Bai Zhi felt a cool wind blowing beside her, hey, big sister, you are not much better, are you?When did I write this stuff to you?

It's just that it's not over yet. The third, fourth, and fifth ones each have a love poem, and Bai Zhi's head grows bigger after hearing it. Zeng Xiaoxian and Guan Gu are dumbfounded. They really can't figure it out.Everyone has a love poem.

"Aren't you going to explain to me?" Yu Mo asked Bai Zhi silently with a dark face.

"The devil knows how to explain it, I still don't understand what's going on!" Bai Zhi opened her mouth, and could only complain helplessly, and suddenly her eyes lit up: "Wait a minute...Zi Qiao seems to have been away recently! "

Yu Mo and Yifei looked at each other, as if they were really away from home all day, suddenly, Yu Mo's face was full of murderousness: "You mean, Zi Qiao used your name to pick up girls again?"

"It's almost the same, this guy likes to be a white wolf with empty gloves." Yifei, Zeng Xiaoxian and Guan Gu all nodded.

But Zeng Xiaoxian suddenly thought, no!There is an obvious loophole: "But, if Zi Qiao uses Bai Zhi's name to pick up girls, why do these women know Bai Zhi the moment they see Bai Zhi?"

"..." Bai Zhi choked for breath, it makes sense!Lu Ziqiao borrowed his own name, at most he borrowed a name or something, you said these women didn't ask her name! .

Chapter 693

"I figured it out. This man is so heartless and ungrateful. He lied to us! Did you see that he is so close to that little bitch, she..."

'Pa~' This woman hasn't finished talking yet!He was slapped by Bai Zhi. The person who was close to Bai Zhi was of course Yu Mo. Bai Zhi didn't understand the matter. Originally, he wanted to continue asking, but he didn't expect someone with such a cheap mouth, so it's no wonder he did it.

The face of the woman who spoke was swollen up for a while, she looked at Bai Zhi in disbelief, and saw that Bai Zhi didn't look guilty at all, she only heard him say coldly: "Don't be shameless, I'm so polite I’m going to ask you guys, it’s better than anything else to settle things peacefully, but if your mouth is so stinky, I don’t mind giving you another slap.”

Seeing that the deterrence is almost done, Bai Zhi said lightly: "I don't care who you were deceived by, but I will not help him take the blame. Now, where do you go back and forth, whether you believe it or not, let me tell you, that shit I didn't write the promise poem, I didn't hesitate to write it to deceive women."

Anyone who has met Bai Zhi's ex-girlfriend knows that none of them are fuel-efficient lamps, there are Bai Fumei, there are literary girls, and there are female tyrannosaurs, but when they see Bai Zhi, they will not shout and kill, that is Because Bai Zhi treated them with heart before, they will not be the same as Lu Ziqiao's ex-girlfriend.

But these women were obviously deceived, which is very inconsistent with Bai Zhi's behavior style. Although Bai Zhi doesn't know who borrowed his name and how he made him take the blame, Bai Zhi is not the one who lied to them. It is even more impossible to take the blame for him.

However, of course, this matter will not be left alone. He even wondered if he was also responsible for the last money owed incident.

After those women left, Bai Zhi hammered her palm bitterly: "I'll never finish with you."

"This is no longer a prank, so Zi Qiao couldn't have done it, right?" ~ Zeng Xiaoxian guessed.

Although Lu Ziqiao often used other people's trumpets, but he didn't see people looking up, so he bullied that unlucky Zhang Wei. As for Bai Zhi, he was really afraid that he would be dismantled.

"Hey, where are you going?" Seeing that Bai Zhi was just depressed for a moment, Yu Mo walked outside, and asked curiously.

"I'm looking for clues. If I find that bastard, I'll skin him." Bai Zhi said fiercely, "By the way, Yu Mo, Mo Zhixing will lend me a favor."

"What do you want to do?"

"I'm thinking, since this guy can make people admit his mistakes, he must be proficient in disguise. If you see me later and don't see me wearing that ring, just ask the security guards to beat him to death."

