True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 275 Military Formation vs Killing Formation

The originally menacing six people from the Three Palaces of the Nether Realm were blocked by the "Red Blood Army Formation - Realm of Beacon Fire" in front of them.

The six of them knew that if they wanted to fight against such a powerful military formation like the Beacon Fire Realm, it would be impossible for the six of them to fight alone. The only way at the moment was to use the combined efforts of the six of them to deal with it.

The moment Huan Sha and Huan Li shouted "Deploy the Six-pole Fantasy Killing Array", the other four people used the two as a reference to quickly set up a hexagonal formation. The placement was so skillful that it was completed almost instantly.

The six of them stood firm at the foot of the star, each drew out the magic formula, silently recited the secret words for forming the formation, and then released their spiritual consciousness together to communicate with the six people's soul power and merge in one place to activate the formation.

Wisps of soul power fluctuations visible to the naked eye connected a straight channel between each two people, and the soul power surged and gathered in it, outlining the shape of a six-pointed star.

The fused soul power in the "Six Extremes Fantasy Killing Formation" was astonishingly large and quickly spread out into circles of pale white soul power fields. The mana output and offensive and defensive capabilities of these people have more than doubled in this formation field.

With the help of the power of this formation, the two brothers Huan Sha and Huan Li took the lead in attacking.

The two of them squatted down at the same time and slapped their palms on the ground in front of them. Mana poured into his feet through his palms like a river flowing into the sea.

Immediately, circles of earth-colored spiritual patterns splashed on the ground, and in the blink of an eye, layers of rolling waves of sand appeared.

"The art of phantom sand - the tide of sand beasts!"

From the earth-colored sand waves rolling forward, sand beasts about one foot in size kept leaping out. They had different shapes, including sand tigers, sand leopards, sand wolves and sand bears...

Numerous sand beasts waved their sharp claws, roared with their sword teeth, and roared towards the opposite side with the roaring wind and sand, shaking the earth and rumbling.

The old village chief Lin Badi was well-informed and could immediately identify the origin and power of the opponent's formation.

The "Six Extremes Fantasy Killing Formation" is a unique killer formation in the Three Palaces of Netherworld, specially suitable for six-person combat. Although it is far less vast than the Red Blood Army Formation, it is still considered a leader among small field formations. However, the Red Blood Army Formation used by Lin Badi and others was only a simplified version, and its power was greatly reduced.

Lin Badi's eyes showed solemnity, he held the flagpole of the military flag tightly with his right hand, and tapped the flagpole of the military formation several times with the sword finger of his left hand.

Every time it hits, different colors of light and shadow will fall, green, gold, earth tones and blue. These lights and shadows formed a special rune symbol, which disappeared into the flagpole in just a flash.

Looking at the Red Blood Army Flag again, it was as if it had been enlightened. The flagpole suddenly became thicker and became more majestic and taller.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Badi held the red-blooded military flag with both hands and waved it violently, while the mana in his body was continuously injected into it.

The flag flying in mid-air set off clouds of fire that filled the sky, rolling continuously, dyeing the void fiery red.

With the blessing of Lin Badi, the beacon fire realm became even more prosperous.

More and more phantom fire soldiers are appearing in the Beacon Fire Realm. There are hundreds of them. They are lined up in a neat formation, holding swords and guns in their hands, like a small army.


The "Sand Beast Tide" unleashed by the two brothers Huan Sand and Huan Li collided with the phantom soldiers in the Beacon Realm, fighting each other.

The flaming weapons in the hands of the phantom soldiers were either slashing, stabbing, or smashing, hitting the bodies of the sand beasts, splashing large amounts of gravel.

On the other side, numerous sand beasts kept biting the phantom soldiers, tearing off streaks of flame.

Both parties are spirit bodies without souls, just the incarnation of energy, and have no fear of life or death. For a time, a large number of sand beasts collapsed, many phantom soldiers were mutilated, and the scene was extremely tragic.

The first wave of collision between the two sides was evenly divided.

On the side of the Three Palaces of the Nether Realm, the second wave of attacks was launched.

Star Tiger and Star Leopard threw the Star Swords in their hands in front of them. The golden swords came together and rotated rapidly, throwing out streaks of dazzling golden light, like streamers woven from starlight.

Immediately afterwards, the two of them simultaneously extended their sword fingers towards the opposite point, activating the secret method and activating the star soul power on the two swords.

With a "buzz" sound, the two star swords instantly became about ten feet in size.

"Star Soul Breaks Through the Sky!"

The next moment, the two Star Soul Swords were like two golden comets piercing the sky, spinning towards the center of the Beacon Realm. The sharp sword light cracked the void, and the target was the red-blooded military flag over there.

Military formations are all ordered by the military flag, which is the eye of the formation. If the military flag is broken, the military formation will be in chaos. This "Red Blood Army Formation" is no exception.

The power of the sword of this "Star Soul Breaking the Sky!" is really amazing, and it cuts straight avenues of starlight in the realm of beacon fire. On the path, the phantom fire soldiers hit by it turned into sparks all over the sky, flying around and disappearing.

At this moment, Yin Feng and Luo Yu quietly looked at each other, nodded slightly, and at the same time took out the Qingfeng in their hands.

The tip of the Qingfeng sword kept rotating downwards, and wisps of spiritual power visible to the naked eye spun out from the center of the sword tip. What spins out of Yin Feng's Qingfeng is light gray wind-attributed spiritual power, while what spins out of Luo Yu's Qingfeng is aqua-blue water-attributed spiritual power.

Suddenly, the two Qingfeng swords suddenly plunged towards the ground, causing ripples and disappearing.

