True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 637 Little Taoist Priest

Just as the blue water flame spirit in Liu Haiyu's body was summoned by an external force and responded, Xu Yang, who was immersed in the joy of rescuing his master Gui Gu Yeyan's soul, also felt restless in the blue water flame spirit in his body.

In the space of his Zifu, the blue water flame spirit with a round head and a round head in the shape of a spiritual dolphin suddenly became active, splashing out an excited blue fire breath on the spot.

Xu Yang couldn't help but have a stern expression, and then stretched out a finger.

With a pop, a blue flame about the size of an inch rose from his fingertips, twisting and turning into the shape of a spirit dolphin.

"Is Liu Haiyu using the blue water flame spirit to summon me? Could it be that he has encountered a strong enemy." Xu Yang carefully looked at the blue water flame spirit on his fingertips, "No, this is not the resonance between the flame spirits, but something else. Resonance caused by external forces. Is there anything else in the world that can resonate with the blue water flame spirit? I remember that the last time in the East China Sea, the shadow organization coveted the blue water flame spirit, and the shadow master had it. With his powerful demon skills, he is clearly a member of the demon clan. I came here with a map of unknown origin. Could it be that the demon clan wanted to take advantage of the blue water flames on me and Liu Haiyu. Ling does something very important to the demon clan.”

Ming Lin, who was lying on Xu Yang's shoulder, immediately interjected: "Master Xu Yang, I am full of strength now. Let's go over and see which guy who deserves a beating is causing trouble behind his back."

Ming Lin's two big nostrils spurted out violent demonic energy from time to time. Having just drank the Nightmare Beast Spirit Wine, Ming Lin was still excited.

Xu Yang had a solemn look on his face. The scene where he was easily defeated by the Shadow Lord in the East China Sea flashed in his mind.

"A'Zhu, you will most likely encounter a strong enemy next. You should return to my Zifu space first. Only by taking things by surprise can you and I use our combined attack power," Xu Yang said.

"Xu Xiaoxian, let's advance and retreat together." A'Zhu said obediently.

As soon as he finished speaking, the fire breath on A'Zhu's body flew out, turning into a red stream of light and submerging into Xu Yang's body, hiding in the space of Xu Yang's Zifu in the form of the flame spirit's own fire bird.

After the last fight with the Shadow Master in the East China Sea, Xu Yang knew that the power of Suzaku possessed by A'Zhu could restrain the Shadow Master's magic power to a certain extent. A'Zhu is always Xu Yang's last trump card, and the trump card must be revealed when the opponent is unaware of it to have greater effect.

After doing all this, Xu Yang's consciousness moved and he said loudly: "Lead the way."

The blue water flame spirit on his fingertips immediately nodded in one direction like an obedient spiritual pet. Obviously, Xu Yang, who specializes in the Five Elements Flame Technique, has an advantage over Liu Haiyu in controlling the blue water flame spirit.

Xu Yang looked at the direction indicated by the Blue Water Flame Spirit, narrowed his eyes and said, "The next step will probably be a big battle."

Ming Lin, who was lying on Xu Yang's shoulder, waved his dragon claw and said: "Fight, fight, if you win, you will have wine."

Xu Yang's consciousness moved, and a pair of red fire wings suddenly appeared from his back. With just one roll, they flew ten feet away, leaving a billowing fire breath behind them.

"It is safe to make peace with Liu Haiyu as soon as possible, so as not to be defeated by powerful opponents one by one." With a plan in mind, Xu Yang's escape speed became three points faster.


On the top of the mountain, the mysterious stone carving of a woman stood alone, but the infatuated little Taoist priest who was next to her disappeared.

On the surface of the woman's stone carving, there are clusters of blue and red auras swirling around, emitting invisible spiritual energy fluctuations.

What is surprising is that there are two tears in the eyes of the woman carved in the stone. Although she cannot speak, she is so beautiful that people can pity her.

At this moment, two figures, one blue riding the waves and one red flying fire, rushed towards the location of the woman's stone carving from different directions. It was Liu Haiyu and Xu Yang.

