True Immortal of the Netherworld

Chapter 1069 The Language of Deer


Among the wolves, a loud howl sounded particularly harsh.

Ohh Ohh ohh--

The entire wolf pack then started howling, and the prairie wolves sang, which is also a song of killing.

The wolves made way for a wide passage from left to right.

A giant wolf with red eyes, about ten feet long, with shiny black hair appeared among the group of wolves.

The hair on the neck and back of the black-haired, red-eyed giant wolf stood on end, its teeth bared, and saliva flowed from the corners of its mouth.

It stretched out its black nose and sniffed back and forth, its red eyes flashing with excitement, and then it approached Mai Xiaoqi unhurriedly.

The moment Mai Xiaoqi's eyes met the black-haired, red-eyed giant wolf.

A red hook-shaped aura flashed in the eyes of the giant wolf with black fur and red eyes. A hook-shaped spiritual light fell on Mai Xiaoqi's big black eyes.

Red ripples immediately appeared in Mai Xiaoqi's big eyes.

The sea of ​​blood is coming!

The blood shadows rolled, and the huge wolf shadows moved in the sea of ​​blood. The terrifying atmosphere was suffocating.

For a moment, Mai Xiaoqi's consciousness suddenly fell into this blood-red world. Her soul began to tremble, and her body even had a double image.

"Steppe Wolf King?" Mai Xiaoqi's eyes were blank. Her instinctive fear made her want to escape immediately, but she found that her limbs had become sluggish.

When the giant wolf with black hair and red eyes saw that Mai Xiaoqi had been attacked, he rushed towards Mai Xiaoqi's location unscrupulously.

The wolf's claws kicked up the turf, and the black wind that was visible to the naked eye whistled like a beast's chariot.

"No! This guy is here to bite me." Mai Xiaoqi exclaimed in her heart.

At the critical moment, Xu Yang, not far away, discovered the clues.

Xu Yang's eyes flashed, and with a click, a pair of huge golden thunder wings spread out from behind, and appeared next to Mai Xiaoqi in the next moment.

Xu Yang hugged Mai Xiaoqi with his left hand, and the golden thunder wings rolled behind him, leaving only a golden thunder arc in place before disappearing.


The giant wolf with black hair and red eyes jumped into the air.

Twenty feet away.

"Be careful with this big guy's pupil suppression. Its power of spiritual consciousness is very powerful." Xu Yang said, stretched out his palm and patted Mai Xiaoqi's shoulder lightly, injecting the power of golden thunder into it.

The blood-colored ripples in Mai Xiaoqi's eyes immediately collapsed, revealing their original dark and clear color.

"Are you okay?" Xu Yang asked with concern.

Mai Xiaoqi let out a sigh of relief and regained the flexibility of her limbs.

"It was so dangerous just now. Fortunately, you were here."

"Let me deal with it."

After saying this, Xu Yang walked towards the giant wolf with black hair and red eyes.

At this moment, the giant wolf was poking his nose and pricking his ears, searching for information about Mai Xiaoqi, only to find a young man in green walking towards him openly.


The giant wolf roared strangely, and its authority as the prairie wolf king could not be challenged by any opponent.

The hair on the giant wolf's body trembled, and a beastly aura visible to the naked eye erupted from its body.

A red hook-shaped aura flashed in its eyes again, and the hook-shaped aura rolled and turned into the shadow of a blood wolf and pounced on Xu Yang, who was walking towards him.

Xu Yang didn't even blink, let alone avoid it, but continued to stride towards the giant wolf.

With a pop, a black demonic fire flashed out from Xu Yang's shoulder. The demonic fire converged, revealing a black demonic dragon with a completely black body.

Without it, it would be Xu Yang’s parasitic pet, the demon dragon Minglin.

"You low-level idiot, what are you looking at?"

Ming Lin said, throwing out a dragon claw, and a dark claw mark lay across the void.


The shadow of the blood wolf that the giant wolf on the opposite side used the power of the pupil technique collapsed immediately.

Ming Lin seemed to grab it casually, but he easily saw through the spiritual power fluctuations in the Giant Wolf Eye Technique.

