True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 622 Forest of Swords

When the time for three breaths was up, Xu Yang's consciousness moved, and the attack of Thousands of Golden Feathers, a flying knife move, came to an abrupt end.

Xu Yang made a move with one hand, golden light flashed in his palm, and the golden-winged flying knife drew a golden arc in the sky and returned to his hand.

Handy, that is.

The Golden Crow Buddha flame spirit blessed on the flying knife turned into a golden stream of light, wrapped around his wrist and disappeared into his body, returning to his Zifu space.

Wuxiang Qianren's flying knife technique is an authentic Buddhist technique. Now being used by Xu Yang, the power is incomparable.

Today, Xu Yang not only has a rare Buddha's spiritual vein in his body, but has also fully activated the Golden Crow Buddha's flame spirit.

With the Buddha's spiritual veins, you can perform Buddhist techniques and get twice the result with half the effort. The fully activated Golden Crow Flame Spirit is a great boost to the flying knife skill.

"There are not many holes on the rock wall. There should be thousands of them." Xu Yang looked at his masterpiece, then gently touched the blade of the small "sword" in his hand with one hand while saying.

The "Tiger Immortal" on the other side stretched out his paws and rubbed his tiger eyes, shook his head back and forth, and looked again.

He said depressedly: "No, there are so many holes, there are really thousands of them."

What makes it even more amazing is that among the many holes shot by Xu Yang, there are several big characters arranged, "Xu Xiaoxian is here for a visit."

High profile!

Very high profile!

Absolutely arrogant and high-profile!

If the powerful people of Qinglian Dojo who arranged this Sword Mountain Formation thousands of years ago saw that their hard-earned masterpiece was engraved with the words "Visit Here", they would definitely be very angry.

Just considering the formation and power of the attacks that Tiger Immortal and Xu Yang had just struck, Tiger Immortal's Hundred Sword Formation was not inferior to Xu Yang's flying knife skills.

Tiger Immortal used the formation of a hundred swords to poke holes in the rock wall. Each hole was much larger than Xu Yang's flying knife technique, but the number was far inferior.

But this time, their bet was on who could poke more holes in the rock wall. This was exactly what Xu Yang had calculated in advance.

The Great Immortal Tiger was defeated, completely defeated. Its array of hundreds of swords poked more than five hundred holes in the rock wall, while Xu Yang's flying knife skill poked at least a thousand holes in the rock wall. In this bet, who wins and who loses will be judged.

Hu Daxian looked at the rock wall in front of him, roughly counted, shook his head repeatedly, and stood there blankly, feeling a little regretful in his heart for agreeing to this bet.

Ming Lin, who was lying on Xu Yang's shoulder, stretched out a dragon toe towards Xu Yang and praised: "As expected of my Ming Lin's master, he is so powerful."

Then Ming Lin shouted towards the Great Immortal Tiger: "Kitty cat, you lost. If you don't make way, please send my master and me away from here. The Qinglian Dojo behind you also claims to be a well-known and upright family, you As a member of the Qinglian Dojo, I won’t show off and admit defeat. If you don’t keep your word, I’ll poke a thousand holes in your body.”

The Great Tiger Immortal glanced at the Ming Lin on Xu Yang's shoulder, and thought to himself, you are a little black insect, a fox pretending to be a tiger, I, the Great Immortal Tiger, don't have the same experience as you. If I don't admit defeat, if this matter spreads, Qinglian Dojo will lose face in front of Tiangui Sect. Whatever! Anyway, a thousand years have passed since the war between humans and demons. Even if I let Xu Xiaoxian into the Sword Mountain, he would not be able to pass the next level. I, the Great Immortal Tiger, am just a gatekeeper, the real powerful character is still in Jianshan. When Xu Xiaoxian was defeated by the formation mechanism inside Sword Mountain, Qinglian Dojo regained its face. "

With the plan in mind, Hu Daxian said loudly: "Xu Xiaoxian, I guess you have some skills. You won the bet this time. I, Hu Daxian, keep my promise, you can go into the sword mountain behind me. But don't You said I didn’t remind you that there are layers of restrictions in this Sword Mountain, and it’s hard to find ancient monsters in it.”

