At this moment, the body of the "beautiful little monk" sitting on the back of the tall green elephant trembled slightly.

Circles of golden mist visible to the naked eye rose from his body surface. In the golden mist, there are slender golden threads swimming around, and in a blink of an eye, agile golden butterflies are outlined.

Each spiritual butterfly has gorgeous patterns on its wings, and they linger around the beautiful monk's body. It seems that at this moment, the beautiful young monk is a wonderful flower in the fairy garden.

The beautiful young monk's expression was still as calm as water, neither happy nor sad. But his head turned slightly and looked in one direction.

His gaze was like the art of spiritual thought, turning into an invisible wave that penetrated the crowd on the street and landed in one place. When he fixed his gaze, he saw that the street corner was completely empty.

At this moment, a golden light flashed on the third golden pupil between the beautiful young monk's eyebrows.

Under the golden light, time and space seemed to flow in reverse, and in the empty space, a young man in green clothes with slightly smoked eyes appeared. The boy in green wears a shiny purple wine gourd on his waist.

In just an instant, the figure of the young man in green turned into a light and shadow of green ivy, and then disappeared together.

The beautiful young monk withdrew his gaze, turned his head, and his posture was upright, like a sitting Buddha. The golden spirit butterflies surrounding his body turned into golden mist and flew away.

"It doesn't look like he is a disciple of the Golden Buddha Temple, but he clearly has the power of creation from the Golden Buddha Temple. When I came here, Master Jiuku specifically told me that a disciple of the Tiangui Sect named Xu Yang came to the Golden Buddha Temple as a disciple. The temporary disciple practiced cultivation for a short period of time, and at eighth grade he became the young man in green. The wine gourd on his body was the same as the wine gourd on Master Jiu Ku's... No wonder Master Jiu Ku made an exception and allowed him to become a permanent temporary disciple. Disciple. Is it permanent or temporary?" The beautiful young monk had a distracting thought in his mind, "Drunkard, that's good."

The beautiful young monk was convinced that Xu Yang and Master Jiu Ku were the same type of drunkards.

At this moment, Xu Yang was originally standing three miles away from the street.

In a small square in Fang City, on the branches of a tall tree, a wisp of ivy light flashed, and a young man in green appeared, it was Xu Yang.

Seeing that there was no one under the tree, Xu Yang jumped down gracefully and landed smoothly.

He sighed in his heart: "I was just out of curiosity, so I found out a touch of my spiritual consciousness. Unexpectedly, I was noticed by the "little monk in white". The power of his spiritual consciousness is not inferior to mine. If the True Lotus Glorious World Conference When you meet him, he is really a formidable opponent.”

Xu Yang smiled slightly and whispered confidently: "There is nothing that I, Xu Xiaoxian, can't do."

Xu Yang looked back and saw a conspicuous sign stuck under the tall tree where he had just settled.

The sign clearly states, "Climbing of ancient trees is prohibited."

Xu Yang suddenly felt that he was shorter. He covered his face with his hands and said, "Fortunately, no one saw it."

Then he trotted away.


a month ago.

Tiangui Sect, Guigu Mountain.

As one of the three major families of the Tiangui Sect, the Guigu family is located on Guigu Mountain.

Guigu Mountain is not a mountain, but a vast mountain area. Among them, there are sixteen larger peaks. Arranged from east to west, roughly in a straight line, the momentum is like a dragon, which is quite spectacular.

There is a large deep pool halfway up the fifteenth peak.

The deep pool is like a mirror, the same blue as the sky. Maybe the lake is a piece of sky floating in the mountains.

But ten feet below the deep pool, there was a sheathed demon sword suspended.

The surface of the scabbard is inlaid with many gray cat's eye gems, and a faint gray mist is emitted from time to time, like pairs of vicious beast eyes hiding in the dark, waiting for prey.

And the knife exposed outside

The handle is covered with gray scales that seem to be moving slightly.

