True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 675 Cold Mountain Twin Evils

A full month has passed since the glazed fire path outside the Green Fire Demon Realm began to weaken.

Perhaps the extremely huge ancient monster that transformed into the Glazed Fire Dao fell into a deep sleep. The demon blood veins on the ground of the Glazed Fire Dao are almost stagnant, and the fluctuations in the power of the demon blood are negligible.

Without the blessing of the power of demon blood, the demon fire dragon, demon blood bubbles, etc. all disappeared. The glazed fire road that used to be difficult to walk has turned into a tourist avenue.

Thousands of monks and casual cultivators from large and small sects, passing through the Glazed Fire Dao, swarmed into the Green Fire Demon Realm to search for the remains of the battlefield thousands of years ago, hoping to find treasures and inheritance of techniques.

On an unknown hillside in the Green Fire Demon Realm.

Two people stood facing each other.

One of them was tall, white and fat, and his clothes were stretched out by his bloated body, making him look like a big rice dumpling.

The other man was short, dark and thin, and his clothes were as loose as a huge sack.

"This Green Fire Demon Realm is really huge. It's not easy to find treasures in it. It's like looking for a needle in a haystack." Gao Bai said.

"Before, we spent 30,000 high-grade spiritual stones in Dijiafang City to take a map of the Blue Fire Demon Realm that was said to be left over thousands of years ago. But as soon as we entered the Qing Fire Demon Realm, we found that the map was fake. No one was found. I was defrauded of 30,000 high-grade spiritual stones, which were my two brothers’ long-term savings. When I go back, I have to demolish the underground market, otherwise I won’t be an evil cultivator.” Shou said angrily.

"The underground market is originally a place for gangsters, and nine out of ten are selling fakes. You and I have reached a bottleneck in our cultivation, and we are eager to find opportunities to break through, so we venture into the Green Fire Demon Realm to hunt for treasures. Without an accurate map, You and I have been here for more than ten days and found nothing. People used to claim that there are treasures everywhere in this green fire demon realm. Now it seems that they are all lies."

"Since treasure hunting is difficult, wouldn't it be easier for us to kill someone to get the treasure?" The short, black and thin eyes narrowed and revealed a cold light.

"That's exactly what I meant. This Blue Fire Demon Realm is a place of killing. If we don't kill a few people, our trip will be in vain. We Lengshan Shuangsha entered the Qing Fire Demon Realm empty-handed. If word spreads out, we will be killed. The other evil cultivators laughed at me," Gao Baipang said while patting his big belly with his hand.

"Let me see if there are any targets nearby." Short, black and thin said.

After saying that, the short, black and thin man took out a black wind seal with his hands, and then put the seal on his forehead.

Suddenly, a whirlwind pattern appeared in the middle of his forehead.


A powerful spiritual consciousness spread out from the sea of ​​consciousness under his Tianling cover, like a storm, traveling hundreds of feet in the blink of an eye.

After a while, Xiao Hei Shou stopped his skills, pointed in one direction with his hand and said: "Brother, our business is here, and there is a person over there. Killing people and seizing treasures is what we should do."

Gao Baipang looked in the direction of Short Black's thin fingers while spreading his consciousness. He shook his head and said: "Junior brother, your power of consciousness has become much stronger. I'm afraid it should be seven or eight miles away. I didn't notice anyone coming at all."

"Senior brother, although my power of spiritual consciousness is much stronger than that of monks of the same level, my physical strength and magic power are much weaker. When we take action in a while, we will have to rely on your military force, senior brother." Short and thin said.

"You and I have different talents. Your spiritual consciousness is strong, and my martial arts are strong, which complement each other. We can naturally kill powerful opponents by working together."

"Hey Hey."

After saying that, the two of them high-fived each other in unison and laughed horribly.

After that, the short, black and thin man waved his hand, and a black wind blew up out of thin air.

Hoo ho ho!

The black wind swirled around the two figures, and when the black wind dissipated, the two figures disappeared.


Not long after, there was indeed a figure hurriedly heading towards the hillside.

The person who came was an ordinary-looking Taoist, carrying a pair of silver sword boxes behind his back. Two Taoist swords were hidden in the sword boxes.

On the shoulders of the Taoist, the two exposed sword hilts have the same two words "Ling Cang" engraved on their surfaces.

None other than Cai Bin, a disciple of Qinglian Dojo.

After Cai Bin returned to Qinglian Dojo to deliver the message, he insisted on coming back to the Qinghuo Demon Realm to support Liu Haiyu. Now, among the pair of Dao swords behind him, two powerful sword spirits, Yin Yu and Hong Yu, were blessed. While the strength has greatly increased, the confidence has also increased greatly.

Before, Cai Bin always liked to be with his senior brother Fan whenever he went out for action. Not long ago, Senior Brother Fan died in the Green Fire Demon Realm. Although it was a big blow to Cai Bin, Cai Bin also grew a lot in the setback.

Among the two swords he carried on his back, one was left by Senior Brother Fan. In Cai Bin's heart, he is not a person, he represents the "Lingcang Dual Swords".

While fleeing, Cai Bin muttered to himself: "Senior Brother Fan, this time I decided to return to the Green Fire Demon Realm to help my junior uncle Liu Haiyu without waiting for the master to arrange for the arrival of help. I believe you will support me."

After saying that, Cai Bin touched the pair of Dao swords behind his back with his hands and walked three points faster.

At this moment, a black wind suddenly blew up on the hillside.

