"That's good." Zeng Xiaoxian felt relieved.

Yu Mo and Zeng Xiaoxian waited furtively in 3602, until the door lock of 3601 was unlocked, and there was Yifei's voice, Yu Mo and Zeng Xiaoxian's eyes lit up at the same time.

Yu Mo signaled Zeng Xiaoxian to wait on the balcony, Yu Mo went to 3601 with a smile on his face, just as Yifei opened the door of the room and was about to go in, Yu Mo hurried over to hold her: "Yifei, do me a favor .”

"What are you busy with?"

"You'll know when you come." Yu Mo didn't tell Yifei in detail, and at the same time held Bai Zhi's arm: "Honey, come here too."

"Ah? I want to go too?" Bai Zhi was stunned for a moment: "What are you going to do?"

"You'll know when you come."


When the two were confused, they were dragged by Yu Mo to 3602, Yu Mo didn't say anything, just kept pulling outside, Zeng Xiaoxian who was outside the balcony couldn't help giving a thumbs up, and waited until After the sound of opening and closing the door sounded, he carefully pushed open the balcony door, walked in from the balcony, looked at Yifei's wide open door, and sneaked in.

"Small shoebox, small shoebox." Zeng Xiaoxian muttered something, then flipped through a shoebox under the bed, and finally found the small shoebox Yu Mo had mentioned, then took out the shoes from the black bag and put them in .

Just as he was about to complete the task and prepare to go out, a voice came from the door: "Huh? Is no one home? Why is the light still on?"

It was Meijia's voice, Zeng Xiaoxian's face turned bitter, he quickly took out his phone, and sent Yu Mo a text message, but. . .no reply.

All right!Thinking about it, she was already holding Bai Zhi and Yi Fei back, so how could she be interested in looking at her phone?

Fortunately, after Meijia came home and went into the bathroom, Zeng Xiaoxian heaved a sigh of relief, quietly opened Yifei's door, and then quietly closed it.

"Teacher Zeng, what are you doing?"

"Ah~~" Zeng Xiaoxian was about to have a heart attack, he turned around and saw Meijia staring at him curiously, obviously she saw clearly that he came out of Yifei's room just now.

"Hush~~" Zeng Xiaoxian covered Meijia's mouth and pulled it aside, only to find that no one came, he was relieved: "Didn't you go to the bathroom? Why did you come out? You are so fast?"

"The toilet is out of paper. I'll come out to get some paper. Mr. Zeng, why did you come out of Sister Yifei's room?"

"No...no, you read wrong, I walked out of Baizhi's room."

"Nonsense, I'm not blind, how come I don't know Yifei's room?" Meijia was very dissatisfied with Zeng Xiaoxian's actions that obviously lowered her IQ, and then seemed to have discovered something: "Oh, I see, hey Hehe~~"

"No, really not." Zeng Xiaoxian shrank back bitterly.

"You are..."


"You are planning to confess your love to Sister Yifei, right?" Meijia said gossipingly, "Say it! Tell me, what is your plan? I will never say it, and I can still help."

"I..." Zeng Xiaoxian's face suddenly turned red: "You... what are you talking about?!"

"You still say no, your face is red like a monkey's ass." Meijia seemed to see through the truth, and bumped Zeng Xiaoxian's arm: "Say it, I really won't tell others, I'm not Yoyo, Would you like me to prepare roses for you?"

"No, Mika, let me do it myself!"

"You really have a plan? Mr. Zeng, you finally stood up like a man 0......"

"..." Zeng Xiaoxian's face froze immediately, what does it mean to finally stand up like a man?Wasn't he a man before?Of course, if the people in the apartment heard this, they would definitely say: That's right.

But now Zeng Xiaoxian is pointing to escape from this evil place, so he just perfunctory Mijia, and then rushed to 3602, saving Yumo who didn't know how to make it up.

The matter seemed to be over like this, except that Meijia saw Zeng Xiaoxian coming out of Yifei's room and misunderstood his actions, there seemed to be no other movement.

After Yu Mo also took the USB flash drive from Zeng Xiaoxian, he copied the things to Zeng Xiaoxian. When Yu Mo went to copy the contents of Bai Zhi's computer, he didn't have to be so sneaky, but opened Bai Zhi's computer openly, and then treated it as Looking at Bai Zhi's face and copied it, even if Bai Zhi asked, Yu Mo could still say that he could take a look tomorrow when he was bored, Bai Zhi believed her without hesitation.

