True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 251 The Stone House on Youfeng Mountain

The tall and majestic Youfeng Mountain stands quietly on the ground, as if it were a black-robed giant standing there leisurely basking in the light of the black sun.

Not only are the rocks on Youfeng Mountain black, but even the trees and weeds are dark green. This black must have been dyed by the light from the arrogant black sun in the sky. From a distance, it looks like a The picture of Cangshan Mountain made of thick ink splashes does not have the tranquility and beauty of ink painting, but only mystery and depth.

The girl in green controlled the small white silk flying boat and flew up the tall black mountain of Youfeng Mountain, flying higher and higher. A faint white light emitted from the boat body, which stood out against the dark background, like a lonely firefly struggling to find its companion in the dark night.

There is a word for wind in the name of Youfeng Mountain, but the white flying boat did not encounter any unusual strong winds all the way up. Maybe there is a man named "You" who is like the wind living in this dark mountain.

The flying boat was nimble and fast. The journey was uneventful and no one encountered any obstacles. Maybe other Youfeng Waiters would stay away when they saw Youfeng Waiter No. 1 coming.

At this time, Xu Yang and Gui Gu Zan on the flying boat were still sleeping. The two were huddled together, almost face to face, with their limbs arranged randomly, like a pair of sleeping twins.

Guigu Changyang, who was standing next to the two of them, touched the handle of the "Rainy Night" sword on his waist with his hand. His blue-grey eyes stared at the Youfeng Waiter No. 1 standing at the front of the flying boat without blinking. But Youfeng Waiter No. 1 never paid attention to Guigu Changyang behind him.

The speed of the flying boat was very fast, and the wind blowing in front of it picked up the corners of the green dress of Youfeng Waiter No. 1. The corners of the clothes fluttered and made a rapid hissing sound. At this time, Gui Gu Changyang's heart was filled with nervousness in his chest. The provocative one jumped quickly and made a popping sound. These are the two sounds Guigu Changyang heard at this time.

Although his body is sealed, Guigu Changyang is the body of a sea monster. It is said that the sea monster was reincarnated as a human. It is unknown what kind of emotional bond was created between the sea monster and humans in his previous life. God gave him the opportunity to reincarnate as a human. Chance.

Guigu Changyang's physical talent and strong strength are enough to exert some of the power above that of Demon Sword Yuye. This is also the reason why Guigu Changyang deliberately gave up resistance temporarily in order to wait for an opportunity.

"What? Are you still going to do it here?" The voice of the girl in green came from in front of the boat, but her tone was surprisingly relaxed, as if she was really a little girl who didn't understand the world.

Although Gui Changyang could not see the expression of the girl in green at this time, he could hear a full threat from her words just now. Perhaps only those who regard killing as a game can say threats so easily.

Guigu Changyang's hand on the handle of the knife loosened a bit, but he still didn't take it away. He hesitated a little.

"Master Changyang, this opportunity cannot be missed!" A hoarse voice reached my ears.

It was the weapon spirit scale dragon on the demon sword "Rainy Night" that sent the message to Guigu Changyang.

There was a burst of mist in the gray demon pool inside the scabbard, and countless monsters with cat faces and fish bodies were jumping up and down in the demon pool surrounded by scaly dragons, splashing gray-white water splashes. Under the instigation of this demonic power, Demonic Sword Yuye's fighting spirit gradually became stronger.

At this time, Guigu Changyang's hand holding the handle of the sword clearly felt the surge of the sword's intention. He knew that if he drew the sword and slashed at it, it would be enough to exert 30% of its power.

A true swordsman is not someone who simply uses a sword.

The sword of a real swordsman is like another soul of the swordsman, and the soul of the sword and the soul of the swordsman are completely integrated. Therefore, the fighting spirit between them can be infected with each other, such as Guigu Changyang right now.

A slight fluctuation flashed in his pair of blue-gray eyes. At the same time, the hand on the handle of the knife suddenly tightened, and the muscles in his arm suddenly tightened like a fully stretched bowstring.

The arrow is on the string.

Suddenly, I saw two mist rolling out of the two fluttering cuffs of the girl in green standing with her back. The countless silver threads hidden in the mist twisted together and turned into two white spiritual snakes as thick as wrists, with sharp teeth and angry mouths. It bites towards Guigu Changyang.

The speed was so fast that Guigu Changyang V, whose power was sealed, had no time to dodge.

At this time, the demon sword "Rainy Night" had just been pulled out half an inch from its scabbard, and the angry sword intention had already overflowed a little, causing the surrounding void to tremble.

But one of the white snakes had already wrapped itself around Guigu Changyang's wrist holding the knife, and pressed the half-inch back again. The sword's intention was hidden in the scabbard again, leaving only empty void.

At the same time, the head of another "white snake" suddenly stopped just an inch away from Guigu Changyang's head. The tip of its triangular mouth spit out forked scarlet snake letters from time to time, almost licking Guigu Changyang's face. Maybe it could swallow Guigu Changyang's entire head with just one opening of its mouth.

This silver thread is the weapon of the "Girl in Green", and only she who has cultivated in the Daoming realm can do as she pleases by turning the silver thread into a white snake. Monks in the Soul Realm first release the Soul Realm, and then with the blessing of the soul power in the Soul Realm, they can transform their weapons into forms and display powerful soul skills.

