True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 308 Fierce battle outside the valley

"Bang bang bang!"

The Dark Toad is like a moving artillery fort. Its large triangular mouth is the muzzle, spraying out a series of will-o'-the-wisp bombs. They were densely packed, falling like meteors and fire rain within the territory of Beacon Fire.

Amidst the rumbling sound, green flames exploded, and the Fire Breath soldiers and horses that were hit collapsed one after another.

In the blink of an eye, countless green ghost flames appeared in the originally red beacon fire realm, and the howls of fierce ghosts came and went, like a hell of ghost flames.

On the contrary, the Beacon Realm began to shake.

"This ghost flame can actually burn the power of beacon fire in the territory of beacon fire? It should be a high-level ghost flame with filthy power."

Seeing the power of this ghost flame, Xu Yang immediately made an accurate judgment.

With a flick of his consciousness, he communicated with the Wheel Flame Spirit outside.


A wave of earth-golden fire that was about ten feet high rose up in the territory of the Beacon Fire. The golden light was bright and dazzling.

The ghost infant spirit body with a pair of bat wings on its back, a pair of short horns on its head, and a round head dominates the waves. The little guy bared two fangs, showing his fierce look, and flashes of golden flames popped up from the surface of his body from time to time.

Dragging the hook-shaped scorpion tail behind its buttocks, the Flame Chakravartin swooped towards the nearest pile of green flames, leaving a golden flame tail behind it.


A golden spiritual flame ignited on the surface of the green flame and began to quickly engulf the green flame.


The green flame seemed to have encountered a nemesis. It felt extremely painful, and a ghostly wail came out of it. It shook, and as a cloud of white ghost energy overflowed and dissipated, it completely turned into an earthy gold color, without the previous filth.

Obviously compared with the Wheel Flame Spirit, the level of this green ghost flame is still much lower.

The Flame Chakravartin didn't stop for a moment, rushing towards one green flame after another. Like a civet cat attacking a mouse, numerous green ghost flames were eliminated one by one.

After spewing out a large number of ghost fire bombs, the Ming Toad under the Heavenly Wind Seat seemed to be a little tired. It opened its mouth wide and just spit out a ball of dirty, green breath. No more ghost fire bombs appeared.

The Beacon Fire Realm has stabilized again.

"Surely it's really the Chakravartin Flame Spirit. How could such a flame spirit at the king level of the underworld be owned by this young disciple of the Heavenly Ghost Sect across from me?" After seeing all this, the underworld general Tianfeng looked at Xu Yang across from him in surprise. Di said to himself.

"What are you six standing around doing? Ignore those three losers and follow this Ming General to kill the enemy." Ming General Tian Feng ordered loudly without looking back.

The six killers in the Three Palaces of the Netherworld saw that General Tianfeng's cultivation was limited, and the victory they could have enjoyed seemed to have become difficult.

"Would you like to go up and help Lord Underworld?"

"Although our strength is weak, we can still contain the other party."

"It's just that these three ghost generals are still unconscious. It would be inappropriate to leave them behind."

The six people from the Three Palaces of Nether Realm are hesitating.

If Underworld General Tianfeng fails, it means that the pursuit mission of the Three Palaces of the Underworld has failed. As the executors of this mission, the six killers of the Three Palaces of the Netherworld, Yin Feng, Luo Yu, Xinghu, Xingbao, Huansha and Huanli, knew well the consequences of failure of the mission, and they would be ruthlessly punished by the Three Palaces of the Netherworld.

After hearing the instructions from the underworld general Tianfeng, the six of them left behind the three ghost generals, Qing Niu, Li Jiao, and Zi Shi, who were lying on the ground. They all activated their skills and rushed out with the weapons in their hands.

When Guigu Changyang, Guigu Zan and Drunkard Xiao saw the other six taking action, they did not hesitate to attack them and fight together.


Cheng Luyi, Bai Shaojie, Hong Haitang and Huang Jiu also responded.

Seeing Ming General Tianfeng using his psychic technique to summon the psychic beast Ming Chan to help him fight, Cheng Luyi was not willing to be outdone.

Spiritualism, also known as spirit summoning, is a technique in which the caster first uses his own soul realm to create a passage and space for summoning psychic beasts, and then consumes a large amount of soul power to summon the psychic beast from another space.

If one's cultivation has not reached the Dao Ming realm, it is generally not enough to create a powerful soul realm and the required soul power that can summon psychic beasts.

Not long ago, Cheng Luyi defeated three ghost generals, Qing Niu, Li Jiao and Purple Lion, in one fell swoop by summoning the psychic beast "Sleepy Worm".

Now, Cheng Luyi is about to activate the psychic technique again.

She raised her power again, centered on her body, and released circles of white spiritual power ripples, and her soul realm was instantly strengthened.

At the same time, her dexterous hands formed a strange handprint in front of her like flowing clouds. White light and shadow swirled above the handprints.

"Necromanticism - Sleepy Worm!"

She gave a sweet shout and the magic formula fell.

A huge gray vortex swirled in the white soul realm. The powerful energy in the churning spiritual vortex is like invisible sharp blades, constantly cutting.

"Squeak, squeak, squeak!"

Countless white electric snakes were scurrying around, the void trembled violently, and a dark space black hole was torn apart.

Immediately afterwards, a large dazzling white mass rose slowly from the black hole in space.

With a sound of "Bang!", a sleepy worm that looked like a big white silkworm came out. The green ghost face on its head looked at the will-o'-the-wisp toad on the opposite side and made a strange chirping sound, as if it was demonstrating.