After Zeng Xiaoxian got what he wanted, he returned to the room contentedly. Now that he got the manuscript, he naturally needs to read it, otherwise it will attract people's attention intermittently when he reads it out.

When Zeng Xiaoxian returned to the room, turned on the computer, inserted the USB flash drive, and opened the document, the first thing he saw was the first half of his quarrel, Zeng Xiaoxian nodded, knowing that this time it was right.

He moved the interface to the place he copied in 2.9, and when he wanted to see how to write the follow-up, the smile froze on his face.

"Ah~~" 3602 let out a shrill scream. Zeng Xiaoxian grabbed his hair and looked at the content written on the back. It was very different from the 1-word paper he imagined. There were only a few lines behind: "Do you think I don't know that you want to steal my manuscript? Hahaha~~ Baizhi."

Obviously, even if Bai Zhi arrived early, Zeng Xiaoxian might repeat the old tricks, so there was a trick, and Bai Zhi on the side suddenly remembered: "By the way, Yu Mo, I forgot to tell you, what you copied is I will prevent Mr. Zeng from stealing the cover-up method set by the manuscript, you give me the USB flash drive, and I will copy the real paper for you."

"Ah?" Yu Mo was stunned for a few seconds, and when he saw the last line, he covered his head and didn't know what to say. . . .

Chapter 977

"Okay, I'll copy the real one for you."

When Yu Mo heard that Bai Zhi said that what she copied was a fake manuscript, Yu Mo knew that Zeng Xiaoxian would definitely come to him again, so she found Zeng Xiaoxian in advance. He didn't realize it until the U disk was given to him again.

"Great, it won't be a fake this time, right?" After Zeng Xiaoxian was delighted, he began to doubt again.

"Don't worry, I've already read it. It's indeed that manuscript, and it absolutely meets your requirements. It's not a fake."

"That's good, that's good." Zeng Xiaoxian knew that Yu Mo had already read it, so he plugged it into the computer with confidence.

As for the matter of being caught by Mijia before, he chose to forget about it. To him, it was just a small episode. Anyway, when Mijia talked about it again, he said it was a secret. In short, it would be good if she forgot.

But are things really that simple?

The answer is of course 09 no. The next morning, Bai Zhi was borrowing the kitchen of 3602 to make something, while Yu Mo and Mei Jia were sitting at the next table waiting to eat.

At this time, Lu Ziqiao and Guan Gu came in humming a song, Lu Ziqiao was still wearing a leather jacket and sunglasses, and even Guan Gu was fooling around with him.

Such a big movement naturally attracted the attention of the three of them, even Bai Zhi stopped, Yu Mo blinked and looked at the two of them: "You two, why are you dressed like this?"

"How is it? Isn't it good?" Lu Ziqiao flaunted his hands and posed a poss: "See, Guan Gu, wearing this outfit, you have become the focus of everyone. This is something you have never done before." Have you been treated well?"

"Why not? When Guan Gu went up to speak at the comic exchange meeting, he was much more focused than you." Bai Zhi didn't even bother to raise her eyelids. This must be Lu Ziqiao's masterpiece. Otherwise, how could Guan Gu be mixed up? how about this?

"That's right, you two big men went shopping?" Meijia clicked her tongue twice, with a look of disgust on her face: "Wait a minute, what does this smell like?"

"Essential oil?" Yu Mo has been dealing with cosmetics for many years, so she can naturally smell the smell, she sighed: "Zi Qiao, you are not just shopping, are you? You have used essential oils."

"That's right. We went shopping, bought clothes, had spa treatments, and took a sauna." Lu Ziqiao admitted confidently.

"I'll go, won't I?" The disgust in Meijia's eyes became more obvious, and Lu Ziqiao and Guan Gu looked like bad boys.

"Don't think so much, it's not what you think."

"I've been in the sauna, isn't it like that?" Bai Zhi complained, but kept stirring the flour in the glass container with his hands, especially with a piece of white on his face: "Zi Qiao, even if you fall Now, you still took Guan Gu to degenerate, and even called it releasing your personality, I despise you."