Although the "Girl in Green"'s silver silk snake transformation is not as powerful as the soul skill, it is much more flexible than the soul skill, and it shows the skill of the person who performs it.

"I, I just feel a little bored."

Guigu Changyang said awkwardly, his face turned red because he really couldn't find any good reason to explain the situation in front of him, and he was not a good liar.

"Really? When we get back to Youfeng Mountain, I will arrange something not boring for you to do."

The girl in green clothes still stood at the front of the flying boat with her back turned and said without looking back.

She stretched out her arms, and a ball of white mist swirled out of the two butterfly-like cuffs. The two "white snakes" retreated along the original path and disappeared.

Seeing that the other party did not kill him, Guigu Changyang breathed a sigh of relief. As for what the girl in green said about arranging something not boring for him, he didn't want to think about it at all. Who knows what tricks this child-faced devil will play, as long as she doesn't throw herself off the flying boat now.

Guigu Changyang took off the scabbard from his waist, then sat cross-legged and placed the scabbard neatly on his knees. The light of the black sun in the sky was a bit dazzling, so he simply closed his eyes.

On the flying boat, everything seemed to suddenly become very quiet again, just like before.

There was only the hissing sound from the fluttering emerald green skirt of the girl in green and the thumping sound of Gui Gu Changyang's heart beating in his chest. Only this time, his heart beat slowly and he lost all will to fight.

The scabbard covered with gray opal lying flat on his knees was like balancing the two ends of a scale, straight and steady, motionless. The demon sword "Rainy Night" inside also sensed his master's thoughts and became silent. The cat-faced demon fish that was jumping fiercely in the demon pool in the scabbard space disappeared into the pool and disappeared. There is no ripple on the surface of the demon pool, just like a gray mirror reflecting its owner's thoughts.

Calm down and time will pass quickly.

The flying boat passed through the thick and continuous clouds and arrived at the height of Youfeng Mountain. Under the control of the girl in green, the white flying boat landed steadily on a hillside.

"We're here," said the girl in green.

Only then did Guigu Changyang open his eyes, and he took Xu Yang and Guigu Zan, who were still sleeping, off the white flying boat.


The flying boat turned into a cloud of mist and disappeared, leaving only the girl in green adjusting her cuffs slightly.

On the hillside in front of you sits a house built of black stone. The house is not big, and it doesn't even have a courtyard. Judging from the architectural style, it doesn't look like a prison, but more like an ordinary person's residence. Everything you see is black stone. Even the door of the house is made of smooth black stone. The dark door is engraved with an eye-catching word "一".

This black stone house is the only building on the hillside, abrupt and quite lonely. Just like the word "一" carved on the door of the house, it is unique and lonely. If there was a person living in it, it would probably be a lonely person.

"Excuse me, what is this place?" Guigu Changyang asked carefully.

"This is where I usually live."

The girl in green had an innocent childlike voice, as if Guigu Changyang was the person she invited to her home.

Guigu Changyang remained silent, thinking wildly in his heart. As prisoners, she should put us in a heavily guarded cell. How could we be brought to her place of residence. Could it be that the viciousness of her ghost beast is unleashed and she wants to eat the golden elixir cultivated in our bodies at home? The monk's golden elixir is the most tonic ingredient that ghost beasts like to eat. Although she looks like a girl on the outside, she has evolved step by step from a bloodthirsty ghost beast. At her level, she should be a murderer.

Thinking of this, Guigu Changyang couldn't help but feel chills on his back.

"There are no cells on Youfeng Mountain." The girl in green seemed to know what Gui Gu Changyang was thinking?

"It's incredible. There is no prison cell?"

"Because there is only one fate for those who offend Youfeng Mountain, which is death. Therefore, there is no need for cells in Youfeng Mountain."

"So, we are going to die too?"

"If it were in the past, I would kill you immediately and then devour your golden elixir. However, now my duty is to be the nanny of the young master, and killing people is not my responsibility."


Guigu Changyang smiled awkwardly, not knowing whether what the murderous female devil said was true or false, expressing deep doubts.

"go in."

As she spoke, the girl in green raised an arm, waved her sleeves like water, and the stone door in front of her opened with a creak.

In the empty room, there was nothing but a square stone table and a round stone bench. If this was a place to live, it would be like a house with bare walls.

When Gui Gu Changyang saw this, he muttered in his heart: "You also said that this is not a prison cell. How could the No. 1 waiter of Youfeng Mountain live in such a shabby place? In Tiangui Sect, the elders not only live in luxury and privacy, but also Everyday items, including toilet paper, are specially provided.”

"A cultivator must be able to withstand loneliness. The slightest enjoyment will disturb the Taoist mind. Therefore, my place is a bit crude. However, it is enough to confine you three."

The girl in green seemed to be able to see through everything Guigu Changyang was thinking at any time.

"If what she said is true, just from the perspective of a cultivator, she is really a respectable ascetic. Perhaps as a ghost beast, if you want to continue to evolve. Apart from killing, you just practice skills, and you don't have time to do anything else. Just think about it." Guigu Changyang sighed in his heart.

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