The momentum on his body gradually changed. Yun Ruoshui looked at the goblin who was already charging towards him with a small axe. His eyes froze, and his body also rushed over at this moment.
Because of the increase in level, all the attributes of Yun Ruoshui's body have been greatly improved. He only felt that his body was extremely light. In just a few seconds, his body had already appeared in front of the goblin.
The full sense of power makes people feel lost for a while, Yun Ruoshui looked at the Goblin who was close at hand, and when he swiped the king's sword in his hand, he heard—
With a sound of "ding──", the small hammer in the goblin's hand was cut off directly.
And that goblin obviously didn't expect his weapon to be destroyed so easily, it groaned angrily, and smashed Yun Ruoshui's head with the only wooden handle left in its hand.
It also didn't expect that the sword of the king would wipe out the goblin's weapon so easily. Before Yun Ruoshui could marvel, he felt the strong wind coming from above his head.
The moment the strong wind hit, a thought suddenly flashed in Yun Ruoshui's mind, and that thought told him to adjust his body to the left.
Not only that, but after that thought flashed, another thought, the attack to be done after connecting to avoid the goblin attack, all flashed through his mind.
With a breath, Yun Ruoshui, who had no time to think about it, followed the thought in his mind, and subconsciously twisted his body to the left.
At the moment of twisting, the goblin's attack just passed by at this moment, and after dodging the attack, Yun Ruoshui acted according to that thought again, and the king's sword in his hand passed the goblin at this moment neck.
The whole set of movements didn't stop at all, it was completely flowing, only the king's sword flashed slightly, and the goblin's head shot up into the sky at this moment.
" is this possible!"
Staring blankly at the headless goblin who fell to the ground and died after being killed by Yun Ruoshui with one blow, Pesil was stunned.
That pariah, Yun Ruoshui, actually killed the goblin!
And still a one-hit kill? !
In fact, killing goblins was not a surprising thing. The main thing that surprised her was that Yun Ruoshui made such smooth movements when facing the attack of goblins just now!
That kind of fighting style is like a seasoned adventurer, without any pause at all!
This is impossible for Yun Ruoshui!
"Is it a sword?! Is it that sword?!"
Staring closely at the King's Sword that Yun Ruoshui was still holding up in the air, Peixier almost exploded with anger.
Yun Ruoshui is a poor man, no matter how he thinks about it, it is impossible to achieve the smooth and flowing movements just now. Apart from the reason for the sword that Blair gave him, there is obviously no other explanation.
It was precisely because of knowing that it was the King's Sword that Pesil became even angrier.
Damn it!Damn bastard!
It's all that bastard!It's that jerk every time!
I'm furious!
On one side, Pesil was stamping his feet angrily. On the other side, Yun Ruoshui, who had killed the goblin with a single sword, slowly recovered from the surprise and excitement.
"Do...did it!"
He killed the goblins!
He killed the goblin all by himself!
He really did it!
The face was full of excitement, Yun Ruoshui looked at the goblin who was miserable enough to be beheaded by his sword, and almost jumped up with joy!
For Yun Ruoshui, the main reason for the excitement is not to kill the goblin, because the goblin is the weakest monster, and there is no sense of accomplishment in killing it.
And the reason why he was excited was because he successfully took the first step, he stepped over the fear and defeated the fear!
Speaking of which, what was the thought that reminded him how to act that flashed through his mind just now?
Recalling the moment of the battle just now, a flash of thought flashed across Yun Ruoshui's face.
Just as Pesil thought, he was a poor man, so he couldn't possibly have any combat experience, and he himself knew how much he weighed.
The flowing movement just now was completely completed according to the prompt in his mind.
"I saw it before, do you have a fighting instinct?"
Thinking of the skills bestowed by the Sword of the King that came to mind before, Yun Ruoshui remembered that there was a passive skill called combat intuition.
And the effect of that battle intuition seems to be to help the sword-wielder adjust and optimize his fighting style, as well as the sixth sense to predict danger in advance.
Determined in her heart that all these are the effects of the King's Sword, Yun Ruoshui looked at the sword in her hand with joy.