"Disguise? Have you read too many martial arts novels?" Yifei complained silently. Like Mika did last time, it is possible to make up into another person. After all, make-up is one of the four major magic arts. Someone I know, how about you as a human skin mask?

"Okay~ It's in the room, you can get it yourself." Although Yu Mo felt that Bai Zhi was making a big fuss, he still agreed.

Bai Zhi nodded, with a smile on her face, a diamond the size of a pigeon egg was not made by you, a guy who can only deceive women with love poems, right?Let me see how you pretend?

After getting the ring, Bai Zhi chose to go to the bar in the next street, because everything started from here, Bai Zhi even suspected that the incident of being beaten half to death by them last time was true, but the beating It's not him, but the one who let him take the blame.

Therefore, if you find Lao Pi, you can easily find the guy who blamed you directly.

In a few days, Bai Zhi came to the door again. The bar attendants had known Bai Zhi for a long time. They had just appeared, and they informed their boss very tactfully.

Not long after, Lao Pi led a dozen people into the bar aggressively, closed the door, locked it directly, and threw the key into a wine bottle.

"Do you still dare to be alone? If you hadn't brought a female tyrannosaurus last time, I would have killed you." Lao Pi said fiercely: "It's not bad to have a female tyrannosaurus, isn't it? You are quite ruthless for revenge. , I just don’t know if you will be beaten to death by her after breaking up.”

"..." Bai Zhi scratched her head, and after a long time, she thought she had tricked a female devil for revenge!In other words, this thing still thinks he is a weak chicken?

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・

But forget it, I am not familiar with him, and I am still a competitor, so there is no need to explain: "Hey, Chen Pi, let me ask you..."

"I believe in kings." Lao Pi roared angrily.

"Wang Pi?" Bai Zhi scratched her head, the name is really not as nice as Chen Pi: "Whatever, Chen Pi, let me ask you, is the rumor you spread that beat me half to death last time a fictional story or a real one? ?”

"Yo? The scar is healed and you forget the pain? Then you can lie down for a few more days~"

"So this is true?" Bai Zhi murmured, seeing them surrounding him, Bai Zhi didn't care at all, as if you came here casually, and if I couldn't beat you to death, I'd lose, and continued to ask: "Then I ask You, the guy you beat, what is your personality like, have you seen his true face?"

...... 0 ......

"Stop talking nonsense, have you learned to play dumb? Fake foreign devils, don't think that I won't recognize you if your hair is dyed back to black. I'll recognize you even if you turn gray, you little boy. Hit me." Lao Pi waved his hand. , a dozen people surrounded him.

Bai Zhi sighed, smashed the wine glass to the ground with a 'snap', and kicked the person who was sneaking behind him in the stomach, and immediately there was a shrimp on the ground. . .

Three times, five divisions, two, quickly put people down, Bai Zhi pouted, weak chicken, this is really weak chicken, he thought these guys were the same type as him!In the end, there was just a group of guys who were weaker than dead nerds.

In the midst of howling, Bai Zhi found Lao Pi: "Chen Pi, let me ask you, what did you look like when you saw me? Have you ever seen his true face?"

"What's the real face~ woo woo~" Lao Pi was so sad, what happened to this devil?Last time, I was able to beat him with just any younger brother, but this time I ate a hunk?Could it be that this devil is just like in the novel, someone taught him his skills: "Don't you just look like this?"

"Don't brag..."

"I'm really not bragging, big brother, did I call your big brother Cheng? I don't want the money. You are my waiter here, and I don't care about making my customers miserable. Can you spare me? I really don't care I don’t dare anymore, I just open a bar quietly, who is it to provoke?”


Chapter 694

Looking at this wronged old man who couldn't be wronged any more, Bai Zhi wondered if he had done something wrong, this guy didn't seem to be targeting him, um, but it seemed that he was right!I am also a victim myself.

