Oh ~

Otto nodded.

It's no wonder that Firefly has such a casual attitude and doesn't even pretend.

However, during the chat, K423 directly used the power of fire to thaw the ice, and when he was about to drink water to rinse his mouth, Otto pointed again, allowing the hot water to freeze directly.


K423 took a deep breath, and she looked at Otto angrily.

"What are you doing?"

"Because, I found that you seem to dislike me very much. Is this bishop so annoying?"

Otto said with a smile.

However, K423 nodded directly.

"Miss Ben really hates you."

She was outspoken, without any cowardice.

"However, if you really like Qiyana, you should be able to tell her apart. To be able to recognize the wrong person, what kind of love is this?"

K423 said with a look of disgust.

Miss Ben can definitely tell Mei!

However, Otto shook his head. He came to K423 and took the water glass in her hand. The ice cubes in the glass instantly thawed and turned into lukewarm water at a suitable temperature.

And he took a sip of the water in the glass and said with a smile.

"Why do you need to recognize it?"

"Isn't that better?"

PS: Push this friend's book


"My apprentice Fang Yuan has the qualifications of a half-immortal."

This is what Fang Heng, the master who ran away with a bucket, said the most, which made him a mysterious fortune-teller in the eyes of everyone.

In order to maintain this avatar, and to prevent himself from starving to death due to unemployment, Fang Yuan could only bite the bullet and start his prophecy.

[Future students play well, the shadow of nothingness is a chicken. 】

[Yuno A, Yuno is stable, Yuno has a future diary in his hand, Yuno is going to win, ah, the confession is impossible to fail! 】

[Hercules, a heroic Greek hero, beat a village chief, how can he lose in the case of twelve trials? Tell me?Noble Phantasm riding faces won. 】


These are obviously the most confident predictions made by Fang Yuan based on the current situation, why do they all smell like milk?

But a truly professional fortune teller should have the courage to make judgments!

Chapter 241. Shocked insects

Why do you have to recognize it clearly.

K423 didn't realize it for a while, but after she recollected it, she suddenly realized.

Dai frowned slightly, and looked at Otto who said such shameless words with a disgusted expression.


Are you opening a blind box?

Originally, as a human being, Otto had a very low reputation with her.

But now, as a male, with Otto in her place, the reputation is already like a rat in the sewer.

However, K423 didn't want to talk about this with Otto, because she felt that it would pull herself to the same moral level as Otto.

However, as time passed, the taste in his mouth gradually spread, making K423, who had not swallowed his saliva, a little uncomfortable, and Otto obviously had no intention of returning the water in his hand to her.


I really want to rinse my mouth with muddy water.

The feeling of kissing Otto is really disgusting.

The psychological disgust made K423 especially care about the lips kissed by Otto, even if it was just a little taste, it made her extremely uncomfortable.

What's more, there was still a slight smell of blood in his mouth.

However, seeing Otto's ugly face, K423 could only swallow in humiliation.

She looked at Otto with a dead Siegfried expression, and said almost gnashing her teeth.

"Otto, what do you want?"

"If it's okay, I'm going to rest."

K423 had a cold face, if Otto dared to kiss her forcefully again, she would definitely punch Otto's soul steel face hard.

But Otto's current body doesn't seem to be soul steel. According to observations these days, K423 found that Otto used flesh and blood instead of those hard soul steel bodies.

Now his own punch might kill Otto.

However, thanks to Otto, I finally have an excuse not to memorize those drowsy theoretical knowledge.

Blame Otto for getting in my way!

This is probably the only benefit of seeing Otto.

K423 secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Oh, just in time, I also want to rest, just in time to be together."

And Otto put the water glass on the table with a smile, looking like a dead pig who is not afraid of boiling water.

"Otto, put away your suit, I only welcome Mei."

"Just give up your heart and go find Kiyana Kaslana who was fooled by you!"

K423 frowned, and it was fine to play with Qiyana in the palm of his hand, but now he dares to hit Miss Ben?

Have you never eaten my Great Sword of Salinity?

However, Otto held out his hand.

"Isn't the body you're using now the same as my lovely Kiyana's body?"

"What's more, you, aren't you also Kiyana Kaslana."

Otto's right hand reached out to K423's face, as if to caress the latter's pretty face, but when his fingertips touched the fair skin, Otto withdrew his hand.

Flames rose up in the room, and the temperature rose rapidly, making the mouth dry and hot.

The flaming sword of Xinyan pointed at Otto, and K423 held the sword with one hand with a frosty face, making people feel as if they wanted to keep a certain pest away from them in the temperature of thousands of miles.

K423 resists Otto approaching her.


Every time Otto touched her, a sense of guilt arose in her heart that made her almost hate herself.

Not because of Kiyana.

Instead, she thought of all the things Otto did to herself, to Mei, to the world, and to Squad Leader Fu Hua in the encounters she experienced.

This account has not yet been settled.

However, when Otto called her "Kiana Kaslana".

She didn't hate it.


very happy.

Because the biggest enemy who has always called himself "K423", now he actually recognizes his name "Kiana Kaslana".

K423 felt inexplicably recognized in his heart.

He was already used to being praised by his companions, but being recognized by his enemies made K423 truly convinced that he had not dishonored Kiyana Kaslana's name in the slightest.

She was really a little happy.

However, this made K423 hate himself for being like this.

K423, upset.

"Okay, I surrender."

Seeing that the fireflies were forced to draw their swords, Otto helplessly raised his hands, as if surrendering.

"However, I really want to have a good relationship with you. After all, I still need your help for some things."

"whats the matter?"

K423 did not put down the great sword.

She frowned.

There is a feeling of being a tiger's minion.

"I want to ask you to help me start..."

Otto smiled.

"The Herrscher of the Void."

K423's eyes widened suddenly, and the azure blue pupils turned into rainbow-colored star pupils. The sword in his hand erupted with an unprecedented temperature. The oncoming heat wave gave Otto the illusion that his face was being scratched by a knife.

There were cracks in the skin on the face, but they healed quickly.

"Otto! You really have a wicked heart!"

K423 roared angrily.


Otto, the thief, still wants to let the Herrscher of the Sky be born.

Will the pain that I have experienced before be reproduced on Kiyana's body?

Absolutely not!

Anger burned in her chest, causing her to puff her chest out.

K423 felt that he was really blind, and he was actually a little lucky that the big boss was on his side this time.

"Okay, okay, don't look at me with such eyes that want to kill me." Otto clapped his hands helplessly, "You may have misunderstood what I mean."

"I just want Qiyana to master the power of the Herrscher of the Sky, so that she can re-establish contact with the Houkai Will."

And he raised his hand and clenched his fist.

"Then, I will take her back from the will of the collapse."

Snatch Kiyana and the power of the Herrscher of the Sky.

The temperature of the room did not drop, K423 frowned, why would the coming of the Law of Kong have something to do with the will of the Houkai.

However, K423 suddenly remembered that at the former site of Tianming, holding the Great Sword of Fire in her hand, she wanted to prevent Otto from going back in time.

K423 said with difficulty.

"You, want to become a god?"

"You will fail."

Because, she witnessed the dusk of the fool.

She had seen Otto's end.

"No, I've almost succeeded."

Otto raised his right hand.

Disorderly arrays of crystals emerged on his right hand.

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