True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 1100 Ram’s Test

On the open grassland, a large and spacious playing field is circled with white stones.

This was originally the arena for prairie warriors. The previous Luming Prairie Warriors Competition was held here.

But now, Xu Yang and Lamu, the leader of the Caolu Tribe, stood face to face in the middle of the empty arena, with no spectators on the sidelines.

On the edge of the field, on a high flagpole, the totem flag of the Caolu Tribe was flying.

Green is flying, and the grass deer totem on it stretches, like a grass deer galloping on the grassland.

The leader of the clan, Lam, held his staff in front of him with one hand and looked serious, "Xu Yang, I know that Xiao Qi likes you very much, and you are now his fiancé. If you cannot return to the Caolu Tribe safely to marry her, I can’t let you leave the Caolu Tribe and venture into the Feather League. Although I know you are outstanding, I want to see where your upper limit is.”

Xu Yang smiled slightly, clasped his fists respectfully and said, "Thank you, grandma, for your thoughtfulness. You are testing me. In this case, please enlighten me."

The clan leader Ram nodded, activated his power, and the eyes of the deer beast in his hand lit up with light.

Circles of green light visible to the naked eye emanated from Ram's feet, which was the materialization of soul power.

Crack, crackle.

In the soul realm under Ram's feet, clusters of green arcs rolled up, which turned out to be the rare double attributes of thunder and wood. Wherever the soul realm passes, it is like a strong wind blowing through the sea of ​​grass, setting off green waves that shock the viewer.

Xu Yang's eyes sharpened, his consciousness probed out, and he made a judgment in his heart: "Clan Leader Lamu's body has the dual attributes of wood and thunder. This is the first time I have seen it. Judging from the soul realm she released, it is already She is at the second level of Daoming Realm. It can be said that she is the most powerful opponent I have ever seen on Luming Grassland. "

Not daring to neglect, Xu Yang's consciousness activated, and the gate of golden thunder in the three-color vortex in his body opened slightly. Amidst the rumble of thunder, a golden thunder dragon eagerly emerged from the crack in the door.

At the same time, Xu Yang's body surface overflowed with clusters of golden arcs. The golden arcs formed an array and emitted a powerful golden thunder field.

In the golden thunder field, strings of golden Sanskrit characters can be seen moving, like goldfish jumping.

Ram, who was on the opposite side, couldn't help being shocked when he saw this, "This Xu Yang's martial arts cultivation is really special. There is no trace of Nascent Soul spiritual power fluctuations in his body, but he shows that he is not weaker than the level of Daoming Realm." The power of the soul realm. The soul realm around his body has the rare golden thunder attribute, and is pure Buddhist golden thunder.”

Ram said sternly: "Boy Xu Yang, get ready to take action."

As soon as he finished speaking, Ram stepped on the wind and thunder, green lightning arcs lingered on his body, and he used the thunder escape technique to move his body and rushed towards Xu Yang's location.

After approaching Xu Yang, Ram quickly took out the deer head staff.

The staff spit out a ball of green lightning missiles, with deer shadows jumping among them.

"Witchcraft - Mu Lei!"

Xu Yang, wearing the golden thunder armor, did not retreat, but directly faced him, punching out with a single fist.

When the fist is punched out, golden thunder rolls, shaped like a lion's head, and its voice roars.

"Fist technique - golden thunder!"


The two moves collided and exploded, creating waves of golden and green arcs. The arcs whipped each other, and streaks of white smoke splashed into the void.

In a blink of an eye, the two were fighting.

All they used were lightning escape techniques, which were extremely fast.

Looking from a distance, I saw a ball of golden thunderballs and a ball of green thunderballs chasing each other on the grassland, colliding and exploding, and lightning flashing wildly.

The huge arena seemed to have turned into a game of Thunder God touching balls.

"On the entire Luming Grassland, there are not many people who can survive my thunder escape. Xu Yang, your performance is not bad. However, it is not enough." Ram said loudly.

"Grandma, I know this is just a warm-up, and I look forward to your real test." Xu Yang said without being humble or overbearing.

The two of them exchanged a move, each retreating ten feet away.

Ram dressed in hunting clothes and raised her Gong body again. She turned one hand into a sword and pointed it at the center of her eyebrows.

In the middle of Ram's eyebrows, a green light spot flickered, and the green light spot twisted and turned.

