True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 269 The Heavenly Tribulation Changes Again

The purple and black electric arcs on the surface of the thunder ball jump and spin, throwing out a long electric tail and slamming down in the direction of the platform, as if a demon from the sky wants to destroy everything below. Wherever he passed, the void turned red and the air flow boiled.

The purple light shield released by the "Flying Tiger Guardian" formation above the platform shattered like paper under the powerful pressure of the Thunder Ball, and quickly turned into white gas under the high temperature and flew away.

The raging power of thunder spread out four huge tentacles and pointed directly at the formation's eyes - the four black stone double-winged flying tigers standing at the four corners of the platform.

In an instant, the surface of the four stone tigers was filled with black and purple arcs of electricity, as if they were shackled by lightning and tightened ruthlessly.


The hard stone tiger was as fragile as a piece of tofu and turned into debris in an instant.

The huge building platform was like a child's toy being played with in the palm of one's hands. It was shaking wildly. There were cracks on the four walls, and it seemed that it was about to collapse in the next moment.

At this time, Lord Youfeng and Six-Winged Golden Tiger, who had fallen on the platform, regained consciousness one after another.

Lord Youfeng fell on his back.

When he opened his eyes, he happened to see Cheng Luyi "turning into a saucer" in mid-air and falling straight down. He immediately understood the reason, and there was a very regretful look in his eyes.

Cheng Luyi's Mingsi skills were all passed down by Venerable Youfeng. Among them, the "breaking cocoon into a butterfly" technique can transform the caster into a butterfly and increase his power tenfold in a short period of time.

This technique is not only a martial arts secret, but also a secret technique used to break through one's own realm. However, performing this technique will cause a great burden on the body of the user.

Although Cheng Luyi's cultivation at this time has reached the second level of Daoming Realm, he is still far from the critical point of breakthrough in his body. Forcibly performing this technique will definitely lead to exhaustion.

Seeing this, Lord Youfeng quickly activated his martial arts body, trying to get up to catch Cheng Luyi who was falling, but found that his martial arts body was tightly restrained by an invisible force. This power was like a magic spell. He couldn't resist, he was so powerful that he couldn't even move his fingertips.

"No, this is the power of thunder-attribute laws." Venerable Youfeng said in surprise.

The six-winged golden tiger on the other side also encountered the same trouble.

"There is an unexplainable force in the body. What the hell is this? It prevents this Tiger King from using any strength." The six-winged golden tiger said anxiously.

The power of law is the foundation of all kinds of forces that exist between heaven and earth.

Legend has it that only powerful men who have reached the Virtual Immortal Realm can appreciate the power of law. The Virtual Immortal Realm is originally a realm of cultivation above the Heavenly Tribulation Realm. Breaking through the Heavenly Tribulation, you can first glimpse the laws, enter the fairy corner, and transform into a Virtual Immortal.

In desperation, Venerable Youfeng's consciousness moved, and a round belt hanging on his waist began to shake violently.

This waist pendant is only about an inch in size. It is dark in color and has a simple style. It looks like it is made of black wood. Immediately, a circle of shining golden runes appeared on the belt.

With a "swish", a golden light jumped out from the waistband, and in a blink of an eye, it transformed into a golden little man about a foot tall.

The appearance and clothing of this villain are exactly the same as those of Venerable Youfeng lying on the ground. It turned out to be a clone of the divine soul sacrificed by Lord Youfeng, and it was attached to the waist pendant as a means of summoning life-saving means in moments of life and death.

This little golden man had already been in harmony with Venerable Youfeng, and immediately turned into a stream of light and penetrated into Venerable Youfeng's Heavenly Spirit Cap.

After a moment, golden light flashed in Lord Youfeng's eyes, a fierce wind blew out of his body, and he jumped up from the ground. The five fingers of his right hand spread out, and the golden tiger spear was already in his palm. The damaged golden tiger cloak behind him was raised high, and the power of the beacon reappeared.

