The towering dome building, like a palace audience hall, is supported by granite pillars; on both sides of the central aisle, there are five rows of three-person-high dark brown bookcases; soft natural light enters through the floor-to-ceiling windows on both sides, bringing light to this place, but It also maintains a peaceful atmosphere; ancient candlestick chandeliers hang from the top of the dome, and hundreds of candles illuminate the reliefs and murals above.

There was a deep red velvet carpet under their feet. Looking straight towards the central aisle along the carpet laying direction, a strange display stand came into view...

Above that, suspended a slowly rotating translucent green glowing sphere.

Before Chios could ask a question, the Maiden of the Spear in front of her was already walking towards the ball of light.

"Come on."

Without looking back, but as if guessing the doubts in the young man's heart, Liana explained to Chios as she walked:

"There are no conditions for learning Yuanli magic, all types can be learned, but everyone has a system that perfectly suits them, and two relatively good forms of expression, no more and no less..."

"It's like specializing in liberal arts and one of science, and then choosing two double majors from subdivided subjects?"

"Somewhat close, but not quite." Liana chuckled and shook her head.

While the two were talking, they had already walked to the green light ball.

"Put your hands up."

After the young man did as he said, the blond saint also stretched out a hand to stick to the sphere, staring intently at the center of the sphere of light.

"Leanna Sandrot, the executor of Rank? A, applies to inquire about the origin of the entourage, Chios Pesheim, and distributes the most appropriate source of magic according to the inquiry results."

As soon as the words fell, the surface of the slowly rotating green luminous sphere flickered several times.

Then, an indifferent voice came from the ball of light:

[The application is approved, and 3000 merit points need to be consumed as the price for exploring the origin. Do you agree to pay? 】

Without even giving Chios any chance to express his opinion, Liana quickly replied:

"I agree."

Chapter 170? Dark Abyss and Misfortune

3000 meritorious service...

Even for Chios who perfectly completed the trial mission, the total rewards for the main and branch missions are only 285 meritorious service.

To be promoted from Rank?D to Rank?C executors needs 1500 merits, which in his opinion is already a number that is difficult to achieve in a short period of time.

However, Instructor Liana didn't even frown, and decisively paid twice the merit.

(I owe a big favor...)

As if guessing what the young man was thinking, the Holy Maiden of the Spear turned her awe-inspiring face, which had been facing the ball of light, to Chios and asked:

"Do you feel owed to me?"


Being so directly expressed by the other party, Chios couldn't help flashing a hint of helplessness in his deep purple eyes, and forced himself to respond with a smile:

"I didn't know what to say for a while.

"No need to say anything..." Liana said, shaking her head lightly.

"As long as you come back alive again and again in the future missions."

The young man was dumb, clenched his left hand hanging by his thigh, and took the initiative to look away from the other party.

at this time...

The palm touching the light sphere suddenly felt a rush of heat, and the warm energy flowed through the young man's body several times along the blood vessels in his body.

As if melting into a warm and fragrant pool, the gravitational force of the earth can no longer bind the feet, the muscles ready to fight at any time are slowly relaxed, and the spirit is also in a trance.

The field of vision is hazy, and the classics on the bookcases in the large library are becoming more and more blurred. Only the covers of various colors remain in the eyes, like drops of watercolors falling on white paper and blurring, forming a vast sea of ​​stars.

The spinning sphere of green light was elongated and distorted and turned into a nebula; the blond saint in silver armor seemed to be covered with a veil, making it elusive.

next second...

Endless darkness swept from all directions, completely engulfing the scenery in front of him.

He opened his eyes immediately.

There was no change in the big library, the green ball of light was still quietly spinning slowly in front of her eyes, and Liana was still standing two steps away from her.

The gentle heat from the sphere disappeared without a trace.

(The one I saw before, what the hell is it?)

The scene of endless darkness pouring in has already been deeply imprinted in the bottom of Chios' heart, lingering.

Just as he was about to think, the light ball in front of him made an emotionless voice:

[Executor Chios Pesheim, the Civilization Defense Front has inquired about your origin and corresponding magic, and relevant information will be directly sent to your coat of arms]

[Unless I agree or pass it on, no one is allowed to browse this information]

As soon as the indifferent voice fell, a light curtain popped up in front of Chios...


Origin 【Abyss】

All things have positive and negative sides, but they are expressed in different ways. Darkness cannot resist your charm, and light cannot prevent you from being contaminated.Absorb all negativity, harvest the dark light of the soul, malice is your sweetest fruit.

It has a strong attraction to all negative and cursed destiny wonders, and has the characteristics of polluting various energies, as well as absorbing and increasing negative power.

Phenotype: Thunder, Glow

(The bright and bright appearance is just a disguise to cover the deepest darkness)

-------- ----- --

【Rune magic? Misfortune】

Rune magic was created by Odin, the executor of the source. Through the action of drawing runes, the connection between the spirit and the source is strengthened to form various types of spells.

It has been continuously improved during the long battle, from the earliest 24 runes to the core nine runes: fire, air, earth, water, steel, life, thunder, frost, and light.

Now it is a very complete source magic system, suitable for most practitioners who are new to source magic to learn.

"Disaster": refers to the combined runes that integrate the power of other systems into the rune magic. Since it is unpredictable what kind of changes will occur, and may even make the spell counterattack the caster, it is not recommended to learn, especially the word "disaster". Mark it.

