Bai Zhi felt that she was a bit evil, but she still smiled at the corner of her mouth, and said to Yifei sinisterly: "Yifei, it is said that you can find your old classmates here, don't you want to meet your old lover from your school days? That is the most ignorant feeling ah!"

"Bai Bai, no one dared to chase after Yi Fei when he was a student." Yu Mo rolled his eyes and explained to Bai Zhi.

"Oh~~" Bai Zhi gasped and said, "That's right! I am a schoolmaster and a female man, so no one is chasing you, eh? No! Why do I remember that Yifei was being chased? Isn't that Kara ?"

"That's different, Bai Bai, let me tell you..."

"Shut up Yumo." Yifei roared angrily, Yumo quickly shut up and didn't dare to say anything.

Bai Zhi rubbed her chin, and looked at Yifei maliciously: "Could it be that there is a reason why Wang Kara likes Yifei? This matter is really interesting, Yumo, tell me about it."

"I..." Yu Mo looked at Yi Fei with a guilty conscience, and quietly approached Bai Zhi's ear: "Actually! The thing is like this..."

"Yu Mo, if you dare to speak, I will also tell Bai Zhi about your past."

"Eh..." Yu Mo was startled immediately. If you want to talk about black history, Yu Mo's will definitely be more than Yifei's. Let alone, 180 catties in high school is enough for her to stay away, let alone other things son.

So, Yu Mo swallowed the words directly, and could only say sorry to Bai Zhi: "Bai Bai, that, there is nothing wrong with it, I was wrong just now, Yi Fei is being chased, and there are many more, but it's just because of She is so strong, I dare not express it."

Only then did Yifei nod her head. If Yumo said that many people confessed to her, she wouldn't believe it herself, so it's good to just say so.

"Why do I not believe it so much?" Bai Zhi wondered, Yu Mo was afraid of Yifei, but he was not.

"What's none of your business? Why do you care so much about my affairs? You want to chase me?!"

"Don't dare, I don't dare to chase after you if the woman is so awesome." Bai Zhi shuddered, shrank instantly, shrank back and continued to look at her phone.

"Bai Bai, what's your name, I'll add you."

"Angelica dahurica papyrus."

"Why did you add your nickname?" Yu Mo laughed out loud, for some reason, she always wanted to laugh when she heard this nickname.

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・

"That can't be helped! The name Baizhi has been registered long ago."

"How come?" Yu Mo asked in surprise, and searched casually: "Really~ Is your name so popular?"

"It's not the public." Bai Zhi explained to them: "The name Bai Zhi itself comes from the name of a traditional Chinese medicine. My dad knew to find a nicer name from here, and naturally others know it. Although it sounds nice, it also leads to The probability of duplicating the name will increase a lot, and besides, I registered relatively late, so it's normal for someone to register first."

"Okay!" Yu Mo said that she was also very helpless. Some names were chosen based on poems, traditional Chinese medicine, or ancient sayings. Although they sound good, the rate of duplicate names is really high.

... ... ...

After registering an account and adding friends, Bai Zhi and Yu Mo started to play a small game. Yifei was like an abandoned person, sitting and so on, which seemed out of place with the atmosphere here.

Yifei patted her chest, looking very helpless, now she was thinking about whether she should go out for a walk.

"Bai Bai, so many of your messages are from your former classmates, why don't you reply!"

"Don't worry about him. I haven't contacted him for more than ten years. What's the point of contacting him now?"

"Then we should get in touch too! It was inconvenient if we didn't get in touch before, maybe we can find some good friends!" Seeing that Bai Zhi was still unmoved, Yu Mo opened it for him dumbfounded, but it was just I felt a little dizzy at a glance: "Your old classmates are all girls!"

"Do you think it's possible? It's just that the ones who remember me are all girls." Bai Zhi propped her chin with her hands: "They are very troublesome, so I have never wanted to register for a washbasin account, but I just don't want them to find me .”


Bai Zhi coughed, then glanced at Yi Fei guilty, and found that she didn't want to talk to her, so she whispered in Yu Mo's ear: "I told you before that there is a part of the reason why I broke up with those ex-girlfriends. It's because my mother always likes to put a foot in my relationship, what you see is just the tip of the iceberg."

"Ice... the tip of the iceberg?" Yu Mo was a little dazed, if she remembered correctly, there were a dozen or so of them just because she knew about it, isn't that the tip of the iceberg? . .earth.