It is indeed the treasure bestowed by Mr. Blair!
He can't put it down already!
4. Call me master, I will give you food
带着惊喜的抚摸了一会王之剑,云若水这才将其收回了剑鞘。 “佩希尔,你在干什么?” 收回了剑,云若水奇怪的看着正在切割哥布林耳朵的佩希尔。 “看不懂吗?切耳朵!” 冷冷的回答了他一句,佩希尔继续用那截被削断的锋利斧子切割着剩下的哥布林的耳朵。 看到她那似乎很生气的样子,云若水皱了皱眉:“我当然知道你在切耳朵,我是问你为什么这么做。” 听到云若水的话,佩希尔一脸不耐烦的把切下来的耳朵甩向了他。 “在冒险者公会,有些委托任务就是需要哥布林的耳朵为任务目标!现在收集一些哥布林的耳朵,到时候可以直接做为任务目标提交!” “我想,完成任务会给什么你不会不知道吧?” “钱?” 双手接住对方扔来的血淋淋的耳朵,云若水微微一想,便是明白了佩希尔的做法。 关于冒险者的事情,他自然不如佩希尔懂的多,但最基本的一些事情他还是知道的。 那就是完成委托任务,公会会给你发放奖励。 也就是钱。 冷哼了一声,佩希尔说道:“就是钱,虽然c级委托任务的报酬并不多就是了。” 要说她为什么这么主动去收集哥布林耳朵,那当然就是为了钱了。 云若水这个贫民,身上根本不可能有多少钱,甚至可能都没有钱。 他们两个跑到这么个不知名的地方,虽然可以暂时靠野味生存,但到时候去了城镇中,如果没有钱的话自然是不行的。 作为贵族,从小吃香喝辣的她怎么可能让自己没有钱! 到时候,不论是吃,还是住,还是买衣服,这些都是钱! 所以,虽然佩希尔现在很气,很恼火,但她也明白,身上带着奴隶刻印的她只能听从云若水,跟着对方一起。 而为了到时候不至于饿死,她提前收集一些到时候需要的委托任务的目标,这样一来到时候就可以直接换钱了。 当然,这不代表她就妥协了,只不过是暂时的委曲求全而已! 明白了佩希尔的意思,云若水突然笑了起来:“看来佩希尔小姐已经清楚的明白现在该怎么生存了呢。” “闭嘴!贱民!不许叫我的名字!” 听出云若水话里的嘲讽,佩希尔狠狠的瞪了他一眼。 收集完了这几只哥布林的耳朵,云若水用包袱里的一件旧衣裳将其全部包裹了进去,然后背在背后。 收拾好这一切,云若水也没打算多停留,直接是和佩希尔一起离开了这里。 ── 明亮的日光灌入森林,绿色与金色互相交叠。 手上握着王之剑,云若水回想着刚刚击杀哥柏林的那种畅快以及力量的充实感,心中依然余留着兴奋。 那种轻而易举就能斩杀魔物的强大感觉,险些让他迷失在其中。 当一个普通人,突然拥有了超越之前好几倍强大的力量,我想,不论是谁,都会有一瞬间的迷失感。 那种天上地下唯我独尊的感觉,让人忍不住就想宣泄自己的强大。 而云若水现在就是差不多的感觉。 知晓了王之剑的强大,也明白了自己的等级提升速度很快,这让他迫不及待的就想继续寻找几只魔物然后好好的和它们谈谈心。 一方面是想宣泄力量,一方面自然也是因为杀得越多,他的等级就提升的越高。 再次打开自己的属性面板,云若水看着上面显示的127级,嘴角忍不住就上扬,心中满是激动的幸福感。 现在的一切,都是真的,他真的突破了限制,成为了一个冒险者! “你饿吗?” 走在略微有些潮湿的土地上,云若水突然向一直走在旁边静默的佩希尔问道。 “你觉得呢?” 厌恶的看了他一眼,佩希尔神色冷淡道:“昨天一晚上没有吃东西,而现在已经是到了中午了,你觉得我饿不饿?” 知道佩希尔的潜意思就是好长时间没吃饭了,快饿死了,云若水无语的摇了摇头。 饿就说饿呗,还非得拐弯抹角的表达自己的不满。 不过他也没有说什么,只是点了点头,说道:“找些野味吧。” 继续寻找魔物升级虽然让他很迫切,但人是铁,饭是钢,一顿不吃饿得慌啊。 现在距离最后一次吃东西已经是过去了十几个小时了,如果再不吃点东西的话,怕是就要饿的两眼冒金星了。 作为他现在重要的工具人,云若水认为,不论如何,佩希尔的状态饱满一些对他而言就是好处。 不论是之后的魔物讨伐还是保镖工作,如果佩希尔没有一个完美的状态的话,那自然是不行的。 他可是还指望对方继续像刚刚那样,把魔物打成奄奄一息,然后让他在后面捡经验呢。 “加油哦,我比较喜欢吃兔子肉。” 丢下这句话,佩希尔停下了身子,然后随便在附近找了个石头坐下休息了起来。 看到佩希尔就这么坐下休息,似乎并不打算去找野味,云若水脸色有些古怪了起来。 “我说你,为什么坐下来休息了?” “哈?