True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 1097 Five Elements Flame Formation

In the magma underground palace, Xu Yang sacrificed several sky-controlling talismans.

The Sky Control Talisman is a high-level light body talisman that saves energy compared to the Sky Control Technique and is suitable for use as an auxiliary during the practice.

Six people, including Xu Yang, stepped on the air-control talisman and hovered in the sky above the magma lake.

Xu Yang, Jia Shi, Cang Mu, Jian Lin and Jian Sen formed a large circle, with Mai Xiaoqi standing in the middle.

The stone deer magic weapon is beside Mai Xiaoqi.

Mai Xiaoqi patted Shilu's long legs with his hand: "Shilu, Shilu, we'll see how you perform in a moment."

Shilu Magic Treasure's pupils lit up white, as if answering Mai Xiaoqi's words.

Xu Yang said loudly: "Next, we need everyone to work together."

Mai Xiaoqi immediately raised his hands in the air and agreed: "I believe little brother Xu Yang can do anything. I, Mai Xiaoqi, fully support it."

Black-robed Jiashi took out his hands from his sleeves, raised them high, and then said seriously: "Brother Xu Yang, please explain in detail, so that we can do our best."

Cangmu said: "Everyone has seen Xu Yang's ability, and he will definitely do it this time."

Jiansen looked at Xu Yang and murmured in his heart, "Of all the people here, Xu Yang's ability is undoubtedly the most powerful."

He said sincerely: "Just do what Xu Yang said."

Jianlin raised his hand and said, "I, Jianlin, also trust Xu Yang."

Xu Yang's previous performance had completely convinced others, and Mai Xiaoqi obeyed his words, and everyone unanimously agreed.

The remaining injured black snake "Wu Yan" and the big man Ye Yan, who had not yet awakened, were placed in an open space in the distance.

Xu Yang thought for a moment and then said: "The Five Elements Flame Formation has five flame spirit formations of gold, wood, water, fire and earth. The stone deer magic weapon is used as the eye of the formation, and then the power of the five elements of the formation is used to bless the stone deer magic weapon. It can become a mysterious thing. array."

After a pause, Xu Yang continued: "The formation's legs and the formation's eyes have completely different attributes. The formation's legs are the power of the flame spirit, but the formation's eyes are the power of the magic weapon of the ancient deer lineage. To perfectly integrate them in Together, this is the difficulty of this formation. Our method is to use the power of the ancient deer bloodline in Xiao Qi to activate the stone deer magic weapon, and the other five people use their soul power to activate the five flame spirit formations, causing the five formations to interact with the stone. The specific positions of the five people are: I occupy the position of fire, Jia Shi, who has the earth attribute body, occupies the earth position, and Cangmu, who has the metal attribute body, occupies the gold position. The Jianlin with the power body occupies the position of wood, and the Jiansen with the water attribute body occupies the position of water..."

Several people listened carefully and rehearsed silently in their minds, becoming more and more convinced of Xu Yang's plan.

Xu Yang said loudly: "Please get ready, everyone, I have begun to arrange the five positions of the Five Elements Flame Formation."

Xu Yang first observed his own Zifu space using the method of inward vision.

In the Zifu space.

A'Zhu's body is still inside the red-shelled egg and cannot fully wake up.

Xu Yang sent a message: "A'Zhu, next I want to borrow a share of your Vermillion Bird Flame Spirit power."

The red-shelled egg shook slightly, and a red flame swirled on the surface. The flames twisted and appeared like wings of fire. The wings of fire flapped slightly, as if in response to Xu Yang's words.

Xu Yang said happily: "This is enough."

Xu Yang has five flame spirits, and A'Zhu is one of the five flame spirits, and is his natal spiritual pet. He is the most powerful among the five flame spirits. Just a ray of flame spirit power from A'Zhu was enough for Xu Yang to set up the formation.

Xu Yang made a secret with both hands, golden flames whirling on his fingertips, and then separated a little.

"Golden position!"

A golden flame flew out, and in a blink of an eye, a three-legged golden crow appeared and landed in front of Cangmu.

"Wood position!"

Xu Yang flicked a single finger, and a green flame turned into a green fire deer and rushed out. It was the green deer flame spirit that had just been conquered, and it landed in front of Jian Lin.

"Water position!"