Chapter 854

"Yes." Speaking of this, Bai Zhi is also very helpless. This kind of bad behavior is even more terrifying than the elders who are forced to go on a blind date when they go home. Although Zeng Xiaoxian and the others said, "Please give me such a mother." Hit', but a Baizhi can't stand it, let alone a dozen: "I remember I also said that she likes to secretly greet those beautiful girls behind my back, and finally to the point of my girlfriend, you see All of them were successful, and some of them were not successful, and I discovered them in advance."

Yu Mo twitched the corners of his mouth, covering his forehead and didn't know what to say: "Then what do you think?"

Bai Zhi shrugged: "Forget it, I've never felt sorry for these people, so I might as well stop contacting them, they keep cutting and the reasoning is messy! So I registered an account just to play a small game."

"But there are still more than N girls searching for you. From the looks of it, your charm is quite great!" Yifei teased, Bai Zhi just registered not long ago, and someone is looking for her, so that's not very awesome.

Bai Zhi glanced at her, and curled her lips helplessly: "That's because there is a school recommendation function, okay? I chose this school, so naturally our school can also see it, and then I can find it based on a name. A school But there aren’t that many people with the same first and last names.”

"Tch, I thought your charm was overwhelming!" Yifei said impatiently.

"Whatever." Bai Zhi thought it through instead: "Maybe these people are already married now, so I don't need to worry about it."

As he spoke, he opened the message list, and agreed to the administrator's invitation to join the class. Joining alone did not attract too many people's attention. They were all asking what city they were in, what job they were in, and telling some of their own sufferings And so on, it seems that this is a world of catharsis. Once a sentence resonates with everyone, it will get everyone's approval.

For a while, the time of playing small games seemed to turn into an online class reunion. Yumo naturally had her own classmates, but she was fine, there was a class reunion before.

However, the nature of her party was obviously different. They were just some better people gathered together, far from being a real classmate party.

During this time, the night time passed quite quickly. Although everyone agreed to hold a class reunion, everyone has already left the society, and some children are even in elementary school. Time, except for the next year, there is really not much time.

. . . . . .

In the afternoon of the next day, the 'virus' of Washbasin seemed to have radiated to most places, even Zeng Xiaoxian and Meijia were playing, which shows how crazy the advertisements on this website are.

Even if Bai Zhi is in a bar, she can see some people holding mobile phones and computers, playing games or going on a date. It would take a few years for everyone to have a mobile phone, but now it has happened.

Zeng Xiaoxian smirked while looking at the tablet computer, Bai Zhi couldn't stand it anymore: "Mr. Zeng, your drool is about to flow on the sofa, calm down a bit, you see, even if there are beauties, you are scared away by you."

"Slip~" Zeng Xiaoxian sucked it cooperatively, seeing no one around, and then wiped the corner of his mouth guiltyly: "Besides playing small games, the washbasin net also has other functions. Look, there have been a lot of Beauty add me."

"Don't watch." Bai Zhi pushed Zeng Xiaoxian's tablet away: "Even if this is the case, you don't have to hold on to your phone and computer all day, right?"

"Then what's the matter?" Zeng Xiaoxian spread his hands: "Anyway, everyone is discussing gossip and gossip every day, but it's just changed from mouth to mobile phone. Is there any problem? Look, Guan Gu has been playing games for a long time." All day."

"Let me tell you! This is a new thing. After this gust of wind, everyone should calm down." Meijia suddenly came in from the door. Now she is in good condition, although she is not as strong as when she was a manager. There are quite a few, but this is the Mika that everyone knows.

"Then it will take a while." Bai Zhi sighed.

Meijia sat down, and sure enough, the first thing she did was turn on her phone and start to scan the washbasin net.

"Wow, another non-mainstream beauty added me~" Zeng Xiaoxian yelled again, opened the message bar and took a look: "Chen~beauty~jia~"

"It's me, what's wrong?" Meijia said dissatisfiedly: "What's your expression? I can't add you?!"

"Ah! Meijia, we don't need to add if we look down and don't see up?"

"I originally wanted to apply for an account to add handsome guys, but it's been a few days, and there is no one to watch, but I found my mother~" When Meijia said this, she was obviously very dissatisfied: "By the way, Bai Zhi, Where's your mobile phone! I added you too, agree with 0......"

"Is it necessary?" Bai Zhi complained.

"Of course it is necessary. There are more handsome guys in my mom's friend column than I do. Just now she sent a private message to laugh at me!" His charm is not as good as his, and it hurts when he thinks about it: "Of course I have to add a few handsome guys to get back the scene."

