True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 832 Red Jasmine

The red blood monument is a hundred feet long.

The Dharma is not a physical entity, it is just the condensed power of fire breath. Like a huge red saber standing between the sky and the earth, the fire breath waving on its surface flew like a huge red military flag.

The sky and the earth were as red as if stained with war blood.

"Buzz!" The void shook.

A flaming red light and shadow was cast on the surface of the Red Blood Monument, and it fell on Xu Yang.

Suddenly, a tall General Fa Xianglai with a majestic face appeared behind Xu Yang.

It was that man, the man who brought his own military formation, the man who represented the glory of the Red Blood Legion.

The former number one god of war in the underworld.

At the same time, with Xu Yang's feet as the center, waves of red fire flew away, forming a hundred-foot fire breath field in the blink of an eye, and continued to expand.

Immediately afterwards, in the Fire Breath Field in front of Xu Yang, Fire Breath Soldiers, Fire Breath Horses, and Fire Breath Feather Arrows poured out one after another, and the Fire Breath Field transformed into the Beacon Fire Field.

One person, I am in the Beacon Fire Realm!

The Red Blood Army Formation reappears!

"What is that? It's the soul power of a general!" The red-haired woman looked surprised, and her eyes almost jumped out of her sockets. "This is impossible! Xu Yang has fused the soul power of that general. , The power of the soul has reached the level of the Heavenly Tribulation Realm, and it is at the second level of the Heavenly Tribulation Realm. This is completely beyond me."

But at this moment, the red-haired woman had already launched a full-strength attack, and there was no turning back when she opened her bow.

"I'll fight you." The red-haired woman roared, her face distorted like a monster, a pair of huge red butterfly wings spread out from her back, and she transformed into a half-human, half-demon butterfly monster.

She was crazy, she was completely crazy.

She originally used nine successful forms, but now she used all ten successful forms. The soul power aura she exuded condensed into clusters of red demonic fire that sprayed outward. That was the demon fire that was burning her life force.

Pain, incomparable pain, the pain of the soul being burned.

But at this moment, she didn't care at all. Only pain can prove that you are still alive, and that is enough.

In the soul realm around her, hundreds of demon butterflies condensed, and the demon butterflies exhaled, creating a dense demon atmosphere, as if the demon world had descended.

The red-haired woman knew that she had only one chance to strike. And since neither side has the blessing of physical power, this duel is completely a contest of soul power.

But now, Xu Yang's soul power level has become the second level of "Heavenly Tribulation Realm" in the blink of an eye, with the blessing of the Netherworld General Dharma behind him. Judging from the strength of her soul power, the red-haired woman's original advantage suddenly turned into a disadvantage. This forced the red-haired woman to fight desperately, or risk her life.

In just a moment, the red-haired woman's figure rushed into the beacon field in front of Xu Yang.

The demonic butterflies in the "demon butterfly" realm quickly collapsed under the encirclement and suppression of the Fire Breath troops.

If we simply compare the power of soul realms, the soul realms of the Red Blood Army Formation can crush other soul realms of the same level.

The military formation was originally used for war, a professional killing machine. The soul realm blessed with military formation attributes is the most domineering existence.

But the red-haired woman was not willing to accept failure.

She was imprisoned in the Demon-Conquering Realm of the Golden Light Tower for two thousand years. For two thousand years, she fought life and death with everyone who broke into the Blood Sin Lake area, whether they were evil cultivators or trial disciples from the Golden Buddha Temple.

The result every time was that she threw the skins of those people into the lake of blood sin to feed the cursed spirits.

She killed, she fought, she lived in the Blood Sin Lake for two thousand years, but she still could not escape the confinement of the Golden Light Tower.

She wants to live and make herself strong enough, even evil enough, to fight for that glimmer of freedom at all costs.

But this time the showdown between the red-haired woman and Xu Yang made her feel an unprecedented crisis.

The "butterfly demon" realm around her body is constantly being eroded by the beacon realm. The power of the domain gradually collapsed, and her life force continued to drain.

On the pair of butterfly wings behind her, there are already

Less than half of it was burned by the power of beacon fire in the beacon field.

She tried hard to flap her incomplete butterfly wings, and she tried to move forward. The distance between her and Xu Yang finally came to within three feet. It seemed that if she stretched out her hand, she could touch Xu Yang's soul.


The red-haired woman roared, her face twisted and ugly. She stretched out her arms desperately and spread her fingers like hooks. She wanted to crush Xu Yang's throat.

Right now.

Xu Yang's eyes flashed, and he stretched out his right arm to meet the attacking red-haired woman, then stretched out an index finger and poked forward.

He said sharply: "The Red Blood Army Formation, the myth of invincibility."

Suddenly, a circle of red flames swirled on the surface of Xu Yang's extended fingertips.


The red-haired woman's forward momentum came to an abrupt halt, and her figure burned in a ball of flames.


In just a few breaths, the red-haired woman's soul was completely turned into ashes, without even a chance to be reincarnated.

Xu Yang's soul gasped, and the beacon field outside him disappeared. Behind him, the appearance of General Netherworld also disappeared.

"What is that?" Xu Yang stared.

At the place where the red-haired woman died, there was a butterfly-shaped red mysterious crystal, only the size of a fist, with a gurgling blood-soul aura exuding from its surface.

"It is a blood soul treasure, full of powerful blood soul power."

Before Xu Yang could step forward to get it, a red light was cast on the red blood monument behind him. A roll of red light swallowed up the butterfly-shaped black crystal.

Astonishingly, a powerful blood soul power filled the Red Blood Monument. The original tall "body" of the Red Blood Monument Dharma Appearance has become taller and taller at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the Dharma Appearance has become more solid and real.

"Absorbed by the Red Blood Monument?"

