True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 672 Demonic Wolf

After Demon General Wu Da and Zhan Yunfei faced each other for a moment, they both confirmed that there was only one person on the other side.

"The demon general from thousands of years ago, you are the culprit of Senior Brother Qi Mu's tragedy. You will become the first sacrifice of "Qi Mu" bow. This is a battle of revenge for Senior Brother Qi Mu."

Hatred arises from the heart, cold arises from the heart, and the Xuan Bing Gong in Zhan Yunfei's body is instantly activated. Clouds of ice mist rose up around Zhan Yunfei's body, rolled back, and lingered for a long time.

It's cold, and even more murderous.

He flipped his wrist, and an icy blue flash appeared in his palm, which was his Ice Soul Sword. Then he pointed the tip of the Ice Soul Sword at the demon general opposite.

The will to fight is as determined as an iceberg.

"You are a disciple of the Yu Dao Sect who is only at the Yuanhun Realm. Even if I, Uda, only have 30% of my kungfu, I can still kill you." Demon General Uda looked at Zhan Yunfei across from him and narrowed his eyes slightly, with murderous intent suddenly appearing in his heart.

Demon General Wu Da clenched his fists tightly and activated his supreme magic power. Circles of purple spiritual light swirled around his body, and powerful demonic aura rose into the sky.

And behind Demon General Uda, the shadow of a hundred-foot-long wolf actually appeared.

Almost at the same time, the two took action.

Zhan Yunfei stepped on the flying snow, the blade of his sword was covered with frost, and the tip of the sword thrust straight out, making him look like an egret with flying snow soaring into the sky.

"Woooo", Demon General Wu Da let out a wolf howl from his mouth, took a step forward, raised his fists, and the fists fell and smashed down. The whole person was like an unruly purple sun wolf.


Zhan Yunfei's Ice Soul Sword and Demon General Wu Da's fists collided together, sparks flying and metal clanking.

In just a few breaths, Zhan Yunfei stabbed hundreds of swords.

Similarly, Demon General Wu Da also threw hundreds of punches.

Swordsmen and swordsmanship are at their peak.

The boxer and boxing skills are also at their peak.

Although the edge of the sword was blocked by Demon General Wu Da with a pair of iron fists. But every time the sword falls, it will leave an inconspicuous ice point on the surface of Demon General Uda's huge fist. The freezing points connected into pieces, flashing blue crystals, and the power of freezing suddenly appeared.

The blood flow in Demon General Uda's arm was blocked, and the number of punches was much slower.

Zhan Yunfei took the opportunity to stab with his sword.

"The sword strikes the ice and leaves traces!"

Astonishingly, a sword edge spit out from the edge of the Ice Soul Sword. The edge of the sword was transparent and invisible, like clear ice. Wherever it fell, it would leave a streak of white frost.

The power of this sword move is that it makes the opponent unable to figure out the true trajectory of the sword move. Using tangible frost to attract the opponent's attention, the sword's attack actually precedes the frost.

Demon General Wu Da was also experienced in many battles. He couldn't figure out the reality of the opponent's sword moves, so he simply put his fists together in one place, and then suddenly punched outwards.

"Boxing Technique Wolf Roar!"

Suddenly, a purple wolf head appeared above Demon General Wu Da's fists. The gray wolf stared with bloody eyes and roared angrily. In an instant, a purple air bomb about seven to eight feet in size whirled out.

There was a "boom".

The purple air rolled and the cold air exploded.

Zhan Yunfei's sword move fell aside, but the strange sword energy brushed against Demon General Wu Da's shoulder, leaving an ice mark on the cloak behind him.

"Stab!" The cloak with a wolf pattern on Demon General Wu Da's back was cut open by the force of ice.

The force of the collision of the moves backfired, Zhan Yunfei's mouth went numb, and he flew backwards seven to eight feet before he could stand still, the blood in his chest boiling.

"Good boy, there are hidden hidden tricks in the swordsmanship, and it is indeed the method of Yu Dao Sect. However, this trick is not enough for me, Demon General Wu Da." Demon General Wu Da said with disdain.

