Yifei was watching the development of the matter without blinking, for fear of missing something.

"Don't worry, Zhang Wei looks very calm and won't do such impulsive things."

Suddenly a voice rang in Yifei's ears, but Yifei, who was always paying attention to Zhang Wei's side, didn't care. Instead, he said worriedly: "Don't you know that before a storm, there will always be a strange tranquility?"

"It's a storm, do you think Zhang Wei looks like a storm?"

"Nonsense." Yifei yelled impatiently, but looking back, Bai Zhi grabbed a handful of melon seeds and was peeling them non-stop, and then looked at Zhang Wei, looking very comfortable: "I'll go, Why are you here? Didn't you agree to let me come?"

"I know, you don't need to remind me." Bai Zhi waved her hand: "I just happened to pass by, and I happened to see Zhang Wei talking to Xiaoli alone, so I won't steal your spot."

"Okay!" Yifei finally felt relieved and continued to watch the development of the matter.


Zhang Wei was very punctual, and after only chatting for 5 minutes, he returned the bride. However, he did not accept Qiangzi and Xiaoli's invitation, but turned around silently and walked towards the road.

Yifei felt baffled, so why not participate?Seeing that Zhang Wei didn't attend the wedding anymore, Bai Zhi also followed Zhang Wei.

"Zhang Wei, Zhang Wei, what's the matter with you? Why don't you go in?" Yifei was a little puzzled.

"No, here, it's not suitable for me."

"What did you say?" Compared to why Zhang Wei didn't attend the wedding, Bai Zhi was more concerned about what Zhang Wei said, but if Bai Zhi didn't make a mistake, Zhang Wei looked like he had realized everything.

"I didn't say anything, I just asked her some questions and explained some things to her, so I don't think this place is suitable for me, so I left!"

"It's that simple?" Yifei asked back.

"It's that simple."

"All right!"

Yifei was a little depressed because she ran so hard that she didn't get a bite of the wedding banquet, so she just went back.

She promised that she would be in a hurry with anyone who asked her to attend such a wedding in the future, but fortunately, she didn't pay the share money, so it wasn't too bad. . . .

Chapter 606

"Then you..." Bai Zhi asked cautiously, afraid of poking Zhang Wei's wound. At this time, people are the most sensitive, and of course, they are also the strongest.

"It's okay, I let it go completely this time, I didn't say that out of face." Zhang Wei said with a self-deprecating self-deprecation, and then calmly analyzed: "By the way, thank you, Bai Zhi."

"Thank me?" Bai Zhi was taken aback, he must have collapsed, right?

Zhang Wei explained: "This note is a lie you made up to trick me into attending the wedding, right? It's for the winning bet. I'm sorry to disappoint you. I didn't participate. Your bet won't win or lose." gone."

Bai Zhi shook her head, knowing what Zhang Wei said, but Zhang Wei obviously couldn't think of Bai Zhi's real purpose, but he didn't need to explain it, because, if you understand this matter, you will naturally understand it. don't understand.

In the apartment, Lu Ziqiao was the only one who could understand this sentence.

"No, the outcome of the bet has been decided a long time ago, the moment you decide to come to the wedding." Bai Zhi patted him on the shoulder.

"Ah? Why?" Zhang Wei's IQ is obviously not on the same level as melancholy.

Speaking of this bet, Yifei was obviously a little depressed. Although Zhang Wei was suspected of being fooled by Bai Zhi before, coming to the wedding undoubtedly proved that Bai Zhi and the others were right. She lost, and she lost completely, because she did not I understand what Bai Zhi said.

"Hahaha~" Bai Zhi laughed a few times, but did not explain, Zhang Wei was baffled.

"However, now I really let go, Bai Zhi, forgive me for only now realizing what you said last time. It turns out that letting go is not about flattery or humiliation on the surface, nor is it how beautiful it is."

"Keep talking." Bai Zhi knew that Zhang Wei hadn't finished speaking. If it was just these words, then Bai Zhi would be too disappointed. I'm sorry for being a bad person and making Zhang Wei think he was just looking for fun, so he tricked Zhang Wei into participating. wedding.

"The so-called letting go means that you may still hate her, still like her, and even want to kill her, but this will not affect your future relationship and life, and you will not become swayed by what she thinks, This is the so-called letting go, not completely forgetting.

Forgetting is just escaping, these things just become part of the memory, there is no need to eliminate¨". "

"Congratulations! Zhang Wei, you just let go. It seems that my hard work has not been in vain!" Bai Zhi happily patted him on the shoulder.

It doesn't matter whether you go to the wedding or not. Just like what Zhang Wei said, since I'm still blaming you for running away from the marriage, I just don't attend.

Just like when passing by, someone’s home is holding a wedding banquet, and they want to pull you in for dinner. At this time, it doesn’t matter whether you choose to go in or not. The idea is the most important thing. If you are very busy, then don’t go, don’t want to go , then don't go, depending on your own preferences, this is called normal.