After Ming Toad saw the big white insect, it sprayed two green mist from its two nostrils, and responded with a low "croak" sound from its mouth. It seems that the two are incompatible enemies.

"Why, is the girl in green across from you also a member of the Underworld? She can actually summon such a big lump of white meat from the underworld. If I can swallow the soul of this big white insect, I will definitely be able to improve my spiritual level." Looking at the big white insect opposite, my mouth watered.

In the underworld, the relationship between various alien beasts is that of competitors, and natural selection is their law of survival. By defeating and devouring each other, they directly replenish their own strength and increase their spiritual level. This is more direct and cruel than the competition between monks.

"Tsk tsk tsk."

The big white insect opened its mouth and spit out a silver thread as thick as the mouth of a bowl, like a silver spiritual snake, winding towards the dark toad on the opposite side.

Although the Ming Toad was huge, it was extremely flexible. When it saw the silver line coming, it jumped up suddenly, and the silver line flew past the bottom of its belly.

The big white insect shook its head, and the silver thread rolled upwards and just wrapped around the short forelimb on the left side of the toad. Then it quickly wrapped around it and wrapped it tightly.

The big white insect and the will-o'-the-wisp toad pulled the silver threads in their own directions.

With a "bang" sound, the thick silver thread was pulled straight by both sides.

The two are at opposite ends of the silver line, refusing to give in to each other.

The movement of Ming Toad was suddenly restricted, and the attack of Ming Jiang Tianfeng standing on its head was stagnated.

"Annoying bugs."

Mingjiang Tianfeng said, looking at the silver thread, and stabbed it down with the ghost fork in his hand.

The three forks left three red lights in the void.


The sharp fork tines cut the silver thread in two from the middle. The big white insect, which was exerting force, had no time to stop. Its round body rolled backwards twice before it got up. The Will-O-Wisp Toad on the opposite side also swayed on the spot for a few times before standing firm.

Bai Shaojie activated the secret method, and in his Zifu space, the originally docile Sharon "Xiao Jin" now had his eyes wide open, teeth and claws spread, and a bright fighting spirit flashed in his eyes. Immediately, it turned into a wisp of sand and disappeared.

The next moment, on the blade of the "Underworld" sword that Bai Shaojie held in his hand, an earth-yellow light flashed, and a salon shadow appeared on it.

The "Yellow Spring" sword's sword power was strong, and it buzzed, creating a circle of golden wind that was visible to the naked eye.

Bai Shaojie touched the ground with his toes, holding the Huangquan Sword, and stood up, dressed in white like a crane, the blade of the sword drew a dazzling golden line, and pierced the chest of Ming Jiang Tianfeng.

When the Ghost Fire Toad saw someone coming, he glanced out of the corner of his eye, then raised one of his hind legs and blocked Bai Shaojie's sword.


There was a crisp sound, and large sparks flew up. This Ming Toad's penis was harder than fine iron, but Bai Shaojie's "Yellow Spring" sword still cut a straight sword wound on it that was about an inch deep.

But where the toad was injured, a green ghost flame immediately ignited, with a white skeleton ghost twisting and wailing in it. Under the stimulation of the ghost flames, the wounds healed at a speed visible to the naked eye. The ghost flame dissipated and the wound recovered as before.

Red Begonia raised her jade hand, and a red talisman appeared on her palm.

This red talisman is different from other talismans. It depicts a very coquettish and graceful woman in palace attire.

Haitang put the red talisman on her forehead. The red light of the talisman flashed and turned into a ray of spiritual light that disappeared into his forehead and disappeared.

Then, a red petal pattern appeared on Red Begonia's forehead. As the red spiritual light flashed, Hong Haitang's spiritual pressure increased sharply out of thin air, instantly reaching a state comparable to that of the Soul Realm.

Immediately, she crossed a pair of red daggers on her chest, recited the spell in her heart, and slashed down with both swords.

"Tang Hua Zhu Meng."

The sword edge transformed, and countless red begonia petals flew out. Each petal was burning with red flames, like a red candle weeping.

They burned and gathered together, like a huge fire dragon, roaring towards the underworld general Tianfeng standing on the head of the underworld toad.

"How dare you show off your little skills in front of me, General Ming." General Ming Tianfeng glanced down and said disdainfully.

Immediately, he swung down the ghost-forked "Green Python" in his hand.

"The ghost python swallows it."

Above the ghost fork, a green light flashed, the spiritual power transformed, and an angry green python came down.

The green python was not a living thing, but it was lifelike. Its mouth was like a snake that could swallow the sky, and it even swallowed up the sword move wielded by Red Begonia.


The power of the sword move exploded in the snake's belly, which bulged like a hill. After a while, it returned to its original shape, without any power affecting the underworld general Tianfeng.

The green python that the ghost fork imagined did not stop, but went straight to the red begonia and bit it away. Obviously, this move is much better than Hong Haitang's double sword move.

At this moment, Huang Jiu, a short man in yellow cloth standing next to Hong Begonia, stepped forward and blocked Hong Begonia.

He patted the spiritual pet bag on his waist, and a ball of green light rolled out.

The green light swirled in the air and suddenly grew larger, revealing a green-skinned one-horned rhinoceros. The huge body fell to the ground like a green hill, making a thumping sound on the ground.

This beast has a single horn like a sickle, four legs like four iron pillars, and its body is covered with thick leather armor. It was Huang Jiu's spiritual pet, "The Green-skinned King."

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