True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 877 Sacrificing the Alchemy Deer Bell

Ning Tianqi changed the topic and said in a solemn tone: "Xu Yang, do you know the origin of the person who escaped from the "Tiangui Sect" dungeon that you just killed?"

Xu Yang said: "My disciple saw the condemnation seal on his forehead. He is a death row prisoner in the Tiangui Sect's dungeon. As for his origin, there is no way of knowing."

"Yes." Ning Tianqi nodded, "Then do you know why he appears here?"

"This?" Xu Yang looked confused.

"This man is indeed a death row prisoner in the Tiangui Sect's dungeon. He should have been executed a month ago after he was convicted. It was I who released him from the dungeon and told him to go to Jinxiangfang City. In the underground black market, you can get the "Golden Deer Bell" by any means necessary." Ning Tianqi's words stopped abruptly.

Xu Yang was slightly startled, "Master, why is this happening? Is the "Golden Deer Bell" something that Master is bound to get?"

Saying that, Xu Yang held out the golden deer bell, and his hands were covered with gold.

Ning Tianqi saw Xu Yang's sincere face and smiled slightly: "The reason why I told you the whole story is to remind you that everything is not necessarily as simple as it seems on the outside. This golden deer bell is indeed for It’s something that I must get, but it’s just for you, so please keep this treasure carefully.”

Xu Yang smiled bitterly in his heart and thought to himself: "My master is indeed the master of Fenggui Hall in the Tiangui Sect who is responsible for intelligence collection. He always does things in a cloud and makes people guess."

"Thank you, Master." Xu Yang said respectfully, and then put the golden deer bell away again.

Xu Yang rolled his eyes and asked, "Master, is there something you want me to do?"

Ning Tianqi nodded and said: "Xu Yang, don't think that if you are my registered disciple, I will look down on you. As the leader of the hall who specializes in collecting information, I know too many things. Being my official disciple will become The target of many people, so I don’t accept formal disciples.”

After a pause, he continued: "Your trip to the Golden Buddha Temple has made you blessed with Buddhism and Buddhism. Although this golden deer bell is not a regrettable treasure, it is a magic weapon that is very suitable for your current martial arts. Continue. In the coming days, you must practice this treasure day and night, and be sure to use it as you wish, and do not use it as a last resort, because it can save your life, or it can give you a chance to survive a desperate situation. chance of survival.”

Xu Yang said seriously: "Disciple, I am all ears."

"Three months later, Qinglian Dojo will hold a conference for young heroes, called the True Lotus Glorious World Conference. All the young heroes invited to participate in the True Lotus Glorious World Conference are elite genius disciples from various sects in the Northern Territory. To put it bluntly It's a martial arts competition, and those who achieve outstanding results will have the opportunity to enter Qinglian Dojo's mysterious place, the Taoist Lotus Pond, to practice. It was completely suppressed in the Northern Territory. Firstly, it shows the foundation and magnanimity of Qinglian Dojo, and secondly, it is a way of displaying the power of various sects in the Northern Territory and increasing mutual trust between the sects..." Ning Tianqi. Come on.

When Xu Yang heard that he could get the opportunity to enter the Dao Saint Lotus Pond to practice, he could no longer hold back. Because whether Lin'er's physical body can be restored depends on this.

"If my disciple is willing to go, he will definitely live up to the reputation of Tiangui Sect."

"Very good." Ning Tianqi nodded, flipping his hand, and there was an extra sapphire jade token in his hand. The jade medal looks like a lotus petal, emitting a blue aura that is visible to the naked eye.


"This is a "Green Lotus" Order, an invitation token for this True Lotus Glorious World Conference." Ning Tianqi handed over the Green Lotus Order.

Xu Yang took the Qinglian Order with both hands and put it away carefully.

"There is another disciple participating in this conference on behalf of the Tiangui Sect, who is also familiar to you. Guigu Changyang, a disciple of the Evil Ghost Hall, is now one of the deputy heads of the Evil Ghost Hall. Guigu Changyang can The deputy head of the Evil Ghost Hall who was nominated by the Presbyterian Council naturally has his strength, but it is also to balance the power of the three major families, the Yasha family, the Wuchang family and the Guigu family in the Tiangui Sect. "

"It couldn't be better." Xu Yang's mind immediately flashed to the fellow disciple who also had the power of the demon dragon. Hidden in the Guigu Changyang Demon Sword was the gray demon dragon "Yu Ye", and what Xu Yang possessed was the black demon dragon Ming. scale.

The two have experienced many trials together, the latest one being the trip to the East China Sea. Guigu Changyang is also one of Xu Yang's close friends in Tiangui Sect. And Xu Yang didn't want to hold the position of deputy hall leader in Tiangui Sect. Although some deputy hall masters only have nominal positions, after all, personal freedom will be restricted to a certain extent. Elite disciples like Xu Yang can travel at any time as long as they register in the Tiangui Sect.

"After that, you can wait for him in the "Lianfengfang City" twenty miles south of Qinglian Dojo. There is a shop "Yifengtang" that sells cultivation equipment in the city. It was purchased by our Tiangui Sect. The industry there. Counting the time, Guigu Changyang will be in "Lianfengfang City" in two months.

"Disciple took note of it carefully."

