True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 1089 Magma Underground Palace

Just before the red runes on the surface of the third bronze tripod lit up.

As Xu Yang was running forward, his consciousness moved, and he activated the Qingmu Spirit Body Technique, and at the same time activated the Immortal Wood Spirit Gate in the three-color vortex within his body.

On the surface of the Immortal Wood Spirit Gate, the emerald green fairy branches rotate like dexterous hands, opening the door.

The gate of the Immortal Wood Spirit was half open, and a wooden vine green dragon leaped out with its teeth and claws spread.

At the same time, Xu Yang's body surface shimmered with emerald green light, and a green vine light and shadow flashed around his body in the shape of a green dragon.

Xu Yang pinched the magic formula with both hands, and the light and shadow of the green vines whirled on his fingertips.

"Clone Technique - Wood Spirit Clone!"

The next moment, the green vine light and shadow blessed with the power of the immortal wood spirit twisted and turned into another Xu Yang, just like a clone.

It looks the same as Xu Yang's body.

Xu Yang's consciousness moved, "Go and seal the bronze tripod."

Xu Yang's wood spirit clone is not a permanent clone, but a magical one. But because it is blessed with the power of the special immortal wood spirit, it is almost the same as a permanent clone when used.

The green vines whirled under the feet of the wood spirit clone, as if driving a blue dragon. It flew close to the ground at a very fast speed, and rushed towards the location of the third bronze tripod.

In just two breaths, the red runes on the surface of the third bronze tripod lit up.

Xu Yang's wood spirit clone just arrived in front of the third bronze tripod.

However, he saw green vines growing under the feet of the wood spirit clone. With the help of the power of the green vines, the clone leaped high into the sky, and kept making seals with his hands. In the blink of an eye, an emerald green dragon seal lit up.

"Seal - Wooden Escape Blue Dragon!"


A huge seal was photographed on the front of the third bronze tripod.

Suddenly, the aura flickered, the green dragon flew around, and the roar of the dragon could be heard.

The entire bronze cauldron trembled non-stop, and the red runes on the surface of the bronze cauldron quickly dimmed.

Almost at the same time, without the blessing of the power of the copper tripod, the red grid on the ground dimmed just after half of it lit up.

"go forward."

Xu Yang and Mai Xiaoqi jumped out of the last grid on the ground side by side and came to the huge stone door.

Squeak, squeak, squeak.

The formation of the bronze cauldron was broken, and the huge stone door in front of the two of them opened on its own.

Xu Yang made a move with one hand, and the golden-winged flying knife trembled and was pulled out from the copper tripod, turning into a golden light and returning. The Golden Crow Buddha flame spirit returned to the Zifu space in his body.

Mai Xiaoqi made a secret with both hands, and the short sword Luxue inserted into the bronze cauldron showed the shadow of a white deer with hooves, and then rolled up a band of flying snow and came out from the surface of the bronze cauldron.

After that, Mai Xiaoqi skillfully put the short sword Lu Xue into the knife pouch tied to the root of his thigh.

"We succeeded." Mai Xiaoqi stood on tiptoe and said happily.

"The battle was successful." Xu Yang extended his palm.

The two high-fived each other.

Xu Yang gently patted Mai Xiaoqi's shoulder with his hand, "There is nothing we can't do together."

Mai Xiaoqi nodded happily, "Well, there's nothing we can't do together."

Afterwards, the two walked through the huge stone door side by side.


Three people from the Stag Tribe broke through the stone lock formation.

Three people from the Balu tribe broke through the stone pillar formation.

Xu Yang and Mai Xiaoqi of the Caolu Tribe broke through the bronze tripod formation.

In the deeper underground palace of Tianshou volcano.

Xu Yang and Mai Xiaoqi from the Caolu Tribe, Cang Mu, Jia Shi and the weird Black Snake from the Buck Tribe, and Ye Yan, Jian Sen and Jian Lin from the Ba Lu Tribe reunited.

"Everyone is here, not even one of the eight people is missing." Mai Xiaoqi carefully counted the number of people present, and then said.

"In no particular order." Xu Yang added deliberately.

In fact, Xu Yang and Mai Xiaoqi were the first to arrive. The three people from the Buck Tribe were second, and the three people from the Balu Tribe were slightly behind.

"The next step is our real mission." Black-robed Jia Shi from the Buck Tribe said.

"The warriors of the Buck Tribe are ready." Cangmu said on the side.

"We are the most outstanding warriors on the Luming Grassland." Ye Yan, the big man of the Balu tribe, said.

"The warriors of the Balu tribe are also ready." Jiansen and Jianlin said in unison.

Not far from the eight people, there was a huge iron gate.

The iron gate is huge, as high as a hundred feet. If it were not in the underground palace, people would mistakenly think that this iron gate can reach the sky.

The surface of the iron gate is engraved with ancient runes, as if to seal the space behind the iron gate.

There is a half-open gap between the two huge iron doors, allowing people to pass through.

Through the crack in the door, you can vaguely see the back of the huge iron door, emitting a dark red color and a strong smell of fire poison.

Mai Xiaoqi blinked his big eyes and said, "Behind this big iron gate is the final underground palace."

Xu Yang said: "According to what Senior Tree Spirit said, after passing this big iron gate, you will find the center of the entire formation. The evil magma fire spirit should also be there."

The black-robed Jiashi of the Buck Tribe fell on Ye Yan of the Balu Tribe and said, "We know nothing about the risks behind this iron gate. What is certain is that the risks are greater than those at the previous positions. Should the eight of us rush in together, or should we send someone in first to take a look? You are the biggest and toughest of all the people here, why don’t you go in first and take a look?”