"Your efforts? Why do I feel that you seem to be hiding a lot of things from me!" Zhang Wei regained his composure for a while.

"You can ask Zi Qiao about this kind of thing, maybe he can answer you." Bai Zhi gave Zhang Wei a suggestion.

"Why can't you answer me?" Zhang Wei asked suspiciously: "Also, if you give me a hint, maybe I'll figure it out."

"If you think about it, you just want to think about it. Ziqiao is the one who has experienced it. You can only empathize with him when you ask him."

"Him? How come? He was also robbed of marriage?" Zhang Wei asked Bai Zhi in surprise as if he had discovered some super gossip, and forgot about attending the wedding to Java.


Bai Zhi was speechless, only Lu Ziqiao could cuckold others in this world, and no one else could cuckold him. . .

Bai Zhi was talking about Meijia's problem. This problem has always been the most troublesome for Lu Ziqiao, but he thought it very clearly. That's why Bai Zhi said that Lu Ziqiao can empathize with her.

Chatting and chatting, Bai Zhi arrived at the place where she parked, but Zhang Wei thought happily that he had saved a lot of money, share money, fare, and he could figure it out, this trip was really worth it.

Of course, Bai Zhi wouldn't think about Zhang Wei's inner drama, he just started the car step by step and drove home.

"Baizhi." Yifei suddenly yelled, causing Baizhi to tremble in fright, and almost drove the car into the grass nearby.

"What?" Bai Zhi asked weakly.

"I can't find Zeng Xiaoxian's girlfriend, so you should find him yourself! I really have no idea."

"..." Bai Zhi was stunned for a moment, and swallowed involuntarily. At this time, she told Ji Ge that Zeng Xiaoxian's lovelorn was fake, and would he be beaten to death?

Well, the answer is definitely yes, so you must not let her know, isn't it just playing tricks?Who wouldn't!

"` ‖Then I don't care, you vowed to ask me for an idea, and if I have an idea, you can't carry it out? This is not a super difficult task. If you really can't, just introduce yourself to him Come on, I don't mind anyway."

Bai Zhi was very bachelor and dumped this matter on Yifei. After hearing this, Yifei twitched the corner of her mouth.

"Introduce me to him?" Yifei pointed at the sky exaggeratedly: "Are you out of your mind? Do you think he can bear it?"

"What's the point? Are you made of gold, or are you covered in diamonds? He really can't afford that."

"..." Yifei choked for breath, this is no metaphor: "You still have to be shameless, what if Zeng Xiaoxian refuses to accept my introduction?"

"If you don't even try, how do you know he doesn't want to? Look, Zhang Wei even did such a nonsense thing as attending his ex-fiancée's wedding (good, good, good, good), it doesn't matter if you talk a little bit more?"

"What does this have to do with me?" Zhang Wei was sitting in the back and was shot while lying down. Can you not bring others with you when you quarrel.

"Did you do it on purpose?"

"It's your own promise, the path you chose, you have to walk on your knees." Anyway, Bai Zhi pushed the matter to Yifei, it seemed that if she didn't accept it, she would be struck by lightning.

"Okay, then I'll introduce it to him. If you can't stand it, don't blame me."

"Well, let's go~" Bai Zhi acted quite calmly: "Anyway, it wasn't introduced to me. If you want to be so nice to Mr. Zeng, I don't mind if you introduce Ruhua, but I don't know if Zeng Xiaoxian will accept it. understood."


Yifei really has nothing to do with him, so introduce Ruhua?Please, Zeng Xiaoxian will kill her if he finds out. In that case, he doesn't even have to be friends. . . .

Chapter 607

The weather was sunny and it was another cloudless day. In this kind of weather, even if it wanted to rain, it was a bit difficult!

In fact, Baizhi really hopes that it will rain!It purifies the air and makes it cooler. Most importantly, he doesn't have to go to work, and he can leisurely watch others walk gracefully on the street with an umbrella.

Then, a car suddenly passed by, splashing water all over. . .

Cough, just think about this kind of picture, if you say it, you will be beaten to death, although others may not know that he said it.

However, although in the summer, the sunny weather does make people feel uncomfortable, but there are always people in the mood, which is very pleasant.

For example, Zhang Wei, when he came back, he always came back whistling. If he didn't know in advance that this guy was happy because of Xiao Li's affairs, they might have thought that Zhang Wei had an affair again!

For example, Zeng Xiaoxian, this guy has been occupying the toilet all day long, and Bai Zhi and Lu Ziqiao are using the next door to go to the toilet.

"Do you think something is wrong with Mr. Zeng?" When Zeng Xiaoxian walked into the toilet with a towel again, Lu Ziqiao went to Bai Zhi's side, discussing furtively.

"It's not just wrong!" Bai Zhi shook her head, "I'm telling you! Teacher Zeng asked me just now how to make a girl like~ him."

"What did you say."

"How can I say it?" Bai Zhi shrugged: "Dress more handsomely, behave more elegantly, and do things more manly. No, I took a shower three times today, and my orchid fingers came out, and I walked with wind. I just want to achieve what I said. Effect."


