True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 836 Golden Buddha Ball

On the third level of the Demon Subduing Realm, on the Blood Sin Lake, on an isolated island.

Xu Yang, Murong Yu, Gongsun Zhi and the black boy Zhang Li stood five or six feet away from the golden Buddha bead hovering in mid-air and observed it from a distance.

On the surface of the golden Buddha beads, the materialized power of faith continues to pour out, like a golden river, continuously pouring into the fine iron formation below.

Xu Yang and the others were sure that there must be something sealed in the fine iron ground beneath their feet, whether it was a treasure, a relic, or something evil.

Xu Yang thought for a moment, and then said: "The period for us to practice in the Demon-Conquering Realm is three months. Right now, we have just spent more than a month. Since we cannot determine what is inside the fine iron formation below, There is no need for us to be entangled here, and the risks we encounter are increasing, and we are willing to take risks, but the premise is to ensure the safety of each of us.”

Murong Yu nodded, and then said: "Even if we turn back now, we cannot be considered a failure. Along the way, we have also gained a lot. My Stone Buddha Orb has swallowed ten Xuanshi Beads, and its quality has been greatly improved. As for the legend of the place where the Buddha ascended to the third level of the Demon-Conquering Realm, maybe it’s not something we can covet at all.”

Gongsun Zhi glanced at the flame gun in his hand, and then said: "My flame gun swallowed up the fire tiger spirit, and the fire tiger weapon spirit on it became stronger and stronger. It is also a big blessing for me. "

The black boy Zhang Li said with a serious face: "I obtained the top-grade demon elixir from the tiger demon. This is a great blessing for my three-eyed bear. As a beast exorcist, this is the best thing for me. "

After careful calculation, Murong Yu, Gongsun Zhi, and the black boy Zhang Li all gained something, which can be regarded as their good fortune. Among the four-person team, only Xu Yang has not benefited from anything practical.

Murong Yu, the black boy Zhang Li, and Gongsun Zhi looked at Xu Yang at the same time, waiting for Xu Yang to make his final statement and decide on the next plan.

Xu Yang naturally understood what the other three people meant. Because just before, Murong Yu, Gongsun Zhi and the black boy Zhang Li were all affected by the illusion of the butterfly girl "Red Mo", and they were already on the verge of death once. After experiencing this, no one wants to take excessive risks anymore.

For a cultivator, being able to survive every adventure is the greatest blessing.

Xu Yang said loudly: "This trip to the Demon Subduing Realm, I also received great blessings."

Murong Yu and the others looked at Xu Yang with doubts on their faces.

Xu Yang smiled slightly and said: "I got three good friends. This is my great blessing."

we are good friends.

We are good brothers.

For men, the words "brother and friend" are heavy enough.

The four of them had bright smiles on their faces, and each stretched out a fist to touch each other.

Xu Yang suggested loudly: "The journey to the Demon-Conquering Realm should end here."

Just when the four of them were about to turn around and leave, the stone Buddha orb in Murong Yu's hand suddenly jumped, and the amplitude was greater than before.

The stone Buddha orb curled up at an angle and pointed in one direction like a spiritual snake that smelled its prey.

Murong Yu was startled and followed the direction of the stone Buddha bead. It was the golden Buddha bead hovering in mid-air.

"Is there any secret on this golden Buddha bead?"

Murong Yu muttered and couldn't help but walked towards the golden beads.

Just when his figure was two feet away from the golden Buddha beads.

The golden Buddha beads suddenly shook, and a large golden light rolled out from the surface.

The golden light condensed into a big golden hand, which took Murong Yu's entire body into his palm, and then held it tightly.

"Not good!" Murong Yu shouted.

Xu Yang, Gongsun Zhi and Hei Xiao

Zi, Zhang Li and the others immediately discovered Murong Yu's dangerous situation. But from the moment the big golden hand appeared to when it restrained Murong Yu, it took almost a blink of an eye, and there was really nothing the three of them could do to stop it.

Gongsun Zhi said loudly: "Let me come."

As soon as he finished speaking, Gongsun Zhi swung out a line of fire from the flame gun in his hand, then aimed at the wrist of the big golden hand and stabbed it with one shot.

Gun out!

Fire tiger!

The gunfire swirled, and a fire tiger's head with an angry mouth appeared.

A roaring flame exploded at the wrist of the big golden hand. The big golden hand shook constantly, as if it was about to break.

Tsk tsk tsk!

Clusters of golden Sanskrit characters emerged from the surface of the big golden hand. The Sanskrit characters connected into pieces and rushed towards the exploding flames like a tide.

In the brilliant golden light, all the power of the flames was suppressed by the golden light and extinguished in the blink of an eye.

Gongsun Zhi took a breath and looked surprised, "This?"

In the previous shot, Gongsun Zhi only used 30% of his strength. But this was also to ensure Murong Yu's safety. At such a close distance, if he swung the gun with all his strength, Murong Yu would be injured even if his shooting skills were superb.

At this moment, Murong Yu seemed to be trapped in tight shackles. He wanted to move the Stone Buddha Orb in his hand, but at the moment, he could only hold the Stone Buddha Orb without letting go, and he had no room for other activities.

The imprisonment of the big golden hands became tighter and tighter, and Murong Yu's face became increasingly ugly.

Just now, he was just greedy, but he didn't expect to be in such a crisis.

When the black boy Zhang Li saw this, he was about to rush over to help Murong Yu with brute force, but was stopped by Xu Yang.

"This is the defensive restriction of the formation. Don't get within two feet of it easily." Xu Yang explained loudly, "Mr. Murong, don't panic, I'm here to help you."

After finishing speaking, Xu Yang turned his hands and flicked his wrist again.

Stab la la.

