True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 258 Girl in Green Clothes

Youfeng Mountain under the black sun.

A petite girl wearing a green skirt was walking quickly on the winding mountain road of Youfeng Mountain. Her figure drifted up and down with the ups and downs of the mountain, and the corners of her skirt were flying like a lotus swaying in the wind. .

A furry tiger cub lay in her soft arms. The tiger's shiny and colorful hair looked like it was wearing a beautiful dress. This little tiger is the "little six son" Xu Yang met. At this time, "Little Liuzi" had his eyes closed and his breathing was even, like a sleeping baby, looking cute.

The loli in green and the cute plush pet are cute and cute.

At this moment, the girl in green clothes who was marching raised her head slightly, focused her eyes on a certain point on the mountain road ahead, and then let out a light sigh.

I saw a strange white flash in her clear water eyes. Then, a wisp of white filaments flew out of her lotus leaf-shaped loose cuffs. These filaments twisted and twisted, turning into a white spiritual snake as thick as a little finger.

The tip of the white spirit snake's mouth spit out a scarlet snake message and kept expanding and contracting, as if searching for a certain smell in the air.

After a moment, the little snake wrapped its body around the white wrist of the girl in green, slithered onto her arm, and then climbed up the small shoulder almost silently along the slender arm.

The little white snake twisted its body, and its triangular head stared back and forth at the black hair on the back of the girl's head. Then a red light flashed in his eyes, and he suddenly opened the snake's mouth, projecting a white light.

Under the white light, a gray thread smaller than a hair hidden in the hair of the girl in green was exposed. The little snake deftly sucked it in with its mouth. As a white flame ignited at the corner of the little snake's pointed mouth, the gray filaments turned into nothingness.

After doing all this, the little snake swam its slender body and quickly returned to the girl's cuff and disappeared.

"I didn't expect that the swordsman who is good at using demon power also tampered with me. The trace of demon power above me must have been released by him. Although these three people only have the cultivation level of the true elixir realm, they can actually get out of me. They had some skills in escaping safely from the barrier in the hut. Judging from the location where they appeared, they even passed the area guarded by No. 2. The No. 2 who wanted to overtake me every day and take the No. 1 position again was just like that. What a waste. I want to rush back immediately to see if the beads on the table in the house are stringed. They are gifts for the little master. There are trial disciples of Tiangui Sect under this mountain. I can’t let the little master sneak away on his own. Down the mountain."

Thinking of this, the girl in green looked down at the sleeping little tiger in her arms, with a sweet smile on her lips, as if she was holding her own child in her arms.

"These three people actually escaped towards the top of the mountain. That is the place of retreat for His Majesty. They cannot be allowed to disturb His Majesty's tranquility. Yesterday, His Majesty suddenly ordered the airspace around Youfeng Mountain to be closed. I'm afraid something will happen next. His Majesty told him before that he would have to wait for half a month to survive the minor calamity. Isn't it too early?" the girl in green murmured to herself, with a look on her face. She showed a nervous expression, and her pace was three points faster, but in order not to disturb the rest of the little tiger in her arms, her speed did not seem to reach the limit.

On the road leading to the top of Youfeng Mountain, Xu Yang, Guigu Zan, and Guigu Changyang were running like flying. The three of them were familiar with the road, and their speed was much faster than when going down the mountain.

"No, the power of the scale dragon that I secretly placed on the female devil in green was discovered and destroyed by her. She must have discovered where the three of us are. The front is the territory of Youfeng Waiter No. 2. If If they attack us from both sides, we will be in trouble," Guigu Changyang said with concern.

Hearing what Guigu Changyang said, Xu Yang frowned slightly, and said after a moment: "That's not necessarily the case. Youfeng Waiter No. 2 is very afraid of No. 1. If No. 1 knows that he didn't try his best to stop us before, I'm afraid he will also It's too much to bear. If No. 2 really wants to stop us from fighting, we can only fight if we fight." Xu Yang said while clenching his fists.

"Yes, if you want to fight, then fight!" Guigu Changyang replied.

Guigu Zan on the side remained habitually silent. Perhaps it was due to his cold personality that the expression on his face rarely changed.

The white skeleton lying on Gui Gu Zan's back stretched out a pair of bone claws and gently pinched Gui Gu Zan's shoulders a few times. It seemed as if it was understanding the hard work of its owner carrying it on its back all the way, or giving its owner a little relaxation before the big battle.

The three of them are getting closer and closer to the territory of Youfeng Waiter No. 2.

A green old tree stands in the open space. On the branch below the tree crown, a black crystal-colored spider web was woven on it.

The palm-sized eight-clawed spider in the center of the spider web sits quietly in the center of the spider web.

At this moment, the spider's back rippled, and the face of Youfeng Waiter No. 2 appeared again.

"What? Those three boys have gone and come back? You really treat me as a road bridge. This time, I will make you three pay the price for your contempt for this waiter. I think back when this waiter was still in the Soul Realm, I have swallowed the monk’s golden elixir, and the delicious taste of the golden elixir is truly unforgettable.”

Having said this, Youfeng Waiter No. 2 paused for a moment, with a little pride on his face.

