feeling a slight sense of uneasiness inexplicably in his heart.

The butler's appearance can be said to be outstanding that he has never seen before. Even the human body created by him as a vampire is incomparable in appearance.

Such a man, who can earn a lot of wealth just by his appearance, is really willing to work for a little girl who can't pay her wages?

However, this is only a conclusion from the perspective of human beings. The sense of superiority in race makes him treat both beautiful and ugly human beings in the same way as distinguishing roadside weeds.

Besides, it was impossible for him to grab the other person's neck and force him to ask for an answer just because of a little doubt in his heart.

If the other party calls the police afterwards, he will inevitably cause trouble for himself.

Vlad's target was Robin IV, there was no need to waste meaningless attention on an insignificant butler.

Even if reason told me so, the intuitive sense of crisis in my heart still couldn't be eliminated.


Even with martial arts guns at his side, what danger can a human butler with ordinary background be in danger...

Could he still command the paladins of the Holy See to encircle and suppress him?

Thinking of this, Vlad couldn't help but smile contemptuously.

If the armed forces of the Holy See were so easy to use and so efficient, he, Vlad Tepes, would not survive the first hundred years at all.

In any case, when he came again tomorrow, he would know whether he was worrying for nothing.

Withdrawing his gaze, Vlad walked into the town of Etretat, looking at the restaurants and hotels that were open on the street, thinking about where he should stay tonight.

He suddenly found that there were more tourists on the street than he expected.

On this sunny and cold winter coast, there are still many people carrying backpacks and dragging suitcases.

Suddenly, Vlad heard the slight sound of at least ten mobile phones vibrating.

It is not easy for people to hear the vibration outside, but Vlad is an exception.

Without giving him time to think carefully, more than half of the tourists around took out their mobile phones from their pockets and looked at the mobile phone screen.

His pupils shrank suddenly...

At the same time, the eyes of these tourists moved from their mobile phones to the silver-haired man.

They obviously didn't say anything, but they stretched out their hands to the carry-on bag in an extremely tacit understanding.

Such an obviously different performance from ordinary people, if Vlad still can't see the problem, then he has lived such a long time in vain.

Being locked on by the eyes of more than a dozen people with murderous intent, and he was not in a metropolis where the crowds could easily blend in with the crowd, it was impossible to escape a few times.

Facing the most stressful middle-aged man among them, Vlad asked in a deep voice:

"Who are you?"

"The lifelong enemy of a heretic like you..."

Saying so, the brown-haired middle-aged man pressed the button on the suitcase.


A Browning P35 pistol and a crossed sword were ejected at the same time, and fell into the left and right hands of the man respectively.At the same time, most of the tourists around also took out their weapons from their bags and surrounded Vlad.

"It turned out to be a lackey of the Holy See..."

As soon as he heard the other party's words, Vlad knew that the other party was the power of the Vatican, and he said with gritted teeth.

"Hmph, do filthy dark creatures dare to insult the servants of the heavenly father..."

Pointing the gun at the silver-haired vampire in a double-breasted suit, the middle-aged man shouted:

"Holy blood knight, line up to meet the enemy!"

""Yes, Inspector General! ""

Hearing the roar of the regiment members, the Inspector of the Knights then raised his gun and fired into the sky.


The few real tourists on the street saw the flames from the muzzles and the loud gunshots.

The original mentality of watching the excitement disappeared in an instant, and as soon as a gun battle was about to erupt, they immediately fled without looking back.

After completing the clearing action, the middle-aged man held his sword horizontally in front of him, and said a prayer quickly.

A burst of silvery white light enveloped the blade of the rapier, and the light that seemed soft to ordinary people was extremely glaring to a vampire like Vlad.

Just the light made him feel seriously uncomfortable. Even Count Dracula, who had a nearly immortal body, did not dare to underestimate the power of the opponent's spell.

"Be cleansed, heretic!"

After speaking, the inspector of the Holy Blood Knights fired three shots at the silver-haired man in front of him with the pistol in his left hand.

Bang bang bang!


Vlad, whose combat power was reduced a lot under the human body, didn't even have enough speed to dodge these bullets, and could only raise his hand reflexively to block the sharp metal shot towards his face.

Puff puff...

Blood spattered everywhere, and the bullet pierced through the thin suit and plunged into the flesh.

Immediately, a burst of smoke and smell of burning flesh came out from the wound.

"Legalization Silver Bullet..."

Out of a natural sense of disgust, Vlad touched the bullet hole in his arm and let out a low growl like a wild animal.

"It would be naive to try to kill me, Vlad, with a toy like this!"

The left hand inserted into the wound without fear of pain, pinched the silver bullet embedded in the muscle, and pulled it out of the body forcefully.

Watching the silver-haired man's actions without changing his face, the Chief Inspector let out a sneer.

"We know that in order to survive, you, a great heretic, have spawned four devil organs. As long as they are not damaged at the same time, all injuries on your body can be healed instantly. Simple silver weapons won't work..."

Having said that, not only the Inspector-General knew of the existence of the strongest vampire's immortal body, but the other Holy Blood Knights also showed no fear on their faces.

"However, the ammunition with holy power added by the Holy See, even if it can't kill you, can make you feel pain enough..."

"As for how to deal with your viscera, just ask the blessed blade in my hand!" Lifting the rapier and pointing it at Vlad's heart, the middle-aged knight roared and took a step forward.

The toes exerted force on the ground, pushing the body forward suddenly.

"It's up to you!"

With a snort of disdain, Vlad was about to dodge...

bang bang bang...

Gunshots erupted from all directions at the same time, and the members of the Knights tacitly pulled the trigger at the same time.

Accompanied by the flames from the muzzles of each gun, dozens of silver bullets struck, engulfing him in an instant.

Blood flowers bloomed on his body one after another, and the silver bullets with the Holy See's incantation brought pain that was hard to ignore, forcing Vlad to stop in place.

The next moment, the blade with a silver halo was already approaching his chest.

"Death, heretic!"


The blade pierced through the left chest of the silver-haired man.

"Tsk!" The chief inspector, who succeeded in the surprise attack, did not relax his vigilance because of this. Instead, he drew his rapier and retreated three steps on tiptoe.

His choice is right...


A muscular, beastly arm swung past his previous position in the blink of an eye.

As long as he was a little slower, the Inspector General would be seriously injured by this blow.

"I should thank you..."

I saw that Vlad, who was supposed to die under the inspector's long sword, retracted his right hand, which was comparable to a brown bear, while slowly getting up.

His body quickly swelled like a balloon and tore through his clothes. His once handsome face had now turned into a beast like a wolf, and his scarlet eyes shone with a bloodthirsty light.

"How dare I, who is not easy to be stimulated, regain this powerful posture through the crisis of dying, you lackeys of the Holy See!"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The town of Etretta, which has always given people a sense of tranquility and peace, quickly turned into a dangerous battlefield in the fight between the two enemies, the vampire and the Holy See.

The non-stop gunfire, the roar of soldiers, the roar of beasts...

Vlad, who transformed from a human form into a vampire form, swelled to a height of three meters and grew thick black hair like a beast. His muscles bulged and bulged and tore through his suit, and his hands and feet sprung out sharp and curved claws like switchblades. , looks like a combination of a bear and a wolf.

It is hard to imagine how such a ferocious monster can be disguised in a humanoid body...

If it is said that Vlad in suits and leather shoes in the past still fits people's established impression of vampires being handsome and elegant, now that he shows his true posture, it would be more appropriate to call him a werewolf.

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