True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 239 She is a girl

Xiao Yudian, an alcoholic, was in deep crisis. Xiao Yudian, who had just been forced aside by Youfeng Waiter "Fourteen", was extremely anxious when he saw this. His frown condensed into a ball, and then he quickly touched his eyebrows with one finger. A milky white spiritual light flashed above.

Suddenly, two light spots, one gold and one blue, flashed between his eyebrows. The light spots seemed to be alive and turned into two small fishes, one gold and one blue. The two smart little fish started chasing each other head to tail, as if they were playing and fighting, swimming faster and faster.

Immediately afterwards, the two small fishes emitted sparkling light, splashing a circle of ripples on their foreheads before disappearing into it.

I saw two blue-gold auras suddenly appearing around Xiao Yudiao, and the spiritual pressure around him increased wildly. His originally loose clothes were almost torn apart by the burst of pressure. At this moment, his petite figure looked like an angry beast.


Xiao Yudiao shouted, holding swords in both hands, and shot out like an arrow from the string, with a blue-gold stream of light behind him.

In just a moment, the small raindrops were in front of the Youfeng waiter "Fourteen", and the sword edge that kept spitting was pointed directly at the neck.

At this time, the five-ring sword that was struck by the drunkard Xiao lying on the ground in the hand of Youfeng Waiter "Fourteen" had already fallen halfway down. Suddenly, he noticed that a murderous aura that could threaten his life quickly passed through the soul realm he released and was very close at hand. He suddenly broke into a cold sweat.

According to his understanding, only monks of the same Yuan Soul Realm who could achieve such an attack speed within his own soul realm, and even those with higher soul power than him, could display such speed.

Xiao Yudian, Boss Bai, and Drunkard Xiao are all in the soul domain of Waiter Youfeng "Fourteen", and any subtle movements of the three of them are under the surveillance of Waiter Youfeng "Fourteen".

What the Youfeng Waiter "Fourteen" never expected was that the spiritual pressure that made him uneasy clearly erupted from Xiaoyudiao, who had just been injured.

Surprised, Youfeng Waiter Fourteen shouted: "Here he comes!"

He poured all his mana into the five-ring sword in his hand, and the sleeves on both arms were torn to pieces by the rapid burst of true energy. Revealing veins like green snakes and red-hot muscles. He also pulled back the five-ring sword that had fallen halfway, and then spun violently on the spot. The five-ring sword swept out in the direction of the light raindrops.


The long sword "Golden Rain" in Xiao Yudian's hand collided with the five-ring sword of Youfeng Waiter "Fourteen".

There was no earth-shattering pressure immediately, only two powerful soul powers resisting each other. It's like two undercurrents on the seabed merge together, and powerful energy appears as a gray vortex of soul power between the intersections of swords.

"Yuanhun realm monk!"

The waiter "Fourteen" exclaimed and couldn't help but pour all his soul power into the five-ring sword. Because he clearly felt that the soul power coming from the opposite blade was clearly not inferior to his own. If he does not respond with all his strength, his soul will be severely damaged by this powerful soul power, and he may even fall into a state of decline.

The black soul domain he released disappeared in a burst of light and dark due to insufficient soul power injected into it.

The next moment, the whirlpool of soul power where the swords touched spun out an unparalleled blast of wind.

The drunkard Xiao who was still lying on the ground rolled forward, and then the tip of the long sword in his hand touched the ground.

The blade of the long sword bent out of the swaying arc of the wicker, and with a "buzz" sound, the body rose diagonally into the air with the help of the force of the rebound from the long sword.

At this time, the injured Boss Bai was also stirred up by the strong wind, but her condition was much more serious than that of the drunkard Xiao. She was injured and unable to completely withstand the violent wind. Her whole body was violently thrown like a ball of paper floating in the wind.

By chance, Boss Bai's figure was not far from the drunkard Xiao in mid-air.

Drunkard Xiao stretched out the long sword in his hand from a proper angle, pressed the side of the sword against Boss Bai's figure, moved Boss Bai's figure to his side, and then stretched out his hand to accurately hug Boss Bai's waist. Thin waist.

The two figures spun several times in mid-air and floated back five feet before landing on the ground.

The drunkard Xiao Changjian swung his body forward, activating his inner strength. An invisible spiritual pressure erupted from the long sword to resist the strong wind and prevent him from retreating any further.

Boss Bai looked at the drunkard Xiao with eyes full of gratitude and admiration, and said softly: "Thank you."

The drunkard Xiao just nodded, but his eyes were fixed on the situation over Xiao Yudian.

At this time, the drunkard Xiao was also wondering how his apprentice could suddenly burst out with such powerful soul power and be able to compete with Yuanhun Realm monks like Youfeng Attendant "Fourteen".


With a muffled sound, the bodies of Youfeng's waiter "Fourteen" and Xiao Yudian suddenly separated.

The figure of "Fourteen", the waiter of Youfeng, fell backwards and retreated five feet away. He held his five-ring broadsword horizontally before he stood still.

Xiao Yudian's figure also retreated far back. Although he barely managed to stand firm, his body was shaking, as if he would fall down the next moment.

At this moment, a pair of strong arms hugged Xiao Yudiao. That familiar face, that mountain-like chest.

"Master! Me?"