"The reason why I have chosen you to participate in the True Lotus Glorious World Conference this time is because I have a secret mission for you. Previously, I have received information from various sources that there is a Western Demon hidden in the Qinglian Dojo. The master of the clan. As for who it is, it is not certain, but it must be someone with a high position in Qinglian Dojo. Your task is to pay attention to the appearance of this person and reveal his identity in time. According to my estimation, this person will. He took the initiative to show up at the True Lotus Glorious World Conference."

"Disciple Xu Yang accepts the order." Xu Yang clasped his fists and said respectfully.

"Master Master probably already knows that the great abbot of the Golden Buddha Temple, Monk Jiuchi, has been taken away by a clone of the Demon Lord of the Western Regions. Based on this, it can be inferred that the demons hiding in Qinglian Dojo are probably also from the Western Regions. A clone of the Demon Lord." Xu Yang said.

Ning Tianqi looked solemn and nodded: "That's probably it. The Demon Lord of the Western Region is the Shadow Lord. You have seen him and his clones. This is one of the reasons why I chose you to carry out this mission. , but you must be more careful. The Demon Lord of the Western Region was able to fight against the top masters of the four major sects of the Northern Region on his own, so he naturally had powerful abilities. "

Xu Yang naturally knew how powerful the Shadow Master and his clones were, and he also understood why Ning Tianqi wanted to give the Golden Deer Bell to him.

Next, the two chatted with each other about some ordinary things. After that, Xu Yang took the order and headed in the direction of Qinglian Dojo.

A month later, after passing through several teleportation arrays set up by the Merchant Alliance at the inn, Xu Yang successfully arrived in "Lianfengfang City".

Lianfengfang City is actually a larger city within the sphere of influence of Qinglian Dojo. In the market, there are many kinds of cultivation equipment and cultivation resources. Different from the Golden Buddha Temple, everything here is related to Taoism.

As one of the four major cultivation sects in the Northern Territory, Qinglian Dojo is the representative of the Taoist sect. Within the scope of strength, there are nine large cultivation countries, and the sect's strength is on par with the Golden Buddha Temple. Just two

They are far apart and seemingly unrelated.

Following Ning Tianqi's previous reminder, Xu Yang found a shop with a "Yufengtang" plaque in Fangshi.

The shopkeeper was a middle-aged man with a square face, and Xu Yang directly showed his identity badge as a disciple of the Tiangui Sect. The middle-aged shopkeeper immediately arranged a place for Xu Yang to live warmly and thoughtfully without any additional interruption.

What surprised Xu Yang was that this seemingly simple store had a unique layout inside. The room where he rests is in the backyard of the shop. It is a two-story wooden pavilion. It looks ordinary from the outside, but there are sophisticated restrictions inside the room, and the levels have reached the standard of a medium-level cultivation cave.

Xu Yang informed the shopkeeper that he would be in seclusion for a month. The shopkeeper immediately ordered that no one should disturb him.

"This is just the right place for me to practice the new "Golden Deer Bell" I got."

In the room, Xu Yang took out the golden deer bell and activated his magic power a little. The room was filled with golden color and emitted powerful fluctuations of Buddhist power. If it weren't for the strict restrictions in the room, I'm afraid it would immediately attract the attention of people in the city.

Xu Yang gently dragged his hand upwards, and the golden deer bell hovered in mid-air in front of him.

He sat cross-legged, mobilized the Buddha's spiritual veins in his body, and ran the Golden Buddha Holy Body Sutra. A faint golden light emitted from his body, and in the golden light there were jumping Sanskrit characters, like a golden bird jumping on a golden branch, and the sound of chanting Buddhist words was emitted.

Its sound is sometimes as high as a mountain, sometimes as gentle as a beach, sometimes as high as a startling cloud, sometimes as floating as a fallen leaf...

"This golden deer bell is a treasure from the Golden Buddha Temple. It should be sacrificed according to Buddhist methods."

As Xu Yang ran the Golden Buddha Holy Body Sutra, three thousand golden mountain patterns on the surface of his bones shone.

Xu Yang opened his mouth, and a golden soul fire spit out from his mouth. In the golden soul fire, golden Sanskrit characters jumped like fire sparrows.

The golden soul fire accurately landed on the surface of the golden deer bell opposite.


The golden deer bell trembled slightly, emitting a circle of golden light, and then slowly started to rotate. Immediately, a majestic golden deer with huge horns and Sanskrit characters on its body appeared.

Jingle, jingle, jingle.

The golden deer bell makes a crisp sound, like the roar of a deer.

"Very good, my soul fire did not destroy the appearance of this treasure as a magic weapon, probably because my Golden Buddha Holy Body Sutra also came from the Golden Buddha Temple."

Xu Yang didn't know that the Golden Buddha Holy Body Sutra he practiced was the pinnacle of all physical training techniques in the Golden Buddha Temple. Even the "Vajra Subduing Demons" magical power practiced by the leader of the Golden Clothes Hall is under the Golden Buddha Holy Body Sutra.

With the sacrifice of Xu Yang's soul fire, the mark of Xu Yang's soul gradually appeared on the golden deer bell.

Time passed bit by bit.

Xu Yang never relaxed at all. He spat out streams of golden soul fire at intervals to refine the golden deer bell.

The higher the level of the treasure, the more restrictions there are and the more complex they are. If you want to imprint the soul mark perfectly on it, the success rate is not 100%. And if it fails, the treasure itself will be damaged.

Therefore, except for natal magic weapons and natal spiritual weapons, cultivators will not choose to use soul fire to sacrifice, unless there is a special purpose.

Once the treasure is successfully refined, the proficiency of using the treasure will be greatly improved.

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