Hearing these words, Lu Ziqiao made some guesses: "Ms. Zeng is-is he in love?"

"Cough~" Bai Zhi looked around, and then whispered in Lu Ziqiao's ear: "Let me tell you! Since yesterday, I have already started looking for a blind date for Mr. Zeng, and I have prepared several candidates. Go tonight See the first one, by the way, Teacher Zeng told me not to tell others, but I don’t think it’s a secret, it should be shared with multiple people.”

"I... go, is Yifei really willing?" Lu Ziqiao's eyes were about to pop out, and he thought Yifei was joking!Originally, Zeng Xiaoxian was just acting, so these few days he didn't show much sadness at all: "Where are they going to meet tonight, should we go and see?"


"Um... is this place suitable for a blind date?" Lu Ziqiao asked in confusion, "We all go there often! He's not afraid of our gossip."

"I don't know, but what is certain is that they will find a reason to send us away."

"Oh, that's when I'm throwing a party, those methods?"

"more or less!"

"Then we can't let them succeed. Hehe, I'm the best at dealing with this kind of trick." Lu Ziqiao rubbed his palms and sent people away from the party. This is his specialty. If others want to send them away like this, then It's an idiot's dream.

Sure enough, very soon, Zeng Xiaoxian came out of the toilet, went back to the room and changed, holding a few movie tickets in his hands: "Hey, Ziqiao, do you want to go to the movies tonight?"

"We two big men go to the movies at night? Are you crazy?"

Lu Ziqiao complained crazily, it seems that he overestimated Zeng Xiaoxian's support skills, can he think of such a foolish reason?You said that inviting them out to dinner is better than watching a movie!

"Not us two big men, but everyone in our apartment goes."

"Why, what day is today?"

"Today is movie viewing day!"

"..." Bai Zhi and Lu Ziqiao looked at each other, a little confused, movie viewing day?When did this come out?How could they not know.

Bai Zhi scratched her head: "But I've only heard of Civilized Movie Watching Day, which is on October [-]th, it's still early! You created this movie watching day yourself, right?"

"Eh..." Zeng Xiaoxian choked for breath, he was a bitch, is there really a movie viewing day?He thought it was his own nonsense!But soon he returned to his original state: "Hey, this is the traditional movie-watching day of iPartment. As you all know, iPartment has a long history. Although it was not called this name before, since its establishment, there has been this movie-watching day. .

It’s just that projectors were used to project on the stadium in the past, but this year the subordinate household committee discussed it and decided that if you go to the movie today, you can take the ticket downstairs to reimburse half of the movie ticket fee.

With my brother Xian's face, I've got you free tickets, how about it?I mean enough, right? "

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・

"Traditional movie viewing day? How come I haven't seen it once?" Bai Zhi and Lu Ziqiao said that they lived in the love apartment just after changing its name. There is no reason why they haven't heard of it!

"Uh... Hey, as you all know, the stock market is in turmoil recently, the financial crisis is about to sweep the world, and the price inflation is fierce. It rained on this day two years ago, so the movies are open-air. It’s normal if you can’t see it.” Zeng Xiaoxian held his forehead with some regret, who knows whether he felt bad for fooling around or was really regretful: “Look, isn’t it replaced by a half-reimbursed movie ticket this year? Isn’t it a surprise? If you don’t believe me, you can ask Yifei, she is also an old resident.”

"Wait a minute! Let's not talk about whether the movie viewing day is real or not, but last year today..." Bai Zhi suddenly took out her phone and entered her space.


Then Lu Ziqiao and Zeng Xiaoxian were stunned, and actually opened the space diary, which read, July 2010, 7, the weather was fine. . .

"Hey, it's sunny, and I wrote on it: today is not a good day. Not only is it boring, but it's also boring. I didn't even participate in any decent activities, especially a bitch with the surname Zeng. I asked him to ask the community Is there any competition or other activities, but he actually said no, and finally organized a domino event for me? Please, can it be called domino if it is displayed with four mahjong?"


"Look, don't try to lie to me. Although I forgot what I did today last year, I can still find it out. Don't think I'm so easy to deceive as Zi Qiao, saying, what day is today."

Zeng Xiaoxian almost knelt down to Bai Zhi at that time, brother, I have already told you that I am going to meet a girl tonight, are you still so serious?You are only happy if I die in front of you, right?

"You must have misremembered." Zeng Xiaoxian licked his face and sneered, joking, he bought the tickets himself, what else do you want: "I'll go, as good brothers, I invite you to watch a movie, just find someone to keep Do you have to bear me for the reason of saving face? Let's see who dares to invite you to dinner and watch a movie in the future."


Ok!Now that you've said that, it seems that they can't go if they don't go!work.

Chapter 608

In the end, Bai Zhi and Lu Ziqiao were still "persuaded" by such a strict brother killing. You have said that, so what can I do, right?

Anyway, it is estimated that at night, this guy will definitely find a reason not to go. This is a necessary process, and they will not go at that time.

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