True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 921 Worry-Free Pill

Garden Peak.

Bei Tinghua, who has a peerless appearance, was admiring flowers in the flower garden alone. A colorful butterfly landed on her sleeve in search of beauty and refused to leave for a long time.

Bei Tinghua raised his sleeves, watched the colorful butterfly slowly flapping its wings, and sighed: "Little guy, are you tired? Or maybe you are infatuated in the wrong place."

She raised her beautiful hand, and the colorful butterfly flew away with the breeze.

Her eyes searched for the colorful butterflies and came to the blue sky. She was thoughtful, her ears turned red, and she murmured: "Beitinghua, why aren't you like this?"

Afterwards, Bei Tinghua returned to the pavilion used for resting next to the flower garden.

Bei Tinghua sat on the wooden bench in a daze. After a while, she picked up the teacup in front of her and took a sip of the spirit tea, "It's cold and tasteless."

Putting down the tea cup, he turned over his hand and found an antique folding fan.

The fan bone is made of purple sandalwood, exuding an elegant and refreshing fragrance. A cloud-shaped white jade pendant is tied below with a white silk cord. The jade pendant is as gentle as a gentleman. The word "Qingyun" is clearly engraved on the jade pendant.

After watching it for a while, Beitinghua put the folding fan away again.

"Others say that Lu Qingyun ascended to the fairy world five hundred years ago, but he personally told me that if possible, he would take me to the fairy world with him. If not, he would meet me on the third peak. Staying together for a hundred years, drinking Baihua Brew together." Bei Tinghua shook his head slightly, "Why do I always feel that Lu Qingyun has not ascended to the immortal world, and he is hiding somewhere in this True Lotus Glorious World Conference. Disciple Xu Yang not only has the aura of Haoran Heavenly Vein, but also has traces of practicing Haoran Holy Technique, and Haoran Holy Technique is a technique that Lu Qingyun is good at. Maybe Xu Yang has met Lu Qingyun, or maybe he has. What's the origin?" Bei Tinghua thought in his mind.

A young female disciple wearing a green shirt came to report: "Your Majesty, the Peak Master, Yao Jun, a disciple of the Yu Dao Sect, and Xu Yang, a disciple of the Tiangui Sect, are here to pay their respects with the Hundred Flowers Order."

"Where are the people?" Bei Tinghua asked.

"Are the two of them waiting in the Peony Hall?" the female disciple in green shirt said respectfully.

Bei Tinghua's eyes flickered, he stood up, raised his jade sleeves, and colorful flying flowers swirled on his body. When the colorful flying flowers disappeared, her body also disappeared.

"The peak master has returned from the realm trial where he presided over the True Lotus Glorious World Conference, and his body has been recovering. I heard that these two people came to visit, and they did not hesitate to use flying flowers and trees. It seems that there is really something important. It's over." The female disciple in green shirt whispered to herself.


Peony Hall.

It is a palace located halfway up the third peak. There are countless peonies painted on the dome, which seem to be exhaling fragrance.

A boy in green and a girl in white are waiting in the hall under the dome.

Not long after, I saw Bei Tinghua walking quickly into the hall.

"Xu Yang, a disciple of the Tiangui Sect, has met the Lord."

"Yao Jun, a disciple of the Yu Dao Sect, has met the venerable Lord."

Xu Yang and Yao Jun saluted respectfully.

"No need to be polite, please sit down and talk in detail." Beiting Hua said.

The three of them sat down and first talked about some things about the True Lotus Glorious World Conference and some matters not related to the secrets of their respective sects.

Yaojun looked at Xu Yang and then at Bei Tinghua opposite, blushing slightly.

Beitinghua naturally knew what Yao Jun meant. Because before Yaojun came, she used the excuse that she wanted to help Yaojun find out what kind of man Xu Yang was, but she actually had her own selfish motives. But if Xu Yang is recruited to the Third Peak alone, he is afraid that some gossip will spread and damage the reputation of the Third Peak.

Bei Tinghua went straight to the topic and said: "Xu Yang, I know that you and Miss Yaojun were old acquaintances before, and now you two have found love in the realm trial. This is a good thing. I am very fond of this girl Yaojun." I like her. She is a rare beauty in the entire Northern Territory. I hope you can cherish her. "

Xu Yang said: "Thank you for your concern, Your Majesty. I have discussed it with Yao Jun."