At this time, Lord Youfeng was still unable to freely activate all his magic power. He quickly activated his secret method to check the power of the Thunder Law that had invaded his body.

Sure enough, at the apex of his heart, there was only a blue current as thin as a steel needle locking his heart pulse. Although there is only a trace of the power of this law, it is an existence that thousands of monks will never get a glimpse of in their entire lives.

Without stopping, he mobilized all his soul power to turn into fierce soul fire, calcining a trace of the power of the Thunder Law at the apex of his heart.

I saw profuse sweat on his sharp face, golden light emitting from his body, and his tall body shaking. But it seems that it is impossible to burn out the power of the Thunder Law that has invaded the body in a short period of time.

At this moment, a black shadow rushed up to the building platform, like a black bird leaping into the sky. It was Waiter No. 2 of Youfeng.

"I, the former Youfeng Waiter No. 18, am here." Youfeng Waiter No. 2 shouted, stretching out his arms to hug Cheng Luyi in mid-air.

Immediately, he turned around and blocked Cheng Luyi's body with his own body. He knew that he was unable to resist the power of the thunder ball, and he wanted to stay by Cheng Luyi's side for the last moment of his life.

At this time, he was smiling, as if he had returned to the moment when the two first met.


Xu Yang, Guigu Zan and Guigu Changyang, who were near Zhutai, had also been frightened by the power of this disaster. Just now, the three of them could only resist some residual power when they joined forces. Facing the final counterattack of the calamity, the three of them seemed to have no choice but to wait and die.

At this time, the spiritual pet bag on Xu Yang's waist was churning, and the spiritual consciousness of the golden mink "Pan Tao" came to his mind to ask for a fight.

With the previous experience of small beasts dealing with thunder, Xu Yang no longer hesitated, patted the spiritual pet bag on his waist, and the golden mink "Peach" jumped out.

At this time, the hair of the golden mink "Peach" stood on end, as if the lion king had reappeared.


With a roar from the wild hell, a phantom of a beast about ten feet in size appeared on the little beast's body.

The shadow of this beast is extremely solid, and its face is similar to that of a small beast. It has a single horn on its head, eyes like stars, sharp teeth like swords, and its hair is golden. There are nine living creatures neatly arranged on its back. grimace.

Each ghost face has a different appearance, or three eyes, or fangs, or a bloody mouth, or green hair, or a lion's nose, or a bald head, or a long tongue, or flaming eyebrows, or big ears, or a pockmarked face. The same thing is that every ghost face emits a strange and weird smile, shaking Jiuyou.

Just when the little beast displayed the Nine Nether Illusion, the black sun in the sky, which had always been indifferent to everything, suddenly flashed, and the sky and earth briefly darkened, and then the light returned in an instant. It seemed that there was some kind of resonance between Black Sun and the little beast.

I saw that the golden mink "Peach" opened its mouth and spat out a stream of white nine ghost lights. The white light was billowing like a tide and filled with gloomy energy. Nine vicious ghost heads that were the same as the back of the beast's phantom could be vaguely seen.

The next moment, the light of the Nine Nethers swept towards the thunder ball falling from the sky.

Strangely, the forward-moving ball of thunder stopped when it touched the Nine Netherworld's light. It twisted and transformed into the purple-headed Tianpeng on the left and black on the right.

The nine ghost heads in the Nine Nether Light were like hungry ghosts after seeing a roasted chicken, each of them opened their big mouths and bit each part of the double-headed Tianpeng's body.

Although the double-headed Tianpeng kept slashing at these ghost heads with thunder swords, it seemed to have little effect. The nine ghost heads only shook slightly, but they still swallowed them regardless.

The huge two-headed Tianpeng gradually shrank at a speed visible to the naked eye, and let out a series of whines, as if it had encountered a natural nemesis.

But as time passed, it seemed that the nine ghost heads couldn't bear the power of such a huge tribulation thunder, and they just bit the two-headed Tianpeng crazily one bite at a time. The torn off parts exploded into purple or black grids high in the air, making a crackling sound.

