True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 626 My own Qinglong

The light and shadow of the "Herring" sword converged, revealing a handsome young Taoist with a deep gaze and wearing a wide Taoist robe. It was the Herring Zi who had traveled through the void.

The two sword spirits, the silver-feather boy and the red-feather girl, who were fighting fiercely, suddenly noticed that an outsider was coming. The fight between the two came to an abrupt end, and the thirty-third duel between them was still a draw.

"Who are you? A new sword spirit? This is our territory." The silver-feather boy and the red-feather girl said in unison.

After saying that, the two couldn't help but look at each other, confirming their eyes, their hearts pounding.

There is a connection between hearts, that's all.

When Qing Zhi heard this, he burst into laughter, and his laughter was unruly.

"Excuse me, you two, is this really the Sword Spirit Realm?" Qing Yuzi asked, cupping his fists.

"Of course, where else could it be if it wasn't the Sword Spirit World?" The silver-feather boy and the red-feather girl said in unison.

The two looked at each other again to confirm that they were the right people.

Qing Yuzi is such a smart person. He immediately saw the clues between the two people opposite him.

"I won't interrupt the two of you talking about love and swords. I would also like to thank you two. If your sword moves hadn't happened to break through the space in the sword spirit world, I might not have known where I would have gone during my trip to the sky. Where is it?" Qingyuzi said, raising his eyes and looking around.

There are scattered clouds in the sky, rocks and hills, short grass and low trees, not a single bird, not a single animal, not even a single insect. What you see is silent desolation, but in the eyes of herring zi, it is a beautiful scene.

The sky and clouds are like swords, the grass and trees are like swords, and the stone hills are like swords. Everything reveals the aloofness of the sword's intention, which is awe-inspiring and so beautiful.

"God's will is like this, God's will is like this. From the Sword Spirit Realm, I, Qing Yuzi, am here." Qing Yuzi looked excited, then smiled sheepishly, cupped his fists slightly and said, "I am a young swordsman from the Zhongyuan Realm, Qing Yuzi Yes. You two, disrespectful, disrespectful."

When Yin Yu and Hong Yu heard this, they couldn't help but look up and down carefully at the little Taoist priest who called himself Qing Yu Zi.

The two of them were amazed: "This herring zi not only possesses the aura of a sword, but also possesses the aura of a human cultivator. It looks like a sword spirit, but not a sword spirit, but it is a sword cultivator."

"It turns out you are not a sword spirit, but a sword cultivator." Yin Yu and Hong Yu said in unison.

"There is no difference between a sword spirit and a sword cultivator, right? We are all the same type of people, we are just people who like the way of the sword." Qing Yuzi replied loudly.

With one sentence, Yin Yu and Hong Yu, who were opposite, immediately felt good about the little Taoist priest in front of them.

In the memories of the two, human monks are always aloof, like to call themselves masters, and treat the sword spirit as a slave, and most of them will plant various cruel restrictions on the sword spirit to prevent the sword spirit from backlash. Often human monks will try their best to capture the sword spirit, and then forcibly melt the sword spirit into the sword and use it as a weapon. Only one person in a hundred succeeds in integrating the sword spirit into the sword, and most of the sword spirits disappear in the process of failure. The human monks might feel distressed, but they would forget about it in a few days, just like losing precious materials. They will continue to look for new sword spirits as new casting materials.

It is really rare to see a human monk like Qing Yuzi who treats sword spirits as equals.

Yinyu and Hongyu looked at the herring roe across from them in surprise. Qingzhi's answer really surprised the two of them.

Seeing this, Qing Yuzi touched his face with his hand, then looked down at his Taoist shirt, and lightly dusted it with his hand. Then he said sheepishly: "Hey. I was in a hurry when I came and forgot to wash my face."

His tone was affable, like an old friend joking.

"Qingyuzi, do you know the rules of the sword spirit world?" the silver-feathered young man said.

