True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 176 The Heavenly Steps on the Mountain Top

After a cup of tea, Xu Yang, Bai Mujin and Black Cat Ye Tu arrived not far from the gate of Beiqing Mountain.

The three of them hid behind a thick old tree and watched a group of soldiers wearing Dongjun uniforms patrolling past in neat lines.

Since it was announced that Princess Dong was in retreat in Beiqingshan to pray for blessings, the security in Beiqingshan has become even tighter, and the number of soldiers stationed here has more than doubled than before.

"There are so many Dongjun guards on the road to the top of the mountain. It seems that we have to find a way to get around them." Bai Mujin said.

"Come with me. There is a secret passage in the back mountain of Beiqing Mountain. It was originally built as an emergency passage to prevent accidents. This secret passage leads directly to the middle of Beiqing Mountain. Only a few people know about it." Black Cat Ye Tu said.

Black Cat Yetu is the incarnation of the real East Princess Wang Tianming, and he is very familiar with the situation in Beiqingshan.

After activating the invisibility technique, a faint blue mist rose up, covering the three figures in a blink of an eye. They quietly bypassed the sentries and patrol soldiers set up at the foot of the mountain and arrived at the back mountain.

In front of a flat and huge rock, Black Cat Ye Tu summoned a round white jade pendant. This jade pendant was engraved with a clear mountain-shaped pattern, which was exquisite and small.

Black Cat Yetu activated the magic formula, and the jade pendant floated in the air, spinning slowly. Immediately afterwards, a white ray of light projected from the jade pendant and fell on the huge rock opposite.

The next moment, silver light circulated on the surface of the seemingly ordinary rock, gradually reflecting a tall and steep mountain pattern.


With a sudden sound, the huge rock moved to the side, and a passage leading directly to the mountainside was exposed behind the rock.

Black Cat Yetu took back the jade pendant, stretched out his consciousness, and said after a moment: "This is it, it doesn't look dangerous, let's go in."

When the three of them entered the passage, the huge rock behind them slowly returned to its original position, as if nothing had happened.

The inner wall and floor of the passage are made of bluestone, and the space inside is not very wide. The walls on both sides are staggered with a small amount of fluorescent stones and stone candles, glowing with a faint light and unobstructed sight.

There was nothing in the passage. As I climbed up the stairs, my slight footsteps made a clicking sound.

After an unknown amount of time, two people and a cat appeared on the mountainside of Beiqing Mountain.

It is said to be halfway up the mountain, but the height here is already above the sea of ​​clouds.

The white clouds in front of me are endless, like the shore of the sea, with waves surging and thunderous waves crashing on the shore.

"Follow me." Black Cat Ye Tu said.

There was no time to appreciate the natural beauty in front of him, the black cat Ye Tu sat on Xu Yang's shoulder to guide the way and continued moving forward.

Not long after, a wide heavenly staircase appeared in front of the three of them.

The ground and railings of the heavenly steps are made of white marble, like a huge white dragon with its head hidden above the towering green mountain. The already majestic mountain adds a bit of sanctity.

"There is still some distance from Yangtian Palace on the top of the mountain, but if you go up from here, there is only this one heavenly step." Black Cat Ye Tu said.

"Then wouldn't it be easy for us to expose our whereabouts?" Bai Mujin asked.

"There are no guards on this heavenly level." Black Cat Yetu replied simply.

"Oh? I'm afraid this road won't be that easy."

"Miss Hibiscus is really quick-thinking. When this road was first built, it was blessed with the method of falling thousands of pounds and prohibiting the control of the sky. The higher one goes, the greater the pressure. Generally speaking, there is no second level of true elixir realm. With the above cultivation level, it is impossible to safely reach the Yangtian Palace at the top of the mountain."

"Is that so?"

As Bai Mujin spoke, he stepped on the steps in front of him with one foot. As soon as he took a few steps, he felt as if his legs were tied with a thousand pounds of weight. He was struggling to move and panting, so he had no choice but to step back.

She looked at the spiraling heavenly steps in front of her, and a look of embarrassment suddenly appeared on her pretty face.

Black Cat Yetu was originally at the peak of the True Alchemy Realm. Xu Yang also had the strength of the True Alchemy Realm, but he was actually at the Peiyuan Realm.

Based on the feeling of the trial just now, I am afraid that I will not be able to reach the remote mountain top with my own strength. Wouldn't I become a burden on this trip? Even if the two can help him pass the current heavenly level safely, it will probably take a lot of effort and time.

"Don't worry, Miss Mujin. Let Xu Yang find help next."

When Xu Yang heard this, he understood.

"Hibiscus, please wait."

After saying that, he stretched out his hand and took out the crystal clear Moon Magic Dzi Bead.

Holding the Dzi Bead in the palm of his hand, his consciousness moved and he probed into it.

In the different space inside the Moon Magic Dzi Bead.

The little red snake about a foot long, which was transformed from the blood soul body of "Thousand Snakes", was still hiding timidly in a corner of the octagonal altar.

A golden thread worn between his two small nostrils occasionally pops out a golden flame, which is the power of the Golden Crow Flame Spirit blessed by Xu Yang on his body.

"Qian She, according to your agreement with me, the time has come when I need your help."

The sound reached the little red snake's ears. It raised its head and then wagged its tail.

