True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 819 Brutal Beast Fight

In the valley of evil atmosphere.

Xu Yang, Murong Yu, Gongsun Zhi and the black boy Zhang Li stood side by side.

Opposite the four of them, twenty feet away, were an unattractive young man in a yellow shirt and an inconspicuous cat, only about a foot in size.

The young man in yellow shirt stood with one hand behind his back. His sharp eyes were like those of a thousand-year-old monster, deep and vicious. If his gaze at this moment was a knife, it must be a knife that had killed many people.

Next to the boy in yellow shirt is the black tabby cat that he always holds in his arms.

The tiger-striped cat's eyes flashed with blue-gray light, which was very cold and not as cute as before.

At this moment, the tiger-striped cat's hair stood up like steel needles, its raised nose was like a fort, its hook teeth were like an unsheathed sword, and its purring sound was like thunder. That's not a cat, it's just an unruly tiger.

Murong Yu said loudly to the opposite side: "You must be the owner of this evil atmosphere valley. I would like to ask if there is a teleportation array or passage leading to the third layer of space in this evil atmosphere valley. The four of us are just passing by."

When the four of Xu Yang entered the Xiefen Valley and passed by the mummy forest, they knew that they were going to have a life-or-death contest with the evil cultivators in the Xiefen Valley. Whether to become a mummy hanging on a tree branch or to live, of course it is the latter.

In order to obtain more favorable information, it is better to make some verbal tests first.

The young man in yellow shirt said: "I can't remember the way to the third dimension. But that's not important."

Murong Yu said: "This is very important to us. If you can tell us the entrance and get out of the way, we may not have the need to fight with you."

"The road? It's right under your feet, but it's not the road to the third dimension." The boy in yellow squinted his eyes slightly, paused, and then said, "It's the road to hell."

Murong Yu turned to look at Xu Yang and others, and said through a message: "It seems that we can't get any more useful information from him, the only way is to fight."

Gongsun Zhi said: "I can't tell clearly the level of cultivation of this young man in yellow shirt, but he is probably at the Daoming realm, which is one level higher than our Yuanhun realm."

The black boy Zhang Lidao said: "In terms of cultivation level, although he is one level higher than us. But with four of us, we can definitely defeat him."

After saying that, the black boy Zhang Li glanced at Xu Yang and waited for Xu Yang to give the order.

Xu Yang had just used a huge killing array to kill hundreds of evil spirit tigers with one move. The combat power he displayed had already exceeded the definition of a Yuanhun Realm monk. Even Daoming realm monks who specialize in formation formations are very few who can control such a large-scale killing formation by one person.

Therefore, with Xu Yang by his side, it is not a terrible thing for a Daoming realm monk to block the road.

Xu Yang sent a message: "The guy playing with cats opposite is on the second level of the Demon-Conquering Realm. He occupies such a huge evil atmosphere valley by himself. He must be an evil cultivator with some tricks. Before, he used the power of evil atmosphere to conjure up The Hundred Tiger Spirit is very difficult to deal with. We are fighting him here, and he will take advantage of the situation. It is best for everyone to be careful and not fall into his trap. "

At this moment, the yellow-shirted boy's eyes fell on the black boy Zhang Li, and he pointed with his hand: "The black boy opposite, if my guess is correct, you are a tyrant from one of the tyrant tribes in the Southern Territory. Bear tribe."

The black boy puffed up his chest and said, "Exactly. I guess you are also from the Tyrant Beast Tribe in the Southern Territory."

"I come from the Tyrannical Tiger Tribe, the bravest tribe among the Tyrant Beast Tribes in the Southern Territory. It is the top tribe in the Tyrant Beast Alliance." The young man in the yellow shirt had a cold look in his eyes. "Did you just call me a coward?

"Aren't you? Just now you ran faster than a cat. I thought you were from the soft cat tribe?" Zhang Li, the black boy, said sarcastically.

The face of the boy in yellow shirt was distorted for a while.

Finally, he held back two words: "Fart."

The black boy opened his mouth to express disdain and said sternly: "Coward!"

"You, you, don't talk nonsense." The young man in yellow trembled with anger when he heard the word coward. After a moment, he seemed to think of something, "Hahaha."

He burst out laughing.

"Why are you laughing?" the black boy raised his eyebrows.

"Thousands of years ago, I slaughtered 763 so-called tribal warriors of your Ba Xiong tribe by myself." The young man in yellow shirt looked proud and wiped his lips with his hand. "Seven hundred and sixty-three bloody bodies." The taste of soul is still unforgettable, it was a great meal.”

Black boy Zhang Li frowned, with a fierce look in his eyes, and said sternly: "Are you a blood tiger? This blood debt is still recorded on the old stone tablet of my Ba Xiong tribe."

"Yes, I am the Blood Tiger." The young man in yellow squinted his eyes slightly and said coldly: "Today, all four of you will die. You will all be sucked out of your blood souls by me, as well as the mummies hanging on the branches on the way here. Keep company.”

Aim——, the tiger-striped cat let out a sharp scream.

The boy in yellow shirt and the tiger-striped cat beside him made moves at the same time. Wind arose beneath their feet, swirling a circle of dark and evil atmosphere.

The young man in yellow shirt rushed forward while making seals with his hands and chanting the blood-preventing curse in his mouth, "My blood is the guide, the blood of the Tyrant Tiger, the blood soul resonates..."

The tiger-striped cat next to the boy in yellow stretched its limbs and grew in size at a speed visible to the naked eye. In the blink of an eye, it turned into a blood-eyed evil tiger about ten feet in size.

The next moment, the evil tiger with blood eyes turned into a streak of blood and penetrated into the body of the young man in yellow shirt.

