True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 664 Happy Teachers’ Day

Just when Xu Yang was tracking the three evil cultivators from the shadow organization who had entered the Confucian altar before.

These three evil cultivators have entered another formation space within the Confucian altar.

Led by the "Qingyan Monk" under the control of the Thousand-Faced Ghost, the bald man "Flying Insect Master" and the "Iron-faced Madman" are by his side.

The three of them were standing side by side, looking at the scenery in front of them, feeling a little worried.

The ground in front of them was crisscrossed with straight grids, like a huge chessboard.

There is a number written in the middle of each grid. These numbers are chaotic, ranging from large to small, and there is absolutely no pattern in them.

What's even more amazing is that when they walk through the numbers on the grid, the numbers will change, sometimes getting bigger and sometimes getting smaller. Although it didn't show any attack power, it made it impossible to get out of this huge space full of numbers.

"Your Majesty, it seems that the three of us have fallen into a digital maze. The spatial restrictions here make it impossible to tell the difference between east, west and north. We walked around for a long time and still couldn't see any clues about the maze formation." Bald Head The man said helplessly while touching his bald head with his hand.

The iron face on the side was pulling his fingers and counting seriously: "One, two, three..."

After a while, Iron Face shook his head and started counting again: "One, two, three..."

It's a pity that he can only accurately count to three, and it's easy to get messed up beyond four.

The Thousand-faced Ghost still appears as the ghost slave "Qingyan Monk" at this moment. As an actor, Thousand-faced Ghost is very interested in every ghost slave he controls, and his movements and expressions are completely in line with Qingyan Monk's original habits.

He first stretched out a broad palm to mark the position of the numerical formation on the opposite side, estimated the range in his mind, and then tried to deduce the pattern of these numbers in his mind. After a moment, he shook his head.

Then he said: "The Yu Dao Sect is proficient in the six arts of Confucianism and Taoism, namely etiquette, music, archery, charioteering, calligraphy, and numeracy. It seems that this maze is one of the "number" among the six arts of Confucianism and Taoism. "Number" is mathematics, and There are nine small categories in the "Nine Numbers" method, which are infinitely variable. Even if an ordinary person spends his whole life, he may not be able to fully master them, so it is perfect for use in the maze formation. "

After saying that, the "Qingyan Monk" squatted down, gently placed the palm of one hand on the ground, and slightly performed the Rock Buddha Technique to feel the breath of the rock and soil here.

Qingyan Monk was born with a body of rock. Coupled with the Rock Buddha Technique he practiced, wherever there is earth, there will be the power of rock and earth. With the power of rock and earth, he can extract and control an endless stream of power.

He wanted to use the power of the earth's rock and soil to directly destroy the foundation of the digital formation in front of him. Violence is sometimes a solution to problems.

After a moment, Qingyan Monk looked a little embarrassed and muttered in his heart: "This maze formation is really a conspiracy. Not to mention the surrounding rock and soil spiritual power, even the spiritual power of other attributes are completely suppressed by the formation's restrictions. It would be extremely difficult to directly destroy the foundation of this formation. However, there is no other method for the time being. Let’s try it with our own power first.”

With a rough judgment in his mind, Qingyan Monk also pressed his other hand on the ground, and then suddenly pressed the magic formula, and the rock body was running at full speed.

In an instant, the corners of his clothes rolled back, the strong wind flew away, and streaks of brown spiritual light kept whirling on the Qingyan Monk's body. This was the materialization of his rock and earth attribute soul power, and the powerful soul power of the Dao Ming Realm monk was undoubtedly revealed.

Powerful rock-attributed mana was injected directly into the ground beneath his feet through his palms.

"Buddhist Rock and Earth Waterfall!"

The next moment, the ground within a few dozen feet in front of Qingyan Monk seemed to be upside down. The rock and soil on the ground exploded and flew upside down like a waterfall.

"Rumble, rumble."

The thunder of the earth turned the world upside down.

The powerful waves of rock and earth rolled away in all directions, swallowing everything on the surface like a mudslide.

The power of Qingyan Monk's technique spread for ten miles, and the hum of the earth's crust echoed endlessly.

Looking around him, the surface of the land within a radius of ten miles had completely changed.

The previous square grids crisscrossing the ground disappeared, and the numbers on them were all buried by rock and soil. The digital maze that trapped the three people was completely gone. There were upside-down rocks and scattered earthen bags everywhere. .

High in the sky, sand rain fell continuously for a long time.

"Qingyan Monk" finished casting the spell, stood up, and clasped his hands together.

"As expected of you, Your Majesty, you solved this annoying maze with just one move." The bald man flattered.

The iron face on the side stopped pulling his fingers, exhaled a long breath, and said with relief: "Hey, I can't see too many numbers. My math is taught by the physical education teacher."

He is also a very honest person.