"I'm new here. I don't know what the rules are here. Please give me some advice." Qing Yuzi said politely.

"In the sword spirit world, it can be said that sword spirits are orphans who have lost their sword masters. Once you meet a new human monk, there can only be two outcomes." Yin Yu said

"Which two?" Qingyuzi asked.

"First, the Sword Spirit killed a human monk. Naturally, a human monk is not worthy of being the new master of the Sword Spirit." Yin Yu said seriously.

"Oh, if you want to kill me, this is not good. What about the second one?" Qing Yuzi said helplessly.

"Second, the human monk defeated the Sword Spirit, became the new sword master of the Sword Spirit, and left the Sword Spirit world with the Sword Spirit." Yin Yu looked at the herring zi opposite him, with a complex look in his eyes, whether it was pleading or murderous intent. .

Hong Yu on the side nodded in confirmation.

After hearing this, Qing Yuzi didn't mind at all. He chuckled and said: "I happened to meet you two today. So, I want to learn swordsmanship with you two. However, there is no need to fight between us. Killing, the sword has two edges, the way of sword also has its own victory and defeat, but life is only once, just click it and stop."

"Are you sure you want to challenge the two of us at once?" Yinyu and Hongyu asked in unison.

"Of course. You are a perfect match, so naturally you want to challenge together." Qing Yuzi said seriously.

In the long history of the sword spirit world, there have only been about four or five cases where a sword cultivator challenged two sword spirits at the same time. It is said that only three people succeeded. Those three people later ascended to the throne of the God of Swords and were called Sword Gods, but this was already tens of thousands of years ago.

"In that case, please draw your sword." Yin Yu and Hong Yu said in unison.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I don't have a sword with me." Qing Yuzi said helplessly.

"You confirm that you are a swordsman."

"Sword cultivator, I promise to replace it if it's fake."

"Where's your sword?"

"When I got up in the morning, I was busy brushing my teeth and forgot to bring them with me." After herring was finished, she smiled brightly, showing two rows of white teeth.

The two people opposite were speechless.

It's really a strange thing for two sword spirits to face off against a sword cultivator who forgot to bring his sword.

"It doesn't matter, the sword is just a shape, my sword is in my heart. I am the sword, and the sword is me." Qing Yuzi said seriously.

After finishing speaking, he made a secret with one hand, and a sword seal slowly rotated on his fingertips. His figure gradually became blurry, and the shadow of a sword engraved with a herring pattern suddenly appeared on his body.

"I'm here, Qingyu Swordsman. Oh, no, Qingyu Swordsman, I sincerely want to learn the swordsmanship of the two sword spirits." Qingyu Zi said.

The two people opposite looked at each other, and then responded: "Once the sword is released, the blade is ruthless."

"Don't say it so coldly. The sword's edge is ruthless. If the sword's heart is intentional, the sword's path is ruthless." Qing Yuzi said.

Yinyu and Hongyu gathered their sword spirit bodies, and their bodies had silver and red spiritual lights flashing.


The bodies of the two men suddenly transformed into two long swords, one silver and one red. The sword energy was so fierce that vegetation flew everywhere.

Seeing this, Qing Yaozi immediately became serious.

A string of herring-shaped runes swirled on his body, and his body disappeared, revealing a long herring sword.

The next moment, three long swords soared into the air, fighting fiercely in the sky.

The two long swords, one red and one silver, work in perfect harmony, as if they were originally a set of two swords.

The blade of the sword is like a feather, silver and red are falling, the sword marks pass by, and the void makes a hissing sound.

On the surface of the herring sword, the green light is like a ribbon, and it is as dexterous as a fish, diving to the bottom and jumping out. It is also accompanied by the faint sound of dragon roar. Qingyu is originally the name of the sword, but it is like a blue dragon swimming in the sky.


In the blink of an eye, hundreds of sword energies collided.

After a while, the two sides were evenly matched, with no winner or loser.

"This herring is really a powerful swordsman."

