True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 656 Hollow! silent!

As soon as Xu Yang stepped into the colorful light curtain, he was immediately attracted by a powerful force of space, and his whole body was like a flying feather being thrown to nowhere.

Ming Lin, who was lying on Xu Yang's shoulder, grabbed Xu Yang's shoulder with his claws and said proudly: "Don't try to separate me from my master Xu Yang, hehe."

Xu Yang only felt that his eyes were full of colorful light spots, and the soles of his feet felt like stepping on floating clouds, as if he had entered a psychedelic space.

After an unknown amount of time, the colorful spots of light around him suddenly disappeared.

Xu Yang realized that he had entered a different space within the altar.

Xu Yang calmed down, remained vigilant, and looked around.

The sight before him made him take a deep breath.

The space around him was filled with hollow purple beast armors, so many in number that they counted in the tens of thousands.

Each of these beast armors is half a foot in size, with magic patterns painted on the surface and many tooth-like spikes. Although the original beasts are not visible, it still shocks the viewer.

Ming Lin, who was lying on Xu Yang's shoulder, stretched out his nose and sniffed, and then said: "Master Xu Yang, these magic armors scattered on the ground were originally supposed to be a large army of magic beasts, but now only their bodies are left. The magic armor outside. But what’s strange is that I didn’t smell any residual smell of blood. Could it be that they all disappeared for no reason?”

Xu Yang pondered for a moment, and then said: "Being able to kill such a number of magical beasts without leaving a trace of blood, it can be imagined that it should be a very terrifying attack method. This altar space has been used by Yudao Sect for thousands of years. It was a powerful formation set up before to deal with the demons, so it’s not surprising.”

Xu Yang once again saw the cruelty of the war between humans and demons, although this time it was not humans who died, but demonic beasts.

There is no difference between humans and monsters in the face of war. They are all victims of war.

As he said that, Xu Yang looked around again and whispered: "There are no shadows of those three evil cultivators here. Maybe they have been transported to another space. I wonder what the shadow organization is so sensitive to in this space." Interest, or something special in this space, is a necessary part of the Shadow Plan. As long as we find it and destroy it in advance, we can prevent the implementation of the Shadow Plan."

A gust of wind blew from nowhere, passing through the hollow animal armor on the ground, making a squeaking sound. The sound was messy and terrifying, like iron brushes rubbing together, which made people feel very uncomfortable.

Maybe this is the cry of those monsters when they died thousands of years ago.

Ming Lin, who was lying on Xu Yang's shoulder, stared with two black eyes and said loudly: "Don't make any sound."

Strangely, the gust of wind suddenly stopped as if hearing Ming Lin's words.

quiet! It was suddenly so quiet that it felt a little scary. Xu Yang and Ming Lin could even hear their own heartbeats.

"Huh?" Ming Lin realized something was wrong. The dragon's whiskers at the corners of its mouth rolled back and loudly said: "Who is hiding behind the scenes to cause trouble? Come out and have a fight with your Black Grandpa."

Ming Lin's voice echoed in the space, lasting for a long time, fighting... fighting... fighting...

Ming Lin cursed: "Grandma, learn how to speak like me." Then he stopped talking.

Suddenly, Xu Yang seemed to have discovered something. He raised his head and looked somewhere in the sky.

In the mid-air on the opposite side, a huge transparent crystal appeared at some point. The crystal was as light as a feather and suspended high in the air.

The next moment, colorful lights appeared on the smooth surface of the crystal.

The light faded, and a picture appeared.

In the center of the picture is a Confucian scholar wearing a white Confucian robe. The Confucian scholar stood with his hands behind his hands, looking calm. However, the body of the Confucian scholar is a little illusory, probably just a statue or a clone.

Opposite the Confucian scholar were tens of thousands of magical armored wolf beasts. These wolf beasts have huge bodies, bloodthirsty eyes, and neat movements like soldiers in the army. They are obviously well-trained.

Thousands of magic armored wolf beasts surrounded the white-robed scholar.

Suddenly, tens of thousands of wolf beasts seemed to have heard the order and began to attack the Confucian scholar on the opposite side.

The earth shook, the magic armor clanged, and wild wolves appeared.

Fangs, claws, roar, charge!

At this moment, the white-robed Confucian scholar suddenly raised a hand, using the palm of his hand as a sword, and raised it high.

On the Confucian scholar's arm, a realistic sword shadow suddenly appeared.

Next, the Confucian scholar just waved his arm downward slightly, making a chopping motion. There seemed to be no trace of sword intent or burst of spiritual pressure. It seems that it is an invisible and powerless sword.

But at the next moment, the same sword shape appeared on the bodies of the running magic armored wolf beasts.

The sword fell silently.

The bodies of tens of thousands of magic armored wolf beasts suddenly disappeared under the shadow of the sword.

Slaughtering or devouring, it is unpredictable and terrifying.

There was only a hollow piece of magic armor left running forward. Without the support of the wolf beast, those magic armors finally rolled to the ground. They are no longer able to run, and all that is left is endless emptiness and desolation.

Its appearance was the same as the magic armor that Xu Yang could see all over the ground.

In the picture, the white-robed Confucian scholar looked at the discarded helmets and armors on the ground with an expressionless face, and his figure turned into ripples and disappeared into the void.

After a while, the picture on the crystal disappeared without a trace, becoming pure and transparent.

"Is this a warning? If we take another step forward, we will end up like those magic armored wolf beasts." Xu Yang said.

