True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 1103 Cang Yuzhi

On the surface of the surrounding sand sea, one can see with the naked eye strips of pale golden spiritual power crawling like snakes, constantly converging on the body of the hundred-foot-long sandworm.

The headless Baizhang Sandworm twisted its long body and desperately devoured the spiritual power from the sea of ​​sand. Circles of earthy golden halo on its body were flashing continuously.

A strange gray-white liquid oozed out from the severed neck of the Baizhang Sandworm, exuding a fishy smell, and clusters of granulations could be seen scurrying on the damaged surface.

In just a few breaths, one of its heads was reborn.


There was a strange cry, the heaven and earth trembled, and the sea of ​​sand rolled.

Xu Yang gasped, looking at the restored Baizhang Sandworm opposite, and said in surprise: "No wonder this sand sea is designated as a forbidden area on the map. The demon spirits here can use the power of the sand sea to be reborn."

At this moment, Xu Yang's half-demon dragon body had faded away.

In his current state, after forcibly activating the Devil May Cry Sword, he could no longer bear the burden of his body becoming a half-demon dragon.

"Calm down, there must be a way. The previous golden beetles were directly killed by me with the power of golden thunder. This hundred-foot sandworm must also have its weaknesses."

A black demon fire swirled, and a demon dragon Ming Scale about the size of a foot appeared on Xu Yang's shoulder. Xu Yang just used the technique of transforming into a half-demon dragon, which actually borrowed the power of the demon dragon Ming Lin. Ming Lin has also overdrawn a lot of energy, and currently it cannot re-explode its powerful attack power in a short period of time.

The demon dragon Ming Lin looked at the opposite side, shook his head back and forth, and questioned: "This big bug is really a monster. Can it regenerate its head after being chopped off? Remember, the only monster that can regenerate its head is my nemesis, the Eight-Qi Scale Jiao. , but the Yamata scale dragon has eight heads."

Ming Lin's words reminded Xu Yang. Xu Yang's eyes quickly searched the body of the hundred-foot sandworm opposite, and located the tail of the sandworm hidden under the sand sea. His eyes lit up and he said: "There are all kinds of wonders in the world, maybe Regenerating heads is the unique talent of this sandworm, but the big bug opposite probably has more than one head, and the tip of its tail has always been hidden under the sea of ​​sand."

As soon as he finished speaking, Xu Yang flipped his right hand and activated his magic power. On the surface of his right palm, golden thunder arcs rolled, and in a blink of an eye, a golden thunder spear condensed.

The power of golden thunder condensed, and Xu Yang was already at his fingertips. Looking at the sea of ​​sand beneath the hundred-foot sandworm, Xu Yang threw the golden thunder spear in his hand.


A golden thunder spear fell, arcing yellow sand flew together, and a large crater was blasted out on the surface of the sand sea.

The tip of the tail of the hundred-foot-long sandworm hidden under the sea of ​​sand was exposed, and it twisted and dodged backwards. And on the tip of its tail, there is indeed a smaller head.

This guy is a two-headed monster.

The demon dragon Ming Lin pointed at the exposed head of the 100-foot-long sandworm opposite with the tip of his claws, and said loudly: "That big insect really has two heads. Master Xu Yang, you are really smart. As expected of me, Ming Lin." 's master.”

"If you want to kill this sandworm, you must kill its two heads at the same time, or within a very short period of time. But this guy's body is very powerful, and the two heads are far apart from each other. If you want to kill them, It's a bit difficult to kill. I just activated the Devil Cry Sword, and my body is a little overdrawn. I can't activate the Devil Cry Sword again in a short time to attack. The speed of the whirlpool devouring the spiritual veins in my body became faster." Xu Yang quickly thought about countermeasures, frowning slightly, with a murderous look in his eyes, "There is no way out, this opportunity must not be missed."

Just when Xu Yang was about to take action forcefully, there was a strange wind whistling sound in the void.

High in the sky, a brown storm roared towards the sky, and on the surface of the storm, silver arcs of lightning were scurrying around, approaching from far away, at extremely fast speeds.

The storm subsided, and a figure actually appeared in it.

It was a young man with a pair of huge goshawk wings on his back.