At this moment, higher in the sky, the pupils of the two black crystal-like interface eyes reflected the figure of the golden mink "Peach" below. Immediately afterwards, the two interface eyes suddenly closed strangely.

At the same time, the two-headed Tianpeng retreating below disappeared in a black whirlpool.

But at the next moment, the two black crystal-like interface eyes suddenly opened again, and the spiritual power within a radius of several thousand miles gathered like a tsunami under the call of the interface power. The energy extracted was so great that it caused the void to faintly collapse, making a rumbling sound.

Obviously, the energy used this time was greater than before.

Looking at the colorful arcs ejected from the surface of the two interface eyes, it seems that a bigger killing plan is about to come out.

On the top of the mountain, everyone on and off the platform just breathed a sigh of relief when the two-headed Tianpeng disappeared, but they were suddenly suppressed by the even greater changes in the sky and couldn't breathe.

"What? Is this catastrophe endless and unending?" Xu Yang began to worry in his heart.

"Xiaoxian, we are preparing to work together to launch the Nine Transformations of Nirvana. Maybe there will be a glimmer of hope. There is nothing we can't do." A'Zhu's voice came from Xu Yang's mind.

"If I can survive this time, this disaster will be the goal that I, Guigu Zan, will challenge in the future." Guigu Zan whispered.

The white skeleton lying on his shoulder waved his fist towards the Interface Eye in the sky, then awkwardly took his fist back and blocked his fingers in front of his eyes, revealing a gap for peeking. His instinctive fear made him Somewhat overwhelmed.

"You are truly even more evil than this demon. Master, you should be careful." The voice of the demon sword weapon Spirit Scale Jiao came to Gui Gu Changyang's ears.

"Seven-Colored Tribulation Thunder! Isn't this the legendary ultimate Tribulation Thunder that can kill true immortals? If the Seven-Colored Tribulation Thunder really falls, everyone here and even the entire Youfeng Mountain will be reduced to ashes." The most knowledgeable among the people. Venerable Youfeng said in surprise, his hand holding the Golden Tiger Spear kept shaking.

"Hurry, hurry up. If we can remove the power of the thunder attribute law remaining in the body before the seven-color tribulation thunder falls, and risk self-destruction of the soul, we may be able to save the lives of half of the people on Youfeng Mountain."

This is the thought in Lord Youfeng's mind at this moment. After all, he has too many ties to Youfeng Mountain. The brotherhood with the Six-winged Golden Tiger, the blood relationship with his children, the brother-sister relationship with Cheng Luyi, and even the more or less comradeship with the Youfeng waiters... ..

At this moment, he would rather die than let these people die together.

Among the people, only Youfeng Waiter No. 2 seemed not to care about the changes in the sky at all. He looked at Cheng Luyi, who had no pulse in his arms, and shouted loudly: "Cheng Luyi, you can't die. You have forgotten our original friendship. Is it agreed? Are you going to take me back to Wangyou Valley?"

Youfeng Waiter No. 2 flipped his palm, and there was a furry black spider in his palm.

"Little black thief, let's wake up Cheng Luyi together."

Immediately, the black spider, which he called the "little black thief", pierced the sharp mouthparts into the flesh of his palm.

What was different from the past was that the little black thief's round body gradually shriveled up, while the aura of Youfeng Waiter No. 2 increased greatly.

I saw Youfeng Waiter No. 2 opening his mouth and gently biting Cheng Luyi's wrist.

Circles of black spiritual patterns flickered on Cheng Luyi's wrist. He injected his own life essence into Cheng Luyi's body in exchange for Cheng Luyi's vitality.

Gradually, the aura of Youfeng Waiter No. 2 became weaker and weaker. His head snapped away from Cheng Luyi's arm, and a tear fell from his empty eyes.

At this time, he was a human being, no longer a ghost beast, let alone a ghost servant.

At the same time, the "little black thief" in his palm turned into a dry body and rolled down on the ground, lifeless.

Cheng Luyi's face, which was as white as paper, gradually became rosy.

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