"That's all right now, with me in your friends column, you can definitely kill everything in seconds."

As soon as Zeng Xiaoxian finished speaking, Meijia's cell phone rang, she glanced at it was her mother's, and clicked on it: "Silly boy, do you think you can beat me just by finding a copycat version of Lin Dan? Hahaha, Mommy? "

Guan Gu and Bai Zhi paused for a moment, then laughed loudly, Mijia looked at Zeng Xiaoxian with strange eyes, Zeng Xiaoxian covered his face and didn't want to speak as if he didn't hear.

The slap in the face was so sudden, Meijia didn't care about Zeng Xiaoxian's expression: "Bai Zhi, why don't you agree? My mother is going to die laughing."

"It's useless for you to remind me. I still have to log in temporarily. The network is now on 2.9. It's like having a terminal illness. If I send a message now, the other party will not receive it until tonight."

"Is it that exaggerated?" Meijia asked with a frown, but soon her eyes lit up: "By the way, Bai Zhi, are all your former classmates in your friends column? Are they handsome?"

"Sorry, I have very few friends in the friend column, and there is not a single handsome guy. They are all uglier than me."

"..." Both Zeng Xiaoxian and Meijia couldn't laugh or cry, you probably added it because they weren't handsome enough for you, right?

Well, it's very possible. Immediately, Zeng Xiaoxian's eyes on Bai Zhi changed. This scheming bitch beat everyone who was more handsome than him to death. He is really shameless. Unlike us, he has a very broad mind. . . .

Chapter 855

"Hey, you want a handsome guy, don't you? Go find it yourself~" Bai Zhi simply threw the phone to Mika. Anyway, there are photos of herself in the class now, so let her choose whatever she likes, and she can add whoever she likes. Anyway, if It's none of his business to find that kind of marriage.

Meijia happily took Baizhi's mobile phone, and Yifei came in from the outside, put her hands in her pockets, and asked a little embarrassedly: "Well, let me ask, I registered a washbasin account last night, but why did I Can't even find a good friend?"

"How come? What is your username? Let me search for you." Guan Gu held the computer, which was more convenient, and opened the search function at once, and entered Hu Yifei's name.

However, Yifei told him: "My user name is Feifei Feifei, the very beautiful giant rabbit."

"What's the next string of numbers?"

"They said my username was the same as someone else's, so a garbled suffix was automatically generated." Yifei said impatiently, 09 was obviously very dissatisfied with the automatically formed garbled suffix.

Bai Zhi put the water down: "Why don't you use your real name? You are not like me, there are people looking for trouble everywhere, besides, even if there are people looking for trouble, there are still people who dare to trouble you now?"

"What do you know? The Internet is very dangerous, and I don't want to reveal my privacy."

"Ah~" Guan Gu explained helplessly: "This is a dating site, which pays attention to the real-name system, real name, real photo, real information, otherwise let alone your old classmate, even we don't know Who is the Feifeifei very beautiful giant rabbit."

"That's right! If you don't use it, I will preemptively register. I just want to change my username so that my mother can't find me."

"Don't move, I'll go back and change it now." Yifei became anxious when she heard this, and rushed back. These days, she is the one who goes out without a mobile phone.

"I think she should change her name to 'Crazy Rabbit with Chicken Blood', so that it will be more recognizable."

Both Guan Gu and Meijia nodded at the same time, and Meijia sighed, and returned the phone to Bai Zhi: "No, Bai Zhi, why are there not many of your former classmates who can watch it? Didn't you say that things of a kind gather and people are divided into groups? You Can't you pay a few more handsome guys?"

"Fart, who did you listen to?" Bai Zhi said confidently: "In terms of appearance, who doesn't want to find someone who is ugly to be friends, so that they can also set off themselves!"

"No problem." Zeng Xiaoxian nodded jokingly.

Meijia sighed: "Guan Gu, are you playing too? Then do you have any handsome guys? Even your classmates are fine!"

"No, they can't climb over the wall. I am some of my fans. For example, this Yaoyao is my fan. We often chat together." Guan Gu introduced casually.

Even Bai Zhi couldn't help taking a look, Zeng Xiaoxian's eyes straightened: "Wow, kawaii~ big-eyed beauty~" Zeng Xiaoxian touched Guan Gu's arm, and asked wretchedly: "You guys know each other? ?”

"I don't know each other, but we often chat." Guan Gu said casually: "But she seems to have asked me to introduce her boyfriend recently."

