True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 230 Five Tigresses

"Senior Brother Xu, where did these three friends come from? Why are there disciples from other sects in this evil ghost path?" Zhuge Yu saw the drunkard Xiao, Xiao Yudian, and Boss Bai obviously coming to help with Xu Yang He didn't know these people, so he asked.

"These three are my new friends here. They live in seclusion in a place called "Wangyou Valley". The details will be discussed later." Xu Yang explained.

At this time, Xiao Yudian seemed to be really irritated by what Hu Sanniu had just said.

The seemingly thin body burst out with an astonishing coercion that was not commensurate with it. His face was as cold as ice, and he raised his hand to perform the "Sword Qi Crazy Wave".

The blue spiritual light above the silver front was vomiting endlessly, and the roaring sword energy rolled forward in rows, like a stormy wave crashing on the shore, unstoppable. He moved towards Hu Sanniu and covered him.

"Hey, little guy, you're well on your way. You snatched away my husband-in-law Zhuge, and we're going to snatch him back."

Hu Sanniu was not afraid when she saw the fierceness of her opponent's sword moves. As he spoke, he activated the secret Yuan Gong, which reached his arms.

The bones in her arms were heard creaking, and at the same time, circles of golden ripples swayed on her arms, the golden light shining like gold cast. And her fleshy palms began to swell and become larger, instantly turning into a pair of sharp and strong golden tiger claws.

Immediately, Hu Sanniu waved a pair of golden tiger claws upward to greet him, and waved out two dazzling golden lights, just like a pair of roaring golden beasts counterattacking.

The next moment, Xiao Yudiao's "Sword Qi Crazy Wave" struck firmly on Hu Sanniu's pair of golden tiger claws.

The fierce sword energy rolled back, like waves lining up on the solid rocks on the shore, one after another.

Dang dang dang.

There were countless crisp sounds of metal knocking, and the sound was like countless arrows hitting the impregnable city wall.

Xiao Yudian could not help but look surprised when he saw that his sword could not withstand the opponent's fleshy palms.

Before Xiao Yudiao could make his second move, Hu Sanniu advanced instead of retreating. She looked like a ferocious beast descending from the mountain, lunged forward, and slashed down with her right hand.

With a breath, the tiger's claws left five scratches as clear as blades in the void, and they landed on Xiao Yudian's chest.

At this moment, a black shadow flashed behind Xiao Yudian, and it looked like an alcoholic Xiao standing in front of him.

"Don't bully my apprentice. If anything happens, come to me."

With a shout, Drunkard Xiao waved his sword and faced him.

"Everyone should speak up if you have anything to say, and don't use force." Xu Yang persuaded loudly.

But the drunkard Xiao wanted to stop but it was too late. Hu Sanniu's punches were faster than the last, and each punch was more powerful than the last. Each of her moves was more deadly, and the drunkard Xiao was overwhelmed.

"Wild girl, don't hurt my master." Xiao Yudian shouted, and swung his sword again to attack him.

Boss Bai on the side saw this, snorted coldly, and joined the battle group.

"Don't think that because there are so many of you, you can bully our sisters."

Hu Siniu on the side shouted loudly, but she was not in a hurry to help her sister. Instead, she took off the string of copper bells from her waist and held them in her hands. When her magic power was activated, the golden light on the copper bells flickered.

"Ding Dong, Ding Dong..."

The copper bell made a series of rapid and crisp sounds, and circles of golden ripples rippled in the void, quickly spreading to the distance.

After a while, she skillfully put the bell away from her waist, and without saying a word, she jumped forward and the sisters fought side by side.

This pair of tiger girls cooperated extremely skillfully. Even if they were two against three, they would not fall behind at all.

Seeing this, Zhuge Yu on the side turned to Xu Yang and said, "Senior Brother Xu, why don't we go up together and capture these two crazy women? We can't communicate with such barbarians at all."

The situation of being captured by two tiger girls before was still vivid in his mind. Zhuge Yu wished he could capture them quickly and seal their mouths. Although he had regained his freedom at this time, the sealed body had just been released, and the body injured by Hu Niu had not yet recovered, so it was obviously not suitable for him to use force, otherwise he would have rushed over to seal it. Keep these two people's mouths in order to prevent them from talking nonsense.

Xu Yang took a look at the fighting situation on the opposite side and saw that the two sides were fighting inextricably. He shook his head helplessly.

"It seems that it can only be solved by force. One of them seemed to have sent out a distress signal just now. The sooner this unnecessary fight ends, the better. Junior Brother Zhuge, you have just recovered, so you should take a rest. I will deal with it here." ”

As soon as he finished speaking, the fire wings curled up behind his back, and his body turned into a fire wind and rushed forward. But Xu Yang did not use the Four Magic Long Sticks, but used the Dark Fire Fist to subdue the two tiger girls.

For a moment, Xu Yang, Drunkard Xiao, Xiao Yudian, and Boss Bai surrounded the two Tigresses and were at an advantage.

On the hillside of Youfeng Mountain, there is a large house located according to the mountain.

Looking from a distance, the houses in the courtyard are row upon row, and they are majestic.

The house is surrounded by walls made of thick black stones, giving it an aura of awe.

In a courtyard.

The three of them looked somewhat similar to Tiger Three and Tiger Four. Tiger Girl, who was also wearing leopard print clothing, was sitting in front of a large stove in the open space in the middle of the yard.