The strange scabbard.

Weird knife.

But inside the scabbard, there is a strange space that can be called a mysterious world, a deep gray pool of water.

On the surface of a pool of gray water, a young man sat cross-legged.

The young man was dressed in gray clothes, as if he were dyed by the pool water beneath him, and he and the pool water were one and the same.

At this moment, the boy in gray clothes opened his eyes, and his pupils turned out to be a strange blue-grey color.

It was one of Xu Yang's friends in Tiangui Sect, Guigu Changyang.


The water in the pool trembled, and the water in the area turned upside down like a waterfall. A hundred-foot-long demonic dragon with gray scales jumped out of the pool. It circled and twisted above the head of the gray-clothed boy, creating an endless gray demonic atmosphere.

"My master, since your cultivation has reached the Dao Ming realm, you can enter and exit this demon pool space. And this demon pool is full of the power of demon spirit water breath. For you who are born with a "rain" body, It couldn't be more appropriate. Congratulations on your breakthrough to the first level of Daoming Realm." The gray demon dragon lowered his head and got closer, "However, I still want to remind the master that although this demon pond is good, the master is not good. You have to act according to your ability. If you are attacked by the demonic power here, you will lose more than you gain."

Guigu Changyang stood up and nodded: "Yaolong Yuye, thank you for reminding me. The sect gave me a task to attend the True Lotus Glorious World Conference held in Qinglian Dojo. Not long ago, I was in the sect. I was promoted to one of the deputy hall masters of the Evil Ghost Hall on the recommendation of the Elder Council. This trip to the Qinglian Dojo must not disgrace my Guigu family and the Tiangui Sect, so I chose to stay in the Demon Pond space. I am practicing in seclusion. I am different from you. Although I am a "rainwater" body of the ghost and demon lineage, I am not a demon dragon after all, so I cannot stay in this demon pool space for a long time. "

Gray Demon Dragon Yuye said: "The name of the True Lotus Glorious World Conference is quite refined. Isn't it just a conference for fighting? Master, we will definitely defeat other opponents."

"This conference is not that simple. I heard that the people who can participate are young heroes from various sects in Zhongyuan Continent."

After saying that, Guigu Changyang's figure turned into a swirling mist and disappeared from the place.

The fifteenth peak of Guigu Mountain.

I don't know when, it started to rain.

Countless raindrops hit the surface of the deep pool, causing ripples. Without the shadow of the sky, the water turned into a blue-gray color.


Suddenly, a waterspout tore through the calm water and rose into the sky, standing hundreds of feet tall like a flying dragon.

In mid-air, dragon-shaped demonic energy rolled, and a young man in gray appeared.

The gray-clothed boy's gray-blue pupils seemed to hide a deep sea. His complexion is as gray as a demon, and he wears an eye-catching long sheathed sword on his waist.

The surface of the scabbard is inlaid with many gray cat's eye gems. But at this moment, those gray cat's-eye gems were moving flexibly on the surface of the scabbard, like living creatures.

The exposed handle of the knife was covered with gray scales that squirmed slightly, and made a squeaking sound, like the grinding of a monster's teeth.

The strange scabbard.

Weird knife.

Monster people.

"I, Guigu Changyang, am going to attend the True Lotus Glorious World Conference." The boy in gray declared loudly.

The wind has stopped and the rain has stopped, the sun is shining in the sky, and the deep pool is like a mirror.


Yudaomen, Baiyu Peak.

As the leader of the Confucian and Taoist sects in the Zhongyuan Continent, the Yudao Sect has seven branch halls, each of which is located on a spiritual peak, known as the Seven Peaks.

Like the Seven Great Halls of the Tengui Sect, the Seven Peaks of the Yudao Sect are actually branch halls specialized in martial arts.

Baiyu Peak is one of the seven peaks. It is a high mountain with snow-capped tops all year round.

