
Five muscular men guarding the door, holding short knives, looked fiercely at the store door.

However, as soon as they saw the person coming, their expressions immediately turned respectful.

"" Lord Chios. ""

Wearing red and black gold pine leaf patterns, the young man with a faint smile on his lips pushed open the sliding door of the cage and walked in.

"It's been hard work for you to guard this place for me so far." Chios took out five small silver coins from his pocket and handed them to the five members of the Chuanhe Congregation.

"A little thought, you're welcome."

Knowing that the lord has always been generous, the five men did not hold back, and took Ding Yin after thanking them repeatedly.

"Master Chios, we will stay outside the cage all night, please rest assured."

After the little leader among the five said this, he bowed heavily to the young man and walked out of the shop with his men.


Horie's Hatago door closed.

Seeing this, Chios also turned around, walked up the stairs to the second floor of the hotel, and went straight to the door of the room at the bottom of the corridor.

Push open the paper door...

The bedroom was not lit, and the faint silver glow of the last quarter moon slanted into the room from the window frame.

A beautiful woman was lying on the quilt, breathing evenly through her slightly opened mouth, sleeping extremely deeply.

The thin white skirt on her body seemed a little loose after turning over a few times, her slender legs showed an ivory-like luster under the moonlight, and the front of her chest was also opened.

The long and straight black-blue hair fell like a waterfall on the pure white pillow, revealing the girl's fair and delicate face from the side, her slender shoulders trembling slightly as if she lacked a sense of security.

"Now..." Looking at Nagamasa Asai, who was completely different from when he was dressed in men's clothing, Chios murmured softly:

"What should I do with you..."

Chapter 150 Four? Don't Move

In a room with only thin moonlight, one lamp after another was lit.

The flickering flames, even with closed eyes, can feel the light and heat, penetrating the eyelids and stimulating the sensitive pupils.

"Hmm..." The girl snorted softly, expressing her dissatisfaction:

"So bright..."

However, her soft voice did not achieve any desired results.

"It's time to wake up, Your Highness Nagamasa..."

The gentle baritone came to the ear, the voice was a little strange, although it was pleasant to hear, it did not come from someone the girl was familiar with.

(who is it?)

Asai Nagamasa slowly opened his eyes...

In the blurred vision just after waking up, the beams of the ceiling can be seen to present a deep check pattern under the light of the candles in the room.

"This is me..." Opening her cherry lips lightly, the girl felt as if her throat had been scratched by sandpaper, and struggled to utter a dry voice:


"Tsushima Port, Horie Hatago."

Listening to the man's gentle answer, Changzheng always felt that the other's voice seemed familiar.

Supporting the tatami mat with his hands, he raised his body. Following this movement, a burst of severe pain accompanied by a slight dizziness came to his mind.


There was a strong smell of alcohol in the nasal cavity and the base of the tongue, so drunk that the girl almost fell down.

A strong and powerful arm immediately rested on the back of Chang Zheng's waist, so that she would not lose her composure.

"Thank you..." A little confused, he turned his face to the side to thank him, his dark blue eyes met with a pair of amethyst-like pupils.

"His Royal Highness, you really drank too much."

" are!?" The girl's eyes widened suddenly, looking at the man beside her.

The triangular lights in the room flickered on and off, and the dim orange light shone on the young man's face.

That is, once seen, it will be deeply imprinted in the heart, and it will never be forgotten in a lifetime.

"Chios, am I here?"

It seemed that with this shout, most of the alcohol in her body disappeared immediately.

(I remember I was obviously...)

Nagamasa tried to recall how he became what he is now, but he could only remember that he led his retainers to Tsushima, and went to a wine shop to drink with the young man in front of him...

The memory after stepping into the wine shop is all a mess of abstract patterns in retrospect.

"Have you forgotten..." The black-haired young man stared at Nagamasa's face with concern, and reminded him sincerely:

"We met at the festival and had a good chat at the wine shop. The drinks provided by the wine shop were unexpectedly good. You accidentally drank too much."

In fact, the head of the Asai family didn't drink much at all, and was put into a coma by Goemon's medicine.

The reason why Nagamasa felt a strong smell of alcohol on her body was because she was forced to drink a lot of alcohol by the ninja girl in her sleep to disguise the illusion that she was drunk.

(Am I actually drunk?) Nagamasa put his hand on his forehead to resist the attack of headache.

Teenage girls are not alcoholics themselves, usually only a little bit.

However, judging from the situation of his trusted retainers after drinking, Nagamasa is not ignorant of the reaction of people when they are drunk.

It is reasonable to speak incoherently, and even forget what he did in the two to three quarters of an hour before he passed out.

This is why she rarely drinks alcohol.

After all, the hidden secrets in her...

Thinking of this, Changzheng couldn't help but look at his clothes...

A thin, close-fitting jacket, the thighs and legs are exposed to the cool air at night, reflecting the crystal light under the moon, and the chest is open, exposing nearly half of the girl's plump fruit.


Hugging tightly to the barely concealable breasts on his chest, Nagama screamed and curled up into a ball, staring at Chios with tears in his eyes, gritted his teeth and asked:

"You, already know that I'm a woman?"

Facing this question, Chios nodded slightly, supported Changzheng's back, and helped the girl get up.

"Drink some water first..."