On the stove, a large piece of spirit deer meat with the skin and internal organs removed was roasting on a hot iron rack.


The venison that has been cooked until it is eighty-mature is constantly dripping with boiling oil and water on the coals below, exuding bursts of alluring meat aroma.

"The venison smells so good, it looks ripe." One of the younger tiger girls said obediently.

As she spoke, she stretched out her nose and sniffed. Her hair is green, which makes her look different from the other two.

"I don't know where the third sister and the fourth sister have sneaked away. Such delicious venison is right in front of me. I won't miss it." One of the fatter Huniu said.

"Father has just issued a ban. We are not allowed to go down the mountain for thirty days. I don't know why the two of them sneaked out. As the eldest sister, I can't control them at all." One of them had a figure. Said Huniu, the most athletic and three points stronger than men.

At this moment, the copper bells on the waists of the three people shook at the same time.

"Ding Dong, Ding Dong..."

The three people who were enjoying the barbecue changed their expressions when they heard the ringing.

"No, it's the fourth sister who sent a call for help. They must be in danger. They said they wouldn't let them go down the mountain, but they just didn't listen." Dahu Niu said anxiously.

"Yes, eldest sister. My father won't let us go down the mountain. I'm afraid there are outsiders coming down the mountain. I don't know who they are, but they dare to bully our sisters. Let's go and have a look. We can only eat this barbecue when we come back. "Yes," Erhu Niu, who is slightly fat, said.

"Let's go help the third and fourth sisters quickly, but do we want to tell our father?" said the little tiger girl with green hair.

"Is this it? It's better not to tell Father for now, otherwise Father will inevitably punish them if he finds out that they sneaked out." Dahu Niu said.

"Eldest sister still feels sorry for us. However, we don't know how many people there are on the other side. What if the three of us can't defeat us?" Little Huniu thought about it carefully and said.

"Judging from the ring tone just now, the fourth sister and the others should be at the foot of Youfeng Mountain. I have the Youfeng Order given by my father. If it doesn't work, I can summon the Youfeng to help." As he said that, Dahu Niu stepped from her waist. He took out a dark token from the storage bag in the room.

The front of the token is a pattern of a shining black sun, and the back is a pattern of a tall mountain. It is not a faint black light emitting outwards.

"Without further ado, let's go help."

Hu Danniu said and hurriedly left the house with the two of them.

The bodies of the three of them were like three tigers leaping on the road leading down the mountain. The rocks were springboards, and the trees beside them were flying back in rows, as fast as lightning.

While running, Hu Danniu made a hand gesture from time to time to confirm the direction, and the circles of blood-colored spiritual patterns on her fingertips flickered.

In half a stick of incense, the three of them arrived at the foot of the mountain.

From a distance, I saw Hu San Niu and Hu Si Niu being besieged by Xu Yang and others.

"Aww--" Tiger Girl looked up to the sky and let out a deafening roar that shook the mountains and the earth.

Her eyes were flashing with bloody spiritual light, and the leaked spiritual pressure released a faint golden color all over her body, and she rushed towards her like a golden lightning.

"Where are the outsiders who dare to bully my sister? I will be spared my life." Hu Danniu shouted.

"You two sisters, don't panic, we are here to help." Following behind Hu Danniu, the slightly fat Hu Erniu also shouted.

"Ouch——" The green-haired tiger girl also imitated the elder sister and let out a tiger roar, her green hair flowing like the wind, and the tiger's power suddenly appeared.

"Ouch! Here are three more crazy women. Who live in this mountain?" Zhuge Yu saw the three tiger girls rushing over from a distance, and he exclaimed in his heart.

But he was injured. If he went up to fight at this time, it would only add to the burden on Xu Yang and the others.

Thinking of this, a green light flashed under his feet, and he quickly hid under the big tree behind him.

Zhuge Yu unfolded the "Green Butterfly" treasure fan in his hand, and wisps of green light came out and surrounded his body, camouflaging his breath.

He hurriedly took out a pill and drank it, then sat cross-legged and breathed in and out to heal his wounds. The treasure fan "Green Butterfly" slowly rotated in front of him like a dancing butterfly, and the green light it released covered his figure.

Looking from the outside, Zhuge Yu's clear figure could not be seen, leaving only a transparent water-colored figure in the open space.

"Eldest sister, second sister, and little sister, you are good to come, it is these people who bully us." Hu Sanniu said.

"They are the ones who robbed our husband-in-law Zhuge." Hu Siniu said, glancing out of the corner of her eye, she happened to see Zhuge Yu's figure disappearing behind the big tree opposite.

He quickly said: "Sisters, you resist for a while, and I will go and capture Mr. Zhuge."

As he said that, he chased Zhuge Yu in the direction where he disappeared. This little girl really fell in love with Zhuge Yu.

The remaining four people, Tiger Girl, fought against Xu Yang, Drunkard Xiao, Boss Bai, and Xiao Yudian, and the battle suddenly became stalemate.

These four Huniu all have the strength of cultivators at the peak of the True Alchemy Realm, and their bodies are extremely strong, comparable to those of physical cultivators.

Xu Yang's eyebrows narrowed, and he thought to himself that it seemed that he might not be able to end the fight in front of him without using some thunderbolt methods.

With a flip of his wrist, he held the Four Magic Long Stick in his hand.

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