His body shape suddenly changed. He turned into a half-man, half-tiger weirdo. Half of his face was human and half was tiger. His height also increased to three feet.


The world shook, and a thick red blood soul light beam burst out from the half-human, half-tiger monster. The blood tide rolled under his feet, and blood-colored arcs shot out. It was a powerful blood soul field. It exceeds the level of the soul realm of Yuanhun Realm monks and is already the powerful soul realm of Daoming Realm monks.

Wherever you go, the power of the field is redefined.

Behind the strange man, a phantom of a ten-foot-tall bloody tiger appeared.

It is like a kind of art that combines the art of blood and soul, the art of merging humans and animals.

The art of merging humans and animals can only be accomplished perfectly by very high-level beast exorcists. Even if other monks have their own spiritual pets, it is difficult for them to do so. Maybe it will end up being completely transformed into a beast, and the soul will be torn apart.

Seeing this, Black Boy Zhang Li made a quick calculation in his mind: "It's the art of merging humans and animals, but from the looks of this guy, he's just a half-finished product."

He couldn't hold back the fighting spirit in his heart and shouted: "Let me, the warrior of the Ba Xiong tribe, resolve the hatred of the Ba Xiong tribe thousands of years ago."

Ouch——, the three-eyed bear next to him roared, as if declaring war.

Immediately afterwards, the body of the three-eyed bear turned into a black stream of light and sank into the body of the black boy Zhang Li.

The figure of Zhang Li, the black boy, suddenly skyrocketed, measuring three feet tall in the blink of an eye. There is an extra eye in the middle of his eyebrows, which is the same as the previous three-eyed bear.

A powerful barbarian aura emanated from his body, and circles of dark black domineering energy struck the void and made a thumping sound, as if it was his unique domain of domineering beasts.

But at this moment, the aura emitted by the black boy Zhang Li was no longer accessible to the Dao Ming Realm monks. The art of orc fusion can temporarily greatly improve a monk's physical strength, and it is also Black Boy Zhang Li's trump card.

"Barbarian Technique - Bear Transformation!"

The next moment, the two transformed and collided.

Both are like real wild animals

They struggled together like beasts, using their teeth and claws for everything.

The animal hair is flying around, and the body surface is dyed red.

Xu Yang, Murong Yu and Gongsun Zhi, who were watching the battle, all looked surprised. This was the first time they saw the black boy in full force.

Murong Yu sent a message: "Gongsun Zhi, did you shoot the bloody tiger accurately?"

Gongsun Zhi looked at the flame gun in his hand, shook his head slightly and said: "The soul realm emitted by the two of them is too strong, which will affect the accuracy of my gun. If I strike with all my strength, I am afraid it will also hurt Zhang Li. "

Xu Yang said: "Just wait and see what happens, Zhang Li may not lose."


It seems that the half-tiger and half-human Blood Tiger is more powerful. After all, he is a monster that has been trained for thousands of years. I saw him grabbing Zhang Li's shoulders with both hands, and lifting Zhang Li from the ground with a strong lift.

But the black boy Zhang Li didn't panic at all. He stretched out one foot to pin one of the opponent's calves, pushed his crotch on one side of his body, and clamped his hands on the opponent's lower back with force.

The art of cornering - over-the-shoulder throw!

The half-tiger, half-human Xuehu was completely shaken.


There was a loud noise and he was knocked to the ground. The huge impact made a big pit in the ground.


"Good fall!"

"Well done!"

Xu Yang and the other three applauded.

The half-tiger, half-human Blood Tiger has transformed into a half-animal body, and its physical body is stronger than copper and iron. But this fall still caused him to break an arm.

"Oops," Xuehu yelled in pain, shaking his body and crawling up from the pit. Blood lines were visible to the naked eye on his severed arm. The broken bones and torn flesh were under the power of the blood soul. Heals quickly.

But his head was still a little confused. When he looked at the black boy Zhang Li opposite him, a double image appeared in front of him.

Before the blood tiger could stand firm, the black boy Zhang Li let out a roar like an angry bear beast, and suddenly pounced forward.

He knocked the opponent down in one fell swoop and swung his iron fists away.

Bang bang bang bang bang——

Each punch is enough to break up rocks, and the shadow of the fist is like a storm.

Punch down!

Blood flies!

"Seven hundred and sixty-three punches are the revenge of the seven hundred and sixty-three warriors of the Ba Xiong tribe thousands of years ago." The black boy counted the fists he smashed and roared loudly.

At this moment, his cheeks were already filled with black animal hair, and his eyes were as cold as a bear's.

The half-tiger, half-human guy had a collapsed chest, a broken face, red and swollen eyes, and bleeding from his nose and mouth... He looked like a rotten watermelon. But he didn't mean to give up. His three fingers moved slightly, and there were lines of blood running on the fingertips.


A large cloud of blood mist exploded from the blood tiger's body, and the powerful blood soul power quickly solidified, turning into a tiger head with an angry mouth and fangs and biting at the black boy Zhang Li.

Black boy Zhang Li suddenly felt a bloody aura coming towards him. He kicked off the ground with his feet and flew backwards.

While retreating, he clenched his fists tightly and punched them out together.

"Fist technique - bear roar!"

Astonishingly, on the surface of the iron fist punched by the black boy Zhang Li, a tyrannical bear-headed Dharma-like image about the size of ten feet appeared.



The incoming Blood Tiger Technique was shattered into pieces by the black boy's punch, and the sky was filled with red.

The standing figure of the black boy landed steadily ten feet away.

The bloody tiger who was knocked down by the black boy Zhang Li for the second time actually stood up from the pit again. He was already a bloody man.

Xuehu put his finger covered in blood to his mouth, stuck out his tongue and licked it, "Warm blood, the most delicious meal."

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