Ming Lin is the bloodline of the ancient demon dragon, powerful with divine consciousness and spiritual power.

It is famous that even if it is still in the growth stage, it is far superior to the giant wolf opposite.

The power of the black giant wolf's pupil technique was forced, and the power of the technique came back. Tears burst out from its red eyes, and it whined in pain.

"There is no opponent who can compete with me, Ming Lin, in terms of consciousness and spiritual power." Ming Lin said proudly.

Xu Yang walked over, reached out and patted the giant black wolf on the forehead, and forcefully penetrated it with his spiritual consciousness.

"Don't move, or I will shatter the sea of ​​consciousness under your Tianling cover." Xu Yang said coldly.

The giant wolf seemed to understand Xu Yang's words and was too frightened to move.

"It turns out that someone planted the poison of the blood curse. No wonder you are so dedicated to Xiao Qi."

Xu Yang retracted his palm, turned his wrist, and ten small balls appeared in his palm.

As soon as the magic power was activated, the "Ten Machine" ball in his hand immediately started spinning, and in a blink of an eye, a thundering hammer appeared.


Xu Yang raised his hand and swung it on the head of the black giant wolf.

The hammer fell, splashing colorful spiritual light.

The giant black wolf plopped down on the ground, opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blue blood. The pressure from his body was released, and the red color in his eyes quickly receded.

Xu Yang accepted the ten-machine magic weapon and said with satisfaction: "These ten-machine magic weapon are really good things. The transformation of the Sky-shattering Hammer can exert awe-inspiring power and dispel the blood poison."

Look at the giant wolf again, wagging its tail back and forth like a docile big dog.

"Tell your companions to leave immediately and stop coming to Caolu Tribe to cause trouble." Xu Yang said sternly with a sharp look in his eyes.

"You big dog, get out of here. If my master hadn't wanted to kill you, I would have torn your idiot's head into pieces with one claw of my claws." Ming Lin said with contempt.

The giant wolf nodded, retreated obediently, and let out a rhythmic whining cry.

Ten feet away, the giant wolf turned and ran into the depths of the night, followed by the pack of prairie wolves without looking back.

The pack of prairie wolves retreated, and the beast tide was reduced by more than half. The defensive pressure of the Grass Deer Tribe has also been reduced a lot.

"The wolves retreated."

"These guys are terrifying."

"They are the most united animals on the grassland."

"Don't relax, guard your respective positions, and be determined not to let the remaining beasts rush into the tribe."


The remaining tigers and leopards are far less numerous than the prairie wolves.

Miraculously, although they were of different types, they circled in a large circle as if someone was directing them from behind and did not launch attacks in a haphazard manner.

Mai Xiaoqi suddenly covered his head with both hands, and murmured with a serious look on his face: "I heard it, it's the deer whisper."

Xu Yang asked: "What is deer language?"

Mai Xiaoqi explained: "Deer Language is a language unique to high-level spiritual deer. High-level spiritual deer who possess Deer Language are far superior to beast kings."

Xu Yang looked across, nodded and said, "I know who you are talking about. Look, it's coming."

Mai Xiaoqi raised his eyes and saw that the herd of beasts on the opposite side gave way, and a white deer with a majestic temperament walked out.

The white deer's fur is like snow, exuding a gurgling cold air. It walks like a wind and snow, and it has a royal temperament.

But the white deer's eyes were blood red.

Bai Lu stared at Mai Xiaoqi opposite, tapping his front hooves rhythmically on the ground, and chirping in his mouth, as if issuing a warning.

"It's the Deer King of the White Snow Spirit Deer." Mai Xiaoqi's eyes lit up, "It's saying that someone used a blood curse to pollute the water source of Tianshou Mountain. Both it and the Steppe Wolf King were controlled by the curse seal. So I had to attack the Caolu Tribe. It told me to run quickly, otherwise it would attack me."

"It turns out that the white deer has also been poisoned by the same blood curse." Xu Yang stood in front of Mai Xiaoqi, holding the Sky-shattering Hammer transformed from the ten magic weapons, "Let me wake it up."

"Don't hurt her, she is a docile deer spirit. She is a female deer with undivided milk in her belly.