Zhan Yunfei's face was as frosty as ice, and he did not respond to the other party's words, making it difficult to see what he was thinking at the moment.

He thought to himself: "This demon general has so much brute force. Not only did he knock away my sword moves with one punch, but he also almost hurt me. To kill this demon general, it seems that the only way to kill this demon general is to use the ultimate move. Brother Qi Mu's revenge , I must repay it.”

With a decision in his heart, Zhan Yunfei opened his mouth and spat out, and a ray of white light flew out of his mouth.

The white light dimmed, and an iceman about an inch in size appeared. The Iceman is crystal clear, but his appearance is exactly the same as Zhan Yunfei's.

The little ice man whirled around and turned into the size of a person in an instant. It was Zhan Yunfei's ice clone.

As soon as the ice clone landed on the ground, he glanced at the Demon General Wu Da opposite him, and without saying a word, turned into a stream of blue light and disappeared into the Ice Soul Sword in Zhan Yunfei's hand.

The originally very powerful Ice Soul Sword instantly rose to an exaggerated level.

Zhan Yunfei held up the Ice Soul Sword in his hand, and at the same time recited the secret words in his mouth: "Ice Soul will lead, in the realm of mysterious ice, the Ice General will obey orders..."

The Ice Soul Sword buzzed, like the sound of divine thoughts, traveling through the void interface.

Immediately afterwards, a thick white light pillar suddenly rose into the sky from the Ice Soul Sword.

In an instant, snow clouds rolled in the sky, snow fell for hundreds of miles, and the earth was covered with white robes.


A burst of thunder sounded, and among the snow clouds, the true form of a hundred-foot-tall ice general descended impressively.

This ice general has three eyes on his head, wears crystal-clear ice armor, and holds a sky-shaking ice hammer. He looks down upon the world with the majesty of a divine general.

What followed was an unparalleled chill.

Between heaven and earth, it feels like winter has entered in an instant.

When a hundred feet of three-eye ice will fall to the ground, the surrounding ten miles will turn into a world of ice.

The demon general Wu Da on the opposite side was surprised when he saw this: "What a powerful psychic technique, it can actually channel the ice general from another world."

But Demon General Wu Da did not show any timidity.

"Let me show you the true power of this demon general."

As soon as he finished speaking, Demon General Uda made a strange seal with both hands, and then placed a point between his eyebrows, a purple light flashed, and a wolf mark appeared on his forehead.

Demon General Wu Da's Kung Fu aura suddenly exploded.

The coercion leaked out, sand flew and rocks flew, and the wind was as strong as a whip.

The next moment, Demon General Uda's body suddenly grew in size, and gray wolf hair grew out of his body until he was three hundred feet tall, making him look like an extremely powerful werewolf.

Although, with Demon General Wu Da's current physical strength, he still cannot display his peak strength as a thousand-foot-long werewolf. But the aura emitted by the three-hundred-foot werewolf was beyond the comprehension of Daoming realm monks.

I think back then, Demon General Wu Da successfully survived his natural disaster in the form of a werewolf. At his peak, he was at the level of the Heavenly Tribulation Realm.

The Heavenly Tribulation Realm is a whole level higher than the Dao Ming Realm.

Although it is only the first level, the gap is as big as cloud mud. The Heavenly Tribulation Realm is an existence that can challenge the power of the knot to cause heavenly calamity.

Although Zhan Yunfei is only at the Yuanhun realm at the moment. But with the combined power of his powerful Xuanbing Kung Fu body and ice clone, he can already cross realms and perform the psychic technique that only Daoming realm monks can perform.

One is the tyrant of the Heavenly Tribulation Realm, and the other is the chosen talent of the Yuanhun Realm.

"No wonder this demon general was severely injured by the saint's bow thousands of years ago and can still survive for thousands of years. His body is actually an existence in the Heavenly Tribulation Realm. It's a pity that with my current cultivation level, I still can't exert the full power of the "Qi Mu" bow. ." Zhan Yunfei thought in his mind.

The 100-foot "Three-Eyed Ice General" summoned by Zhan Yunfei still looked much smaller than the three-hundred-foot-tall werewolf opposite.