这不是明摆着吗?” 听到云若水的疑惑,佩希尔反而一副你傻吗的表情看着他说道:“你去打野味,我坐在这里休息,有哪里不对吗?” “哪都不对吧?” 想也没想的,云若水拧眉说道:“打野味是咱们两个人吃饭,又不是我自己吃,你在这坐着是打算坐享其成吗?” “你说的没错,我就是这么想的。” 没有否认,佩希尔很干脆的承认了。 “我刚刚可是帮了你,那群哥布林如果不是我,你能杀了它们吗?现在我坐下休息会,你去打野味给我做饭吃,这难道不对嘛?” 再说了,她佩希尔·梅格可是伯爵的儿子! 从小喊着金钥匙出生的,吃饭什么的从来都是做好的山珍海味然后仆人端上来的,什么时候还轮到她自己亲自动手去打野味吃饭了? 简直是笑话! “……” 深深的看了一眼一副理所当然的佩希尔,云若水没有再继续说什么,而是转身离开去打野味了。 看到云若水接受了事实,佩希尔那好看的唇角微微上扬,勾起一抹冷笑。 她是贵族,云若水是贫民,这就是差距,贱民也只配如此。 “别忘了,我喜欢吃兔子肉。” 脸上带着冷笑,佩希尔讥讽的喊道。 “……” ── “哟,回来了啊?” 佩希尔坐在那百无聊赖的时候,云若水拎着两只灰兔子走了回来。 “竟然还抓了两只我喜欢的兔子肉,还不赖嘛,接受我的赞赏吧,丹尼斯。” 看着云若水手里的兔子,佩希尔眼睛亮了亮,心中也是暗道这云若水还是挺上道的。 她说了喜欢兔子肉,竟然就一口气搞了两只来。 瞥了一眼佩希尔那满意的样子,云若水的眼底闪过一抹冷笑。 想吃白食? 真当自己还是那个梅格少爷呢? 想都别想! 没有说话,云若水找了几个树枝,然后从包袱里摸出了一个可以点火用的魔导具,将其点燃。 准备好了火,云若水就开始捣鼓起了兔子。 没过一会,佩希尔就闻到了一阵肉香味飘进了她的鼻子里。 知道是午饭好了,佩希尔起身来到云若水身旁,居高临下的看着他笑道:“想不到你还不是那么一无是处,这野味的味道还不错呢。” “给我。” 说着,她伸出白皙的玉手,就准备拿过云若水手里的食物。 而就在她的手快要触摸到的时候,云若水突然将其拿开,让佩希尔抓了个空。 看着突然将食物拿开的云若水,佩希尔的俏脸顿时闪过一抹冷意。 “你在干什么?” 听到佩希尔的质问,云若水讥笑地看着她说道:“我什么时候说,这是给你的了?” “你什么意思!” “我什么意思?” 手上拿着烤好的食物,云若水看着佩希尔那怒火仿佛要化为实质的样子,冷笑道:“我的意思就是,想要得到就要付出,别光坐在那里坐享其成。” “你!” 玉指指着云若水,佩希尔看着前者脸上的冷笑,她差点就忍不住一巴掌扇过去了。 话都说的这么明白了,她自然也是明白云若水这是在报复她! 这个卑劣的贱民!竟然敢这么耍她! “别用这么可怕的眼神看着我,佩希尔小姐。” 望着佩希尔那仿佛要吃了他的可怕表情,云若水笑道:“这食物是我自己打来的,我自己吃没毛病吧?你要是想吃的话,那就劳烦你动动你那尊贵的身躯,去打野味吧。” 说完,他也不在看佩希尔,张开嘴便开始香喷喷的吃起了手里的食物。 看到云若水就这么在自己面前吃了起来,佩希尔只觉得自己现在就像个炸药桶一样,一点就爆炸,而且还是那种能把方圆十里炸成平地的那种。 该死的云若水!简直欺人太甚! 如果不是奴隶刻印!老子我早就杀你几千回了! 胸口不断的起伏,佩希尔强行压下心中的怒火,看着云若水说道:“云若水·丹尼斯,你确定你要这么做吗?!” 听到佩希尔那不善的tu qi,云若水眼神微眯的看着她:“看来佩希尔小姐你真的很想吃呢。” “别叫我的名字!你这贱民!” 无所谓的耸了耸肩,云若水继续道:“既然佩希尔小姐你这么想吃,那也不是不行。” “这样吧,只要佩希尔小姐你现在喊我三声主人,这另一份食物我就送给你了。” 想了想,云若水神色略微猥琐的看向佩希尔。 “你给我去死!” 终于是忍不住了,佩希尔下意识的对着云若水一巴掌就扇了过去。 察觉到佩希尔的动作,云若水丝毫不慌,就那么笑眯眯的看着她。 而佩希尔那边,扇过来的巴掌并没有打在他脸上,而是停在了距离脸部的十厘米外的位置上。 身上刻有奴隶刻印的人,不能对主人造成伤害,这就是云若水不动的原因。 “该死!” 看着停在半空的手掌,佩希尔咒骂了一声,直接收手然后转身离开了。 “哟,佩希尔小姐这是要去哪呀?” “闭嘴!不许叫我的名字!” 蛐蛐野味而已,她佩希尔·梅格想要多少就能打到多少! 想让她受到屈辱,简直痴心妄想!
1. Got robbed again
There is no never-ending banquet in the world, and there must always be parting between people.