"However, with this servant's current Daoming realm cultivation, there is no longer any benefit to swallowing the monk's golden elixir. On the contrary, the disordered spiritual energy in the golden elixir will be detrimental to the cultivation. But I still want to dig out all your golden elixirs. Then hang it on the spider web. Only in this way will I be happy, and anyone who despises me will be punished. I will wait here for your arrival. Come to my web." The face of Ghost Wind Waiter No. 2 on the spider's back said to himself.

"Hey hey hey." He was proud and let out a ferocious laugh.

Suddenly, the ferocious smile of Youfeng Waiter No. 2 stopped abruptly, and the enthusiasm on his face seemed to be stiffened by the cold wind.

"What...what? No. 1 actually caught up from behind them."

I saw the black vortex reappearing on the back of the eight-clawed black spider, and No. 2's face twisted and disappeared.

The next moment, a black wind as tall as a person suddenly appeared under the big tree.

As soon as the black wind subsided, Youfeng Waiter No. 2 appeared wearing a black robe. The word "二" on his forehead is still so eye-catching.

Youfeng Waiter No. 2 looked down the mountain with a serious expression and took a breath of air. Then he unconsciously reached out and touched the scar on his forehead. The muscles on his cheeks trembled. He could still remember the past defeat by the girl in green.


With a cold snort, No. 2 turned around and raised his hand towards the spider web on the tree branch, a black light flashed from the palm of his hand. Immediately, the cobwebs and spiders on the tree branches disappeared.

"The best spider webs are woven in dark places. I will carefully prepare them for the best prey."

Number 2 said coldly, and his figure disappeared in a black whirlwind, leaving only a few dead leaves rolled up by the airflow.

Not long after, Xu Yang and the others arrived near the big tree that "Youfeng Waiter No. 2" had just left.

"We have entered No. 2's territory, so be careful." Xu Yang reminded.

The three of them stopped at the same time and carefully observed the movements around them.

The white skeleton lying on Guigu Zan's back kept looking around, but couldn't seem to find any clues.

Xu Yang turned his palm, and a red spiritual flame ignited in his palm. As the spiritual flames rolled, a firebird with a golden crown, a thin neck, and a long tail appeared, which was A'Zhu's true form.

Without the need for verbal communication, A'Zhu understood Xu Yang's intention a long time ago. He spread his wings and turned into a faint flame rising into the sky. It circled over Xu Yang's head.

After a moment, A'Zhu spread his wings and flew back to Xu Yang's palm.

"Xiaoxian, the black stone pillar formation did not appear before. Moreover, there is no trace of Youfeng Waiter No. 2 within ten miles." A'Zhu said.

Xu Yang nodded with satisfaction, and then said: "This is good news. You can return to my body and rest first. Maybe there will be a big battle later."

A'Zhu nodded obediently, and the fire all over his body disappeared into Xu Yang's palm.

At this time, the sword on Guigu Changyang's waist trembled slightly, and the secret voice of the scale dragon came from it: "A powerful opponent just appeared here. Although he erased the traces of spiritual power, the traces left in the air A trace of the smell can’t hide it from me. It’s probably the former Youfeng Waiter No. 2.”

"So, Youfeng Waiter No. 2 should have just left here. It seems that he hid intentionally because he didn't want to meet the devil in green. Regardless of the grudges between them, let's find a way to hide on the top of the mountain first. Escaped from the pursuit of the female devil in green. This female devil has always believed that we are related to the disappearance of his little master. If she can't find the little master, we will inevitably become her punching bag." Gui Gu Changyang said.

"What if we meet Lord Youfeng on the top of the mountain? Wouldn't Lord Youfeng be a more terrifying existence?" Gui Gu Zan said on the side. This time he did not remain silent.

"We should have been trapped in Youfeng Mountain for five days. Calculating the time, Wuchang Hongxue should have brought Xiaoyudiao back to the entrance of the trial. The situation in Youfeng Mountain should also be informed to this trial The person in charge of the training activities is Hall Master Bai. I heard from the previous Youfeng attendants that Youfeng Mountain will temporarily close the gate during the Tiangui Sect's trials to avoid conflicts with Tiangui Sect disciples. So, I guess Youfeng Mountain. There must be a secret agreement with our Tiangui Sect. As long as Hall Master Bai reports the matter of Youfeng Mountain to the higher-ups, I think the higher-ups in the sect will definitely come forward to resolve this trial crisis. Maybe other sect members will also be involved now. Trapped in Youfeng Mountain, after all, the aura of high-level ghost beasts here will attract trial disciples to come and kill them," Xu Yang explained.

Although Xu Yang is young, his thinking has always been careful and steady. After all, he has spent a long time in the dreamland of the nightmare beast.

After hearing Xu Yang's explanation, Guigu Zan and Guigu Changyang nodded in agreement, considering Xu Yang's strong cultivation and mature mind. Both of them had a little more admiration for Xu Yang, a disciple who was born in the ordinary world.

"The green-clad devil is coming soon, let's go." Guigu Changyang said.

Without the obstruction of Youfeng Waiter No. 2, the three of them traveled unimpeded.

On the mountainside high in Youfeng Mountain, the small black stone house of Youfeng Waiter No. 1 still stands alone in the middle of a large open space.

At this moment, three figures fell down on the open space opposite the small black room. They were Xu Yang, Guigu Zan and Guigu Changyang who were preparing to go to the top of the mountain. This little dark room is a must-see.

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