True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 933 Drums rumble

"Eighty-three, Guigu Zan of the Tiangui Sect."

When Guigu Zan heard his name being read out, he walked straight forward. Behind him still lay the lazy, motionless skeleton man.

In the world of cultivation, swordsmen often like to carry their own sword boxes and hide their swords in them. Firstly, it is convenient to use, and secondly, it shows the identity of the swordsman.

Swordsmen are sword cultivators, a unique group of cultivators. They regard the sword as their faith, and when they practice to a high level, they are blessed by the sword domain and the sword spirit. Because the combat power of sword cultivators often exceeds that of other cultivators of the same level. Therefore, sword cultivators usually appear arrogant.

The swordsman practices the sword and is proud of the sword. The sword is in the box and in the heart.

As for Guigu Zan, he is not a swordsman, but he still has a unique arrogance. The white skeleton on his back is the glory he wants to show.

He is a ghost cultivator, a pure ghost cultivator. The "ghost" is on his back and in his heart.

Ghosts cultivate ghosts and are proud of ghosts. Ghosts are on their backs and in their hearts.

It can be said that in the entire Zhongyuan Continent, Gui Gu Zan is one of the most thorough ghost cultivators.

At this moment, Guigu Zan stood in front of the huge stone drum of heaven and earth, with his hands on his shoulders and an expressionless face. The white skeleton lying behind him remained motionless.

After ten breaths, Guigu Zan still made no movement, like a strange statue admiring himself in the mirror.

"Why didn't the ghost cultivators from the Ghost Sect take action that day?"

"Aren't you going to give up?"

"I've heard of him. Guigu Zan is a leader among the younger generation of Tiangui Sect. He is known as the "True Ghost Fang". Even though there is a skeleton lying on his shoulder, he is actually a sword cultivator. . But most of the people who saw him using the sword were already dead."

"Is he really that scary?"

"However, Guigu Zan did not participate in the last True Lotus Glorious World Conference. I have to say that the Tiangui Sect is really full of talents."

In the square, some trial disciples were discussing privately.

At this moment, Guigu Zan slammed his hands on the surface of the stone drum.

Tsk tsk tsk.

The surface of his body overflowed with swirling, gray-white ghost energy, which was the materialization of soul power. The aura of those ghost spirits rolled and surrounded each other, and the appearance of a big skeleton ghost became clearer and clearer, appearing behind Gui Gu Zan.

Gui Gu Zan's eyes were sharp, and he pressed his arms hard against the surface of the stone drum. The big skeleton ghost behind him also stretched out his arms. Their body movements were perfectly synchronized, as if the big skeleton ghost was the shadow of Gui Gu Zan.


A domineering ghost roar came out.

Boom, boom, boom.

The stone drums of heaven and earth were beaten instantly, and the sound was like the roar of ghosts.

From beginning to end, the skeleton on Guigu Zan's back did not move. Maybe it was asleep.

There was a burst of exclamation in the square.

"What a powerful ghost spirit."

"The ghost cultivator looks domineering."

"He is a ghost genius."

Xu Yang, who has not yet appeared, did not hesitate to praise: "Tiangui Sect, Guigu Zan, well done!"

The black demon dragon Ming Lin squatting on Xu Yang's shoulder also stretched out a dragon toe to praise.


Finally, there are four people in the square who have not yet participated in the Heaven and Earth Stone Drum Test, namely Liu Haiyu from the Qinglian Dojo, Zhan Yunfei from the Yudao Sect, the Golden Jade Monk from the Golden Buddha Temple, and Xu Yang from the Tiangui Sect.

In the square, those trial disciples who had successfully or failed to pass the Stone Drum Test were still present. They were participants and the next witnesses.

"The remaining four are all the top four who participated in the True Lotus Glorious World Conference."

"Their performance is really exciting."

"It is also very rare to see the elegance of these four people in person."


"I would like to invite the eighty-seventh, Yu Daomen Zhan Yunfei." The middle-aged deacon raised his voice.

Door, the voice said loudly.

As a disciple of the Yu Dao Sect and the host of this trial, Zhan Yunfei's appearance naturally attracted much attention.