It could be life, or it could be death.
However, no matter what, those who leave will leave as usual, and those who stay will continue to live.
"Just left like that, quietly."
Sitting on the rented carriage, Lu Xihua lay on the edge of the window, looking at the scenery, and then at Blair.
"It's not silent, is it? At least I said hello in advance."
Sitting opposite, Blair looked at the scenery outside the car window and said with a smile.
"But I didn't."
With dissatisfaction on Qiao's face, Lu Xihua pouted and said, "I didn't have time to tell Shangdi and the others, so I feel really reconciled to leaving like this."
"Then why are you unwilling? By the way, what are you going to say to them?" Blair looked at him curiously.
Lu Xihua replied in seconds: "Let them have children earlier."
Shaking his head dumbfounded, Blair was really amused by Lu Xihua's interesting idea.
"Why should they have children early?"
Sitting next to Blair, Aubert put his hand on his cheek and asked doubtfully.
"Of course it's because I think my work makes me happy when I have children."
Standing up straight from the window, Lu Xihua's face was full of seriousness.
"...that's really a strange interest."
Deeply aware that the radio waves between himself and Lu Xihua were not compatible, Aobert complained silently, and then looked at the scenery outside the window again.
With the end of the conversation, the atmosphere in the car fell into silence.
Looking at the constantly receding scenery outside the window, Blair couldn't help being slightly immersed in the peaceful atmosphere.
It has been the fourth day since I said goodbye to Shangdi Dage that day.
After that, Blair didn't wait too much. After resting for a night that night, he took Lu Xihua and Aobert to settle the hotel's accommodation fee, and then rented a carriage and left Gernton.