The young man has a handsome face and is dressed in blue and gray brocade clothes. His long hair is simply pinned behind his head with a simple gray feather hairpin. He holds a silver gun in each hand.

Very eye-catching.

Without words, the boy with two spears activated his body, and a goshawk statue appeared behind him. With a shake of his arms, the overflowing soul power turned into flying silver feathers.

The powerful soul realm is at the level of the Dao Ming Realm.

Immediately afterwards, a pair of silver spears were launched.

"Marksmanship - Fly with both wings!"

The two spears sprouted wings and flew out in the wind, piercing the sky with an eagle's roar.

The Baizhang Sandworm noticed the two flying spears coming and tried to dodge, but it was too late.

A pair of speeding silver guns drew two shining arc trajectories in mid-air.

boom! boom!

There was a hole between the eyebrows on each of the two heads of the Baizhang Sandworm, gray liquid splashed, and the tip of the spear sank under the flesh.


The two heads of the Baizhang Sandworm were deformed by the poke, and it whined in pain. It has no hands and cannot pull out the silver spear on its head on its own. Pang Ran's body convulsed, twisting and trying to escape.

"Hmph!" The boy with two guns in mid-air snorted and raised his hands at the same time.


Two silver talismans flew out and accurately attached to the handles of the two guns like flying birds.

"Trigger the thunder and explode!" The boy with two guns formed a magic formula with both hands, his eyes flashed fiercely, and he shouted.

Stab, sting.

The two thunder symbols exploded instantly, drawing out two silver dragon-like thunder and lightning, which guided down the handle of the silver gun into the two heads of the sandworm.

boom! boom!

Two balls of silver thunder exploded, and the head and tail of the hundred-foot-long sandworm were blown to pieces at the same time.

The hundred-foot-long sandworm that had lost all its heads suddenly lost its vitality. Its huge body fell to the surface of the sand sea, splashing several feet of flying sand, and then remained motionless.

The boy with the two guns spread his wings behind his back, landed steadily on the ground, and the pair of silver guns returned to his hands.

The boy with two guns walked up to the corpse of Baizhang Sandworm and took a closer look.

Calculate a position, poke it with the silver gun in your hand, and easily scratch the sandworm's belly with the tip of the gun. Without vitality, the sandworm's physical defense is greatly reduced.

A ball of earthy golden light flashed, and a demon pill the size of a walnut was held in the palm of the boy with two guns.

Ming Lin, who was squatting on Xu Yang's shoulder, stared at the demon pill in the hands of the boy with a pair of black crystal eyes, and swallowed involuntarily, "Demon pill!"

But Xu Yang just looked at the opposite side and made no move.

The boy with two guns opposite him crossed a pair of silver guns and carried them in the gun pouch behind him. The handles of the silver guns were exposed for two feet, like daggers carried behind his back, which was dexterous and convenient.

He skillfully kneaded the formula with one hand, and the pair of wings on his back converged and disappeared, returning to their original appearance, and then walked straight towards Xu Yang.

The boy with the two guns looked Xu Yang up and down, spread out his palms, with a ball of earth and gold in his palms, and said: "I am Cang Yuzhi of the Cangyu tribe of the Feiyu Alliance. Judging from your clothes, you should be from the Northern Territory. Come here to hunt for treasure, I have never seen it here. If you need it, I can trade it to you."

Ming Lin, who was squatting on Xu Yang's shoulder, leaned against Xu Yang's ear and whispered: "Master Xu Yang, trade with him. This demon pill is a good thing. My physical body has been growing slowly recently, and I just need this kind of high-level demon pill." Dan is a great tonic. I grow quickly and can help you fight with others."

Feiyu Alliance, Cangyu Tribe?

Xu Yang had previously inquired with Ram, the leader of the Caolu Tribe, that the White Feather Tribe he was going to belonged to the Feiyu Alliance. There are three larger tribes and some other small tribes under the Feiyu League. The three larger tribes are the White Feather Tribe, the Red Feather Tribe and the Cang Yu Tribe.

If you can make friends with people from the Cangyu tribe, it will be more convenient to go to the Baiyu tribe. Besides, this vast desert is really weird. If we could ask this young man with two guns to guide us, it would save a lot of time.