Zhan Yunfei came to the opposite side of the Tiandi Stone Drum and stood still.

He glanced at his own reflection in the stone drum mirror, Mr. Bai with white hair and white robes.

Without any hesitation, Zhan Yunfei placed his palms lightly on the surface of the stone drum and activated the Xuanbing technique. The power of Xuanbing roared like a glacier in the Haoran Heavenly Vein within his body.

As he watched, swirling icy air overflowed from Zhan Yunfei's body, and a layer of transparent ice crystals immediately appeared in the surrounding void and the surface of the stone drum, which was his unique black ice soul realm.

The void shook.

Suddenly, behind Zhan Yunfei, a ten-foot-tall three-eyed ice crystal giant wearing ice armor appeared. It held a sky-shaking hammer in its hand, which was majestic and ice was coming.

As Zhan Yunfei continued to increase his soul power, the three-eyed ice general raised the sky-shaking hammer in his hand.

The hammer falls and the drum sounds.

Boom, boom, boom, boom.

If there is thunder, it goes through the whole place.

"Zhan Yunfei of the Yudao Sect has passed the test of heaven, earth, stone drum, and obtained the qualification to enter the meeting space." The middle-aged deacon announced loudly.

The square was filled with cheers.

However, Lan Xingjun, the great elder of the Yu Dao Sect, had an expression that remained calm and calm. He put his hands behind his back and didn't even nod his head, as if Zhan Yunfei's performance was what he expected.


No. 88, Liu Haiyu from Qinglian Dojo.

Dressed in blue like water and looking like a fairy, Liu Haiyu walked calmly to the stone drum of heaven and earth.

From the blue sword box behind Liu Haiyu, the voice of Sword Spirit Qing Xiaoyu came out: "Master Haiyu, based on my experience, I always feel that the test of the heaven and earth stone drum is not that simple, so it is better to be cautious."

"Thanks for the reminder." Liu Haiyu responded.

Next, Liu Haiyu took a step forward, placed his hands on the surface of the Heaven and Earth Stone Drum, and activated his body.

His whole body gradually became translucent, and water lines intertwined on his body surface, making a rumbling sound like a rushing river.

After a few breaths, the shadow of a huge waterfall reaching the sky was actually reflected in the void behind Liu Haiyu.

This sky-high waterfall connects the stars and rivers, flying down to the nine heavens, surrounded by fairy mist, revealing an awe-inspiring alien power.

Dao realm - Jiutian Xuan Waterfall.

But he saw the water rolling on Liu Haiyu's palms, and the shadow of a slender herring jumped out of it.

The next moment, the blue fish turned into a blue dragon.

Boom, boom, boom.

The sound of five consecutive drums came from the surface of the heaven and earth stone drum, and the sound was like the roar of a waterfall, resounding throughout the entire venue.

"What is a genius? Liu Haiyu is a genius."

"What is the waterfall appearing behind Liu Haiyu?"

"That is a special dharma that can only be revealed after comprehending the Tao realm."

"It's so shocking."

In the square, the sound of praise rose and fell.

Xu Yang raised his thumb and praised: "This is Liu Haiyu's strength."


"No. 89, Xu Yang of the Heavenly Ghost Sect." said the middle-aged deacon.

The eyes of the demon dragon Minglin, who had been squatting on Xu Yang's shoulder, lit up and said excitedly: "Master Xu Yang, it's our turn. What kind of drum is this? You don't need to do it yourself. I will go over and beat it with my paws."

Xu Yang sent a message: "Ming Lin, we still have to abide by the rules. You take a rest first, and I will just ring the stone drum of heaven and earth myself. Later, there will be a place for you to contribute."

Although Ming Lin was unwilling to give in, he still turned into a black stream of light, returned to Xu Yang's Zifu space, and turned into a small black scale ball.

"Xu Yang is an elite disciple of Tiangui Sect. He won second place in the True Lotus Glorious World Conference. I witnessed it with my own eyes."

"On the outside, he looks like a member of an ordinary aristocratic family, not a ghost monk at all.

The fierce look. "

"People should not be judged by their appearance. Xu Yang is definitely capable of playing after Liu Haiyu."