Mysterious patterns appeared in my eyes.

The pattern looks more like a flower than a flower, more like a charm.

"The thunder spell attracts the soul, the magic of the great witch, the soul of the grass deer, the wooden body opens in spring...opens!"

Suddenly, Ram's whole body was filled with energy, and his bones were rattling.

Her originally rough skin became smooth, her chest curves were high, and her waist was as thin as a bee. And a pair of antlers sprouted from both sides of her forehead.

At this moment, Ram was like a dead tree blooming in spring. Her silver hair turned into jet black, and her face turned into that of a beautiful middle-aged woman. Her facial features were three-thirds similar to Mai Xiaoqi's.

And Ram's physical condition has reached the peak level of Daoming Realm. This is also the true strength of why Ram has been able to dominate Luming Grassland for more than a hundred years.

Xu Yang frowned slightly, staring at Ram's face across from him, thinking in his mind: "What kind of weird magic is this? It can temporarily restore the body to a youthful state. It is probably a perfect half-animal transformation witchcraft."

"Xu Yang, I hope you won't disappoint me in the next test." Ram said sternly after the transformation.

Ram raised the staff in his hand high, and a green thunderbolt shot out from the deer head of the staff and flew directly into the sky.

High in the sky, under the impact of green thunder and lightning, a thundercloud vortex appeared, spinning larger and larger.

Not long after, thunder and lightning rolled, and dark clouds rolled back, covering the sky and the sun, as if dark night had fallen.

Ram said seriously, "Xu Yang, it's too late for you to admit defeat now. If you are rational, you can stay and marry Xiao Qi. If my technique of attracting thunder fails, the world will collapse."

Xu Yang didn't change his expression and responded loudly: "Grandma, your art of drawing thunder is nothing more than a psychic art. Xu Yang is not talented, so he can compete with his grandmother in the psychic art. Ren Ertian collapsed, I am holding up the sky. No matter how hard the earth is, I am standing tall.”

Ram hesitated in his heart, "This boy Xu Yang is tough and a man, worthy of my granddaughter Xiao Qi. If I really summon the power of the God of Thunder to strike him, he will either die or be injured. After all, he is Xiao Qi's fiancé. How should I tell Xiaoqi? I just want him to retreat. Feiyu League is not a good place to go. I remember that when I was young, I almost lost my life during a trip to Feiyu League."

Although Ram was hesitant, her competitive instinct made her continue to pour mana into the staff in her hand.

The staff she held high was ready to draw the power from the whirlpool of thunderclouds high in the sky.

Ram had no intention of stopping, and Xu Yang naturally had no intention of stopping and admitting defeat.

Xu Yang made a secret with both hands and improved his body again.

On the surface of the bones in his body, the pattern of the Seven Thousand Golden Mountains lights up, and the Golden Buddha Holy Body Sutra skills are running continuously. Dots of golden light appeared on his body like a golden cassock, and the image of a golden mountain in the void behind him gradually became clearer.

The door of golden thunder in the three-color vortex in his body was completely open, and a golden thunder dragon rushed out.

Xu Yang combined the two powers of Golden Light Physical Technique and Golden Thunder Spiritual Technique. Strengthen the physical body with the Golden Light Body Technique and carry the Golden Thunder Spiritual Technique. These two techniques are the purest Buddhist power, and the effect of one plus one is far greater than two.

The golden thunder field outside him was forcibly upgraded.

Jinlei Xuanjie!

Under normal circumstances, a few elite monks whose abilities are above the Daoming realm can exert their domain power to the limit and evolve into special and powerful enchantments. This is what Xu Yang is like now.

Xu Yang's physical performance also seemed to be directly upgraded to the second level of Daoming Realm.

He suddenly squatted down, pressed his hands on the ground beneath his feet, and poured all his mana crazily into the ground through his arms and palms.

Circles of golden lightning arcs spread out around the center of his palm, and the powerful golden lightning attribute instantly defines the domain power of a large space.

“Necromanticism—Gate of Golden Thunder!”


The earth trembled, and in the Golden Thunder Mysterious Realm in front of Xu Yang, a hundred-foot-tall golden gate rose from the ground, setting off endless golden lightning arcs, as if it was not from this world.

When Ram opposite him saw this, his eyes were dumbfounded.