Deer giving birth. If you hit it with a hammer, it will cause fatal damage to the unborn fawn. "Mai Xiaoqi explained.

Hearing this, Xu Yang used his spiritual consciousness to check carefully. Sure enough, the belly of the white deer was full, and there was fetal breath beating in it.

Mai Xiaoqi took two steps forward.

She made the magic formula with both hands, and a green aura came out from her fingertips. The green aura quickly intertwined, and in a blink of an eye, a huge wild mark appeared.

In the center of the wild mark, a deer head with a pair of large antlers appeared. The simple runes on it were constantly flowing, emitting a gray-brown brilliance.

At the same time, a huge deer god appeared behind Mai Xiaoqi. The Deer God's Dharma Appearance has the body of a deer and is wearing rattan armor. He stands with his head up against the sky and exudes a wild aura.

The blood power in Mai Xiaoqi's body is boiling, it is his unique ancient deer bloodline.

"King White Deer, don't be afraid. We are all descendants of the ancient deer. I'm here to help you."

As he spoke, Mai Xiaoqi approached Bai Lu.

Bailu seemed to understand Mai Xiaoqi's words and knelt down with his forelimbs bent.

"Supreme God of the Ancient Deer, we are all your descendants, protect your children from the blood curse." Mai Xiaoqi said while gently pressing the wild mark in his hand onto Bai Lu's forehead. take.

As Mai Xiaoqi injected mana and bloodline power, the wild mark rotated and turned into a fist-sized mark that flashed and was branded on Bai Lu's forehead.

Ancient runes emanated from the white deer's body. There were deer shadows jumping on the surface of the runes, and the sound of deer croaking emitted.

The blood curse in the white deer's body quickly dissipated, and its eyes faded away from the red color, turning into their original black and bright appearance.

Yo yo, yo yo.

Bai Lu shouted while nodding vigorously towards Mai Xiaoqi, as if thanking her.

Mai Xiaoqi was panting heavily. The power of the ancient deer bloodline that she had just sacrificed was still quite burdensome for her at the moment.

Bai Lu gently rubbed Mai Xiaoqi's arm with his head, as if he felt sorry for her.

"King White Deer, take your friends back to Tianshou Mountain and live freely." Mai Xiaoqi patted Bai Lu's neck with his hand.

Bai Lu turned around and left, walked a few steps, stopped again, and turned back towards Mai Xiaoqi.

Mai Xiaoqi said: "Is there anything else you need my help with?"

The white deer shook his head vigorously and made a mooing sound like a bull. Large clumps of white flying snow erupted from its surface, and the flying snow turned into a small barrier in an instant.

With a click, one of the white deer's antlers broke off.

Bailu picked up the antlers on the ground with his mouth and handed it to Mai Xiaoqi's hand.

Mai Xiaoqi held it with both hands.

The surface of the deer's antlers flickered with light, and in a blink of an eye it turned into a snow-white antler dagger. The surface of the deer antler dagger is engraved with exquisite snow deer patterns, exuding the auspicious atmosphere of the magic weapon.

"Is this for me? Thank you." Mai Xiaoqi said happily.

Yoyo... (Yes...)

"You lost a corner, doesn't it hurt?" Mai Xiaoqi asked with concern.

Yo Yo... Yo Yo... (Thank you for saving me and the baby in my belly. I will grow new antlers next year.)

The white deer then turned and left, crowing and running around, causing a day of flying snow.

The tigers, leopards, etc. followed the white deer and retreated towards the Heavenly Beast Mountain.

After a while, the deer and the grass deer returned to calm.

Xu Yang, standing next to Mai Xiaoqi, said: "Good intentions are rewarded. This is not an ordinary treasure, it is a magic weapon with its own spirit. If the white deer breaks off a corner, it will cost at least a hundred years of life and repair." for."

Mai Xiaoqi carefully looked at the antler dagger in his hand and murmured: "I will cherish it."

Mai Xiaoqi raised his head to the sky, facing the direction where the white deer left, and let out a "yoyo" cry.

Its daybreak.

The golden light starts from the east and covers the deer grassland.

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