Because the bishop has always loved her very much.

This made Rita couldn't help but think that if she was also the granddaughter of the bishop, then she couldn't let the lord Ulandal serve her every day.

Rita couldn't help but pursed her lips and chuckled.

The bright and beautiful smile made the Valkyries passing by couldn't help but look sideways, wondering in their hearts that something good happened to Master Rita.

However, Rita felt that she might be more suitable to be the Bishop's younger sister than her granddaughter.

The world is so strange and diverse, maybe in a certain world, I and the Bishop are still brothers and sisters.

But unfortunately, I am not the tortoise sister of Bishop Otto. If I go to the bishop and act like a baby and say that I want to be the head of a certain branch, Bishop Otto will just touch his head to see if he has a fever, and then criticize her. Take a few days of vacation so that you don't get too tired, and you have to relax.

Thinking of this, Rita was slightly taken aback.

Because she thought of a wonderful way to protect herself and Mrs. Ulandal in the future power changes.

That is.

I, Rita Roseweather, to be the next Catholic Bishop---


But Rita dismissed this idea, it was unrealistic, and even if it could be done, there was still a trace of resistance deep in her heart.

No one is willing to treat their marriage and future as a trifling matter.

Even if the opponent is Bishop Otto.

Forget it.

There are still many years.

Rita thought about what Bishop Otto wanted to do by himself.

Then, let's help the future bishop's wife candidate to tide over the difficulties first.

After Rita left, Otto's bedroom was still filled with a scent.

People leave, fragrance stays.

Otto continued to play "Carlen Fantasy", and was a little lucky that Kiyana didn't come to him at this time.

Otherwise, there is a smell of other women in the bedroom, and I really can't explain it clearly.

However, he had a smile on his face, and the figure of Rita appeared in his mind. He just frightened her before, letting this maid with other thoughts taste the feeling of fear.

This can be regarded as a little bit of his bad taste.

But as a normal male, he wanted Rita from the bottom of his heart.

Want to own those red lips.

And he actually only needed one sentence, starting tonight, the woman named Rita Rossweisse belonged only to him.

However, if you can get it at your fingertips, you will lose a lot of flavor. Anyway, the result is inevitable, so why not enjoy the process slowly and cultivate your relationship.

Probably, this is the hypocrisy of the scumbag.


"In a few days, don't let me lose the chain."

Otto gave instructions to the system while playing the game.

After all, the last time he faced Honkai Will, it really hurt his heart that the system pretended to be dead.

[Master Host, all actions in this system are for you. 】

That is to say, this system is pretending to be dead for your own good, please don’t beep any more.

"However, is it the same this time as last time?"

The last time I and the will of the collapse were like gangsters fighting in that space, but this time to capture the Herrscher of the Sky, it is not simply to dig out the core of the Herrscher, but to take the Herrscher of the Sky away at the root. .

[At that time, you, the host, will naturally know what to do. 】

[The host must take the seventh Herrscher. 】

[At that time, the system will undergo a second upgrade. 】

Oh, after usurping the power of the Honkai will, the system was upgraded once, so it can be upgraded again.

Otto nodded.

Although the usefulness of the system is getting less and less, and the punishment of the main task is particularly bad, but as the original partner, Otto still hopes that the system that is not up to the mark can be upgraded.

It's like expecting an ignorant girl to evolve into an experienced slim beauty.

Maybe, when it reaches the final stage of evolution, the system can turn into a girl.

Otto thought with some mischief.


And Otto looked at the system panel, and today's daily tasks have already been completed on Qiyana.

Since taking down Kiyana, trying to complete the daily quests has been a bummer.

As far as tasks of that level are concerned, for an adult like myself, let alone one a day, even ten, can easily be maxed out!

Otto smiled as he looked at his crystal and friendship points.

Current crystal: 2040, friendship points: 3600 chapters.

Otto reckoned that after dealing with Qiyana's affairs, his crystal could almost draw ten tense and exciting pumps in a row.


Can get some, useful things, or...



To be precise, it should be.


Chapter 270. Green Lobster

"Walter Yang, have you eaten?"

The ravings from the abyss sounded in my mind as usual.

Walter Young sighed.


Said it very casually.

To be honest, he was a little used to and immune to this raving.

Collapsing will, you will never be able to defeat my will.

In the brightly lit passage, Lao Yang clenched his fists tightly, his eyes were flames that would never go out.

However, after the raving subsided, Lao Yang sighed faintly.


His like-minded friend, Siegfried, lost contact.

A few days ago, Ziegfei turned himself in to Destiny, letting himself wait for his good news.

But Lao Yang waited... only Siegfried's daily bills.

Siegfried is in jail and has completely lost contact with him. Lao Yang doesn't even know what's going on in Destiny.

All of a sudden, Lao Yang became a polished commander.

Others, important executors, are mostly held by Cocolia.

Although they still respect themselves as the anti-entropy lord...


Lao Yang shook his head.

Originally, those anti-entropy reformers headed by Cocolia, even if they had different political views, still respected and trusted themselves, the anti-entropy leader.

After all, most people in anti-entropy are attracted by the name Walter.

However, in the past few days, Lao Yang always felt that the attitude of those reformists towards him was a bit strange.

Could it be that Cocolia did some tricks again?

Lao Yang had some headaches. He had to guard against Otto in the outside world, but now at home, he had to guard against a low-profile version of Otto.

And no one can bear this pressure with myself.

"Dong dong dong."

In front of a room, Lao Yang stopped, and then knocked on the door.

No response.


He sighed again.

Lao Yang found that since leaving St. Freya Academy and returning to Anti-Entropy, the number of times he secretly sighed has increased a lot.

Or teaching is easier.

Perhaps, I am more suitable to be a teacher than the anti-entropy leader.

After defeating Honkai and everything is settled, go and be a teacher yourself.

There was no response, but Lao Yang still pushed the door open, and there was no light in the dim room.

A beam of light lit up at Lao Yang's fingertips, and this small but powerful light source illuminated the surroundings.

The furnishings in the room were messy, and the chair fell to the ground, as if it had been ravaged by a violent storm.

However, a slender figure was sitting on the bed.


Looking at the red-haired girl on the side of the bed facing the door, Lao Yang called out her name.

The long red hair that had always been tied into twin ponytails was now scattered behind her back, dull and dull, as if she hadn't washed her hair for a long time.

However, this is also normal.

Because the person who will remind her to take a shower.


Next to Tesla, there is a handmade Einstein Q-version doll, which leans against Tesla's lap, but Tesla's expressionless eyes do not look at the doll of his best friend .

Instead, staring at the male doll in her hand.

The doll has blond and long hair, and is wearing a purple SAO bag. Lao Yang will recognize it as Otto's Q-version doll just by looking at it.

But compared to Einstein's doll, Otto's doll is not cute, even very tattered.

Tesla's hands were tightly strangling the doll's neck.

And on the ground beside the bed, there were many Otto dolls with their necks broken and their limbs pulled out.

Seeing this scene and seeing Tesla's lifeless eyes, Lao Yang felt a little pain in his heart.


Lao Yang still yelled softly, but Tesla on the bed didn't seem to hear it, and the subtle voice echoed in the room.

"Otto Otto Otto Otto...."

It was a creepy voice full of resentment.

It's hard to believe how much the person who made the voice hates Otto.

Lao Yang sighed helplessly.

He was wondering if his decision to put Tesla under house arrest was correct?

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