But at the next moment, the whole earth suddenly trembled, and crisscrossing lines of white aura suddenly appeared on the surface, outlining neat square grids.

The silver seal characters unique to Confucianism are like countless silver fish jumping on the surface of the earth.

Immediately afterwards, taking each square grid as a unit, the messy ground surface turned downwards and adjusted its direction, showing a smooth ground as before. The square grid is still filled with messy and disordered numbers.

Buzz buzz, buzz buzz.

The ground flipped, like a magic trick. After a stick of incense, the digital maze array returned to its original state.

"This? How could this happen?" The bald man scratched his bald head with his hand and asked with a puzzled look on his face. Then he took a peek at the "Right Envoy" in front of him.

"Qingyan Monk" has a face as cold as a rock, showing the calm demeanor he should have as a right envoy, in the face of danger.

At this moment, he was blaming himself: "Teacher's Day is here, I should go see my teacher. I didn't study hard, and this is what happened now. Hey, my math was taught by a martial arts teacher."


Qingyan Monk said nothing, clasped his hands together, and stared blankly at the opposite side, as motionless as a rock.

The bald man and the iron-faced man next to him didn't dare to disturb him. They know that if the Thousand-faced Ghost loses his temper, a person will instantly turn into a ghost, which is extremely scary. Therefore, the two of them could only stand there motionless.

Three wooden stakes.

I don’t know how much time passed.

At this time, Tie Lian lowered his head inadvertently.

He just happened to see a word "one" at his feet, and connected to the word "one" were squares with the characters "two" and "three" written on them.

Tie Lian was born unable to count, but he was a very serious student. After working hard for hundreds of days and nights, he was finally able to count the three numbers one, two and three completely. And continue to work hard to learn the addition and subtraction between one, two and three. For him, a born "idiot", this was already a miracle.

When Tie Lian was seven years old, he was just like an ordinary child, with no Tie Lian covering his face at all. Although his appearance was ordinary, he was likeable with a tough head and a tough brain.

Finally one day, after countless efforts by Iron Face, he informed his mother of his successful "counting of one, two, and three."

"My child, no one will say you can't count anymore. In my mother's eyes, you are a hard-working genius." My mother said kindly.

From that day on, the seven-year-old boy continued to study hard.

Later, by chance, he entered the world of cultivation. Although he did not achieve success in mathematics, he was outstanding in the fields of ghost training and puppet making.

Studying hard is a spirit, and hard work will always pay off.


In the space of the Confucian-Tian Dharma Altar.

In front of the digital maze, the three evil cultivators including Iron Face were at a loss at first.

Iron Face can count one, two, and three accurately. Therefore, when he saw one, two and three arranged neatly in front of him, he felt an incomparable sense of intimacy in his heart.

"This is what I'm best at." Tie Mian said smugly in his heart.

Finally, Tie Lian couldn't help the feeling of love in his heart, and he took his steps happily, carrying the huge iron coffin behind him, just like a schoolchild carrying a small schoolbag to go to school.

"One, two, three... one, two, three... one, two, three..." He happily chanted the three numbers he was most familiar with and dear to, and the steps under his feet Step into the same rhythm.

It's like a song, the sun is shining, the flowers are smiling at me...

The magical thing is that every time Iron Face steps on a square with one, two, and three written on it, new squares with one, two, and three will appear in the next direction, one after another.

Unknowingly, Iron Face walked seven or eight feet away, the road was straight and there was no interference from the digital maze.

The Qingyan monk and the bald man behind Tie Lian were dumbfounded when they looked at Tie Lian's back.

At this moment, there seemed to be a halo shrouding the iron face, making people envious.

"Here I go, such a profound digital maze was cracked by a fool who can only count one, two, and three. Is this a script of God's will? As a professional actor, I don't understand and I express my dissatisfaction." Qianmian Ghost felt a grumble in his heart.

In fact, the Thousand-Faced Ghost didn't know that the "iron-faced fool" in his heart had put in efforts to learn "1, 2, and 3", which was not even close to, or even worse than, the Thousand-Faced Ghost's devotion to acting.

The bald man on the side looked at it and laughed.

"Hahaha. My iron-faced brother still has a way. Isn't this the method to break the formation? To learn this, graduating from elementary school is enough." The bald man said happily.

Seeing Tie Lian cracking the nine-number maze with the one-two-three method, the bald man's inferiority complex about not studying hard that was just exposed was instantly buried in the deepest part of his heart.

Perhaps, if the bald man is given a chance to go to school again, he will definitely study hard every day and be a hard-working student.

"Why are you still watching? We can just follow him." "Qingyan Monk" said loudly.

"Yes, my lord." The bald man responded quickly.

The two of them followed Iron Face closely, like three schoolchildren going to school, walking straight ahead.

study hard, improve every day.


Sure enough, the three of them encountered no interference from the digital maze along the way.

This is the power of knowledge!

happy teacher's Day!

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