As soon as the black wind subsided, Lengshan Shuangsha appeared and stopped in front of Cai Bin.

"Stop! You, a Taoist priest, are running so fast. Did you find a treasure?" Short, black and thin said.

"As the saying goes, you get half the money when you meet. If you have any treasures, take them out and share them with us, Lengshan Shuangsha. Otherwise, keep your life." Gao Baifang threatened.

Cai Bin found someone blocking the road and was forced to stop.

When he heard the other party announcing his family name, he thought to himself: "Lengshan's two evil spirits, could they be the two guys ranked thirty-three on the evil cultivator list. These two people are inseparable, and they occupy a position on the evil cultivator list with their strength. His strength should not be underestimated. He seems to be specializing in killing people and seizing treasures in the Green Fire Demon Realm. I have to rush to help my junior uncle, so I don’t have time to tangle with these two people.”

Cai Bin pointed at the two people opposite him and said loudly: "I am Cai Bin, a disciple of Qinglian Daochang. There are two uncles behind me who will be here soon. If you two know each other, please get out of the way quickly. ”

The short, black and thin man was slightly startled when he heard this. He glanced at Cai Bin and saw the Qinglian pattern embroidered on Cai Bin's sleeves. He turned around and said, "Senior brother, this person is a disciple of Qinglian Dojo. Qinglian As a master of the Taoist lineage in the Zhongyuan Continent, most of his disciples will not be shabby. Look at the pair of Taoist swords behind him, they should be good treasures. "

Gao Baipang also carefully looked at Cai Bin opposite him. His eyes paused at the two swords behind Cai Bin, and he responded via voice transmission: "Junior brother, the pair of Dao swords behind this man should be worth a lot of spiritual stones. If you take them back, , at least the 30,000 spiritual stones we were defrauded can be earned. However, he said just now that he has two helping hands behind him, is that true?"

"Senior brother, please rest assured. There is no one else within a radius of ten miles. With my spiritual power of detection, I can't go wrong." Xiao Heixi said decisively.

"Then what are you waiting for? You and I will make a quick decision and just kill this person."


Leng Shan and Shuang Sha quickly reached an agreement that they wanted to kill Cai Bin and seize the treasure.

"There is no reason in this world for evil cultivators to make way for upright cultivators. If I, Lengshan Shuangsha, let you pass here today, wouldn't it be an insult to the existence of the evil cultivators?" Gao Bai Pang said with contempt.

It seems that evil cultivators are much taller than decent cultivators. Shameless, that's probably it.

After finishing his words, Gao Bai Pang flipped his wrists, a silver light flashed in his hands, and a pair of eight-edged sledgehammers appeared.

Each sledgehammer in his hand is about the size of a wheel, and looks like it can easily crush a person's head.

The short, black and thin man on the side flipped his wrist, and there was a bright lancet in his palm. However, the blade was thin and light, and it seemed to have no lethality.

When Cai Bin saw the other two showing off their weapons, he frowned and thought to himself: "It seems we have to delay some time."

"Let me say it again, I am Cai Bin, a disciple of Qinglian Dojo. Lingcang Dual Sword is my name. I don't have time to waste here with you Lengshan Shuangsha. If you two don't want to die, hurry up and get out of front of me. Disappear." Cai Bin yelled.

"We, Lengshan Shuangsha, are not scared. I will put a knife on your neck later, and you will know what evil cultivators are." The short, black and thin man shouted, but he had no intention of taking action first.

The tall, white and fat man on the side showed an evil smile, and without saying a word, he suddenly launched an attack.

He picked up a pair of eight-edged sledgehammers and smashed them towards Cai Bin opposite.

On the surface of a pair of eight-sided sledgehammers, a huge tiger head phantom appeared on each side. The glaring tiger eyes and open bloody mouth were as clear as real, as if they were a pair of weapons blessed with the spirit of the tiger weapon.

"Hoo ho!"

The hammer fell and the wind was like a roar of a tiger, causing the leaves ten feet away to rattle with astonishing power.

"Cang! Cang!"

In the silver sword case behind Cai Bin, two sword shadows, one silver and one red, flashed, and the Lingcang swords were grasped in his hands.

Immediately afterwards, Cai Bin activated his magic power, and a spiritual light suddenly appeared on the pair of spiritual swords in his hands, and the phantoms of Silver Bird and Red Luan appeared respectively. It is the blessing power of the weapon spirits Yinyu and Hongyu.

The silver feather is like a sword, and the red luan breathes fire, which seems to be the characteristics of the dual attributes of gold and fire.

Without stopping for a moment, Cai Bin waved his swords and faced the attack.


The sword fell into the flying clouds, the two luan's sang in unison, the void trembled, and the earth hummed.


The two moves collided, the strong wind rolled back, and the arcs of electricity flew around.

Gao Bai Pang, who was opposite him, suddenly felt his arms go numb. He almost lost his hands with a pair of eight-edged sledgehammers, and in a hurry, he flew backwards three feet away.

But the short, black and thin man next to Gao Baipang still didn't make a move. He tapped his toes on the ground and flew back on his own initiative. The two were side by side.

"Junior brother, this is called Cai Bin. The pair of Dao swords in his hands are indeed amazing treasures. The pair of weapon spirits on them are obviously much more powerful than my double tiger weapon spirits. If you grab them, This trip to the Green Fire Demonic Realm is not in vain. Please help me quickly with your spiritual consciousness, and you and I will use our ultimate skills to kill him," Gao Baifang said immediately.

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