It is agreed that in three years, I will personally go to Yudaomen to propose marriage and marry him. "

After a pause, Xu Yang continued: "But there are some things that I haven't had time to tell Yaojun yet."

Yao Jun looked at Xu Yang with wide eyes, her heart beating loudly, "He won't regret it and doesn't want me anymore."

"It's like this. I already have a dual cultivator in the Tiangui Sect. Her name is Bai Mujin, and she is currently in seclusion. In addition, I also have a confidante named Ning Lin'er and a companion who travels around the world with me. ——Sparrow Girl A’Zhu. Like Yao Jun, they are very important people to me.”

In the world of cultivation, it is not uncommon for one man to have many women.

Many of the children of those cultivation families have several wives and concubines, and their prosperity is always the basis for the prosperity of the family.

When Yao Jun heard this, he suddenly beat a drum in his heart: "Oh! Venerable Beiting Hua really said it right. There will always be many romantic affairs behind men who like women. What should I do? Xu Yang has already lived in in my heart."

Bei Tinghua was not surprised at all. After all, Xu Yang was a talented person and had the strength to win second place in the True Lotus Glorious World Conference. As long as Xu Yang is willing, in the entire Northern Territory, I don't know how many cultivation families will compete to give their girls to Xu Yang as wives or concubines, which is equivalent to having a big backer for the future.

Bei Tinghua said: "Xu Yang, you are quite straightforward. As long as you live up to every girl you like, that's fine. If you are willing, can I know about Bai Mujin, Ning Lin'er, etc. you just mentioned? How do you know Miss Zhu?"

Xu Yang frankly and honestly told the story between himself, Bai Mujin, Ning Lin'er, and A'Zhu...

After listening, Bei Tinghua nodded and said: "It turns out that you participated in the True Lotus Glorious World Conference this time to reshape the body of Miss Ning Lin'er. It seems that these three girls have already lived in your heart. I believe that you I am sincere to them.”

Yaojun has been practicing in Yudaomen since he was a child, and rarely leaves Baiyu Peak on weekdays. Never had I heard such colorful stories about men and women. When I heard that Lin'er lost her body to save Xu Yang, I felt the same and wiped away my tears.

Beitinghua asked Yaojun: "Yaojun, what do you think?"

Yao Jun said: "Xu Yang is a good man. I am willing to marry him as a cultivator in three years. I also want to become best friends with those sisters."

Xu Yang immediately expressed his position: "Thank you, Yaojun. I will keep everything I said to you in my heart."

After all, during the trial of the True Lotus Realm, Xu Yang and Yao Jun's souls had already lived together in the fantasy space for a period of time like a mortal couple. They really liked each other.

Beiting Hua said: "On that day, if you two don't mind, I am willing to be your witness."

"Thank you, Your Majesty." The two said in unison.

"Xu Yang, I still have a personal question to ask you." Beiting Hua said.

"It's okay to ask, Your Majesty," Xu Yang said.

"Do you know Lu Qingyun?" Bei Tinghua asked.

"Of course the disciple knows. Lu Qingyun's name is well known in the entire Zhongyuan Continent in the cultivation world. He is a big shot who won the title of the previous Heavenly Fairy, and he is also a powerful senior who is in the same sect as Yao Jun." Xu Yang said.

Yao Jun nodded aside, Lu Qingyun's achievements are a legend in Zhongyuan Continent, and he is also a role model for the Yu Dao Sect.

"I accidentally obtained half of the Holy Secret of Haoran left by Senior Lu Qingyun in a chance encounter, but I have never seen him in person." Xu Yang answered truthfully.

"It turns out that the fact that you can get a share of Lu Qingyun's inheritance is due to the fate between you and him," Bei Tinghua nodded, "To tell you the truth, Lu Qingyun and I are old acquaintances."