A blue flame emerged from Xu Yang's fingertips. The flames surged, and one of the blue spirit dolphins jumped up and down, landing accurately in front of Jiansen.

"The position of earth!"

Xu Yang opened his mouth and vomited, and the ghost-infant-like wheel flame spirit flew out. The little guy bared his teeth and flashed his eyes, dragging the scorpion tail behind him and spreading his wings before arriving in front of Jia Shi.

"The seat of fire!"

A red flame flew out of Xu Yang's body, and the flying flame turned into a pair of red wings. In a blink of an eye, it evolved into a long-necked and golden-crowned Suzaku Fire Spirit, and then landed steadily on the opposite side of him.

Xu Yang said loudly: "Next, the five people at the formation only need to inject their soul power into the power of the flame spirit at their feet, guide it with their spiritual consciousness, and connect to the stone deer magic weapon in the middle. Xiao Qi uses the ancient deer bloodline The power activates the stone deer magic weapon as the eye of the formation, and draws the power of the five elements to create the five elements flame formation."

After hearing this, everyone looked at each other first, and then focused on Xu Yang. As Xu Yang nodded slightly, everyone took action almost at the same time.

Located at Maixiaoqi next to the stone deer in the middle.

Mai Xiaoqi activated her power, and circles of white gleaming light emitted from the surface of her skin. She made a secret with both hands, white aura flowing on her fingertips, as if flying snow was swirling, and then she turned one hand into a sword finger and pointed it at the center of her eyebrows.

White ripples appeared, and small antler marks appeared between her eyebrows. The antler mark shimmered and gradually grew larger, almost occupying her entire forehead.

On both sides of her forehead, a short and sharp antler emerged, giving her a demon-godlike aura.

At the same time, a huge deer god appeared behind her. The Deer God's Dharma Appearance has the body of a deer and is wearing rattan armor. He stands with his head up against the sky and exudes a wild aura.

The power of the ancient deer bloodline in Mai Xiaoqi's body immediately boiled.

"The Art of Bloodline!"

Immediately afterwards, Mai Xiaoqi used the sharp horn on his head to cut the tip of his right thumb, squeezed out a few drops of his soul blood and dropped it on the stone deer in front of him.

Circles of red light patterns swayed on the surface of the stone deer, and the originally stone-white stone deer immediately turned red.


With the cry of the sacred deer, the stone deer magic weapon seemed to come alive, its eyes showed a bright color, its neck twisted, and its four hooves stepped on it.

Clusters and strips of white ancient runes spread out from the stone deer's body, like snow falling all day long.

The sacred deer steps on the snow, exuding the power of a powerful magic weapon.

Formation foot, golden position.

Cangmu of the Buck Tribe stared at the three-legged Golden Crow Flame Spirit in front of him with his natural eagle eyes.

"What a powerful golden flame spirit. If you want to activate it, you must use a lot of strength." Cangmu looked serious and gathered his soul power.

"Soul of the Golden Eagle!"

Cangmu's body showed the shadow of a silver flying eagle, which was the materialization of soul power.

Cangmu quickly clicked the magic formula with both hands, and the flying eagle shadow spread its wings and flew on the three-legged Golden Crow Flame Spirit opposite.

The foot of the formation is the position of wood.

"It is the Green Deer Flame Spirit with the wood attribute. This level of strange fire cannot be easily controlled by me. I need to go all out to do it."

Jian Lin holds the staff in his right hand, and the fingertips of his left hand touch the surface of the staff. Flashing green curse seals lit up on the surface of the staff, and the curse seals were shaped like antlers.

"The antlers of the domineering deer, my blood is used as a sacrifice, and the wood spirit is dense, and the soul-inducing spell is cast!" Jian Lin recited a secret word in his mouth.

Immediately afterwards, he directly collected a mouthful of his soul blood and spit it out on the surface of the staff.

The staff buzzed and trembled, green light swirled on the surface, and the appearance of a giant tree appeared.

This giant tree's Dharma is the power of Jian Lin's natal witchcraft, and it is now blessed on the staff.

Jian Lin swung his staff hard, and the staff spit out a green aura and landed on the Green Deer Flame Spirit.

The foot of the formation is the position of water.

Jiansen activated his body, and blue soul realm emitted from his body. In the soul realm, blue tentacles can be seen with the naked eye, which is a mutated soul realm.