Jiansen beside the big man Ye Yan whispered: "Brother Ye Yan, don't be fooled by this Jia Shi. It's the most risky thing to rush to the front."

The big man Ye Yan narrowed his eyes slightly, "Jia Shi, why are you afraid? If you are afraid, you can turn around and go back. There are no cowards in our Ba Lu Tribe. It's okay to let me go in front, as long as you tell the Buck Tribe to your face It’s okay if Jia Shi is a coward.”

After saying that, the big man Ye Yan laughed.

Previously, when three people from the Buck Tribe and three people from the Ba Lu Tribe entered the sacred tree world in Tianshou Mountain, there was some friction between Jia Shi and Ye Yan. At that time, it was the weird Black Snake from the Buck Tribe who blocked Ye Yan's blow for Jia Shi, but neither of them was convinced by the other.

Black-robed Jiashi's eyes turned cold, then he smiled strangely, and then said: "I was just joking. I think you are the coward. Just say so if you don't dare to walk in front."

Xu Yang on the side saw this and came to the rescue: "Next, no matter what situation we encounter, we must all unite to deal with the crisis. Since you are not willing to go in front, I, Xu Yang, will go in front."

Mai Xiaoqi immediately expressed his stance and said firmly: "Xu Yang and I will go together."

Several people from the Buck Tribe and the Balu Tribe looked at each other.

The black-robed Jiashi said: "Well, since Xu Yang said so, let him go in front."

The big man Ye Yan didn't object and murmured in his heart, "Xu Yang, I hope you are not trying to be brave."

After that, Xu Yang walked in front, Mai Xiaoqi followed half a body behind Xu Yang, and the other six people followed closely behind and entered behind the big iron gate.

Behind the iron gate is a wide and quiet passage. The fiery carvings on the surface of the passage shine brightly, making the passage glow red.

The surroundings were silent, only the rustling footsteps of people walking could be heard.

Black-robed Jia Shi said: "I have known for a long time that there was nothing behind the iron gate before. Otherwise, the iron gate would not have been open, but some people were afraid."

The big man Jia Shi immediately responded: "Who is afraid and who is a coward? We will see in a while."

Go some distance.

At the end of the passage, a

A simple octagonal teleportation array appeared in front of everyone.

On the side of the teleportation array, there is a black stone tablet with a line of simple and obscure words engraved on it.

Cang Mu from the Buck Tribe asked, "What is written on this stone tablet?"

Black-robed Jiashi walked over and said, "Let me take a look."

But I saw a magic formula from Heipao Jiashi falling on the surface of the black stone tablet, and the simple words on the surface of the stone tablet glowed with red brilliance.

Black-robed Jiashi's pupils turned into vertical lines, he read it carefully and said: "The Magma Underground Palace, the Fire Demon's Land."

After that, the black-robed Jiashi stopped the spell. He was stunned for a moment, and then said: "I, Jiashi of the Buck Tribe, want to see what kind of fire demon is inside."

With that said, the black-robed Jiashi was about to step onto the teleportation formation first.

However, Ye Yan, a big man on the side, strode away and stood in front of the black-robed Jia Shi. He got on the teleportation array first and said, "I, the warriors of the Balu Tribe, have never been afraid of any fire demons, nor will I. Lose to anyone."

Jian Sen and Jian Lin from the Buck Tribe followed closely and entered the teleportation array.

Black-robed Jiashi curled his lips and thought to himself: "You silly man, you must have been fooled. I asked you to walk in front, so you must walk in front."


A beep sounded from the teleportation array.

The black-robed Jiashi smiled strangely, "Big Stone, you are too heavy. If we go up again, the teleportation array will be overweight. You three should leave first, we will arrive soon."

A white light curtain flashed on the teleportation array.

Buzz buzz, buzz buzz.

Runes flowed on the white light screen, and the aura flickered.

After a while, the white light curtain faded away, and the three members of the Buck Tribe on the teleportation array disappeared.

Black-robed Jiashi looked at Xu Yang and Mai Xiaoqi, "Please."

"You're welcome." Xu Yang took Mai Xiaoqi's hand and entered the teleportation array.

The teleportation array did not respond and could obviously carry more people.

Black-robed Jiashi turned to look at Cangmu and the weird Black Snake beside him and said, "Let's go up too."

Three people from the Buck Tribe also entered the teleportation array one after another.

Buzz buzz, buzz buzz.

The teleportation array once again flashed a white light curtain.

Not long after, the white light curtain disappeared, and the teleportation array was empty.


Xu Yang only felt that the fragments of time and space were flowing in front of him, and green, red, or yellow light and shadow were flying quickly in front of his eyes.

I don’t know how much time passed.

The soles of my feet that seemed to be floating in the clouds were firmly on the ground.

Xu Yang looked around and saw that there were many of the eight people before.

Opposite everyone is a huge magma lake.

In the magma lake, gurgling, gurgling, red bubbles rolled outwards, and fire poison filled the entire space.

At this moment, no one was bickering, and everyone was staring at the surface of the magma lake.

"This is the magma underground palace." Black-robed Jiashi said seriously.

"It's the centerpiece of the entire formation, and it's also the core." The big man Ye Yan said.

"Is there really a fire demon in the magma lake?" Mai Xiaoqi asked.

"According to what Senior Tree Spirit said, there should be a stone deer magic weapon here as the eye of the great formation, specifically used to suppress the fire demon." Xu Yang explained.

"Now it seems that the Shilu magic weapon is missing." Cangmu said.

"The stone deer magic weapon will not be eaten by the fire demon, right?" Jiansen said.

"I hope this fire demon doesn't eat people." Jian Lin said.


At this moment, the entire magma lake suddenly rolled, as if something huge was about to emerge from it.

"Who said I don't eat people?" A terrifying voice came from below the magma lake.

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