After a pause, Bei Tinghua continued: "Everyone said that Lu Qingyun ascended to the immortal world five hundred years ago, but no one, including the disciples of the Yu Dao Sect, saw it with their own eyes. Therefore, I always have a hunch that Lu Qingyun ascended to the immortal world five hundred years ago. Qingyun did not ascend to the fairyland, but

Is to stay somewhere. "

After saying that, Bei Tinghua took out the sandalwood fan and said, "I have a folding fan here. If you meet Lu Qingyun in the future, help me pass it on to him. If you don't meet him, I won't have this folding fan here." Whatever it’s for, just think of it as a souvenir from me.”

Xu Yang couldn't refuse, so he took the folding fan and put it away carefully, but he murmured in his heart: "Why is this folding fan just like the one that the Butterfly Spirit woman gave me when I was in the Green Fire Demon Realm? It turns out that they They are all Lu Qingyun's confidante, and this folding fan is probably a token of love. It is true that Lu Qingyun is a charming person."

Afterwards, Beitinghua gave Xu Yang a jar of Baihua Spirit Wine, which was only available at the Third Peak, called "Drunken Qingyun".

Yao Jun and Xu Yang said goodbye to Beitinghua and left the third peak.

After that day, in the pavilion in the flower garden of the third peak, one would often see a peerless beauty drinking flower wine alone.


Leaving the third peak, Yaojun and Xu Yang were temporarily separated. As disciples of the Yu Dao Sect, Yao Jun and Zhan Yunfei rushed back to the Yu Dao Sect to resume their lives.

But Xu Yang asked Guigu Changyang to return to Tiangui Sect alone first. He still had some things to do before he could rush back to Tiangui Sect.

Xu Yang left Qinglian Dojo alone, but headed west.

On a deserted hillside, Xu Yang took a brief rest, then stood there and looked at the golden sun that was gradually setting in the west.

Xu Yang took out a delicate crystal vial from the storage bag, and the vial contained three drops of bright red blood. However, the surface of the blood had a light golden color, and it was not ordinary at first glance.

Three days ago, Xu Yang and the Golden Jade Monk said goodbye to each other.

"Friend Xu Yang, I know that you have the blood of the Yuan Demon. But when you do not fully control the blood of the Yuan Demon, it is best not to be forced to use the technique of Yuan Demon Shock. Otherwise, the inner demon in your mind will explode, and the consequences will be It’s unimaginable.” The young monk Jin Yu said bluntly.

"Thanks for the reminder, my friend. No matter how I explain it, it seems that I can't tell the relationship with the demons. However, I will not fall into the devil's way." Xu Yang said.

"I have a small gift here for you. It may be useful for you to suppress the Yuanmo bloodline."

With that said, the golden monk took out a delicate crystal vial. Then he drew his fingertips in his mouth and dropped three drops of soul blood that shone with light gold into the crystal vial.

"This is "merciless" blood." The golden jade monk handed over the crystal vial.

Xu Yang knew the power of the golden jade monk’s soul and blood. The golden jade monk was the reincarnation of the legendary supreme Buddha, and his soul blood was naturally an extremely noble and rare thing.

"This is really a loss for a friend, but why is it called "merciless" blood?" Xu Yang asked as he took the crystal vial.

"Because the monk's lay name is "Jin Qingwu". These three drops of soul blood are just the medicine. You need to take the other two spiritual materials to directly melt them in your body into the "Worry-Free Pill" that can suppress the Yuan Demon's bloodline. "." The golden jade monk said seriously.

"Oh I got it."

"The other two spiritual materials are..."


On the hillside, Xu Yang held the crystal vial containing three drops of the golden monk's soul blood in his hand.

"This is such a precious thing. The Golden Jade Monk said that the other two spiritual materials are "Wuxin Tears" and "Tasteless Soup", but he also said that these two spiritual materials are different from ordinary heaven and earth spiritual materials and require a Buddhist heart to seek knowledge. , you can get it on the way to the west. When you see the golden sun setting in the west, take these three drops of "Ruthless Blood" and you will feel the presence of the Buddha's heart."

Thinking in his mind, Xu Yang opened the crystal vial without hesitation and poured the "heartless blood" into his mouth.

Xu Yang sat cross-legged, with a pale golden light rolling on his body.

I don't know how long it took, but when Xu Yang opened his eyes again and looked at the western sky, the golden sun hung slightly, and the red clouds were like blooming red lotus.

"The Buddha's heart is seeking knowledge." Xu Yang nodded, "I understand."

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