At the same time, on a remote and desolate hill in East County, a large red flame suddenly rose.

Under the rolling flames, there is a three-headed flame python with red fire breath all over its body. It is the thousand snakes hiding here.

Qian She's amber pupils shrank, and Xu Yang's words just came to his mind.

"Is it Xu Yang who is calling me? This snake is already impatient in this little sage world. You can call me over, but don't let this snake eat people. This snake hates the smell of human blood and soul. I am It’s not like I’ve lost something with you. It’s both familiar and disgusting. Forget it, just don’t take this thing that disgusts me. Just wait a moment and wait for this snake to determine your location.”

The huge body of Qian Snake kept swimming back and forth, and circles of fire-colored ripples swayed from its surface.

After a while, Qian Snake turned his head and looked in the direction of Beiqing Mountain.

"This snake has captured your location. This distance should allow me to teleport there."

Before he finished speaking, Qian She shook three huge snake heads, and the whole body was ignited with a violent breath of flames. In the rising red breath of fire, purple arcs of electricity were scurrying around, forming a circular flame around it. Enchantment.

Immediately afterwards, there was a violent vibration in the void, Nuo Da's flame barrier disappeared out of thin air, and the thousands of snakes within it also disappeared.

At the same time, there was a violent vibration in the void far in front of the Beiqing Mountain Heavenly Steps.

"Stab it!"

A streak of purple lightning cut through the void, and then more and more purple arcs popped up. With a muffled sound, a large ball of red flame rose from the purple lightning, turning the entire sky red.

In the flames, the huge three-headed snake body of Qian Snake was looming.

The barrier dissipated, and the red and slender body of Qian Snake appeared in front of Xu Yang and others.

"Xu Yang, I'm here as promised."

"Qian She, welcome to your arrival. This time we will open up the exit from Xiaoxian Realm and return to Zhongyuan Realm together. I hope our cooperation can be successful."

"Great, I have long wanted to return to the Zhongyuan Realm."

"Hello, Orochi." Bai Mujin said obediently.

"Who is this pretty little girl? In my memory, I seem to know a little girl named Su Yao'er. She looks very similar to you, but you are much more gentle and well-behaved than her." Qian She looked at her and spoke to herself Bai Mujin, then said.

"You also know Su Yao'er. I am her long-lost twin sister. My name is Bai Mujin. Nice to meet you." Bai Mujin made up a white lie to avoid trouble.

In Bai Mujin's heart, that Su Yao'er had already died together with his master Su Li. She is now just her mother's daughter Bai Mujin, and she will start a new life with this new identity.

"What a coincidence? I'm glad to meet you too."

Since Qian She's blood soul body was removed from her body, the memory related to the blood soul in Qian Snake's mind became very blurry.

"Right now, there is a ban on a ten thousand catty drop on the ladder in front. We need your help to go up from here." Xu Yang said.

"For this snake, this is just a plate of green vegetables. This snake likes vegetables the most, so I want to eat more."

Hearing what Qian She said, Xu Yang almost doubted his own ears. After losing his blood soul body, Qian She's temperament changed drastically. Not only did he hate the taste of blood soul, but he also apparently preferred to eat vegetarian food.

After saying that, the three snake heads on the flat snake neck of the Thousand Snakes looked towards the direction of the ladder, and their long bodies followed and swam over.

"This restriction is indeed a bit difficult, but it can't stop me."

I saw a flash of golden light and shadow in the belly of the thousand snakes, and the huge power of the golden elixir was activated. The fiery red scales all over the body shook, and circles of fire-colored soul domains spread from its body.

Although this soul realm is not a real soul realm, it is just a soul realm simulated by Qian She using his power to be close to the holy beast, but the laws of power within it have been changed accordingly. The original ten thousand kilograms of falling force on the ladder has been The power of the simulated soul realm was offset a lot.

"Follow me."

When Xu Yang heard this, he was the first to follow.

Although the downward force of the weight can still be felt, the weight is within the range that can be easily resisted.

Seeing that Qian She's soul realm was working, Xu Yang nodded with satisfaction.

"Hibiscus, come on."

Bai Mujin heard this and followed with a smile.

"Nice to have you."

Qian She continued to release soul realms and climbed up the heavenly steps, followed closely by Xu Yang, Bai Mujin and Black Cat Ye Tu.

At the beginning, the weight-bearing force coming from the heavenly steps did not bring a big burden to everyone.

As time went on, the closer he got to the top of the mountain, the more clearly Xu Yang felt the pressure brought on him by the weight of the ten thousand kilograms falling from the heavenly steps.

Looking at Hibiscus who was struggling next to him, Xu Yang stretched out his hand and held Hibiscus's hand. Everywhere he touched, it was so soft that people couldn't bear to let go.

Xu Yang used his own magic power to help Hibiscus resist the downward force of the weight. The two held hands and walked up side by side.

The black cat Ye Tu saw it and let out a meow. How happy it would be if one day I could hold hands with Yingyue like this.

More than half an hour passed.

The end of the heavenly steps appeared in front of you, and a huge archway stood on the top of the mountain.

The archway is engraved with dragons and phoenixes, and the three large characters "Yangtian Palace" with iron hooks and silver strokes in the cloud pattern shine brightly in the sun.

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