So, he clarified the matter with Lao Pi in a few words, and then took out his ID card to prove his innocence. After all, that guy had worked for Lao Pi, so he must have shown his ID card.

For a moment, Lao Pi's eyes turned red, and he choked out a few words between his teeth: "Jin Chengsi, you bastard."

"Jin Chengsi?" Bai Zhi muttered, why does this sound like the name of Bangzi Kingdom?

The misunderstanding was clearly explained, and Lao Pi no longer hated Bai Zhi, and felt a sense of joy of letting go of his grievances with a smile, especially after hearing that Bai Zhi was also a victim, the two felt sympathetic to each other at the same time.

If a woman's friendship is simple, then a man's friendship is sometimes that simple. Maybe it's a fight, or you don't know each other without a fight, or maybe you are the same people who have fallen into the world, and you can become friends.

Bai Zhi and Lao Pi, both occupied, within 1 minute, the two had gone from fighting and killing to now chatting happily, Lao Pi very generously let Bai Zhi drink casually, quite a kind of hatred for each other Feeling late.

"Brother! You don't know!" When he was drunk, Lao Pi poured out all his grievances like pouring beans: "You also run a bar, and you know that as long as the bar hires waiters Well, his hands and feet are nimble, and he is basically qualified. I think that kid has a pretty face and is of mixed race. I think he should be able to attract a lot of business, so I left him.

But this bastard is not a human being!In less than a month, he was able to talk about the dead, but he coaxed more than a dozen women into ecstasy. "

"That's a good thing!" Bai Zhi said in surprise.

"That's right, it's indeed a good thing." Lao Pi said it with a bit of bitterness, it was originally a bar!Having a coaxing waiter can be regarded as a means of attracting customers. After all, most women who come to nightclubs are relatively open, and they are not stingy: "Originally, I planned that if he could keep it like this for a few months , let him manage the operation of the bar."

"..." Bai Zhi couldn't say anything. Is this considered a promotion?You must know that he has only been working for less than a month, and he is really awesome: "Then what? Why does he owe you money? How can he cheat customers."

Lao Pi took a sip of his wine, and then slowly said: "Although I plan to give him a promotion, I haven't told him so that he won't get carried away. However, just last month, this fake foreign devil said that his wife was sick. I needed some medical expenses urgently, so I asked me to borrow it. I knew that after he was promoted, he would be able to pay it back as soon as possible based on his professional ability. By the way, let him be grateful and not change jobs, so I lent it to him. But who knows..."

Bai Zhi nodded, there was nothing wrong with this logic, at least as far as Bai Zhi knew, this old man was considered a good boss.

"This fake foreign devil is actually a liar. He deceived people with my old lady's serious illness. This is not human!" Lao Pi gritted his teeth and cursed fiercely: "If it hadn't happened for that thing, I wouldn't have known about this fake foreign devil. It turned out to be such a person."

"whats the matter?"

"It's the dozen or so girls he coaxed. Unexpectedly, this fake foreign devil secretly gave each of them a love poem. After making them dizzy, he then treated these women as meal tickets and spent more than ten days fooling around. This kind of thing can't be covered by paper, after those women found out, they came to the bar every day to ask me for someone, and then this bastard actually ran away, leaving such a mess."

Bai Zhi had a chill. These women were probably the ones who were looking for her this morning. The bar is not far away from each other, and the chances of being bumped into by chance are very high, especially Bai Zhi came here a few days ago to make a fuss. Thing, it's like opening a gap and trouble ensues.

"Why does this have Lu Ziqiao's sense of sight?" Bai Zhi muttered, this guy seems to have the same idea as Lu Ziqiao!I also rely on girls to eat.

"These are still trivial matters. If it's a big deal, I'll say that I've already fired people, but these women don't give up! My bar hasn't opened for a long time. Look, it's deserted now. It's just those women who fucked me up. I found out later that this guy not only cheated these women a few meals, but also cheated money, it’s ridiculous that these women are willing to beat the other and suffer.”