A strange picture suddenly flashed in Xu Yang's mind, "Is this? Is it the memory of the red-haired woman "Hong Mo"?"

I don’t know how many years ago.

A fierce war between tribes broke out that almost swept the entire Southern Territory.

A branch of the "Butterfly Spirit" tribe in the Southern Region, located in a small and peaceful valley.


The setting sun was held above the head by large dark clouds, and gradually sank into the horizon. After a while, darkness swallowed the sky.

There was silence in the valley.

There are hundreds of tribal tents scattered in the valley in an orderly manner. Many butterflies are painted on the surface of the tent, which are the totems in the hearts of the tribal people.

As the sky gradually darkened, sparse oil lamps were lit in the tribe's tent. Seen from a distance, the light from the tent window looks like stars falling from the sky, dotting the valley.

At this moment, a figure on a fast horse galloped from outside the valley. The rapid sound of horse hooves broke the silence in the valley.


Outside the big tent in the tribal center, the horse was tied to the stone pier at the door. The horse's tongue was half sticking out, its two large nostrils were outwards, panting heavily, and its fur was soaked with sweat.

Inside the big tent.

A tribal elder with silver hair and white beard, with a solemn expression, was listening carefully to the report of the visitor.

The person who came was a dark, muscular man with an ordinary appearance. He had a gray face and sweat stains making circles on his face.

"What? You said that the "Bloodworm" clan will send hundreds of killers to attack our valley tonight? Is this news true?" the tribe elder confirmed anxiously.

"It's absolutely true. I came from the headquarters overnight, and here is the handwriting of the chief elder of the headquarters." The strong black man said, taking out a secret letter sealed in a bamboo tube from his arms.

The tribal elder took the secret letter and read it carefully, his hands trembling and his face twitching.

"Here comes someone! Hurry! Inform the tribesmen in the valley to drop everything, protect the children and women, and move them all."

The order was immediately conveyed, and the whole valley was filled with uproar.

But not all the people in the tribe have organized yet.

One hundred killers wearing black clothes, covering their faces with black scarves and holding swords fell outside the gate of the tribe.

On the gate of the tribe's stronghold, several original guards fell to the ground in the bloody light.

There was no time to make any sound. The killing methods of these murderers were too cruel, and they all used a knife to open their throats.

The cuffs of these masked men in black are embroidered with blood-red monster insect patterns.

"Now, the warriors of the Dieling Tribe have gathered at their headquarters. The remaining people here, except for the old, weak, sick and disabled, are women and children."

"Kill them all and dampen their spirit."

"The decisive battle between the Bloodworm Tribe and the Butterfly Spirit Tribe will be in ten days. This is a gift to them."


For a moment, there were shouts of killing and the cries of children became chaotic.

The captured tribal camps were set on fire, and the sky turned red with flames of war.

The tribal elder tried his best to resist. He wounded a masked man, but he was stabbed dozens of times and fell in a pool of blood.

"Run quickly."

"The enemy is coming."

"Let the children and women go to the back mountains."


A little girl of eleven or twelve years old stumbled among the panicked crowd.

"Hongmo, follow quickly and go to the back mountain." A middle-aged woman said.

"Third aunt, I'm a little scared. If only my father and brother were here, they would definitely drive away the bad guys."

The incomplete moonlight reflected on the face of this little girl named Hong Mo. She was a beautiful woman, but her face at the moment was filled with panic.

"Hey! It's too late to say anything now. Let's go." The middle-aged woman pulled the little girl with her hand.


Just as this group of more than a dozen women and children were moving towards the back mountain, two masked men in black chased them from behind.

"Hong Mo" heard the screams of her friends behind her, but she didn't dare to look back. She ran towards the mountain with all her strength.


Her feet slipped and her body rolled down the hillside.

His clothes were cut to pieces by thorns, and his arm was cut open by a sharp stone, with bright red flowing down.

But she couldn't feel any pain at this moment, and fear completely occupied all her feelings.

"I can't die, I want to live, and I still want to be with my father and brother."

Xiao Hongmo's pupils dilated, she gritted her teeth and stood up. She got the strength from nowhere and continued to run forward.

"A little girl fell from here just now. Do you want to go down and take a look?" A masked man in black said.

"The terrain here is so high, she can't survive. Forget it, let's go back. Forget it, I killed eighteen of them by myself today. It's really satisfying." Another masked man in black said proudly.

"If this little girl hadn't fallen just now, including her, I would have killed eighteen of them, no worse than you." The masked man in black also showed off his military exploits.

"Let's go and see other places."

The two masked men in black turned around and walked away holding a torch in one hand and a bloody machete in the other.

Xiao Hongmo looked back and saw no fire.

"They are gone, I can live on, I can live on." She thought sadly in her heart.

At this moment, in the dark woodland, a pair of eyes reflected green light.

A black tiger smelled blood and stared at Little Red Mo.

"That's a wild beast." Xiao Hongmo's scalp was numb and she ran away desperately.

But before he ran far, a dark lake stopped in front of Xiao Hongmo. The surface of the lake reflected dots of starlight, which was not beautiful at all, like the eyes of ghosts floating on the water.

"This Mirror Lake is a sacrificial place for the tribe and is not allowed to be approached casually."

Xiao Hongmo glanced behind her and saw that the black tiger was already three to four feet behind her. To her, the black tiger was a behemoth. She could even see the black tiger's sharp teeth and the saliva dripping from the corners of its mouth.

Xiao Hongmo immediately turned around and jumped into the mirror lake.

The water rippled, and the bright red spilling from her arms soaked into the water.

What made Xiao Hongmo even more frightened was that the black tiger actually followed her and jumped into the lake.

"Am I going to be eaten?" Xiao Hongmo's heart was pounding.

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