"Hey, you are discriminatory!"

"I discriminate, why?"


Lu Ziqiao opened his mouth, all right!How else can he drip?Manly man, of course, is a choice. . .Compromise~ A man can stretch and shrink, and doesn't care about you.

But it was Guan Gu who was talking to Lu Ziqiao. He was completely brainwashed by Lu Ziqiao now: "It's not as complicated as you think. Ziqiao said that maintenance is not only about the body, but also about the soul. I just realized now, what? That's what I really want."

"Spiritual?" Bai Zhi rubbed her chin: "When did rebellion and breaking one's principles become spiritual comfort?"

"Who rebelled?" Lu Ziqiao retorted Bai Zhi dissatisfiedly: "Bai Zhi, don't you yearn for a life where you can be free, don't care about other people's opinions, and do everything in style?"


"Isn't that enough?"

"What did you get?" Bai Zhi was speechless. He didn't know whether to wake Guan Gu up, making him think that Lu Ziqiao was actually looking for someone to pay the bill. I don't know how to listen, but soon, Bai Zhi thought of a better way: "Guan Gu, Zi Qiao doesn't understand how to enjoy life. Would you like to think about it and try it with me?"


As soon as the words came out, the four of them stared at Bai Zhi in surprise. If they didn't know that he should have no shortage of people who paid the bill, they might have thought that Bai Zhi's purpose was the same as Lu Ziqiao's.

"Hey, Bai Zhi, you're going too far~" Lu Ziqiao's face turned dark. Is there any law to dig his corner in front of him?

Bai Zhi stared at Lu Ziqiao jokingly, and then continued to talk to Guan Gu: "Guan Gu, you have thought about it! I am different from Zi Qiao~ because I have a regular girlfriend like you, and I don't need You come to pay for me, and you can take you to enjoy the real life, which is better than Ziqiao taking you to experience the false life?"

"Real life?" Guan Gu asked again uncertainly.

"of course."

"Hey, Bai Zhi, are you here to challenge me?"

"Yes, I'm challenging you." Bai Zhi twisted his neck and made a 'click click' sound, which looked extremely domineering, but the white flour on his face destroyed this domineering, making him look extremely funny.

Both Yumo and Meijia couldn't help but turned their heads away and laughed loudly, and Lu Ziqiao even laughed mercilessly: "You are the only one who teaches people how to live!? You'd better wipe the flour off your face before talking." Bar!"

"Why should I wipe it clean?" Instead of cleaning it, Bai Zhi said calmly, "I left this thing when I was making food. I like making food, so that means making this thing. I was very happy during the event, leaving this trace is inevitable, since I am happy, why should I deny the disharmony caused during this period because of the ridicule of others? Have I affected others?"


Guan Gu nodded thoughtfully, thought it made sense, and couldn't help agreeing: "Just like I paint, I like painting very much, and I am very happy when I am doing this, but when I paint It is inevitable that the paint will get on my body or face, making me look like a beggar. I don’t need to wash off the paint immediately because others laugh at me for being sloppy. When I pack it up, I can not only harvest a painting that I am very satisfied with, but also spend a period of time happily."


"Hey, Guan Gu, you can't be influenced by Bai Zhi, he lied to you." Lu Ziqiao was anxious, Guan Gu was about to rebel, how could he bear it? .

Chapter 978

"But, he seems to be right."

"On the surface, it is true, but Guan Gu, you have to think about it, even if you like painting, you don't like being dirty, right?" Lu Ziqiao anxiously discussed this issue with Guan Gu , Guan Gu thought for a while, and nodded: "Look, since you don't like it, why do you get dirty for painting? The happy things in this world are not just painting, right?"

"If you get something, you have to give up something." Bai Zhi said lightly.

"But you can get a lot now without giving up anything, isn't that good?"

"..." Bai Zhi twitched the corner of her mouth, and stared helplessly at Lu Ziqiao: "mmp, Ziqiao, you are so shameless, how can you say that you won't lose anything? Guan Gu lost money, if you go too far, you may lose Yoyo .”

"You said it was possible, as long as you pay attention to it."