"Damn it..." Bai Zhi thought about her own bar, whether she would also be deserted by those women, and they thought she was the culprit!

No, this matter must be resolved as soon as possible, otherwise it will be very troublesome!

"By the way, you said you beat him half to death, which means you saw him again later? Where did you see him?"

When Lao Pi talked about this matter, he was a little awkward, and said with some embarrassment: "Cough~ It's a bit exaggerated. I just frightened him. This fake foreign devil is timid. Compared with you, brother, he is indeed one in the sky and one in the bottom. If he didn't do anything, he'd be sloppy, and he almost peed his pants. I don't want my brother to face a dozen people without changing his expression 0......"

"Is that so?" Bai Zhi nodded: "Then in order not to make mistakes in the future, we can fight when we meet. Don't worry, I won't strike too hard, so we can tell the difference."

"Hey, there's no need, buddy." Lao Pi waved his hand: "I didn't know before, but now that I've made it clear, I'm sure I won't admit my mistake. Although you are very similar, you are still somewhat different.

That guy looks like ZM mixed blood, his facial features are a little different from yours, his hair is made like a girl, and your temperament is different, that guy has some stubble, pretending to be a literary youth, the melancholy little prince lied People, but they are timid. Compared with your confident face, brother, once you know him, you will definitely recognize him at a glance. "

"That's it!" Bai Zhi nodded, that would be easy, although the hair can be cut off, and the temperament is too general, but some differences in facial features can still be distinguished.

If you don't know that there are two people, then it is inevitable to make mistakes. At most, you will think that this person has a different look, but if you know that there are two people, it will be easy to distinguish.

"Where did you meet? Do you know where he is now in 2.8?"

"I don't know where it is now, but the last time I saw him on XX Road, he seemed to have just participated in an art exhibition, and I ran into him, and then scared him, saying that he would pay me back immediately , I let him go, and then I asked my younger brother to follow him, and his girlfriend came to pay back the money, and the matter was over.

You also know the following things. In order to retaliate against him, I spread rumors that he was beaten half to death. Beaten to death. "

"...the art exhibition in that place? Isn't that the art exhibition of Ai Paide?" Bai Zhi was speechless, this world is really small!It all turned to me. Is it possible that I am unlucky? This kind of thing can happen to me. .

Chapter 695

"So, do you have a picture of him here?"

"Yes, of course. Do you want to look for him? If you find it, let me know, and I will look for him too." Lao Pi asked someone to take a photo to Bai Zhi, and Bai Zhi took it over for a look. It's quite clear, but it looks like a candid shot.

These are not important, the important thing is that as long as Bai Zhi can find someone, Bai Zhi looked at the person in the photo, not to mention, if you don't know, it is really easy to take him as Bai Zhi.

"By the way, Old Pi, do you know what kind of social relations this Jin Chengsi has? Or, who do you think is most likely to know where he is hiding?"

Lao Pi was taken aback, lowered his head and pondered, and then hesitantly said: "I don't know very well about interpersonal relationships. After all, he has only come to work for less than a month. Those women who were cheated by him are definitely not counted. If you have to say that there are For one, it’s the chick who helped him pay back the money last time, when the fake foreign devil was working here, she came to him a few times in 09.”

"The woman who paid back the money?" Bai Zhi thought for a while, and then she knew who he was talking about, wasn't it the chick that Lu Ziqiao was chasing after?However, as far as Bai Zhi knew, this woman hadn't seen Jin Chengsi for several days, right?Otherwise, Lu Ziqiao should call him and ask him what happened: "You know... no, why did I forget him."

Bai Zhi also wanted to ask Lao Pi for the address of this woman, but it was unlikely that he would know, but it was very possible for Lu Ziqiao.

Without further ado, Bai Zhi called Lu Ziqiao, but no one answered. . .

Hanging up the phone depressed, Bai Zhi sighed helplessly, and could only ask Lu Ziqiao when he came back: "Old Pi, if you have any news about him, remember to let me know."