The moment the golden door appeared, she even began to regret having to compete with Xu Yang

This time, he was horrified and said in his heart: "This? I can't see the upper limit of Xu Yang at all. Looking at his current appearance, his understanding and performance of the Thunder Escape Technique are definitely not inferior to mine. And the Golden Thunder Realm Gate Technique, It brings invisible pressure to me, but if I stop now, I will lose the face of the Caolu Tribe."

Ram was riding a tiger and couldn't get off, with a serious look in his eyes.

She raised her staff high and poured all her cultivation into it.

High in the sky, thunder formations rolled and cyan lightning arcs intertwined.

"Necromantic Technique - Mu Lei Antlers!"


A hundred-foot-long giant antlers made of cyan thunder arcs emerged from the whirlpool of thunder clouds. It descended from the sky like a divine force, as if it wanted to break through the heaven and earth.

At this moment, Xu Yang was on the verge of getting ready.

"Psychic Technique - Golden Thunder Dragon Travel!"

Astonishingly, from the golden gate, the power of countless golden thunders surged out, and in the thunder wave, a hundred-foot golden thunder dragon bared its teeth and claws, rising against the sky.

The two extreme moves clashed high in the air.

The blue thunder antlers are at the top, and the golden thunder dragon is at the bottom.

For a moment, the golden dragon roared, the green deer roared wildly, and the strong wind rolled back, sweeping across Xuanhuang.

Huge Golden Thunder Flowers and Blue Thunder Flowers bloomed one after another high in the sky.

The huge antlers were torn into pieces and devoured by the Golden Thunder Dragon.

A moment later, the Golden Thunder Dragon soared into the sky, broke away from the vortex of thunder clouds in the sky, and rushed out into the dark night.


The psychic technique was broken, and Ram screamed in surprise, with bright red coming out of the corner of his mouth. His body returned to the appearance of an old woman, trembling, and he used his staff to support the ground to prevent him from falling.

Ram's expression was complicated and he said: "Xu Yang! You, your performance is incredible. Old lady, I am convinced that I lost this time."

Xu Yang stopped his technique, gathered his strength, walked over, knelt down directly in front of Ram, and kowtowed three times.

"You are Xiao Qi's grandmother, and my Xu Yang's grandmother. I have no choice but to offend you today. My friend Ning Lin'er is dying, and I will risk my own life to help her recast her body. If Xiao Qi encounters If it's dangerous, Xu Yang's life will naturally be taken without any scruples. Please forgive me."

Ram looked at Xu Yang and couldn't help but nod. He murmured in his heart: "Xu Yang values ​​​​love and justice and is a responsible man. Xiaoqi's future is entrusted to him, that's right."

Ram stretched out his hand to help Xu Yang up, "Good boy, you are a real warrior."


Unable to wait for Mai Xiaoqi, who was practicing in seclusion, to come out, Xu Yang decided to leave the Caolu Tribe.

There was no fanfare or fanfare.

In the early morning, golden beads spit out from the sky, and golden light covered the earth.

Xu Yang accepted the three gifts given to him by the patriarch Ram and thanked them solemnly.

An Imperial Green Star, a map, and a Deer Antler Golden Body Pill.

Imperial Green Star, flowing green, the best gemstone. It was the one that Xu Yang gave to Mai Xiaoqi, and Mai Xiaoqi gave it to Ram as a birthday gift. Now, Ram gave it to Xu Yang as an engagement gift for him and Xiao Qi.

Xu Yang told Ram that after returning, he must make the Imperial Green Star into a pendant and wear it on Mai Xiaoqi's neck himself. Xiaoqi will be the most beautiful bride.

A map is a topographical route map to the Feiyu Alliance in the Southern Territory.

A deer antler golden body elixir is a treasure collected by Ram that can extend the life force. It is given to Xu Yang and can be used as an auxiliary elixir for Lin'er to restore her physical body.

Xu Yang carefully put away the three gifts, feeling full of gratitude.


Three days later, Xu Yang came to the edge of Luming Grassland alone.

He looked back at the endless green sky behind him.

At the end of the line of sight, blue and green embrace each other in a straight line.

Xu Yang whispered to himself: "Lu Ming Prairie, my beloved Xiao Qi, my respected grandmother, I, Xu Yang, will definitely come back here safely."

The golden sun swayed, falling on the flying hair of the young man in green, the fluttering skirt, and the raised toes.

Target Feiyu Alliance.

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