"Soul Domain - Octopus Tentacles!"

Jiansen made a secret with his hands, blue auras intertwined on his fingertips, and in a blink of an eye, a seal in the shape of an eight-clawed octopus appeared.

Immediately afterwards, he placed the octopus seal on his heart.


A heart pulse immediately turned into a shining red, and the source of witchcraft in the body boiled instantly. The image of an eight-clawed octopus appeared behind him.

"Secret Technique—Witch Gu Life Water!"

Jiansen decisively bit the tip of his tongue, opened his mouth and sprayed out, and a wave of blue water fell on the blue water flame spirit opposite.

The foot of the formation is the position of earth.

The black-robed Jiashi's eyes turned into vertical lines like nocturnal snakes, emitting amber light.

"What the hell is this? The aura emanating from it is like coming from hell." Black-robed Jiashi looked at the ghost-baby-like Chakravartin with surprise.

The black-robed Jiashi quickly made a seal with his hands, and a stag-shaped seal appeared on his fingertips.

He opened his mouth, bit the tip of his tongue, and a mouthful of bright red soul blood spurted out. What's strange is that there are clusters of earth-colored arcs ejected from this mouthful of natal soul blood.

"Soul blood sacrifice, great witchcraft, seal of stag, soul of earth snake!"

The next moment, the stag seal on the fingertips of the black-robed Jia Shi "broke out of its shell".

A bloody stag with an earth-colored electric arc rushed towards the Chakravartin.

The foot of the formation, the position of fire.

Xu Yang used the dolphin brain splitting technique to keep the five flame spirits in place on the left side of his brain. The right side of his brain gathered his soul power, the fire-attribute spiritual vein in his body was extremely strong, and his eyes flashed with the color of fire.


Xu Yang opened his mouth and spat out, and a stream of natal soul fire fell on the Suzaku Flame Spirit in front of him.

The red bird bathes in the fire, its wings lift the sky, and the red bird dances, its veins are warm and yellow.


Metal, wood, water, fire, and earth, all five positions were activated smoothly.

The stone deer magic weapon and the formation eye were successfully activated.

Five-color runes circulated, and the power of the five flame spirits connected into a ring, surrounding the stone deer magic weapon in the middle.

Five Elements Flame Formation!

Xu Yang's eyes flashed, the magic formula in his hand changed, and he loudly said: "Get down!"

Rumble, rumble.

The five-element flame array blessed the stone deer magic weapon as it slowly and steadily descended, and soon entered the magma lake.

In the magma lake, the breath of fire is rolling, the magma is spitting, and the fire demon is unruly.

But after just a few breaths, the Five Elements Flame Formation began to draw the spiritual power of fire from the magma lake on its own.

Fire generates earth, earth generates metal, metal generates water, water generates wood, and wood generates fire. The five elements are interdependent, and the power of the formation is endless.

A gigantic, upside-down bowl-shaped Five Elements Barrier appeared in the sky above the magma lake. In the Five Elements Barrier, the five flame spirits are very active.

The red bird spreads its wings, the ghost baby roars, the golden crow breathes fire, the spirit dolphin jumps, and the green deer stomps its hooves.

"seal up!"

Xu Yang shouted, and the magic formula in his hand changed again, and he clicked it out from the air.

The powerful Five Elements Barrier suddenly suppressed downwards.

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

Space vibrates.

After a while, the space vibration stopped.

The power of magma in the magma lake converges, turning from bright red to dark red, and then to dark black, as the surface cools and hardens.

The magma lake was completely quiet, like a hypnotized beast sleeping.

At the same time, five huge dharma images of flame spirits appeared in the sky above the crater of Tianshou Volcano.

The Vermilion Bird Flame Spirit, the Blue Water Flame Spirit, the Golden Crow Flame Spirit, the Chakravartin Flame Spirit, and the Green Deer Flame Spirit.

The five flame spirits turned into five streams of light, whirled into a huge ball of five-color light, and landed in the crater.


The shadow of a white deer appeared in the crater of Tianju volcano.

The sacred deer crows, and its sound spreads throughout the deer grassland.

The shadow of the white deer quietly dispersed and turned into a day of white snow. The white snow fell to the ground and turned into rain. All things were nourished and the grassland sang happily.

The entire Heavenly Beast Volcano became silent and cooled, and no trace of volcanic smoke was spit out.

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