Bringing a glass of water to the girl, the young man continued to add:

"After all, you leaned on me and vomited a lot, and you refused to help your servants, so I can only bring you to this cage."

"Yes, that's right... That's really troublesome for you..." Nagamasa couldn't help but blushed shyly even though he had no recollection of what he had done when he heard from Chios.

After Changzheng drank his saliva, he felt that his chaotic mind became clearer.

Immediately, she realized something more serious.

"Wait... Could it be that the clothes on my body were also replaced by you..."

Chios didn't answer this question, but his silently averted eyes seemed to have explained everything.

Silence lay between the two.

Following Nagamasa's words and successfully misleading the other party's perception, Chios simply stopped talking and let the girl piece together her broken memories in her mind.

As for Asai Nagamasa, he was really ashamed beyond measure.

When he was young, he was sent to the Liujiao family as a hostage. In order to protect his chastity, he used the boy's nickname "Saruyashamaru" and spent his childhood disguised as a boy.

When she became an adult, she fled back to Otani Castle as a man, and with the support of her retainers, she forced the previous Patriarch Asai Hisamasa to live in seclusion.However, his father, Asai Hisamasa, has an old-fashioned temperament and does not agree with the existence of the princess daimyo. He asked Nagamasa to live as a man from now on before he was willing to give up the post of governor.

Although Nagamasa and his vassals also objected to the cowardly submission of the Asai family to the Rokkaku family under Hisashiri, she was essentially a filial person. Faced with her father's request, she finally chose to abandon her daughter and become a male family governor. survive.

Even a group of Asai's retainers didn't know the twists and turns, and they didn't doubt Nagamasa's gender.

Now, she was naked by a man she hadn't known for half a day, and...

We all know that she is not a man, how could the head of the Oda family agree to the marriage between the head of the Owari family and the head of the Asai family?

Now that she makes such a request again, it is not a marriage proposal, but a blatant provocation.

(what to do...)

Nagamasa put her arms around her slender calves, and after washing off the makeup used to camouflage men, she revealed her smooth and firm skin like a shelled egg.It's a pity that the girl's soft and beautiful face is buried between her knees at this moment, her dark blue eyes are dim, and her thoughts are at a loss.

Seeing that the governor of the Asai family may just stay silent until dawn...

Chios didn't intend to spend the night with this woman in a daze, so he took the initiative to say:

"His Royal Highness, there is something I must ask you for advice."

"What's the matter?" Nagamasa Asai, whose heart was in a mess, didn't raise his face at all.

"In your sleep, you said something very interesting in your sleep..." The young man's voice, which was meant to be concerned and warm, suddenly turned cold when he said this:

"For example, marrying the foolish princess Owari, using your beauty to fascinate my lord, and make Owari fall into your hands."


This time Asai Nagamasa really couldn't keep calm. She just raised her head and wanted to turn around to face the man behind, but found that her shoulder was firmly held down by a palm.

"Don't move..." Chios put one hand on Changzheng's left shoulder, his chest was pressed against the girl's back, and he leaned close to the girl's ear and whispered a warning.

A broad-bladed long sword suddenly appeared in the young man's right hand, and was placed on the smooth and delicate neck of the girl in front of him.

"If you dare to move again, I guarantee that the head of the head of the Asai family will be floating in Ise Bay tomorrow."

Chapter 150 Five? Should You Pay Something?

The royal sword that drank countless blood on the battlefield, the blade flickered with cold light, like an icy kiss on the skin, always conveying a murderous aura that was enough to freeze the blood.

Asai Nagamasa, who was born in a samurai family, also practices martial arts, and his level is quite good.

Because of this, from the strong force of the young man holding her shoulders behind her, and the bloody aura emanating from the strangely shaped straight sword in front of her throat, she instantly understood...

(Not a match at all...)

A drop of cold sweat dripped from the girl's forehead.

Her real purpose in coming to Owari is known only to Asai's retainers.In Nagamasa's memory, he only mentioned the friendly wishes of the two alliances with Chios.

So, did she really slip up in her sleep by accident...

"You said it just now, it was just a dream..."

Nagasaki tried to defend himself, but before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted by the young man:

"If His Royal Highness Nagamasa appears in Owari as a princess, I really won't take the mere sleepwalking seriously..." Chios made his fingers into claws, as if trying to pinch into the girl's shoulder.

"However, you disguised yourself as a man even though you were a girl, and you claimed to seduce my lord, what do I think... huh?"

"Woo..." The pain from his shoulder made Changzheng frowned and hummed softly.

"I have nothing to say until now..." Knowing that in the eyes of the man behind her, she hardly had any secrets to speak of, the girl simply stopped talking.

She couldn't change the fact that she disguised herself as a man. In this case, all her explanations seemed weak.

"Indeed, I want to use the pretext of forming an alliance to marry the governor of the Oda family to achieve the result of controlling Owari."

"Very well, now that you have admitted your attempt..."

The young man's colder words than Jianfeng came into the girl's right ear:

"I believe His Highness Nagamasa, who is the daimyo of Kita Omi, will agree with the statement of success and defeat, right?"

"Yeah, if I succeed in marrying His Highness Nobuna, then I will win, but it's a pity that by chance, you will see through it in advance..." Nagamasa admitted his failure with a bitter smile:

"I, Nagamasa Asai, have surrendered. You can kill if you want."

Speaking of this, the girl closed her eyes as if resigned to her fate.

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