The purple electricity condensed into shape, and the flying knife was thrown out, all in one go.

A total of ten purple electric flying knives drew ten arc-shaped trajectories in mid-air, just like ten purple-gold spirit carps competing for the dragon gate. In the blink of an eye, he reached the wrist of the big golden hand.

Puff puff puff puff——

The wrist of the golden hand was cut and severed by the purple electric flying knife.

The big golden hand turned into a rootless tree and turned into a ball of golden light spots, rolling around and spreading out.

Murong Yu's whole body was freed from the confinement of the golden hand, and fell to the ground with a thud. At this moment, his whole body was limp, and his meridians had been imprisoned by the Buddhist restraint force in Jin Guangda's hand just now, and he could not recover for a while.

When the black boy saw this, he stood on all fours and jumped suddenly, rising and falling in two or three steps, and arrived in front of Murong Yu. He picked up Murong Yu from the waist, turned around and ran back.

At this moment, the golden light swirled on the surface of the golden Buddha bead, and a big golden hand appeared again.

The Buddhist and Taoist runes on the surface of this big golden hand were constantly flowing, as if it was a powerful restraining technique, and it was grabbing at the location of the black boy Zhang Li and Murong Yu. The speed was so fast that it reached the top of the two people's heads in the blink of an eye.

When Xu Yang saw this, his eyes were sharp, and the ten fingertips of his hands fluctuated dexterously like playing strings.

Astonishingly, the ten purple electric flying knives sacrificed before were divided into two groups. A wave of five handles was directed towards the golden hand and slashed towards it. The remaining five handles were lined up side by side and flew directly towards the golden beads themselves.

Boom boom boom boom——

Five flying knives exploded on the surface of Jin Guang's big hand. Three fingers were chopped off by the purple electric flying knives, and two holes were poked in the palm of Jin Guang's big hand.

But at the next moment, golden light swirled, and the three fingers and palm of the golden hand were intact as before.

Almost at the next moment, five other purple electric flying knives arrived in a straight line in front of the golden Buddha beads.

Xu Yang knew that the golden Buddha ball was the centerpiece of the formation. Only by destroying or interfering with it could the golden hands chasing the black boys Zhang Li and Murong Yu be stopped completely.

The five golden flying knives approached the golden Buddha ball. The golden Buddha ball started to rotate rapidly, and the golden Sanskrit characters on its surface kept jumping.


The golden Buddha ball throws out a huge scroll of golden light. The golden scroll suddenly opened, revealing neatly arranged scriptures on its surface.

"Mimi mamma hum hum-"

The supreme Buddha's words of rectification are spread.

Boom boom boom boom——

Five purple electric flying knives slashed at the golden light scroll one after another.

For a moment, purple electricity exploded, golden light was like a ribbon, and the blast wave ignited circles of light spots.


After resisting the four purple electric flying knives, the golden light scroll collapsed and exploded into golden light spots all over the sky.

The last remaining purple electric flying knife landed on the surface of the golden Buddha ball.


The tip of the purple electric flying knife spit out clusters of purple electric arcs biting the surface of the golden Buddha ball.

The golden Buddha ball shook, the external force restrained, and the big golden hand disappeared out of thin air.

When Xu Yang saw this, his consciousness moved, and the last purple electric flying knife came back like a dragonfly touching water.

With a pop, the power of purple electricity disintegrated, and the purple electricity flying knife turned into a ball of purple electricity flowers.

In the void, a large group of messy golden light remained, which lingered for a long time.

The black boy Zhang Li took the opportunity to hug Murong Yu and returned to Xu Yang and Gongsun Zhi's side with a few strides.

After reaching a safe distance, the golden Buddha ball stopped attacking as if it had wisdom.

Black boy Zhang Li put Murong Yu on the ground.

"Mr. Murong, are you okay?" the black boy Zhang Li said with concern.

"Thank you." Murong Yu's face turned pale, he was really frightened. The moment he was imprisoned by the golden hand, he thought that he would definitely perish.

Murong Yu sat cross-legged, holding the Stone Buddha Orb in both hands, using his unique Stone Buddha Orb technique to clear his own meridians.

After a while, Murong Yu exhaled a breath and stood up, completely fine.

"The human heart is not as good as a snake swallowing an elephant. I was greedy for a moment and almost made a big mistake." Murong Yu shook his head and said in shame.

Xu Yang said angrily: "Maybe you are just curious for a moment. It's just that this formation is not trivial. Even I didn't expect such a violent reaction."

Gongsun Zhi looked at the messy golden light in the void and said thoughtfully: "I feel more and more that what is suppressed under this fine iron ground is something evil. I think it is best for us to leave here."

The black boy Zhang Li said with lingering fear: "That's true. Let's return to the first level of the Demon-Conquering Realm. It's not suitable to stay here for a long time."

Just when the four of them were about to turn around and leave.

Swish swish swish——

Four figures fell opposite them, but they were the Golden Bald Tutuo, the Silver Bald Tutuo, the Chiyan Monk, and the Musen Monk from the Jinyi Hall.

Eight people, two teams, stood facing each other.

"Monk Musen" first asked: "How did the four of you get to the third floor?"

Without waiting for Xu Yang and others to reply, Monk Chiyan on the side said: "Look at the messy Buddhist power aura in the void. Something ulterior must have happened here just now, right?"

Jin Guangtuo asked: "Is it possible that the four of you want to destroy the golden Buddha ball?"

Yin Guang Tutuo's eyes turned cold and he said sternly: "You four lay disciples of unknown origins, are you spies sent by the shadow organization?"

A series of doubts have put Xu Yang and the four on opposite sides.

Xu Yang and the four of them are probably unable to argue.

Nervous, nervous, nervous.

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