"He turned his body into a sword and was able to do it just as well as the sword spirit. Is he really a human monk?"

"You two, just go ahead and make a move." After saying that, Qing Yao Zi felt a little regretful and blamed himself in his heart: "Oh, I'm a little excited when we start practicing swordsmanship. What's the end of the deal?"

Sword Spirits all have different personalities, but Sword Spirits are all arrogant at heart. Hearing what Qing Yuzi said, Yin Yu and Hong Yu mistakenly thought that Qing Yuzi was belittling their swordsmanship, which was a naked provocation.

"Herring roe, let's decide the winner." Yinyu and Hongyu said in unison.

As soon as he finished speaking, a bright light suddenly appeared above the silver sword and red sword in the sky.

"Sword and spirit arts fly together!"

The sword intention transformed, Baizhang Yinluan and Baizhang Fire Phoenix appeared together, fluttering their wings and swinging countless sword blades.

In an instant, the sword light flew out, like shooting stars, like heavy rain, like flying flowers, like fireworks.

The power of the sword formation subverts Xuanhuang.

Facing such a powerful combined sword move, Qing Yuzi couldn't help but feel shocked, "Hey. I have to finish the sword fight I took on with my eyes closed."

The "Blue Fish Sword" suddenly floated motionless in mid-air, like a fish taking a nap.

At the next moment, thousands of azure water lines sprang out from the sword body. These water lines weaved together and tightly wrapped the sword body of the Herring Sword.

Astonishingly, the Green Fish Sword jumped up, the sword energy transformed into shape, and a phantom of a hundred-foot green dragon appeared.

The fish leaps over the dragon's gate, that's it.

Immediately afterwards, circles of azure light waves radiated from the body surface of the hundred-foot blue dragon, containing the unparalleled sword domain laws and demarcating the domain of the blue dragon.

At the same time, water-like ripples appeared in the void behind Baizhang Qinglong. Among the ripples, the shadow of a huge waterfall reaching the sky was actually reflected.

This huge waterfall connected to the Milky Way is tens of thousands of feet high. It flies down to the sky for nine days, surrounded by fairy mist, and reveals an awe-inspiring Taoist power. It is the phantom of the "Nine Heavens Mysterious Waterfall" from the Taoist world. It is a place of divine domain.

Looking carefully, in the shadow of Nuo Da's Nine Heavens Mysterious Waterfall, a small herring was swimming upstream from below, cutting through the waves, moving forward without hesitation.

The next moment, the little herring leapt up, changed its destiny against the will of heaven, and appeared in the form of a hundred-foot green dragon.

A dragon roar shook the world.

My swordsmanship is Qinglong!

Sword master, herring roe.

Sword domain, Qinglong domain.

With sword intent, the fish jumped over the dragon gate.

The three are perfectly integrated into one, and with the blessing of the Nine Heavens Black Waterfall in the Divine Realm, their power is comparable to a divine skill.

In an instant, a thousand-foot-long blue dragon swam in the nine heavens, and thousands of sword lights shocked the heaven and earth.

Boom boom boom!

The sword moves of both sides collided in the high air.

The bursting sword fire, the violent sword light, the unruly green dragon, the sword energy whipped up the strong wind and struck back thousands of miles.

After a long while, the power of both sides' moves dissipated.

The silver-feather boy and the red-feather girl appeared. Their chests were rising and falling, their spiritual energy was converging, and they helped each other to the ground, but fortunately they were not seriously injured.

Opposite the two, a man in a wide robe slightly cupped his hands and said: "You two, I accept the concession."

The two arrogant sword spirits lost, and the unruly little sword cultivator won.

Both Yinyu and Hongyu were convinced of their defeat. They knew that with the move just now, the sword cultivator on the opposite side had shown mercy. Otherwise, both of them would be killed on the spot as a result of their sword souls exploding.


Yin Yu and Hong Yu both knelt down and said in unison: "Master."

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