The two saw each other from a distance and already had a mutual understanding.

The two of them also discovered the stone carving of a woman almost at the same time, and quickly concluded that the abnormal reaction of the Blue Water Flame Spirit was caused by this stone carving.

Xu Yang and Liu Haiyu put away their escape skills and stood side by side opposite the woman's stone carving.

"It's the spiritual summons issued by this stone carving. I don't know where it came from, but it actually stood on the top of this mountain." Liu Haiyu said.

"How did you find this Giant Sword Mountain before?" Xu Yang suddenly asked.

"Someone left a map, but the mark on the map is correct. This is the battlefield ruins of Qinglian Dojo that I was looking for thousands of years ago in the Qinghuo Demon Realm." Liu Haiyu explained.

"I also got a map. The map marked the existence of ancient monsters here. We just killed the ancient monsters and obtained the magic crystal. The map is also correct." Xu Yang said.

"Who gave you the map?" the two asked each other at the same time.

"It's a person named Yushan Old Taoist, but that person deliberately concealed his identity. The name Yushan Old Taoist is just a superficial appearance." Liu Haiyu said.

"My map was left by Qingyan Monk of Golden Buddha Temple. It has been confirmed that that person is not the original Qingyan Monk." Xu Yang said.

"The person who sent the map deliberately led us here for this stone carving?" Liu Haiyu said.

"Brother Haiyu, remember that when we were in the East China Sea, the Shadow Organization coveted the blue water flame spirits of you and me. Judging from various circumstances, this time is also inseparable from the Shadow Organization." Xu Yang said.

At this moment, the surface of the woman's stone carving opposite the two men suddenly shook, and a strong suction force immediately covered her.

What surprised Xu Yang and Liu Haiyu was that the arrival of this suction force caused the blue water flame spirit in their bodies to escape uncontrollably.


The two blue water flame spirits splashed a circle of ripples on the surface of the woman's stone carving like a spirit dolphin entering water, and then submerged into it.

The two were stunned for a moment.

You must know that this pair of blue water flame spirits have signed soul contracts with him respectively, and they cannot be taken away by others casually.

The two of them quickly activated their spiritual consciousness and tried to recall their blue water flame spirits. But he found that his spiritual consciousness could not penetrate the surface of the woman's stone carving.

"Thief, how dare you steal my master Xu Yang's things, let me smash you." Ming Lin, who was lying on Xu Yang's shoulder, said with an angry look.

After finishing his words, Ming Lin raised his right claw, and a black force like a hook rolled out.

"Be careful!" At this moment, Liu Haiyu suddenly shouted.

"Brush!" A ray of light cyan sword light flew out diagonally, impartially, and just stopped the power of Ming Lin's claw.

Ming Lin is the inheritance of the ancient demon dragon lineage, although it is still far from the strength at its peak. However, it practiced with Xu Yang and regained some of its past demonic dragon qualities. Its current claws are comparable to a strike from a divine weapon.

What's scary is that this sword light not only easily knocked off Ming Lin's claw, but also Xu Yang and Liu Haiyu.

Xu Yang's wings of fire curled up behind his back, and he flew backwards seven to eight feet away.

The blue water surged violently under Liu Haiyu's feet, and his whole body flew backwards seven or eight feet away like a water-controlling blue dragon.

"What a superb swordsmanship. No matter the angle, strength or speed of this sword, it is just right. It cuts three times with one sword without hurting the stone carving of a woman. Only a peak swordsman can do it." Liu Haiyu couldn't help but admire it in his heart. road.

Peak swordsmen are full of respect for peak swordsmanship.

And the blue sword light unexpectedly bent at an incredible angle in mid-air, like a spinning silver hook, bent backwards, and landed steadily in front of the woman's stone carving.

As soon as the sword light was suppressed, he turned into a handsome little Taoist priest wearing a light blue wide Taoist robe. The little Taoist priest is dressed in ordinary clothes, his eyes are as clear as water, his long hair is made into a simple Taoist bun on the top of his head, and is fixed with a fish-shaped wooden hairpin, and a few strands of long hair are scattered in front of his forehead.

