True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 303 The Power of the Underworld General

Cheng Luyi knew very well that even if he and the people behind him fought for their lives together, they would probably not be a match for the underworld general Tianfeng.

She originally wanted to try her best to block the opponent for some time so that the people behind her could retreat calmly.

But when she made a sound for everyone to retreat, no one behind her took a step back. Instead, under the call of the old village chief Lin Badi, they all resisted.

She even clearly felt that her eldest brother seemed to be standing in the Valley of Forgetfulness behind her, looking at her and them. It was a warm, tall, firm, somewhat vague, but extremely intimate figure that was deeply imprinted in life.

At this moment, she was not fighting alone. She, her eldest brother, and the people behind her were fighting side by side for the Valley of Forgetfulness, united as one.

She suddenly felt full of strength.

Full of true energy, she dances in green clothes, just like a green butterfly with spread wings, not afraid of the bleak autumn wind, and the flower of life blooming unyieldingly under the black sun.

Her toes tapped the ground lightly, her petite figure took one step forward, and at the same time, she formed a wheel-like magic formula with her hands.

The light flashed on his fingertips, and thin silver threads appeared in front of him, quickly circling and weaving.

In the blink of an eye, these silver threads were woven into an oval, three-foot-sized silver cocoon. Strangely, there is a black eight-clawed spider pattern on the surface of this cocoon. If you look carefully, you can see that there is a "two" on the forehead with the spider pattern.

The cocoon was suspended in the void five feet in front of her and spinning rapidly, like a top, stimulating the spiritual power in the surrounding void. Then, a large amount of spiritual power was sucked in by the cocoon whale like water, creating a strong wind.

Then, she stretched out her hand and pointed towards the opposite side.

The void trembled, and the cocoon, which seemed to be full, bulged, and then straight black cracks opened on the surface, and peeled away piece by piece.

Suddenly, a dazzling silver light appeared in the peeled cocoon, and under the silver light was a three-foot long sword.

This long sword is centered on the sword spine, half of which is flawless white, and the other half is ink-stained black, as if two completely different sword bodies were melted together, but they fit together so well.

The next moment, the sword's edge was exposed, and a black and white sword energy shot straight into the sky, stirring up the wind and clouds.

This sword is not something else, it is the fusion of the long-refined "Zhu Sha Mie Yi" sword of Youfeng Waiter No. 2 with two characters written on its forehead and Cheng Luyi's soul power after rebirth.

The "Waiter No. 2" originally wanted to use the "Zhu Sha Mie Yi" sword to kill Youfeng Waiter No. 1.

When he learned that the No. 1 Youfeng Waiter was Cheng Luyi who saved his life, he took the sword back and willingly spent all his life energy to save Cheng Luyi, who was dying at the time. , allowing Cheng Luyi to be reborn.

Now, the "Zhu Sha Mie Yi" sword has also become the possession of Cheng Luyi along with the life energy output by "Waiter No. 2", making it the "Black and White" sword today.

The original "Kill and Destroy One" sword, Youfeng Waiter No. 2 has never used it, but has been constantly refining and accumulating power. It contains the power of Youfeng Waiter No. 2's wishes for several years, and now it has become a weapon against Cheng Lu. The firm protection of clothes.

"The Dark Silk Sword Technique—one black and one style!"

As Cheng Luyi shouted, the "Black and White" sword turned into a size of about ten feet in the blink of an eye. The sword's intention took shape, and the shadow of a Hades butterfly with black and white wings suddenly appeared on the surface of the sword.

The butterfly shadow waved its left and right black and white wings, scattering dazzling black and white lights all over the sky, and an extremely powerful thrust pushed the sword edge across the void.


Wherever you go, the power of the field is redefined.

Its shape is similar to the sword realm that can only be used by peak swordsmen, but it also has an overbearing ghostly evil aura.

The speeding sword edge drew a black and white line and flew towards the location of Ming Jiang Tianfeng. In the blink of an eye, it invaded the ghost realm released around Ming Jiang Tianfeng's body.