At this time, there were light raindrops, and the original hat on his head had long since disappeared, and his long black hair was like a waterfall, slightly messy and tangled on the arm of the drunkard Xiao. Her skin became white and delicate, her figure became softer, and her already pretty baby face gained a girlish charm.

pp Drunkard Xiao looked at the little raindrops in his arms and said in shock: "This? Apprentice, you?"

Wherever his hands touched, it was as soft as risen dough and as smooth as silk. What is soft is Xiao Yudian's breasts that have become high and swollen, and what is slippery is Xiao Yudian's head, which is like a waterfall of black hair. Xiao, an alcoholic who has always been unruly, blushed and shrank one hand back, moving it away from Xiao Yudian's chest.

He couldn't help but recall what happened between Xiao Yudian and him not long ago.

It was a sunny day, near noon, and the lonely black sun was still spitting fire in the sky.

A huge green willow tree is located in an open space in Wangyou Valley, casting a large amount of shade on the ground.

On the thick trunk of this green willow tree, the drunkard Xiao was lying there alone. He crossed his legs, holding a shiny wine gourd in one hand, and poured the white wine in the gourd into his mouth from time to time.

"Good wine! On such a hot day, drinking here is really a pleasant thing, haha." Xiao, an alcoholic, said to himself while letting out a hearty and uninhibited laugh. He was originally an optimist.

Not long after, the drunkard Xiao shook the wine gourd in his hand, poured it out again, and poured the last drop of wine into his mouth.


There was some disappointment on his face.

There weren't many things that could make him, an optimistic drinker, feel disappointed, and one of them was not having enough fun.

"Master, I've brought you wine."

At this moment, Xiao Yudian stood under the big tree alone, holding a large wine jar in his hand.

The drunkard Xiao Wensheng on the tree trunk looked down and suddenly showed joy. As soon as he jumped, he landed like a flying dragon.

He stretched out a hand and patted Xiao Yudidian's shoulder, and said with a smile: "You are really my good apprentice. Without you, master, how will I live? Come on, come on, have a few drinks with me, master."

"Hehe. Master, I knew you were here." Xiao Yudian said, curling up the corners of his mouth, revealing a bright and sunny smile.

The two of them drank happily under the huge green willow tree.

After drinking to their heart's content, the drunkards Xiao and Xiao Yudian both had a drunken ruddy look on their faces, and they were in a good mood.

"Master, do you think the apprentice can marry the master?"

"Is this? It goes against common sense. Although the world of cultivation is not as rigid as the secular world, this kind of thing is rarely heard of. Why do you suddenly ask these questions?"

"Hey, I want to get married to the master."

"Hahaha." Hearing Xiao Yudian's answer, the drunkard Xiao couldn't help laughing.

Then he said: "You stupid apprentice, you and the master are both men, how can you get married?"

"Master, is that okay?"

"Don't talk nonsense. Although the master is not a lecherous person, he doesn't have the habit of cutting off his sleeves." As he said this, the drunkard Xiao's face calmed down, and then he stretched out a hand and patted Xiao Yudian's head gently. .

The two continued to drink and talk about everything. This pair of master and disciple.

After more than half an hour, a whole jar of wine had gone into their stomachs. Of course, most of it was drunk by the drunkard Xiao. A real drunkard drinks as much as he likes and never forces himself to drink equally with others. This is also wine.

"I drank a little too much today, master. I want to take a nap first." As he said that, the drunkard Xiao Banyi squinted his eyes slightly at the root of the tree, with a hint of a faint smile at the corner of his mouth.

"Tick tock, tick tock."

Raindrops suddenly fell from the sky, but the big green willow tree was dense enough that not a drop of rain could fall on the ground in the shade, as if there was a curtain of raindrops between the shade and other places. On the contrary, the air became cooler.

The drunkard Xiao slept more comfortably under the big tree. Looking at the sleeping drunkard Xiao, a happy smile appeared on Xiao Yudian's face.

Looking from a distance, the two figures became blurred under the rain curtain, like a sentimental ink painting.


"Master, please forgive me for lying to you. In fact, I am a girl. I have practiced a special skill that can imitate the soul power into a man's state and accumulate soul power at the same time. I am afraid to tell you that I am a girl, You won't let me stay by your side freely."

Xiaoyudiao, who was lying in the crook of the drunkard Xiao's arm, coughed violently as he spoke.

"Master won't blame you." Xiao, the drunkard, said.

"Master, if I die, will you remember me?"

Somehow, after hearing these words, Xiao, an alcoholic, felt as if his heart was suddenly hollowed out, feeling helpless and lost. The eye circles are also slightly red.

"Silly apprentice, as long as the master is here, nothing will happen to you."


"Jie Jie Jie!"

At this moment, the Youfeng waiter "Fourteen" in the distance let out a strange laugh.

"It turns out it's just a secret method of accumulating soul power and overdrawing it. I really thought I had met an opponent in the Soul Realm just now. Seeing the deep love between master and disciple, I will take pity on you two. Let's send you two on the road to hell together."

At this time, Youfeng Waiter "Fourteen" also suffered some injuries, but his condition was much better than that of Xiao Yudian. After all, he was a true Yuanhun Realm monk. After a short period of recovery, he would never give the opponent in front of him a chance to live again.

The Youfeng waiter "Fourteen" narrowed his eyes and showed a ferocious expression, like an evil ghost. Carrying the black five-ring sword, he walked towards where the drunkard Xiao and Xiao Yudian were.

With every step he took, the ring on the ruthless sword would make a deathly clanking sound.

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