At this moment, the little Taoist priest blew upward from the corner of his mouth, and the long hair in front of his forehead curled up like a fish out of the water, revealing unruly and freedom.

"Fortunately, I arrived in time." The little Taoist priest said to himself.

Somehow, there seems to be an invisible halo around the little Taoist priest, which makes people feel awe. Maybe this is his way, which is natural.

The little Taoist priest didn't even look at Xu Yang and Liu Haiyu in the distance. At this moment, all he could see was the stone carving of a woman.

Affectionate, nothing else.

The little Taoist priest flipped his wrist, put a clean skin bag on the bottom, and held out a pool of water. Then he lightly dipped his fingers in the water, and carefully wiped the tears on the woman's stone cheek little by little. The tips of his fingers But he didn't touch the woman's cheek too much.

While wiping it, the little Taoist priest murmured: "This is the morning dew I collect from the pine leaves on the mountain top every day. It is as dust-free as you. My goddess, don't cry, the world has melted."

The woman's stone carving seemed to understand the little Taoist priest's words. There were no more tears flowing from her eyes, and the aura on her body had also subsided. It was just a stone carving as before. But the blue water flame spirits of Xu Yang and Liu Haiyu were clearly taken into her body.

Liu Haiyu's consciousness moved and he scanned the little Taoist priest opposite him. He was suddenly surprised and happy in his heart.

"This little Taoist priest has pure Taoist skills, and he is undoubtedly from the lineage of Qinglian Dojo. Could it be that he is the senior I am looking for. But he is only a spiritual body, and the physical body has been lost. I don’t know what he has experienced What? No matter what, it is worthy of respect."

Thinking in his mind, Liu Haiyu stepped forward generously, clasped his fists respectfully and said, "Liu Haiyu, a disciple of Qinglian Dojo, has met my senior. May I ask, are you a senior from my Qinglian Dojo lineage?"

After waiting for a long time, the little Taoist priest saw that the woman's stone carving no longer shed tears, and a look of satisfaction appeared on her face, and then she took the time to turn around and look at Liu Haiyu.

"What is Qinglian Dojo? I don't remember." The little Taoist priest said with a confused look on his face.

At this moment, Xu Yang also came over, cupped his fists and said, "Senior, excuse me."

The little Taoist priest glanced at Xu Yang, and then said: "Who are you? Why do you have such a disgusting aura of ghosts? You don't learn the Tao of the world, but you learn the ways of ghosts and monsters."

When Xu Yang heard this, he couldn't help but laugh. He thought to himself that this senior must be an expert from Qinglian Dojo thousands of years ago. Although Qinglian Dojo and Tiangui Sect belong to the same cultivation sect in the Northern Territory. However, the Qinglian Dojo of the Taoist lineage has always looked down upon the Tiangui Sect of the Guixiu lineage. The tone of this "little Taoist priest" was the same as when Liu Haiyu met Xu Yang for the first time.

When Ming Lin, who was lying on Xu Yang's shoulder, heard this, he grinned in anger. If Xu Yang hadn't just told it, it wouldn't be able to do anything without Xu Yang's permission. Ming Lin had already rushed over and scratched the little Taoist priest's face with its sharp claws.

"I let you talk nonsense and scratch your face." At this moment, Ming Lin could only curse.

If it weren't for Liu Haiyu's face, Xu Yang would definitely argue with the little Taoist priest. Even if you can't talk, you can do it with your hands. In Xu Yang's mind, disciples of the Ghost Sect are by no means half inferior to disciples of other Taoist, Confucian or Buddhist sects. He is very proud of being a disciple of the Heavenly Ghost Sect.

"I am Xu Yang, a disciple of the Heavenly Ghost Sect. I'm disturbing the seniors." Xu Yang said, neither humble nor arrogant.

"A disciple of the Tiangui Sect? I don't remember." The little Taoist said with disdain.

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