"It can be said that Xu Yang became famous in one battle at the True Lotus Glorious World Tournament."

On the square, people were talking a lot, and everyone knew that the last person to appear would be more exciting.

Xu Yang walked forward with his head held high and came to the opposite side of the Heaven and Earth Stone Drum. The smooth surface of the stone drum reflects the handsome young man in green.

Yao Jun stood among the crowd, looking at Xu Yang in front of the Heaven and Earth Stone Drum, with no worry on his face. She knew that with Xu Yang's strength, he would definitely pass this test.

Zhan Yunfei on the side turned to look at Yao Jun, and then said: "I guess, with Xu Yang's strength, he should be able to beat the heaven and earth drum at least five times."

Yao Jun smiled and nodded, and then responded: "Senior brother, if you were full of firepower, you would never just bang the stone drum four times."

In the crowd, Liu Haiyu, who had just finished the test, looked at Xu Yang intently and whispered: "Xu Yang is my opponent that Liu Haiyu will surpass in his life, and he is also a friend. His performance never disappoints."

Qing Xiaoyu's voice came from the sword box behind Liu Haiyu: "This Xu Yang's skills are quite complex, but every time he takes out something, it is top-notch. What is puzzling is that there is a Yuan Demon on his body. The breath of blood. I can see this. If he can be regarded as a friend by your master, his character is naturally good. I will not doubt that he is a member of the devil."

Qing Xiaoyu's original name was Qing Yuzi. He once imprisoned the demon saint on the top of Sword Spirit Mountain for thousands of years, and was even invaded by the demonic energy in the end. His understanding of Yuanmo's aura is deeper than anyone present.

Guigu Zan, who is Xu Yang's fellow disciple, still has his hands on his shoulders and his face is expressionless. The white skeleton sleeping on his back woke up at some point. It raised its bone fist and waved it, as if to encourage Xu Yang.

Murong Yu clenched his fists and whispered: "Boss Xu Yang, I support you."

Previously, Murong Yu and Xu Yang were both lay disciples at the Golden Buddha Temple and formed a brotherly relationship. The responsibility and strength Xu Yang showed at that time conquered Murong Yu, so he was willing to call Xu Yang the boss.

On the square, the only one who did not watch Xu Yang's stone drum test seriously was the handsome little monk who was born with three eyes and wore a white cassock.

The eyes of the golden monk were still closed naturally, and a golden light swirled in the third golden eye between his eyebrows, like a small golden sun.

The little golden monk is sleeping, or in other words practicing. Being able to practice while sleeping is an almost unique skill.

To describe the golden little monk as a genius is far from enough. This guy who was born with three eyes is simply not a human being.

In front of the stone drum of heaven and earth.

Xu Yang thought in his mind: "Judging from the previous performance of Liu Haiyu and others, in order to successfully beat the stone drum of heaven and earth, at least 80% of the soul power must be used. The more stable the soul power output, the more drum sounds will be heard. Loud.”

With his judgment in mind, Xu Yang gently placed his palms on the surface of the Heaven and Earth Stone Drum.

As soon as his spiritual consciousness moved, the Haoran Heavenly Vein, Daoguo Spiritual Vein, Buddha Spiritual Vein and Heavenly Ghost Spiritual Vein in his body circulated at the same time, and the mana in them surged like a tide.

Red fire waves billowed on Xu Yang's body surface.

Suddenly, a huge fire starry sky appeared in the void behind Xu Yang. In the sky of the Fire Star, countless Fire Stars were singing, and there was a flame bird with a thin neck and a long tail spreading its wings into the sky.

Tao Realm - Ming Dynasty Zhuque!

The surface of the stone drum reflects the image of a huge firebird, and under the firebird, Xu Yang looks like a god of fire. The sacred bird crows and the drum beats.

Boom, boom, boom.

The drums of heaven and earth sounded six times in succession, and their sound was so loud that it seemed that the stars in the sky could hear it.

There was a sound of exclamation in the square.

The bald little monk opened his eyes and said with hazy eyes: "Who made such a big noise and woke up my sweet dream."

The golden jade monk took a closer look and whispered, "It turns out to be my good friend Xu Yang."

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