"I agree!" Xu Yang clasped his fists slightly, "If the sky stops me, then I will walk on the sky. If the mountains stop me, I will walk on the mountains. There is nothing that I, Xu Xiaoxian, can't do."

After saying that, Xu Yang took off the wine gourd from his waist and took a sip of wine into his stomach.

A real drunkard always likes to drink and brag at the same time.

Rule 11 of the Drunkard’s Rule: Drink and brag, your life will be at its peak.

The power of the wine spread in Xu Yang's belly like a fever, and his blood boiled, ready to face the next challenge. Xu Yang's bragging was more about self-confidence.

The Great Immortal Tiger bent his legs, then with a pop, he lay on the ground consciously and made way for a passage.

Xu Yang walked generously in front of Hu Daxian. The Tiger Immortal was more than ten feet tall, and Xu Yang was as small as a doll in front of it.

At this moment, Xu Yang held his head high and his chest high, but he had the posture of a powerful winner.

Ming Lin, who was lying on Xu Yang's shoulder, deliberately blinked at the Great Immortal Tiger, and then said: "Kitty cat, you stay here and wait until my master and I go into the Sword Mountain to retrieve the magic crystal from the monster. Out."

Tiger Immortal narrowed his eyes and said disdainfully: "Little black insect."

When Ming Lin heard this, a trace of fighting spirit suddenly flashed in his dark eyes, and he said angrily: "When I was at the peak of this demon dragon, I didn't even care about the entire Giant Sword Mountain. You ignorant kitten, I The demon dragon will tear you apart in one bite."

Xu Yang noticed it in time, and his spiritual consciousness said: "Calm down!"

Ming Lin suddenly became silent. It reluctantly extended its dragon claw hook secretly, and then flicked it fiercely.


A wisp of dark demonic energy shot out as quickly as a black-feathered arrow, and accurately shot into the huge nostril of the Tiger Immortal.

"Ah sneeze!"

From the big nostrils of the Great Tiger Immortal, violent wind and rain suddenly spurted out.

Ming Lin was already prepared. He opened his mouth and spit out a ball of demonic energy.

The next moment, the demon energy condensed, and a dark umbrella of demon power appeared in front of Xu Yang and Ming Lin.

"Wind, fight! Rain, fight! Rain or shine! Jianshan! We are here!" Ming Lin shouted the slogan.

The figure of one person and one demon dragon gradually entered the sword mountain.

Looking at the disappearing figures of Xu Yang and Ming Lin, Hu Daxian blinked and said, "This is the most arrogant boy and the most arrogant spiritual pet dragon I have ever seen."

Then the silver light on the body of the Great Immortal Tiger flashed, turned into a stream of light, and disappeared into the huge mountain again.

The surrounding environment suddenly became quiet again, just like the deserted place after the killings a thousand years ago, except that there were countless holes and the line of words left by Xu Yang on the cliff at this moment.

"Xu Xiaoxian is here for a visit."


Three days later.

On a hillside of Jujian Mountain, a figure of a young man in green was fearlessly climbing up. It was Xu Yang who entered Jujian Mountain.

There is no decent mountain road in Jujian Mountain, so Xu Yang is not moving very fast.

Xu Yang looked up, and a large strange cloud suddenly appeared in front of his eyes. It was a large gray-white cloud, like a huge strange bird blocking the hillside.

"Master Xu Yang, there is sword energy in the clouds in front of us. Next, there will probably be a fight." Ming Lin, lying on Xu Yang's shoulder, said excitedly.

Xu Yang's consciousness moved, and a wisp of invisible consciousness quickly probed over.

As soon as the consciousness he released came into contact with the strange cloud, it made a crisp "ding-dong" sound, as crisp as the clash of swords. His spiritual consciousness couldn't penetrate even half of it.

