True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 234 Huniu ran away in shock

Hu Si Niu looked at the man in green clothes and white face in front of her with her big eyes. This man she fell in love with at first sight had a face like a silver plate, starry eyebrows and sword-like eyes. He was noble yet elegant. The more she looked at him, the more she fell in love with him.

Seeing that Zhuge Yu's complexion was as normal and his energy was full and smooth, Hu Siniu said happily: "I didn't do it on purpose before, and I didn't expect to hurt you so much. Fortunately, you are recovering well now."

At this time, Zhuge Yu also felt extremely comfortable.

He quickly used the method of internal vision to check his body. Not only were there no traces of the previous internal injuries, but the two medicinal powers were also completely absorbed by him.

What surprised him even more was that there were two chestnut-sized golden elixirs in the Zifu space in his Dantian, one golden green and one black gold. The solidified spiritual power on it is extremely powerful. His body is completely transformed compared to before, and his true energy is running smoothly and unhindered.

"True elixir realm! I actually broke through to the true elixir realm! And I also formed two golden elixirs at the same time." Zhuge Yu couldn't believe it and exclaimed loudly.

Forming elixirs is an insurmountable bottleneck for cultivators in the Peiyuan realm, but Zhuge Yu unexpectedly formed golden elixirs unintentionally. This of course surprised him, and forming two golden elixirs at the same time was something that could only be encountered but not expected.

Ordinary true elixir realm monks can only form one golden elixir in their body. Any monk who has formed two golden elixirs will have stronger strength than the same level in the true elixir realm, and can have better achievements in cultivation.

The main reason is that Hu Siniu is already a cultivator at the peak of the True Alchemy Realm. During the process of their dual cultivation, Hu Siniu's earth spirit consciousness coincided with Zhuge Yu's wood spirit consciousness.

Hu Siniu's martial arts assistance and the powerful netherworld power in the "Ghost Wind Soul Resurrection Pill" coincidentally allowed Zhuge Yu to break through to the true elixir realm and form two golden elixirs.

"Congratulations!" Hu Siniu said.

"Thank you for this!" Zhuge Yu said with some embarrassment.

"I will no longer think about taking you back to Youfeng Mountain to be my husband, because this will make you unhappy and even cause harm to you." Hu Siniu said calmly.

"Yes, really?" After hearing this answer, Zhuge Yu suddenly felt empty in his heart and didn't know how to answer.

"Haha! Because I want to return to the Ghost Sect with you and be your wife." Seeing Zhuge Yu's disappointed look, Hu Siniu said with a smile.

"Crazy woman!"

Although he said this, Zhuge Yu smiled happily.

"What's the matter? Don't you want to? That's it."

"I don't know how long we have been in this cave. Your sisters and my friends at the foot of the mountain don't know what the fight is like. Let's go and have a look."

"Okay." After saying that, Hu Siniu stretched out her hand and took the initiative to hold Zhuge Yu's hand.

Then he said: "Let's go."

The two held hands and left the cave.


At the foot of Youfeng Mountain.

As the other party added six new high-level ghost beasts, the situation suddenly became unfavorable for Xu Yang's side.

In desperation, Xu Yang decided to use the Flame Spirit Domain.

The magic power in the Haoran Heavenly Vein that connects Tianling Gai and Zifu keeps running wildly like thousands of troops. After activating the Moonlight Technique, every inch of the bones glowed with fluorescent light. A dragon-shaped blood soul soared from the apex of his heart.

Improve physical abilities to the strongest level.

I saw three colors of light swooshing out from the Tianling Cap above Xu Yang's head.

A flash of red turned into a fire sparrow with a golden crown and long tail, which was A'Zhu's true form.

A streak of golden color turned into a golden crow with golden feathers and three legs, which was the true body of the flame spirit of the Golden Crow Buddha.

A streak of earth and metal transformed into a ghost baby with two horns on its head, two wings on its back, and a sharp scorpion tail trailing behind it. It was the true body of the Flame Wheel Spirit.

Three groups of flame spirits were connected end to end, hovering above Xu Yang's head.