Where the two meet, there is a harsh squeaking sound, and countless black and white arcs pop up, just like a small boat breaking through the wind and waves, opening a path in the ghost realm, and soon arriving in front of the underworld general Tianfeng.

Cheng Luyi's move really surprised the underworld general Tianfeng opposite.

Although the others tried their best to launch their own ultimate moves, in the eyes of Mingjiang Tianfeng, they were only at the level of the Yuan Soul Realm. He who had reached the first level of the Heavenly Tribulation Realm did not take them seriously at all.

Although Cheng Luyi was only at the second level of Daoming Realm, the power of this sword seemed to faintly break through the limitations of Daoming Realm.

Ming Jiang Tianfeng frowned coldly, and moved the ghostly "Green Python" in his hand in front of him, injecting unparalleled true energy into it.

In an instant, dense green ghost energy surged out of the ghost fork, covering the ghost fork's body.


Following a strange low cry, a green-scaled snake head with three sharp red horns on its head and a scarlet snake message spitting out from its mouth emerged from the permeating green ghostly aura.

In the blink of an eye, this big snake emerged from the ghost aura with its body covered in green scales swimming around.

The next moment, the green-scaled snake opened its blood-red mouth, exposed its sharp fangs, and bit out in response to the attacks from the people on the opposite side, leaving behind circles of billowing green smoke, like a demon from hell.

"Green Python Mingsha!"

The moves of Cheng Luyi, Drunkard Xiao, Guigu Zan and Guigu Changyang were instantly blocked by the green-scaled python.

The sound of "rumbling" explosions is endless.

The rolling black, white, silver, gray, cyan and other spiritual pressures are intertwined, devouring each other, glowing and heating, the sky collapses and the earth collapses, and the wind is like a blade.

After a while, the green python still had the upper hand.

The powerful coercion released by the green python was like the sharp teeth of a beast, instantly devouring several people on the opposite side, running over the beacon realm, and many of the Fire Breath soldiers inside shook and were blown away.

Xu Yang and others, who controlled the Beacon Fire Realm, withstood the pressure and continuously activated their formations, and managed to keep the Beacon Fire Realm from collapsing.

Cheng Luyi activated the Mingsi Yuan Gong to protect the body, forming an invisible air shield around the body. The body shook for a while, but did not take a step back.

Others don't have it so easy.

The Three Life Skeletons released by Guigu Zan suffered the greatest impact because the target was too large. The bones of the jade skeleton were rattled by the bombardment, almost to the edge of falling apart.

It's not that the Jade Skeleton is not strong enough, but that Gui Gu Zan's current level of true elixir cultivation is not enough to unleash the full power of the Jade Skull.

When Gui Gu Zan saw this, his consciousness moved, and in a golden light, the Three Fate Together Jade Skeleton disappeared where it was and turned into three small skeletons.

Among them, the usually lazy white skeleton lay on his shoulder again, breathing heavily. Another one with a scar on his forehead and a skeleton with a gold necklace around his neck both stood in front of Gui Gu Zan to resist the pressure of the strong wind.

The strong wind was like a whip, making a crackling sound, but they were not afraid at all, so Guigu Zan's body did not suffer a big impact.

Gui Gu Changyang on the side held the scabbard in his left hand, and held the unsheathed demon sword Yu Ye in his right hand, both lying horizontally in front of him.

The power of the demon pool in the scabbard spits out a large amount of gray gas, with strange cat eyes flashing inside, and the phantom of the scale dragon rolls above the demon sword in the rainy night. The combined power of the two forms a wall of demonic power in front of him.

Just like that, Guigu Changyang was pushed back several feet by the powerful pressure before he could stand still, leaving two clear footprints on the ground.

"Master, this opponent is too powerful, you have to be careful." The scale dragon weapon spirit in Demon Sword Yuye said.