One piece, looking from a distance, it looks like a white phoenix lying on the top of the mountain.

At this moment, a woman in white stood on a snowy field on the top of the mountain.

The woman looked to be only seventeen or eighteen years old, with fine eyebrows, dignified appearance, slender body, neat white clothes, and a distinguished temperament.

If Xu Yang were here, he would definitely recognize this woman. It was Yao Jun, the deputy peak master of Baiyu Peak who Xu Yang had fought against once after leaving the Green Fire Demon Realm.

In that battle, Xu Yang was slightly better.

The woman in white raised her jade sleeves, and a string of silver light flew out. It circled around the woman in white like a stream of meteors, and then hovered above the head of the woman in white and came to rest.

The silver light converged, and it looked like thirty-six white daggers only two feet long.

These daggers are like thirty-six obedient white birds.

The figure of the woman in white floated, like a white luan spreading its wings, and she appeared in mid-air.

Her right hand turned into a sword finger and placed it between her eyebrows. A bit of white light fell, and a white cloud-shaped mark suddenly appeared in the middle of her originally fair and smooth forehead.

At the same time, the spiritual pressure around the woman in white increased sharply, and white ripples swayed out from the center of her feet. The overflowing soul power had already materialized.

Thirty-six white feather swords began to tremble, the sword energy rippled and buzzed, and circles of silver ripples blew in the void, just like a powerful sword domain.

In the sword domain, hundreds of white feathers of light and shadow were swirling around, and many Confucian seal characters were arranged among them. As those Confucian seal characters circulated in an orderly manner, traces of awe-inspiring aura of five colors wandered in the sword formation. The thirty-six spiritual swords were connected more closely, and the power of the sword domain was rising steadily.

Click, click, the surrounding void was faintly collapsed by the force of the sword domain, showing slight cracks.

"In this True Lotus Glorious World Conference, there are only two places in the Yu Dao Sect, one is Zhan Yunfei and the other is me. Zhan Yunfei's talent is outstanding among the young disciples of the entire Yu Dao Sect. And this time I have This opportunity was won for me by Master. I can't let down Master's training for me, and I must achieve good results in this competition." Yao Jun, who was wielding a sword in mid-air, encouraged himself in his heart.

She has been practicing swordsmanship in seclusion here for three months.

The shadow of a flying sword passed steadily in front of Yao Jun's eyes, but the smooth sword body accidentally brought a refracted light, and the woman in white narrowed her eyes.

She couldn't help but look up to the sky, where a bright sun cast a dazzling light.

The woman in white lowered her head and murmured: "Sunshine, Yang. The Tiangui Sect disciple who fought with me last time called himself Xu Handsome. After I inquired, it happened that Zhan Yunfei knew him, and it turned out that his name was Xu Yang. If Xu Yang I will also go to the True Lotus Glorious World Conference, I will definitely defeat him..."

A pair of jade hands of the woman in white pinched the magic formula, and the aura of awe in the void within a ten-mile radius suddenly boiled.

On the ground, the vast snowfield trembled, and the snow turned into clusters of flying flowers and flew up. It was like the heaven and earth were turned upside down and snow fell from the sky.

Not long after, the huge power of wind and snow came to the sword formation near the woman in white.

Like Zhan Yunfei and Xu Yang, the woman in white also has an awe-inspiring heavenly vein. It's just that her Haoran Heavenly Vein has just been formed, and it's far from as high-level as the first two.

The woman in white held her hands slightly apart.

"Sword formation! Get up!"

Thirty-six white feather swords were arranged in a sword array. On the surface of the sword array, a hundred-foot snow luan appeared.


For a moment, the snow luan spread its wings, the sword formation flew, and the sword energy drifted like snow.

Spirit Sword——White Feather!

Sword Domain - Confucian style!

Sword Formation——Xue Luan!

The three fit together perfectly and cannot be used by anyone other than the peak Confucian swordsman.


Young hero.

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