The three-eyed ice general looked up at the opposite side, gestured with his hand, and said awkwardly: "Boy Zhan Yunfei, it seems that the opponent this time is indeed strong enough. It's just that the soul domain you can display with your current cultivation is not enough. To support me to exert my full strength, I really don’t care about this magic armored werewolf.”

"Hahaha." The superior demon general Wu Da laughed up to the sky, his voice rolling like thunder, "Be afraid, you overestimate your capabilities."

Zhan Yunfei performed the secret with one hand, his white robe rolled up behind him, leaving only a ball of residual snow in place. The next moment, he appeared on the shoulders of the three-eyed ice general.

"Kill!" Zhan Yunfei said coldly.

"I just appreciate your cold temperament and temper." The three-eyed Bingjiang responded.

Zhan Yunfei mobilized his body with all his strength, and the magic power in his body surged like a glacier. He held the Ice Soul Sword with both hands and slashed it down.

At the same time, the three-eyed ice dropped the sky-shaking hammer in its hand.

"The art of combined psychic attacks can lead to a cliff hundreds of feet high in ice!"

In an instant, the Baizhang sword edge suddenly appeared, adding the power of the falling hammer. The attack power of the two merged into one, causing the world to shake.

The demon general Wu Da on the opposite side saw this and did not dare to neglect.

He clenched his fists tightly and punched them violently.

"Fist skills are thousands of miles away to kill the werewolf!"

Extreme collision!

"Boom, boom, boom... boom, boom, boom..."

The sword energy is flying like snow, and the fist is flying thousands of miles away.

The two extreme moves continued to compete in the high air, and a small sun ignited in the center of the collision. The flying snow and electric arcs were flying around, the strong wind and the light were intertwined, the sword energy was frosty, the fists were strong and the fangs were strong, the void was collapsing, it was extremely terrifying.

After a long while, the winner was finally decided.

The werewolf fist of Demon General Uda is even more powerful by half a point. After all, Demon General Uda's cultivation level is at the Heavenly Tribulation Realm. Although Wu Da can only display about 40% of his peak power at the moment, he is still a presence that cannot be underestimated.

Under normal circumstances, monks with Heavenly Tribulation Realm cultivation are old monsters who live in seclusion on the Zhongyuan Continent.

The Xuanbing Soul Domain used by Zhan Yunfei could not withstand the heavy blow, shattering inch by inch, and ice shards flying everywhere.

Without the blessing of Zhan Yunfei Soul Domain, the Three-Eyed Ice General suddenly lost its foundation. His tall body became dim and blurry.

"Boy Zhan Yunfei, I can only help you so much this time..." After a while, the three-eyed ice general disappeared completely.

The corners of Zhan Yunfei's mouth turned red, and his whole body was swept back by the counterattacking wind.

He held the Ice Soul Sword in his hand horizontally in front of him, constantly using the Black Ice Sword Domain to resist the intrusion of the Gangfeng. The raging wind whipped his white robe and even tore the corners of his clothes.

Demon General Uda's 300-foot body also suddenly became smaller. The move he just made with all his strength cost him a lot. After all, he still had a huge puncture wound on his chest from the saint's bow.

"The Purple Sun Stone Tablet has not yet been fully integrated into the Purple Sun pattern carvings at the position of the formation. Zhan Yunfei must be killed. The mission of a thousand years ago must be completed today. This is my promise to the Demon Lord."

Thinking in his mind, Demon General Uda used his hands and feet to throw him violently on the ground. When the earth and rocks flew away, his body flew up like an attacking wolf.

In an instant, the body of Demon General Uda showed the shadow of a running wolf.

Somewhat lonely! But very fearless!

"Secret wolf plunders and kills!"

Zhan Yunfei's psychic attack technique just now was broken, and the backlash caused him considerable internal injuries. Although his ice soul physique can repair his body on its own, it will take a certain amount of time.

In a blink of an eye, Demon General Wu Da arrived in front of Zhan Yunfei.

"Boy Zhan Yunfei, suffer death!"

He is a wolf, a wolf from the Demon Realm.

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