The knowledge of [Rune Magic? Calamity] has been recorded in the coat of arms, and the executor can learn it at any time.


After reading the information on the coat of arms, the young man finally understood how he got the two "dark curse style" strange objects of fate.

Although he had already guessed eight or nine to ten, at most he couldn't think of the details...

It sounds like a rather dark source, but Chios himself doesn't feel repulsed.

In order to pursue results, he can do whatever it takes, and Chios, who needs to feel the trust of others before trusting others, is far from such qualities as "blood" and "kindness".

Coupled with his tendency to conspiratorial calculations, step by step to push the enemy into desperation...

Even if you don't think you are a bad person, you are definitely not a good person.

Rather, if the origin is "light" or "sacredness"... that would really make Chios feel uncomfortable.

The problem is that...

Out of the corner of his eye, he glanced at the Maiden of the Spear not far away, and Chios sighed inwardly.

He has made a decision.

"Instructor Liana..."

"You don't need to tell me..." the blond woman reached out her hand to stop the young man from continuing.

"From the fact that the "contaminated giant power fragment" chose you, it is not difficult to see that your origin is related to this.But the origin only represents a person's strength and traits, not everything about Chios..."

"Your heart and will are free, I believe you will not be confused by it, and you don't have to worry about my feelings."

"I see..." Nodding his head to show that he understood, Chios called out the heraldic light curtain and slid his fingers across it.

The maiden of the gun who didn't know what the other party was doing for a while, just quietly waited for the young man to deal with the affairs at hand...

Until a burst of heat came from the back of his left hand.

With a movement of her consciousness, a transparent light curtain appeared in front of her eyes...

The detailed information of the source [Dark Abyss] and [Rune Magic? Calamity], which was only read by Chios at the last moment, clearly came into her eyes.

Even Lianna, who had lived for hundreds of years, couldn't help being stunned at this moment.

At this moment, Chios spoke:

"Instructor Liana, what I just wanted to say is..."

Speaking of this, the young man paused for a while, and his usual gentle demeanor added a little bit of embarrassment.

"This is the first time I really trust someone, so I don't want to avoid you, can you allow me to be self-willed?"

Looking at Chios's appearance, the blond woman smiled lightly and nodded.

"Well, yes..." Liana walked up to the young man in a few steps, caressing his black mid-length hair with bare hands, and said softly:

"It doesn't matter if you act like a baby to me a few times, after all, you are my student."

Chapter 170? Athena Summons


The Upper Level of the Palace Quarter of the Eternal City...

Facing the direction of the cliff, Chios held the sword of the King of Scotland with both hands, and turned sideways in the gesture of "opening the key".

The close-fitting black tight-fitting attire vaguely depicts the muscular lines of his upper body. Below the pure white belt tied with a wolf-head-shaped brass buckle, there are dark brown leather trousers and high-top boots with leather belts. The hem of the leather high-necked long trench coat follows the mountain wall Gently swaying in the breeze.

Ten steps ahead of the young man, a saint with a spear in a heavy knight armor stood quietly on the edge of the cliff with a sword in one hand, her long pale golden hair shone in the morning sun, reflecting her silver armor, and the white cloak fluttering behind her Flags fluttered.

The simple long sword in her hand hangs down to her feet, as if she is completely undefended and relaxed, which is in sharp contrast to the serious and focused appearance of the opponent in front of her.

"This is the acceptance of your learning achievements in the past six days. Although you won't use strength beyond your knowledge, it's not as light as before..." Su hand lightly brushed the hair tied into a braid on the left shoulder, Liana looked directly into Chios' eyes and asked:


"Yes, Instructor Liana." The young man responded in a deep voice.

"Very good, then..." As she said, she stepped out of the metal boots slowly as if walking, but suddenly exerted force the next moment.


Stepping on the gravel under his feet into powder, the huge reaction force pushes the spear maiden to charge forward quickly.

"let's start. "

At the same time as the words fell, a sharp sword light had struck in front of Chios.

Facing the instructor's almost surprise attack, Chios did not panic.

For example, the right pupil of the amethyst was instantly covered by the color of the topaz, and the key-opening sword pushed the cross guard slightly upward, blocking the opponent's slashing path in advance.

At the same time, the mind sank into the depths of consciousness, connecting to the cold purple-black spar in the heart.

The black hair faded from the middle to nothingness and pale, the left eye was stained with bloody red light, and the ominous purple-black breath was wrapped around the body like a layer of armor...

"Ghost Qi Liberation"


A violent and dark air suddenly erupted from his body, pushing away the sword that the spear maiden had slashed.

The rushing blond woman paused in her footsteps, immediately stopped her forward momentum, and stepped back to create a distance.


This time it was Chios stomping on the ground, and the whole person rushed forward like a ghost, closing the distance between each other in the blink of an eye.

The broad-bladed long sword, which was longer than the opponent's weapon, slashed at Liana's left wrist with a raging and violent ghost aura.


The blond woman said lightly, and withdrew her left foot obliquely to the right, easily making the weak point of the left half of her body out of the enemy's threat range.With a slightly shorter body, the plain steel sword in his right hand aimed at the sharpened blade in front of him and stabbed straight upwards.

The whole movement is smooth and fast, even if it is captured in advance through the future vision of the eye of robbery, it is still too fast to deal with.

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