"Master Xu Yang, that is just a magic crystal with images of the past engraved on it. My nose is the best, and there is no human breath on it at all." Ming Lin explained.

"Are you making up a story just to scare people? Your black grandfather Ming Lin is not one to be scared."

After saying this, Ming Lin stretched out a black dragon claw and clawed hard towards the opposite side.


The demon power condensed, and a dragon claw shape suddenly shot out, turning into a size of about ten feet in an instant. The target was the crystal suspended in mid-air.

With a "bang", the crystal shattered and turned into colorful light spots all over the sky, gradually dissipating.

Without the mysterious crystal, people feel more at ease.

"Hehe. Only the broken ones are the most beautiful." Ming Lin said with great joy in his heart.

Violent little black, crushing opponents is its pleasure.

Xu Yang did not stop Ming Lin's violent behavior. Sometimes, violence is a shortcut to solve problems.

It is also a good option to discover the special place in the altar space before the three evil cultivators who entered the altar space before, and to use violent methods.

Suddenly, another strange gust of wind blew by, but this time the wind force was several times stronger than the previous one.

The wind howled, almost sweeping across the entire space.

"Whoosh, whoosh."

The magic armor scattered on the ground made the sound of collision with each other, like beasts grinding their teeth.

The strange thing is that those magic armors suddenly floated from the ground.

"Master Xu Yang, a fight is coming." Ming Lin didn't feel timid at all, but said very excitedly.

Xu Yang clenched his fists, preparing to face the next challenge.

Those floating magic armors gradually revealed the illusion of wolf beasts in their originally empty positions. Although it is not an entity, it is solid and real.

Erect wolf ears, blood-red wolf eyes, sharp wolf teeth, cyan wolf hair, sharp claws, and the majestic magic armor outside...

"Ohh Ohh ohh......"

For a moment, wolves howled all around, as if horns were blowing all over the sky.

The next moment, tens of thousands of magic-armored wolf beasts all attacked Xu Yang's position.

"Fight, fight, fight." Ming Lin, lying on Xu Yang's shoulder, said excitedly.

Immediately afterwards, Ming Lin turned into a black shadow and disappeared.

Click click click.

There was a crisp sound, and Xu Yang gained a set of black scale armor from head to toe, which was transformed by the demonic power of Ming Lin.

Black Dragon Helmet, Black Dragon Shoulder Armor, Black Dragon Breastplate, Black Dragon Bracers, Black Dragon Leg Armor, Black Dragon Boots. A complete set of six pieces, really like the demonic dragon war god from ancient times.

Domineering and evil!

And Xu Yang's attack and defense abilities instantly improved by a large level.

puff! A pair of black dragon wings spread out behind Xu Yang, and clusters of black demonic fire danced on the surface of the black dragon wings. Xu Yang's mobility has also improved by a large level.

Facing the besieging magical armored wolf beasts, Xu Yang first used the flying escape technique on his wings to dodge. The dragon-shaped wings are transformed by the power of the underworld scale demon, just like the wings of a real dragon. Their flexibility is more powerful and stronger than the flame spirit fire wings that Xu Yang is good at.

Seeing the right opportunity, Xu Yang directly faced the enemy with both fists.

Punch out! Dragon roar!

Punch down! Demonic fire!

With every punch, a clear demonic dragon shape bites out, carrying unparalleled demonic power and powerful underworld fire power.

As Xu Yang's physical strength improves, his body can accept the burden brought by the greater power of the demon dragon, and he can exert more of the power of the black dragon armor.

It can be said that the combat power of Ming Lin and Xu Yang is seamlessly connected, one plus one is far greater than two.

beat! Calcined!

"Bang bang bang, bang bang bang."

The magic armored wolf beasts that attacked were smashed to pieces one by one by Xu Yang's violent fists. Only the empty magic armor was left, flying everywhere and rolling to the ground.

Xu Yang was eager to kill, and simply changed from defense to active attack. The dragon wings behind him kept rolling, and his movements were extremely fast.

Opening the way with both fists, he formed a violent dragon shape, like an extremely domineering dragon-shaped chariot, wantonly crushing the surrounding magic armored wolf beasts.

After half an hour, not a single one of the tens of thousands of magic armor wolf heads was left behind. They were all reduced to nothing by Xu Yang's violent fist, leaving only empty magic armor messy on the ground.

The pleasure brought by violence made Xu Yang's heart boil with excitement, and he didn't feel tired at all.

"Master Xu Yang, this is how it feels. Violence, so refreshing!" Ming Lin's voice came to Xu Yang's ears.

But just a moment later, those hollow magic armors scattered on the ground suddenly floated up again.

"Puff, puff, puff."

The purple spiritual light swirled, and the soul of the wolf beast emerged from the magic armor.

"Ohh Ohh ohh......"

There was another burst of wolf howls, and tens of thousands of magic armored wolf beasts lined up again and launched another attack on Xu Yang.

"Are you coming again? I'll help you with my fists!"

The dragon wings behind Xu Yang spread out, and he was like a roaring black dragon, killing him directly.

Both fists are punched out, and the shadows of the fists are superimposed like a mountain, a dragon-shaped fist, a violent fist!

With every punch, there seemed to be a black dragon roaring.

"Bang bang bang, bang bang bang."

Those magic armored wolf beasts were thrown into the sky like broken sacks.

Not long after, tens of thousands of magical armored wolf beasts turned into empty magical armors on the ground.

Empty! silent!

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