The next moment, the red, golden, and earth-gold flame spirit fields surged towards the surroundings like ocean waves. This powerful wave of soul power connects the world and redefines the realm.

Flame Spirit Realm!

Hu Da Niu, who was closest to Xu Yang, was the first to feel the oppression brought by the Flame Spirit Realm.

At this time, Hu Da Niu seemed to be stuck in a quagmire, with many resistances. She quickly forced her body to resist the pressure brought by the Flame Spirit Realm.

"No, he can actually release the soul realm." Hu Da Niu shouted.

But it was too late.

I saw the three-color flame spirit above Xu Yang's head turning into three-color chains, like three flying colorful dragons, rushing towards the tiger girl opposite.

Xu Yang's move "Fire Spirit Shackles" is a secret technique based on the Flame Spirit Domain, which can exert a powerful binding force.

In an instant, three flame spirit shackles wrapped tightly around Hu Danniu.

In desperation, Tiger Girl roared, and the pressure around her body increased sharply, and the phantom of a golden tiger appeared on her body.

Immediately afterwards, Tiger Girl exerted her arms, and the golden tiger claws reappeared. There was a crashing sound, and the void trembled. He actually wanted to break free of the flame spirit shackles tied to his body.


When Xu Yang saw this, he vomited softly in his mouth, and then pointed a little at Hu Da Niu with one hand.

The three-color spiritual flames curled up from the Flame Spirit Shackles, and the Suzaku, Ghost Infant, and Golden Crow phantoms flashed one after another.


Hu Da Niu screamed in pain, and her whole body suddenly became sluggish.

Xu Yang took the opportunity and rushed forward with a lunge. He quickly stretched out a single finger and poked Hu Siniu's shoulder twice, temporarily sealing her body.

"Tell them all to stop. I have no intention of killing you. If not, I will cut off your head." Xu Yang shouted loudly, and the cold golden-winged flying knife in his hand was already placed on Hu Da Niu's neck. .

"Sisters, stop!" Tiger Girl had to compromise.

Hu Erniu, Hu Sanniu and Hu Xiaoniu quickly stopped fighting when they saw this.

"You take your sisters and go back to your home in Youfeng Mountain. Otherwise, if I can capture you, I can also capture several of your sisters. Next time, I will not hesitate with the sharp blade in my hand. ." Xu Yang threatened.

"Okay, I promise you, as long as you don't hurt my sisters."

Hu Da Niu saw how powerful Xu Yang was in the Flame Spirit Domain. He mistakenly thought that Xu Yang was a Yuanhun realm monk. There is still a big gap between True Alchemy Realm monks and Yuan Soul Realm monks. She doesn't want her younger sisters to fight with Yuan Soul Realm monks.

Xu Yang's consciousness moved, and the flame spirit shackles tied to Hu Da Niu disappeared in a flash.

Hu Danniu covered her shoulder with one hand, breathing a little quickly, looking at Xu Yang with a hint of fear in her eyes, muttering in her heart: "He is a Yuanhun realm monk, how could he be safe and sound in this forgotten land? Rejected by Hei Yang. Is he from the underworld? "

"Your martial body sealed by me will recover on its own in just one stick of incense. Let's go."

Hu Danniu turned around and took her three younger sisters away in the direction of Youfeng Mountain. As she ran, she said, "This person is not easy to mess with. Let's split up to find the fourth younger sister first."

In a blink of an eye, the four figures disappeared into the forest.

The six high-level ghost beasts were also frightened by the Flame Spirit Realm released by Xu Yang. They looked at the disappearing figures of Hu Danniu and stood there hesitating.

"Is this kid really a Yuanhun realm monk?" asked the turtle-backed ghost beast.

"How is this possible? Unless they are us ghost beasts or people from the underworld, other outsiders will be rejected and punished by Black Sun as long as their cultivation reaches the soul realm." The bird-beaked ghost beast said.

"You're right. This person doesn't have the aura of the underworld on him. He probably used some secret technique." The deer-horned ghost beast said.