One more friend, one more road.

Xu Yang smiled slightly, cupped his fists and said: "It turns out that this piece of

The desert is called the Great Desert. I am Xia Xuyang, from the Northern Territory. I am really lucky to meet the warriors of the Cangyu tribe in this wild desert. I also want to thank you for your help just now and destroying the hundred-foot sandworm. It would be great if we could become good friends with Xiongtai. "

The two-gun boy opposite who called himself Cang Yuzhi nodded and said: "No need to thank me, you and I came here to get what we need. The "Great Desert" was originally a trial place within the Feiyu Alliance's sphere of influence. . But in recent years, the spiritual power in the Great Desert has become chaotic, and the monsters in it have become violent and abnormal. Due to the increased risk of trials, the Great Desert has been classified as an extremely dangerous place by the Feiyu Alliance, and tribe members are not encouraged to do so. You are here for the test. You know nothing about this place, but if you can go deep here and cut off the head of a sandworm that is just a hundred feet away, your skills are not inferior to mine."

After a pause, Cang Yuzhi continued: "Now this demon pill is in my hand. Whether you and I are enemies or friends is all your choice. If you think that this demon pill should belong to you, you can use force Come and take it, you and I are enemies. If you choose to trade with me, then you and I are friends."

Cang Yuzhi on the other side spoke straightforwardly and quite confidently. Judging from the method he used to kill the two-headed sandworm just now, he does have confidence.

"It's a friend." Xu Yang said two words decisively without hesitation.

Cang Yuzhi hesitated for a moment, then said seriously: "Xu Yang, you haven't listened to me about the content of the deal yet? If the deal is successful, we will be friends. If the deal is not successful, you and I can only say that we met by chance, and it is not really true." friend."

"But it doesn't matter. I, Xu Yang, like to make friends with cheerful people." Xu Yang put his hands behind his back and answered simply.

"My adventure in the desert is to find a wind-attributed demonic beast inner elixir, which can be used as a medicine to treat my sister's injuries. It has been half a month since I came to this desert alone. Just yesterday, I finally found a demonic beast with powerful wind-attributed spiritual power. But when I tried to challenge that guy and seize its wind-attributed demonic elixir, I found that I couldn't do it alone. My sister's condition is urgent. If I go back to the Cangyu tribe to bring in reinforcements, time will not allow it. Just then, I passed by and saw you fighting with the monster sandworm. To be honest, I saw you killing the sandworm from a distance. If you can help me kill the wind-attribute monster, I will not only give you the sand-attribute monster pill in my hand, but I will also grant you any wish. Conditions." Cang Yuzhi explained in detail, with a look of worry on his face when he mentioned the word "sister."

Seeing the expression and tone of Cang Yuzhi's words, Xu Yang concluded that what he said was false. Because when you are worried about the safety of a loved one, tears will roll in your eyes disobediently.

Xu Yang couldn't help but be moved when he heard that Cang Yuzhi took the risk to come to this desert to save his sister.

Xu Yang himself had to travel here in order to save Lin'er as soon as possible. The two of them seemed to have the same disease. Thinking of Lin'er's situation, Xu Yang's heart tugged.

Xu Yang developed a good impression of Cang Yuzhi.

"I accept this deal." Xu Yang nodded, with a serious look on his face, "Just tell me where the monster is, and I will kill it as you please."

Cang Yuzhi handed over the sand attribute demon pill in his hand and said: "I will give this sand attribute demon pill to you first to show my sincerity and gratitude."

Xu Yang took the demon pill generously and said, "We are friends."


The two looked at each other and smiled.

After that, Cang Yuzhi led the way, Xu Yang followed, and the two of them fled quickly in the same direction.

Ming Lin, who was squatting on Xu Yang's shoulder, said happily: "Thank you, Master Xu Yang, for helping me get this demon pill."

Xu Yang's voice message responded: "I can't give it to you now. After we complete our promise to help Cang Yuzhi kill the wind attribute monsters, this demon pill will naturally be yours."

Ming Lin's black crystal eyes were full of fighting spirit, and he waved his dragon claws, "Straight fist, uppercut, swing, and combination of punches. I'm going to fight."

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