Yin Feng and Luo Yu stared straight ahead, using their hands to make windmill-like spells. The wind was flying around their bodies, and they continued to release spiritual pressure. They were ready to go, as if they were about to launch a big move.

Seeing the opponent's second wave of attacks coming, Lin Badi, who stood in the center of the Beacon Fire Realm, was as calm as a thousand-year-old pine and waved the military flag in his hand again.

As the vanguard of this formation, the butcher Lao Rui, Orion Dali and the blacksmith Sledgehammer immediately understood.

The three of them used the power of the fire breath in the military formation to hold knives in both hands and slashed at the same time.

"Three red blood cuts!"

The blade spits flames, red fire erupts, and three flaming sword lights are connected in one place, as if the god of fire is angry.


The two sides collided with each other, the earth collapsed, the void deformed, the scattered starlight and fire breath mixed together, the light and shadow overlapped, and the masses exploded.

Just for a moment, the judgment was made.

The star soul's sky-breaking slash was even better. The powerful star soul's power was like a golden chariot breaking through the killing formation, crushing the power of the three red blood slashes, and continued to chop towards the military flag in Lin Badi's hand. Although the power has been weakened, the momentum is still terrifying.

As for the three blacksmiths and Sledgehammers, their moves were broken, and the counterattack force of their skills stirred violently in their chests.

The three of them endured the pain without taking a step back, and a trace of bright red flowed from the corners of their mouths. Once the skill stagnates, it will be impossible to use any moves to fight in a short period of time.

In the second wave of competition, the Netherworld Sangong side temporarily had the upper hand.

The defeat of the three blacksmiths and Sledgehammers is understandable. The three of them are only at the second level of the True Alchemy Realm. Compared with the opposite Xingbao and Xinghu, who are at the peak of the True Alchemy Realm, there is still a gap. .

Moreover, Star Leopard and Star Tiger are both good at the power of Star Soul. The power of star soul is a special variant of the power of the five elements and a high-level power of light. Therefore, the power of the Star Soul has a slight restraint effect on ordinary metal, wood, water, fire, and earth.

Seeing that the three parties were defeated, Lin Badi did not panic. He waved the military flag in his hand again, and the surging flag moved away like a fire dragon.

At the same time, Mo Ling, who was standing behind Lin Badi, flashed and stood in front of Lin Badi.

As the flag bearer of the Red Blood Army formation. Under normal circumstances, at least Yuanhun realm cultivation is required. Although Lin Badi's cultivation can be said to have half a foot in the soul realm, it is still very difficult to be a flag bearer. He needs to constantly mobilize his soul power and mana to inject into the military formation, and has no extra strength to defend himself against an attack as powerful as the "Star Soul Breaking Sky Slash".

Mo Ling, who had been preparing for a long time, activated his body, and with his body as the center, circles of gray-white spiritual patterns rippled outward.

The space several feet around was dyed a monotonous gray-white, as cold as his stern face.

The ghost realm reappears.

In the cold ghost realm, Mo Ling exuded streaks of gray-white ghost energy, spinning like a spiritual snake. His already cold appearance was even more sinister, like a ghost from the underworld.

Mo Ling didn't have any weapons in his hands. He drew out the spell with both hands and then pointed towards the opposite side.

A string of bubbles rose up in the center of the ghost realm, as if something was about to emerge from it.

Suddenly, a huge pale ghost claw jumped out.

This ghost claw is five feet in size, its five fingertips are like sharp blades, and its surface is covered with gray striped runes. These runes circulated endlessly, like wriggling strange snakes, their appearance was terrifying.

"The secret of the pulse-cutting ghost hand—the soul-cutting ghost claw!"

The next moment, the ghost claw collided with the star blade of "Star Soul Breaking Sky".

The strange thing is that as soon as the ghost claw touched the sword edge, it exploded with a "bang" sound, turning out a large ball of gray ghost energy.

When the sword edge of "Star Soul Breaking the Sky" rushed out of the ghostly aura, the original starlight on it was much dimmed, and was stained with gray runes, losing its previous splendor and dazzlingness.

And the trajectory of the sword edge of "Star Soul Breaking the Sky" suddenly deflected upwards, slashing towards the empty void.

Finally, it exhausted the power of starlight in the high sky and exploded into a dazzling starlight.

The second wave of attacks launched by the six people from the Three Palaces of Netherworld was finally blocked.

"What kind of trick did the man in black use just now to deflect magic attacks? It will take some time to accumulate the power of the Star Soul before launching Star Soul Slash again." Xing Hu said in surprise.

"The strength and tricks of this man in black are too weird. It depends on Luo Yu and Yin Feng next." Xingbao said through his voice.

I saw Luo Yu and Yin Feng, who had been accumulating power, making a gesture to separate themselves from each other at the same time.

The two bronze swords that had been led into the ground by the two men suddenly jumped out of the void not far from the military flag.

It turned out that the two of them used secret techniques and the passages opened by Star Leopard and Star Tiger's "Star Soul Breaking Slash" in the Beacon Realm to quietly bring the explosive point of the move to the forefront.

"Combined Pill Killing Technique—Wind and Rain Dual Polar Transformation!"

The sword's will takes shape!

The sword lights they slashed out each created a black wind dragon and a clear blue water dragon.

The two dragons circling and turbulent moved forward together.

In an instant, the storm raged, and the blue water surged. The wind borrowed the power of the water, and the water borrowed the force of the wind, and became more and more violent.

In the next moment, the wind dragon and the water dragon merged together, suddenly turning into an even more powerful blue-black storm dragon.

Suddenly, the sky was filled with fierce winds like blades and flying rain like spears.

The third wave of attacks is imminent.

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