Guan Gu was a little dizzy from the chatter between the two. He found that what they said seemed to make sense, and he didn't know who to listen to for a while. At this time, Lu Ziqiao gritted his teeth and stomped his feet, and decided to use a strong medicine: "Guan Gu Gu, judge for yourself, Baizhi is just talking now, but I have taken you out to experiment, do you believe what Baizhi said, but then you have to accept the consequences of possible failure, or follow me and enjoy the fruits of success? "

"I..." Guan Gu thinks it makes sense: "Yes~ I've tried it, and it's true that I will be very chic with you. Then, Bai Zhi, I'm sorry, I'd better go out with Zi Qiao!"

Bai Zhi spread her hands and sighed: "It doesn't matter, as long as you are happy..."

Lu Ziqiao was afraid that Bai Zhi would fight back, so she simply didn't let Bai Zhi continue talking, but pulled Guan Gu, and hurriedly said: "Guan Gu, let's go, we have to make preparations to attend Xiao Hei's Qing Dynasty party what!"

"Qing dynasty party? Isn't it a pool party? I don't have an outfit, so I'm not bad at all?¨‖!"

"Didn't I teach you to change in a second?"


Both Youyou and Yumo let out a sigh of relief and watched the two of them go out. Turning their heads, Bai Zhi continued to stir the flour on the table, and Yumo sighed: "You two, if you don't sell, it's a waste of your eloquence. !"

"Zi Qiao was originally a salesman." Bai Zhi curled her lips.

"Guangu is so pitiful. I was fooled around by the two of you. I don't know how much money I will have left after I come to my senses this time. I guess it will be squeezed out by Lu Ziqiao?" Meijia covered her face and really didn't know what to do. I sympathize with Guan Gu.

"Why fool around? I'm serious about teaching Guan Gu how to live a good life?" Bai Zhi retorted dissatisfied.

"Does he still need you to teach him how to live? He has his outlook on life, you can't impose yours on him!"

"Then at least I won't fool you into paying the bill, and I won't let him go to those messy places. You don't know who Ziqiao is. If Guan Gu doesn't have a girlfriend, it's bad living habits at best, but Now I have a girlfriend again, but if it is serious, it can be called a scumbag."

"That's right~ At least you won't be slaughtered like a fat sheep with Guan Gu." Both Meijia and Yumo agreed very much.

As Guang Guangu said, shopping, buying clothes, spa and sauna, it costs more than women!It’s still for two people. If you add the consumption for Yoyo, it’s for three people. What a tragedy!

Speaking of Cao Cao, Cao Cao arrived. Just as Bai Zhi thought of Yoyo, Yoyo came in from the door, saw a few people, and greeted casually: "Hi, are you all there?! I saw Guan Gu and Ziqiao just now. , why are they dressed like this?"

"In the end, you should ask Guan Gu yourself!" Several people didn't want to talk about it, one was Yoyo's boyfriend, and the other was Yoyo's nephew, both were family matters, they really couldn't say anything.

Yoyo didn't care about it, thinking that everyone didn't know, she sat down beside her: "By the way, Meijia, I have something to tell you, I found a job."

"I know! I'll give it to you!"

"Uh..." Youyou was a little embarrassed: "I didn't mean to do e-commerce~ I'm the art director, and Bai Zhi also knows that Mr. Bai came to look for me yesterday. Not only did he not fire me, but he even asked me to be the art director of this show." , asking me to revise the script."

"Wow~ Aren't they going to kill you?" Yoyo was a little shocked.

"I don't know why." Yoyo still hasn't figured out why that Bai always doesn't get angry, but instead gives her this chance: "However, I may not be able to help you with e-commerce, Meijia, it's not my fault, they Seduce me with twice the salary."

"How can you do this?" Meijia was anxious when she heard it: "' ‖Then what should I do if I settle the score?"

"It doesn't matter, you just collect the bill."

"Don't worry, don't worry." Yu Mo hurriedly stopped the two of them to prevent them from fighting: "Isn't it just that I found a new job~ What a big deal."

"You said it lightly." Meijia was not satisfied when she heard it.

Bai Zhi also spoke at the side: "It's not bad! I remember you said at the time that you can't interfere with Yoyo's filming! Isn't it the same? Yoyo continues to work with you, but at the same time, she also becomes the art director. It's the best of both worlds, how much?" it is good."

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