"This kind of secret technique can only last for a moment, just to fool those few ladies from the Hu family. If you want to deceive us, there is no way." said the lizard-tailed ghost beast.

"If it's really like what you said, maybe the taste of the true elixir in this person's body will be more delicious." The ape-armed ghost beast said.

As expected, with Xu Yang's current cultivation level, it was impossible to maintain the release of the Flame Spirit Domain for a long time.

The coercion on Xu Yang's body suddenly weakened, the Wheel Flame Spirit, the Vermillion Bird Flame Spirit, and the Golden Crow Flame Spirit were all taken back into the body, and the Flame Spirit Domain around him also disappeared.

At this time, Boss Bai, Drunkard Xiao and Xiao Yudian stood around Xu Yang.

"My Flame Spirit Domain cannot be maintained for a long time. The six high-level ghost beasts on the opposite side have no intention of leaving. Let's not get separated and concentrate our efforts to defeat them one by one. Maybe we can defeat them." Xu Yang transmitted a message to others.

"Xu Xiaoyou is right. We just fought against these ghost beasts. Although they are ferocious, their cooperation is rare, which shows that they usually live separately. We only need to use the strategy we used to deal with the first ghost beast before. You should be able to kill one of them in a short time, and then kill them one by one," said Drunkard Xiao.

"I agree with Master." Xiao Yudiao said.

"I agree too." Boss Bai also replied.

"Let me test them with words, and then we will act accordingly." Xu Yang said.

"Did you see that? I have beaten away the few tiger girls just now. It seems that you ghost beasts will not shed tears until they see the coffin. Let you see the power of Yuanhun Realm monks."

Saying that, Xu Yang took a step forward, and the three colors of red, earth and gold flashed all over his body, and the pressure increased sharply, but it was far from the intensity when he released the Flame Spirit Domain just now.

The six high-level ghost beasts on the opposite side were hesitant because no one wanted to go over and die.

Seeing Xu Yang take a step forward, five of the ghost beasts took a step back together. The remaining turtle-backed ghost beast obviously moved a little slower and was left alone in the same place.

The turtle-backed ghost beast looked back at the five companions who took a step back, curled his lips, and wanted to take a step back.

"Brother Turtle, your defense is the strongest. Go over and try him first. I don't think this kid looks like a Yuanhun Realm monk." The lizard-tailed ghost beast encouraged.

"Yes, Brother Turtle. Even if this kid really has the ability of a Yuanhun Realm monk, he may not be able to hurt you." The ape-armed ghost beast complimented.

"Brother Turtle, whether we can get the monk's golden elixir depends entirely on you." The deer-antlered ghost beast also complimented.

"Boss, it's all up to you."

"It has to be you."

"The pride of the ghost beast."


For a time, the other five ghost beasts behind the turtle-backed ghost beast were all complimenting him.

The turtle-backed ghost beast took half a step back, then retreated, and it expanded.

At first, the turtle-backed ghost beast thought that this was just flattery. The danger was just ahead and he must not take it lightly.

But the five people behind him kept complimenting him, which really made him feel happy. In the past, he would always be ridiculed by other ghost beasts for hiding behind turtle shells and being a coward. This time, a sense of pride that I am stronger than you all arose in the heart of the turtle-backed ghost beast, causing it to gradually relax its vigilance and expand its confidence.

"Okay! Let me, old turtle, try this guy's abilities first. If something goes wrong, you guys have to rush in and help?"

"Don't worry, boss, we'll just follow your instructions."

"We will definitely be able to eat the golden elixir."

"None of them can escape."


The five ghost beasts behind him continued to swear.

The turtle-backed ghost beast raised its head and made a "cluck" sound. His head rubbed against the huge turtle shell on its back.

Although, the huge turtle shell on its back puts some pressure on its head, making it comfortable to keep its head half-down. However, today, somehow, the thick turtle shell caused its head to tilt up at a proud angle, which is called an ox-shaped angle.

The turtle-backed ghost beast took one step forward and wanted to test Xu Yang's true strength for himself.

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