Of course, their departure was not aimless. As early as the night before, Blair had already decided where to go next.
This time, they chose a city called Nistaya.
Nistaya, a city belonging to the northwest of the Kingdom of Inglis, covers a vast area and ranks among the top three in the kingdom in terms of prosperity. In addition to the royal capital and another town, Inglis One of the most prosperous towns in the kingdom.
If Glendon is a town for adventurers, then Nistaya is a city for nobles and merchants.
As a prosperous place, trade and economy are naturally impossible to be mediocre, and because Nistaya is relatively close to neighboring countries, the businessmen and trade exchanges between the two countries are particularly frequent, which is also one of the reasons for its prosperity.
As for why he chose this place, Blair actually didn't have any other ideas. It was simply because he heard that this place was more prosperous, so he chose this place.
Speaking of which, he wanted to go directly to the capital to have a look. After all, there are a lot of nobles there, and there seem to be quite a few famous guys.
But he thought about it, even if he went, he, a b-level adventurer, couldn't get in touch with those famous people, so he simply didn't bother to go, so he just randomly found Nistaya as his destination.
Anyway, no matter where you are, as long as you can be a girl, it's a good place, isn't it?
"Hey, no matter which world you are in, the time spent in the car is always very boring."
With a light hatch, Blair sighed and planned to close his eyes and rest for a while.
Because Nistaya is relatively far away compared to Gernton, even by carriage, it will take about a week to get there.
In addition, there are a total of five carriages, each pulling different guests, and the speed will be a little slower. Therefore, there is a lot of free time, and sleeping is the only solution.
I don't know how long it has passed, outside the carriage.
"Who are you?!"
The noise and quarrels echoed in my ears. Blair, who was sleeping on the cushion, frowned, and slowly opened his closed eyes, which were full of haze.
"What happened? Can someone get a good night's sleep?"
Rubbing his sleepy eyes, Blair sat up straight with a displeased expression.
Perhaps because of inheriting the memory and body of the original Blair, after being disturbed to sleep, Blair was quite angry when he woke up.
"I don't know. I ran well just now, but the car stopped, and then there was noise outside." Seeing that he woke up, Lu Xihua said while eating the apple in her hand.
Frowning, Blair's annoyance at getting up at this time made him really want to smash the person who disturbed his sleep.
"It was stopped by someone."
Seeing Blair's angry and confused expression, Aubert opened his lips lightly and said, "A group of people came outside to block the route of the convoy, and they are shouting outside now."
After getting up, Blair suppressed his breath a little. After listening to Aubert's answer, Blair couldn't help but think of these two words.
"It should be, they are too weak, I don't know."
Aubert nodded casually, without any expression, just very indifferent.
And just as they were talking, the voice from outside sounded again.
"A bunch of sand sculptures! I'm your grandfather!"
"Speak wildly! Do you want to die?!" The adventurer guard in the carriage yelled angrily.
"I'll kill you, uncle! Don't be him, Bibi, everyone in the car get off me!"
Hearing the conversation outside, Blair's expression was a bit subtle.
Hey, how should I put it, does this scene seem a little familiar?
It seems that he also experienced such a robbery a long, long time ago.
"I'll count to three! If the people in the car don't get out, I'm going to kill them!"
Hey, this guy is really loud, so arrogant?
There was a look of interest on his face, and Blair really wanted to see who this gang was robbing.
"Come on, let's go down and have a look."
After speaking to Aubert and Lu Xihua, Blair opened the car door and walked down.
"Hey! I'm too lazy to move!" In the car, Lu Xihua said reluctantly.
Seeing his dissatisfied look, Aubert smiled: "I've been here for a few days, let's go down and get some air."
Hearing what Aubert said, Lu Xihua could only get out of the car reluctantly.
After leaving the carriage, Blair looked up, and saw a few people walking down from the other carriages in front and behind.
The clothes of these people are relatively bright, and it can be seen at a glance that their temperament is different from that of ordinary people.
I forgot to mention that the carriage that Blair and the others rented was expensive because it traveled a long distance like Nistaya, and generally only higher-level adventurers and noble businessmen could afford it.
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