Bai Zhi shook her head, and waved her hand uninterestedly: "For those who only dare to show half of their face, I usually treat them like flowers, even if her eyes are like bull's eyes, I don't care."

"Go away." Zeng Xiaoxian waved his hands impatiently, obviously very dissatisfied with Bai Zhi's interruption of his fantasy: "Guan Gu, then look, how am I?"

" mean, you introduced him to a boyfriend?"

"No, I mean, how about introducing her to me?" Zeng Xiaoxian said excitedly: "You also know that in online social networking, you add me and I add you, just take a sheep, bah, take a look there an idiom to say it?"

"Harming others and harming oneself." Meijia immediately connected.

"Everyone is happy."

"Uh, this, I don't think it's appropriate." Guan Gu hesitated, everyone knew who Zeng Xiaoxian was, but because he knew, he wouldn't be so straightforward.

"Hehe, I'll offer fifty washbasin coins." Zeng Xiaoxian stretched out five fingers.

"Okay." Guan Gu didn't think about it for a second, and agreed without hesitation. Mijia and Bai Zhi were stunned! ?What about your morals?What about your persistence?

It seems that large-scale real fragrance scenes are everywhere, and they just need to be discovered.

Bai Zhi shook her head helplessly, let's brush her own!At least it won't be so ridiculous, Zeng Xiaoxian looked at Guan Gu proudly, just waiting for him to give him his contact information!

Sure enough, Guan Gu simply shifted the topic to Zeng Xiaoxian, which can be described as a big compliment, and then gave Zeng Xiaoxian his contact information, and they started chatting like this. The big-eyed beauty Zeng Xiaoxian imagined was sitting opposite, Pan Exploration room Huanlao stretch yo

Bai Zhi flipped through the previous chat records casually, and continued with yesterday's topic, when and where the party will be held, there are too many people talking, and the discussion is not clear for a while.

Then I found a series of Aite's, and it turned out that most of the time had been confirmed, so I just asked Bai Zhi when she had time, Bai Zhi sighed, touched her chin, and muttered to herself: "Forget it, It seems like a good choice to have a look.”

Opened the chat bar, typed in the words "I have time anytime", and sent it.

133 So, the time was set like this, and it was set in a week later. As for the location, everyone is in different places now, so it's really hard to say the location, but what is certain is that it is definitely near the school!This way, you can also take the time to visit the school.

It doesn't matter to Bai Zhi, anyway, he can go to see it often, it doesn't matter whether he goes now or not.

Suddenly someone asked Bai Zhi: "By the way, didn't I remember that Bai Zhi has always been in this city? Can you recommend a place? It's closer to the school. As for whether it's close to everyone, it doesn't matter much. Anyway, everything is far away, and Consumption can also be cheaper, and the cost performance is relatively high, and it is also considered for some students in the class who have children."

Bai Zhi was taken aback for a moment, and she looked at this classmate with admiration. If I remember correctly, this should be the monitor at that time, right?Originally, this kind of friendship, which was only a formality, seemed to have nothing else but comparison, but he knew that he would consider and want to come for his classmates who had children. . .This party shouldn't be that bad.

Bai Zhi rubbed her chin: "Then if that's the case, why don't you come to my bar? The chefs here are all selected by me, and they should suit your tastes. If it's cheap, at most, just pay for the materials."

For a time, the praise was rave, and most of them agreed. . . .

Chapter 856

Now that the time and place have been confirmed, Bai Zhi remained aloof and did not continue to speak. Every team has one or two self-righteous people, which is unavoidable for anyone. Of course, there are also some on Bai Zhi's side, a small number of one or two people objected. Said it was not safe, but Bai Zhi directly ignored it. It is difficult to agree with everyone. This is an inevitable event. If he is angry because of these two self-righteous guys, then he probably will not live to be 30 years old.

"Then it's settled. Next Saturday, everyone should have time. At six o'clock in the evening, at Bai Zhi's bar. By the way, Bai Zhi, you'd better make arrangements. Is there any place to live around? In the evening, everyone It must be drinking, and when you get drunk, students who are further away can stay directly."

"Across the street, there are several hotels and hotels. You can go there to open a room at that time." Bai Zhi replied, the location of their place is quite good, they have everything they need to eat, drink, and live, and it is convenient to travel. There are Love Apartment, Eisen Apartment, and Sunset Red Apartment. There are quite a lot of residents. Otherwise, Bai Zhi's bar would not have so many guests.

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