The drunkard Xiao on the other side holds the Drunken Willow Sword, with circles of green spiritual patterns swaying out, displaying the swordsman's unique sword domain for defense.

A strong pressing force fell on the sword, making a creaking sound, and the Zui Liu Sword was forced to bend into a bow shape.

With a "bang", the huge force pushed Drunk Xiao Xiao backwards, somersaulted in the air, and fell back several feet away. The shock caused the internal organs in his body to shift and his energy and blood to surge.

But after all, with the combined efforts of everyone, he could barely fight the underworld general Tianfeng for a round.

"Sure enough, we cannot underestimate these people. With the blessing of the Beacon Fire Realm, they are enough to entangle with me for a period of time. We cannot delay the important matter. To make a quick decision, we must first destroy the Beacon Fire Realm."

Mingjiang Tianfeng thought in his mind, and glanced at Xu Yang who was holding the red-blooded military flag in the beacon realm opposite.

He looked stern, turned his palm, and with a flash of green light, the "Green Python" ghost fork returned to his hand.

"A bunch of ants, this general will sentence you to death today." Mingjiang Tianfeng shouted loudly.

Immediately, he picked up the ghost fork "Green Python" with one hand and rushed forward.


"He is worthy of being a general in the Heavenly Tribulation Realm."

"This man's strength is at the peak of the ghost realm."

"I'm afraid this battle will be difficult."

"What a powerful move."

"Resist until the end."


After the move, Xu Yang and others were shocked, but their determination to fight did not waver at all.

How could Cheng Luyi, who was standing at the front, fail to see the fighting intentions of the underworld general Tianfeng. She jumped in front of him and thrust out the "black and white" sword in her hand.

With a "chi" sound, the black and white sword was like a flying crane breaking through clouds, and the sword energy pierced the void.

"You don't know what you can do."

Mingjiang Tianfeng shouted sharply, and raised the ghost fork of the "Green Python" from bottom to top and outwards.

"Woo", like a beast's roar, set off a green light.


The weapons in their hands collided, causing sparks to fly.

Cheng Luyi's mouth went numb, his shoulders felt sore, and the long sword he thrust out was bounced back.

The ghost fork swung by Ming Jiang Tianfeng continued to gain momentum, poking at Cheng Luyi's shoulder.

Cheng Luyi's feet were not off the ground, her knees and slender waist were bent back like willow branches in the wind, and her body was lying flat and flexible.

With a "whoosh", the strong wind stirred up by the ghost forked up Cheng Luyi's hair and the corners of his clothes, brushing past Cheng Luyi's shoulders.

After dodging the opponent's move, Cheng Luyi straightened her waist, touched the ground with her toes, and flew three feet away like a green butterfly, but there was a blood mark on her left shoulder.

Mingjiang Tianfeng ignored him and went straight towards the center of the Beacon Realm.

Guigu Zan, Guigu Changyang, and Jiugui Xiao stabilized their bodies and once again used their own methods to attack them.

Guigu Zan controlled three skeletons to attack at the same time. The bald skeleton, the skeleton with scars on his forehead, and the skeleton with a necklace around his neck pounced towards the opposite side, launching three attacks from the top, middle and bottom at the same time, with perfect coordination.

Gui Gu Changyang looked at the opposite side, and slashed down with the demon sword in his hand. The power of the scale dragon shone in the void, and the blade was like a crescent moon, showing the domineering power of the swordsman.

The drunkard Xiao activated his true energy, and the drunken willow sword in his hand spit out a emerald-green sword edge that could seal his throat, and pierced the throat of Ming Jiang Tianfeng.

"The tenacity shown by the weak in front of the strong is stupidity." Mingjiang Tianfeng said disdainfully.

The "Green Python" ghost fork in his hand was swung left and right, the wind howling, full of dominance and unrivaled.

There was a clanking sound, and the figures of Gui Gu Zan and the three of them were all thrown up by the power of Gui Cha. They rolled in mid-air and fell far away before they could stand still.

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