"There is no trace of the aura of a monster, only the looming sword energy. It is probably a sword formation. This Qinglian Dojo always likes to set up sword formations. Just like Liu Haiyu, he likes to use swords." Xu Yang said.

"Whatever the sword formation is, let's use our fists to smash it," Ming Lin said.

"There's nothing wrong with that, let's go." Xu Yang said confidently.

He speaks softly, but his actions are not sluggish.

Xu Yang's consciousness moved, and the Golden Crow Buddha flame spirit in the Zifu space was activated again.

A golden spiritual flame swirled around Xu Yang's body, and a moment later, a pale golden flame spiritual light shield protected Xu Yang's body.

On the surface of the flame spirit mask, there are golden Sanskrit fonts flowing, and the shadow of a three-legged golden crow flies up and down on the surface of the mask, disappearing and appearing.

Since the Golden Crow Buddha Flame Spirit is a metallic flame spirit and is more sensitive to the metallic sword energy, Xu Yang chose to use the Golden Crow Buddha Flame Spirit as a protective mask.

Next, Xu Yang decisively entered the mist on the opposite side.

But when he actually entered the strange fog, Xu Yang felt that the surrounding fog was not particularly strong. With his eyesight, he could still clearly see the scenery within twenty feet.

As far as the eye can see, there are strange trees all around that only have branches but no leaves. The branches of these trees are straight, like a Taoist sword with the tip pointed upward. And these trees themselves actually emit waves of sharp, blade-like breath.

Forest of Swords!

"Dang! Dang! Dang!"

The seemingly chaotic flying blade energy fell on the flame spirit light shield outside Xu Yang's body, making a series of crisp sounds, like the clanging of swords.

"It turns out that the sword energy that I just noticed outside is emanating from these strange trees. Is there no one here? Who are you looking for to fight? Boring!" Ming Lin, who was lying on Xu Yang's shoulder, said with some disappointment.

Xu Yang responded immediately: "Ming Lin, fights or whatever, I'll be at the back naturally. Don't be anxious. As the saying goes, it's never too late to fight."

"Master, you are right, the moon is dark and the wind is high, it is just right for a fight. Hehe." Ming Lin said.

"These strange sword trees are obviously artificially placed here. The sword energy they emit can block spiritual consciousness, making this place more like a maze. I have a hunch that the owner of this sword forest maze will soon... Jump out and fight with us," Xu Yang said.

When he finished speaking, he turned his right hand over, and five silver flying knives appeared in his hand. The five flying knives are very delicate and light as if they are nothing in the palm of your hand. The blade of the blade glowed with silver metallic luster, and wisps of dark red spiritual patterns were faintly visible when it was turned over.

It was the five flying knives that Xu Yang asked Ouyang Cheng, the master of the Tiangui Sect, to forge. Although these five flying knives are made of thousand-year-old rock marrow, they are far from comparable to Xu Yang's golden-winged flying knives. They are only used to practice flying knife skills on weekdays.

Xu Yang first raised his eyes and carefully observed the surrounding area.

With the flying knife in his hand, he jerked his wrist. Five flying knives lined up in a row and shot out in volley. He silently recited the flying knife skill formula in his heart, and using his spiritual consciousness as a guide, each of the five flying knives drew an arc.

"Swish, swish, swish!"

Five flying knives intertwined in mid-air, creating a network of knife marks.


The five flying knives constantly collided with the sword energy emitted by the sword trees, and the sound was like thousands of soldiers waving their weapons in battle on the battlefield.

With the injection of Xu Yang's powerful spiritual consciousness, the five silver flying knives continued to attack the sword trees like five silver falcons, each wave stronger than the last.

The strange thing is that as Xu Yang's attack increases, the sword trees will actively shoot out more sword energy to compete with Xu Yang's flying knife skills.

"I want to see the limits of this Sword Forest." Xu Yang said confidently.

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