"No problem, I'll let you know." Lao Pi readily agreed. After all, he is a villain. If he doesn't cooperate, who knows when he will be caught?

This shit is about to catch up with the thief and the murderer. . .

When Bai Zhi returned to the bar, she didn't expect that everyone had nothing to do and they were all nestled here. Bai Zhi went in and was about to sit down on the sofa when everyone looked at him vigilantly.

Bai Zhi was taken aback, and took out the 'Star of Mo' from his pocket, which dispelled their doubts. Bai Zhi sat down beside Yu Mo, and Yu Mo asked curiously: "Have you found anything?"


"How is it?" Everyone came together gossiping.

Bai Zhi took out the photo speechlessly: "There is indeed this person, he is the one who blamed him for all the blame, but I don't know where this guy is now, by the way, Guan Gu, when you and Zi Qiao went to the art exhibition, see Been to him."

"Ah?" When Bai Zhi talked about the art exhibition, Guan Gu was still a little dissatisfied, thinking that he had sold himself!But when I heard Bai Zhi’s words, I remembered it, and then compared the photos, it was like a chicken blood: “Yes, that’s him, I’ve seen it before, and I thought it was Bai Zhi at the time! This guy said something inexplicably. Just leave, and I don't care."

"My God, after Ai Paide, is there another face bumper?" The few people took a deep breath and were amazed. If it wasn't for Bai Zhi who could say with certainty that she was the only child, and Bai Zhi's parents were both from country Z. , They all thought this was Bai Zhi's twin brother.

Bai Zhi returned the ring to Yu Mo: "I don't need this ring anymore. There is still a big difference between the two of us. It should be easy to identify. I'll make a dozen or twenty copies later and send them to the bartender. This bastard is a Shameless guy who likes to cheat money, we can't let him leave the bar."

Everyone had a chill, it's dumb, if this is the case, it is indeed very possible, if this bastard knows that he has a very similar person who is opening a bar, after this guy comes, it's fine to eat and drink, maybe he can If you cheat him some money, or cheat a customer, then Bai Zhi will be in a tragedy.

"Yo? Where are you all?"

Just as Bai Zhi gave the photos to Joey and asked him to copy a few copies and send them down, Lu Ziqiao's voice came from behind.

I haven't seen her for a few days. This guy went to chase the girl, but he came back at this time. Lu Ziqiao walked to the edge of the sofa. Before he could sit down, he saw Bai Zhi, and his eyes immediately popped out: "Bai Zhi? Why are you here?" This? You are not with that chick..."

Lu Ziqiao got stuck at this point, thinking that Yu Mo was still there, she couldn't help changing her tone: "It's nothing, nothing."

Bai Zhi squinted her eyes, he heard clearly, with that chick?Which chick must be the woman who was bloomed by herself: "Where did you see that?"

"No..." Lu Ziqiao looked at Bai Zhi in embarrassment and kept winking.

Yifei rolled her eyes: "Stop talking nonsense, where did you see it?"

Lu Ziqiao shuddered: "It's... at the XX Road community."

Bai Zhi rushed out with a 'whoosh' sound, Lu Ziqiao couldn't call him no matter what, Yu Mo shook her head, now that she knew the truth of the matter, she wouldn't be angry anymore: "Zi Qiao, why did you come back only now?"

"I..." Lu Ziqiao wanted to find an excuse, but seeing the eyes of Yumo and Yifei, he swallowed the excuse: "Okay! I have been attacking the chick from last time for the past few days, but I When I met Bai Zhi, I thought he had something for that chick! I came back, but I didn't expect Bai Zhi to come back just now.

Yu Mo, I didn't mean to hide it from you, don't be sad, Bai Zhi is sure that 707 has unavoidable difficulties, maybe that woman threatened Bai Zhi that she was pregnant with a baby. . . "

"Okay..." Yu Mo and Yi Fei interrupted him helplessly, looking to scare him: "Look, is it this guy?"

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